Authors: Gerard van Belle (Lowell Observatory), Michelle
Creech-Eakman (NMT)
Abstract: One of the most influential prototype optical
interferometers was the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI),
which was located on Palomar Mountain next to the historic 5-m Hale
telescope in the 1990s and 2000s. PTI was a groundbreaking technology
demonstrator, but produced highly regarded science accomplishments in
its own regard as well. I will present a brief accounting of the
impressive technology of PTI, its past science results, some new
results, and prospects for a continuing legacy of science investigations
from its data archive.
Gerard van Belle (Lowell Observatory)
Authors: David F. Buscher (University of Cambridge), Michelle
Creach-Eakman (NMT), Van Romero (NMT), Chris A. Haniff (University of
Cambridge), John S. Young (University of Cambridge)
Abstract: We discuss the science remit, design and present
status of the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MROI). The
MROI is a collaboration between New Mexico Tech and the University
of Cambridge to build an optical/infrared aperture synthesis array
on a high-altitude site near Socorro, NM. The MROI has been designed
to deliver a combination of angular resolution, imaging speed and
access to faint sources which is unmatched by any existing interferometer.
The second telescope of the array is being installed on the Ridge and
we are aiming for first fringes this year.
Authors: Eileen V. Ryan (Director, 2.4m Telescope; NMT) &
William H. Ryan (MRO, NMT)
Abstract: The NASA's DART Spacecraft successfully kinetically
impacted the small moon of the binary near-Earth asteroid pair Didymos
and Dimorphos on September 26, 2022. This was the first test that
NASA's Planetary Defense Office has conducted to determine whether we
have the technology to deflect dangerous asteroids from hitting the
Earth in the future. The Magdalena Ridge Observatory's (MRO) 2.4-meter
Telescope is one of only 4 contracted (funded) observatories tasked
with helping to determine the DART mission's major deliverable a
quantitative measurement via ground-based telescopic observations of
how much the moonlet Dimorphos' orbit around its parent body Didymos
has changed post-impact. MRO researchers Drs. Bill and Eileen Ryan
are Investigative Team members on this mission, and will report on
the ongoing data acquisition and the implications for planetary defense.
Authors: Zachariah Goodrich (NMT), Alex Canales (NMT),
Daniel Hojnowski (NMT), Susanna Lanucara (NMT), Michael Rodriguez (NMT),
Robert Volkmann (NMT), Josiah Smith (NMT)
Abstract: The Wide field Infrared Kuiper belt and Exoplanet
Explorer telescope (WIKEE) is a telescope system designed to be run
in clusters to cover a greater area of sky in one session than possible
with a single telescope. With visible light and infrared capabilities,
these 0.7 meter telescopes are designed to be remotely operated and
have the capabilities to find comets, asteroids, conduct surveys on
red and brown dwarf stars, and assist in the exploration of exoplanets
in the night sky.
During the beginning phase of the WIKEE project a small proof of concept
telescope was designed and is currently under construction. The goal
of this step is to provide insight into the performance of a new style
of direct drive stepper motor system and to explore the atmospheric
limitations of wavelengths from 0.7-2.1 µm at possible observing sites.
Supplying the groundwork for communication between telescopes in a cluster
is what the small 90mm prototypes will excel in. Follow up observations
in astronomy are as important as the initial discovery. The WIKEE system
is designed to be a low cost expendable secondary resource. We believe
that having a hive telescope could provide a sub 1-meter system
with significant relevance in groundbreaking astronomical observations.
Authors: Walter Brisken (NRAO), Patrick Taylor (NRAO),
Flora Paganelli (NRAO), Tony Beasley (NRAO), Steven Wilkinson
(Raytheon Technologies), Bishara Shamee (Raytheon Technologies),
Aaron Wallace (Raytheon Technologies)
Abstract: he National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green
Bank Observatory are partnering with Raytheon Technologies to explore
options for a high-power multi-static planetary radar system. During
the pandemic, a 700W prototype radar system was constructed and installed
on the GBT and used with VLBA antennas as receiving elements, spectacularly
proving the concept by imaging the moon and detecting a near-earth asteroid.
The parties are currently developing a concept for a 500 kW radar system
centered at 13.7 GHz.
