Registration. The symposium is geared towards an in-person participation; however,
we will enable virtual participation.
Contributions. Both, oral contributions and traditional posters are accepted, and
encouraged. Due to the local nature of the symposium only in-person participants will
be able to present (unless an exception is granted in certain circumstances).
6 Feb 2023: in-person registration closes
6 Feb 2023: abstract submission deadline
15 Feb 2023: registration for virtual particiation closes
Registration is now closed.
Instructions for presenters
Talk instructions:
- Talk duration: 15 min including questions (12+3 min) or 10 min including
questions (8+2 min)
- We will have MacOSX laptop that wil be default for talk presentation
during the symposium; the following formats will be supported: Power Point
(on Mac), PDF and Keynote.
- You will be able to present the talk from your own laptop by
sharing the talk through Zoom
- We request the speakers to ftp their talks to us ahead of time so that
the talks can be shared online for the symposium day. This is especially
important if you have movies or other complications that might not work
on a foreign machine, and want to use the default provided laptop.
- Please upload your talk by 7pm, Thursday, 16th February if you want us to
test it. After you have uploaded the talk please send Anna Kapinska an e-mail.
This will give us time to get back to you if there are any problems.
Ftp instructions will be provided by email.
- To ensure a welcoming environment during the Symposium, we ask all
presenters to abide by the NRAO Code of Conduct.
Poster instructions:
- The poster boards will be either 48 by 60 inches mounted horizontally, or
65 by 47 inches mounted vertically. Please ask the organisers where your poster
will be located. The safest option is to have your poster no longer than
47 inches in any direction.
- Please put up your poster as soon as you arrive at the symposium. We will
have two long coffee breaks (40 min each) to ensure participants have time to
check out all the posters. The posters will need to be taken down by 5:30pm
on the day.
- We would like to create an online poster gallery for the virtual participants
to view during the symnposium day. We request the poster presenters to upload
a pdf version of their poster by 7pm Thursday, 16th February. Ftp instructions
will be provided