Abstract: The search for complex life via technosignatures, observational
manifestations of technology, aims to detect or constrain the prevalence
of technologically advanced life in the Universe (also known as the
search for extraterrestrial intelligence or SETI). COSMIC - the
Commensal Open-source Multimode Interferometer Cluster - is a new
instrument for the VLA under development by the SETI Institute. COSMIC
receives a copy of the digitized data stream from each VLA antenna and
searches for narrow-band (~Hz-level) frequency-drifting signals from
targets of interest, generally nearby stars. This is done in parallel
with most standard VLA scientific observations, including the ongoing
VLA Sky Survey (VLASS). Via this commensal approach, we expect COSMIC
to observe ~millions of stellar systems per year, roughly three orders
of magnitude more stars than searched in previous SETI efforts. COSMIC
is currently undergoing commissioning tests and beginning early science
observations. I will present the motivations, design, and initial
results of the project, as well as potential future upgrades over the
coming years.
Authors: Bryan Butler (NRAO), Eric Murphy (NRAO), Rob Selina (NRAO),
Tony Beasley (NRAO)
Abstract: Building on the remarkable success of the VLA, VLBA,
and ALMA, NRAO is planning a large collecting area interferometer which
will replace the VLA and VLBA - the next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA).
For many of the same reasons that the VLA was constructed where it was
(fraction of sky visible, quality of site, accessibility, etc.), the core
and bulk of the collecting area of the ngVLA will be on the Plains of San
Agustin, near where the center of the current VLA is. The ngVLA will have
more than 10 times the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the VLA and
ALMA, operating at frequencies from 1.2-116 GHz. The ngVLA will be optimized
for observations at wavelengths between those of ALMA at mm-submm wavelengths,
and the future SKA-1 at dm-m wavelengths, to be complementary to those
instruments. The ngVLA will be transformative, with exquisite sensitivity
to thermal line and continuum emission down to milliarcsecond resolution.
The science goals are broad (a science book with more than 90 chapters and
285 unique authors has been written), but focus on: formation of planetary
systems on terrestrial planet scales, including astrochemistry;
characterization of galaxy structure and evolution; using pulsars in the
Galactic center to test fundamental theories of gravity; and understanding
the formation and evolution of stellar and supermassive black holes in the
era of multi-messenger astronomy.
Bryan Butler (NRAO)
Authors: W. Thomas Vestrand (LANL), Yancey H. Sechrest (LANL),
Robert J. Hill Jr. (LANL), Michael J. Giblin (LANL), David M.
Palmer (LANL), Lucas P. Parker (LANL), Przemek R. Wozniak (LANL)
Abstract: The recent discovery of sub-second, bright,
optical flashes that display a point-like nature in wide-
field sky monitoring images has generated questions about
their origin. Are they all generated by non-astrophysical sources?
Or are some of the sub-second flashes of astrophysical origin? At
Los Alamos National Laboratory, we are constructing a stereoscopic
ranging system that employs high-speed CMOS cameras on identical,
wide-field, telescopes deployed at two different, dark, high-altitude,
observatory sites. One telescope is located near the Los Alamos Neutron
Science Center (LANSCE) at an elevation of 7,320 ft in Los Alamos,
New Mexico. The other telescope is located at the Fenton Hill Observatory
site in the Jemez mountains at an elevation of 8,720 ft. The baseline
is almost due east-west; with an east-west length of 37.98 km and a
north-south length of 1.33 km. This baseline combined with the
resolving power of the telescopes will allow us to measure the parallax
of ultra-fast optical flashes out to a range of 10x the distance of the
moon. This, in turn, we will allow us to identify, on a flash-by-flash
basis, foreground noise and conduct a search for ultra-fast,
astrophysical, optical flashes.
Thomas Vestrand (LANL)
Authors: Akshatha K Vydula (ASU), Danny Jacobs (ASU),
Judd Bowman (ASU)
Abstract: The accuracy of the antenna beam model
is a limiting factor to many radio astronomy applications.
This is particularly true for the Long Wavelength Array where
uncertainty in the wide field impacts searches for exoplanets
and high-redshift 21cm spectroscopy. One way to measure the
beam of a fixed dipole array is by cross-correlation with a
well calibrated dish. At OVRO, the plan is to use the nearby
40m dish with a custom LWA feed cross-correlating with LWA
antennas. As a precursor test, we have used the eLWA system
in New Mexico (VLA in B-configuration, co-located LWA-1 and
LWA-SV stations). We observed pulsars which can help reduce
beam errors associated with incomplete source catalogs and
uncertainties in source fluxes. The difference between the
on-pulse and off-pulse periods corresponds to a stable,
reasonably known flux of the pulse, providing an absolute
flux reference that is not contaminated by diffuse background
sky emission. We were able to verify the system equivalent
flux density (SEFD) of LWA-1 to be 4680Jy at 75MHz by detecting
the pulsar B1133+16 with an SNR of 9dB using both eLWA binning
correlator and PRESTO. This is an on-going project and I will
present the latest progress. We aim to use this method to
measure the SEFD of VLA, which is poorly known at 4-meter
wavelengths. We will then use cross-correlations of the pulsar
signal between the two telescopes to measure the LWA-1 average
antenna beam response along the path of the pulsar.
Authors: Craig Taylor (UNM), Gregory Taylor (UNM),
Jayce Dowell (UNM)
Abstract: Wide-field imaging using the E-Field Parallel
Imaging Correlator (EPIC) architecture for interferometric arrays
has been shown to be an effective method for high-cadence, all-sky
observations (Thyagarajan et al. 2017). This parameter space in
high-resolution imaging arrays was previously inaccessible with
traditional correlation algorithms due to the high computation
load associated with gridding or FFT-based methods (Kent et al.
2019). The EPIC formalism was demonstrated using the Long Wavelength
Array (LWA) in Kent (2019) and motivates further testing and
comparison of this electric field-based direct imaging method with
traditional correlated imaging. We present an observation of Crab
Pulsar using standard FX-correlated observations with the LWA Sevilleta
Station (LWA-SV) and its commensal EPIC imaging mode. Comparing
these results provides essential insight on how the two observing
modes function, and how we can exploit the strengths of both
instruments in future LWA research of Pulsars, Fast Radio Bursts,
and other fast time-domain transient phenomena.
Abstract: Current calibration and image processing is done
with hard coded scripts, called ‘recipes’, for bulk data reduction
at the observatory. Data analysts are required to manually fine tune
these recipes for quality assurance and to error-check any mistakes.
This human-based optimization and error-checking is a bottleneck to
automation throughput. Our research involves moving away from hard
coded scripts to a system capable of deciding the best action to take
based on input data. Our work includes estimating a numerical value
for actions in a given context and automating the decision process.
We will present results from a prototype that addresses a very controlled
situation involving averaging choices prior to calibration.
Brian Kirk (NRAO)
Authors: Presented on behalf of the VLASS Team and
the VLASS Survey Science Group.
Abstract: NRAO has recently begun observing the 3rd
Epoch of the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS). VLASS is a synoptic,
wide-field radio sky survey with a unique combination of high
angular resolution (approx 2.5arcsec), sensitiv ty (a 1-sigma
goal of 70 microJy/beam in the co-added data), full linear
Stokes polarimetry, time domain coverage, and wide bandwidth
(2-4 GHz). By the time of its completion, VLASS will have used
approximately 5500 hr of time on the Karl G. Jansky Very Large
Array to cover the whole sky visible to the VLA (decl. > -40deg),
a total of 33,885 square degrees. Observations are being
performed in three epochs over 7 years (from 2017 September to
2024) to support the discovery of variable and transient radio
sources. By utilizing the VLA’s "On-The-Fly" interferometry mode,
the observing overheads are much reduced compared to a conventional
pointed survey. In this presentation, I will give an overview to
VLASS including the data products, quality assurance procedures,
new science highlights, and an update on the current survey status.
Amy Kimball & Steve Myers (NRAO)
Authors: Eli Pattie (TTU) & Tom Maccarone (TTU)
Abstract: e present the results of a 3 square degree
radio survey in the Galactic Bulge at 1-2GHz, with sensitivity
of ~0.1mJy and resolution of ~1.1 arcsec. We find 1605 radio sources,
and calculate spectral indices within our 1-2GHz observation. We
find ~100 steep spectrum point sources that are viable pulsar
candidates, suggestive evidence that there are many undiscovered
pulsars in this region of the Galaxy. We matched our catalog to
the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey and other public catalogs. Some
of the radio matched sources of interest are: an X-ray source that
was classified as an accreting white dwarf; a potential transitional
millisecond pulsar candidate; a radio counterpart to a YSO-type
infrared outburst object; possible new planetary nebulae based on
appearance and MIPSGAL counterparts; and interesting AGN, such as
X-shaped and steep spectrum. We also find sources that appear to
be transient based on comparisons to VLASS and RACS.
Authors: Asif Abbas (NMSU), Christopher W. Churchill
(NMSU), Glenn G. Kacprzak (Swinburne University), Susanna Guatelli
(University of Wollongong), Christopher Lidman (ANU, Australia),
Sabine Bellstedt (ICRAR, Australia)
Abstract: We present the first Southern Hemisphere survey
of Mg II QSO absorption line systems in 951 QSO spectra from the
Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES-DR2). We detected 337 systems
spanning the redshift range 0.33 < z < 2.19. The spectra are 50%
complete to W_r(2796) = 0.31 Angstrom.
We find that the Mg II equivalent width distribution is consistent
with Northern Hemisphere results from the Sloan Digitial Sky Survey
(SDSS, e.g., Nestor+, 2005; Zhu & Menard 2013), and is well fit by an
exponential, n(W_r) = (N*/W*)exp(−W_r/W*), with
W* = 0.60 +/- 0.06 Angstrom and N* = 1.82 +/- 0.28. Though it is well
established that the evolution in the cosmic number density of
Mg II systems traces the global star formation history of the
universe, historically, evolution in the mass density of Mg II
systems, Ω_MgII, has eluded a robust quantification. Here,
we present a novel approach to computing the Ω_MgII, from
low resolution spectra. The method holds promise for precision
measurements of the cosmic mass density of metal-line QSO
absorbers, such those tracing silicon, carbon, and oxygen,
observed in ~106 QSO spectra from SDSS.
Abstract: The BAaDE project has delivered line-of-sight
velocities to more than 10,000 AGB stars in the Milky Way. To
incorporate these velocities into dynamical models, and to
distinguish different AGB populations, distance estimates are
crucial to determine 3D positions as well as mass loss rates
and luminosities. For AGB stars in particular, Gaia parallaxes
have been shown to be prone to large error. Therefore, we
investigate an alternative method to estimate the distances for
the AGB stars, utilizing the rich auxiliary infrared data sets
available for these infrared-bright targets. The method is based
on the assumption that stars with intrinsically similar properties
(metallicity, initial mass, etc) produce similar spectral energy
distributions (SEDs) with similar luminosity. Through distance-calibrated
template SEDs distances are estimated. We here discuss the
results for AGB stars belonging to the BAaDE survey sample using
templates with distances calibrated with VLBI parallaxes. As VLBI
parallaxes are only known for a handful of sources, the resulting
templates only cover a small subset of the BAaDE sample. Additional
methods to derive suitable templates will therefore also be required.
Authors: Ryan Boyden (University of Arizona) & Josh Eisner
(University of Arizona)
Abstract: Protoplanetary disks are the birthplaces of
planetary systems, and obtaining a complete picture of how planets
form hinges on an understanding of how disks evolve throughout
the Galaxy. The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and Karl G.
Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) provide the sensitivity and resolution
needed to detect large samples of protoplanetary disks in rich
clusters, the most common sites of star formation in our Galaxy.
In this talk, I will present the analysis of deep, high-resolution
ALMA CO(3-2) and HCO+(4-3) observations covering a large sample of
disks in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). I first introduce the sample
of disks that are detected in the observations, and outline a novel
procedure that utilizes thermochemical modeling to constrain the
disk masses, gas-to-dust ratios, and central stellar masses of the
detected sources. I find that the ONC disks are massive and compact,
with typical radii <100 AU, gas masses >1 Jupiter mass, and gas-to-dust
ratios >=100. The ISM-like gas-to-dust ratios derived from thermochemical
modeling suggest that compact disks in the ONC are less prone to
gas-phase CO depletion than the massive, extended disks that are
commonly found in lower-mass star-forming regions. The presence
of massive gas disks indicates that a subset of disks in the ONC
still have plenty of material to form giant planets. Finally, I
will discuss my recent work with the VLA to measure the free-free
emission spectra and complete the census of "proplyds" towards
young stellar objects in the NGC 1977 and NGC 2024 clusters.
Authors: Kedron Silsbee (University of Texas at El Paso),
Vitaly Akimkin (Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences),
Alexei V. Ivlev (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics),
Leonardo Testi (ESO), Munan Gong (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial
Physics), Paola Caselli (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)
Abstract: Recent observations of millimeter emission have
been interpreted as indicating the presence of mm-sized dust grains
at scales of 500 AU in the envelopes of class 0 and 1 protostars.
This has been a puzzle, as numerical simulations of the growth of
dust grains have not been able to reach even close to this size in
similar environments. However, it is has been difficult to make a
decisive statement from these simulations due to the large parameter
space. I present an analytic model for the growth of dust grains,
including the effect of grain porosity. This model is tested against
numerical simulations and shown to be accurate. From this model, we
place a robust limit on the maximum grain size that is sensitive only
to the product of envelope lifetime, density, and the threshold
velocity for collisional fragmentation. This limit cannot be overcome
by changing the properties of the turbulence, or the fractal dimension
of the growing grains. I will also briefly discuss a few other
possibilities to explain the low observed spectral indices of millimeter
emission without invoking large dust grains.
Authors: Dylan Gayer (UNM) & Pedro P.B. Beaklini (NRAO)
Abstract: Since the beginning of ALMA’s operation,
our understanding of the birth of massive stars has broadened.
Many new projects and surveys have been performed that focus on
the study of infrared dark clouds, identified as IRDC. These
sources are composed of many cores of dust condensations and
low-temperature, dense gas. We have explored the ALMA and VLA
data archives to search for molecular line emission and protostellar
clumps in the continuum maps. We have found two sources, IRDC-B2
and IRDC-C9, that show molecular line emissions identified as
sulfur-bearing molecules OCS and 13CS, and other complex organic
molecules like methanol. Both sources show evidence of hosting
a protostar, but there is still missing information to characterize
the sources. Further research has been proposed to the SMA to
investigate other transitions of methanol, which could show
outflow features and confirm the identity of these sources as
massive protostars.
Authors: Samantha Scibelli (University of Arizona), Yancy
Shirley (University of Arizona), Anika Schmiedeke (GBO), Brian Svoboda
(NRAO), Ayushi Singh (University of Toronto), James Lilly (University
of Wyoming), Paola Caselli (Max Plack Inst. for Extraterrestrial Physics)
Abstract: Detailed studies of starless cores allow us
to investigate the initial physical and chemical conditions prior
to stellar birth. The best way to probe the physical structure
of starless cores is through thermal emission of dust grains,
while molecular line emission is best suited to probe the cold
(10 K) core’s chemistry. 3D radiative transfer modeling results
will be presented for the 14 starless cores that reside in the
B10 region of Taurus Molecular Cloud - a young and less evolved
region with prevalent complex organic molecule (COM) chemistry
whose evolution has not been significantly disturbed by feedback
from star formation. High resolution 1.2 mm and 2.0 mm dust
continuum maps (at 12 arcsec and 18 arcsec, respectively) of
B10 were taken with the NIKA2 instrument on the IRAM 30m telescope.
A grid of over one million models constrained each cores’ central
density, density slope, aspect ratio, opacity, and interstellar
radiation field strength. From the modeled 3D density structures,
a self-consistent virial analysis was done to assess each core’s
stability and evolutionary state. Ignoring contributions from
magnetic fields, we find most (64%) of the cores are either in
virial equilibrium or are bound by gravity and external pressure.
Additional constraints on the dynamical evolution of these starless
cores are set through a CO-depletion analysis, made possible by
complementary high resolution (7 arcsec) Green Bank 100m Telescope
(GBT) ARGUS observations of C18O (1-0). For the first time, we
have evaluated the physical properties and evolutionary states of
B10’s 14 COM-rich starless cores.
Authors: Tatiana M. Rodriguez (NMT), Emmanuel Momjian
(NRAO), Peter Hofner (NMT, NRAO), Anuj P. Sarma (DePaul University),
Esteban D. Araya (Western Illinois University, NMT), Viviana
Rosero (NRAO)
Abstract: A key aspect in the earliest evolutionary
phase of high-mass (M > 8 Msun) star formation is the presence
of a jet/outflow system. To study its role, we have carried out
high resolution (0.1”) VLA K-band (18-26.5 GHz) observations
toward IRAS 19035+0641 A, identified as a high-mass protostellar
jet based on previous cm continuum data. Our observations resolve
the continuum emission into two peaks aligned in a NE-SW direction,
and our results confirm the jet nature of the emission. Furthermore,
we detected several 22.2 GHz H2O maser spots aligned in a direction
consistent with the jet axis. Zeeman splitting was detected in the
strongest maser spot and the derived line of sight magnetic field
(B_los) was used to further characterize the young stellar object.
In this talk, I will present our results and discuss the implications
of our findings.
Abstract: The study of the transverse motion of M31 (the Andromeda
Galaxy) with respect to the Milky Way is important in understanding
the history and future of the Local Group of galaxies but also
to challenge the fundamental assumption that luminosity traces the
mass of the galaxies. Though many have proposed that the next
generation telescopes capable of measuring 10^20 μas angular
displacements in a year for faint continuum sources would be necessary,
Brunthaler et al. (2005), Sjouwerman et al. (2010), and Darling (2011)
showed that using point-like water or methanol masers are an alternative
when using current instruments, providing continuous astrometric beacons
which could be tracked over time. We will present results of new
extragalactic methanol masers discovered with the VLA and future goals
of this project.
Afternoon Session (continued): Stars,
Galaxies & Black holes
Chair: Anna Kapinska (NRAO)
Authors: Montana N. Williams (NMT), J. D. Linford (NRAO),
K.V. Sokolovsky (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
S. Lawrence (Hofstra University), L. Chomiuk (Michigan State University),
J. L. Sokoloski (Columbia University), K. Mukai (NASA/GSFC),
J. Bright (University of Oxford), R. Fender (University of Oxford),
E. Aydi (Michigan State University), A. Kawash (Michigan State University),
A. Mioduszewski (NRAO)
Abstract: V392Per is an unusual nova that erupted on April 29,
2018. It is a Neon nova detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope.
The stellar system has a relatively long orbital period of 3.4 days.
The white dwarf is ~1.2 solar masses, with a early red giant companion.
We created a radio light curve of the nova using the Karl G. Jansky
Very Large Arrayand Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array. Observations
from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), starting at 18 days post nova,
allow us to follow the morphology of the non-thermal components and measure
the expansion rate to be ~1350 km/s. Additionally, we looked for
morphological changes over the course of a single VLBA observations.
The VLBA images show changes in morphology over the course of the
observation. Furthermore, we have narrow band optical imaging from the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3, where the nova seems
to be spatially unresolved and dominated by continuum emission. However,
we also obtained spatially resolved optical spectra from HST’s Space
Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, which show faint low-velocity emission
in the Balmer and Helium lines, but high-velocity double-lobed structure
in [OIII].
Montana Williams (NMT)
Authors: Avery Eddins (TTU), Kyung-Hwan Lee (Pohang
University of Science and Technology), Alessandra Corsi (TTU),
Imre Bartos (University of Florida), Zsuzsanna Marka (Columbia
University), Szabolcs Marka (Columbia University)
Abstract: Following the discovery of the remarkable
binary neutron star merger GW170817 by the LIGO and Virgo
collaborations, much research has been conducted to uncover
the nature of its post-merger remnant. GW170817 was accompanied
by a gamma-ray burst (GRB), an optical kilonova, and a
radio-to-X-ray-emitting structured jet. Several theoretical
scenarios predict that, once the jet emission fades sufficiently,
the kilonova ejecta itself may power a late-time radio flare
associated with the fastest ejecta tail. This late-time radio
emission can reveal important information on the nature of the
post-merger remnant (neutron star versus black hole) and can be
used as a tool to find nearby, GW170817-like neutron star mergers
years after they have occurred. There is a possibility that such
mergers went unrecognized when they occurred, as afterglows of
nearby, off-axis mergers seem to arise, as shown by GW170817,
after typical multi-wavelength monitoring of the GRB has ceased.
In this context, I will present the results of an observing
campaign carried out with the Jansky VLA aimed at determining
whether short GRBs in the Swift/BAT sample lacking accurate
localization, ones with no detected afterglow, could have originated
from events like GW170817.
Authors: Frank Schinzel (NRAO/UNM), Greg Taylor (UNM),
Matthew Kerr (NRL), Daniel Castro (CfA/Harvard), Urvashi Rau (NRAO),
Sanjay Bhatnagar (NRAO)
Abstract: We have made X-ray and radio observations of a
newly discovered supersonic pulsar PSR J0002+6216, using Chandra
and the Very Large Array (VLA), which presents a simple geometry
to study the morphology of the bow shock region, and to look for
evidence of in-situ particle acceleration and synchrotron cooling
along the tail of the bow shock. The X-ray data provide marginal
evidence for the evolution of the Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) emission
along the tail, with spectral slope changes consistent with
synchrotron cooling. Radio observations show the presence of an
extended bow shock and tail region in radio continuum images,
imaged using combined broad-band radio data, taken in B, C and D
configurations of the VLA.The high-resolution, long-baseline data
reveal asymmetric, resolved structure around the pulsar, in the
bow shock region. The radio images also shows disruption of the
extended tail produced by the supersonic motion of the pulsar,
which points towards anomalous feature of the ISM. Based on our
spectral index maps obtained within the 4-12 GHz band, the PWN
shows some unusual features including an unresolved flat spectrum
Authors: Alex Tetarenko (TTU), Andrew Hughes (University
of Alberta), Greg Sivakoff (University of Alberta), James Miller-Jones
(ICRAR, Australia), Mike McCollough (CfA)
Abstract: Black hole X-ray binaries are accreting objects
that launch powerful relativistic jets. These binary systems evolve
through bright outburst phases on rapid timescales of days to months,
allowing us to probe jet/accretion phenomena in real time. While
emission from the accretion flow dominates at shorter wavelengths
(X-ray), synchrotron jet emission, which can be strongly polarized,
dominates at longer wavelengths (radio, submm, infrared/optical).
As such, polarization measurements can allow us to extract much more
information about these jets than we can infer from just the total
intensity of the emission (e.g., orientation of the jet, magnetic
field strength and structure of both the jet and the surrounding
medium, shock and plasma conditions in the jet flow). However, to
date, such jet polarization studies are still quite limited, and are
often hampered by complicating external effects (Faraday rotation,
time variability). In this talk, I will discuss some of the latest
exciting results working to overcome the above mentioned issues,
and how current and next generation instrumentation can open up a
new polarimetric viewpoint on X-ray binary jets that has yet to be
thoroughly explored.
Alex Tetarenko (TTU)
Authors: Evan Sheldahl (UNM), Gregory Taylor (UNM),
Sebastian Kiehlmann (Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas,
Greece; University of Crete), Yannis Liodakis (University of Turku,
Finland), Matt Lister (Purdue University), Sandra O’Neill (OVRO,
Caltech), Tim Pearson (OVRO, Caltech), Anthony Readhead (OVRO,
Caltech), Aneta Siemiginowska (CfA), Peter Wilkinson (Jodrell Bank,
University of Manchester)
Abstract: Compact symmetric objects (CSOs) are a specific
type of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) that are less than
1 kiloparsec in size and have their radio jets aligned close to the
plane of the sky as to appear symmetrical about their center of
emission. This is in contrast to the vast majority of known radio
AGN, whose jets are pointed closer to our line of sight, introducing
temporal variability and resulting in a ’core-jet’ morphology where
only one jet is visible. Due to kinematic studies, we also know radio
jets from CSOs are short-lived, with a majority of them being only
a few thousand years old at most. Because of the small size of CSOs,
the fact that their sizes can be verified more easily since they are
edge-on, and their short-lived radio emission, they are ideal for
studying how galaxies and jets evolve and affect their immediate
surroundings. In order to contribute to the list of known CSOs, we
searched through the literature for mentions of CSOs and other compact
radio sources and observed about 170 different CSO candidate sources
using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). By creating high-resolution
images and spectral index maps of these sources, we can distinguish
their various morphological components with the hope of determining
which of the candidates are bona fide CSOs.
Authors: Chris Nolting (LANL), Jay Ball (College of
Charleston), Tri Nguyen (College of Charleston)
Abstract: et precession is sometimes invoked to
explain asymmetries in radio galaxy jets and ’X/S/Z-shape’
radio galaxies, caused by the presence of a binary black hole
companion to the source active galactic nucleus or by accretion
instabilities. I will present a series of simulations of radio
galaxy jet precession to examine how these sources would evolve
over time, including a passive distribution of cosmic ray
electrons so we can model radio synchrotron emissions and create
synthetic radio maps of the sources. A single radio source viewed
from different angles can result in differing radio galaxy
morphological classifications, confusing physical implications
of these classifications. Additionally, the jet trajectories can
become unstable due to their own self-interactions and lead to
’reorientation events’ that may look like the effects of external
dynamics such as shocks, winds, or cold fronts in the medium.
Finally, something akin to an ’Odd Radio Circle’ may be observed
in the case of viewing the radio remnant of such a precessing
source from a line of sight near the precession axis.
See also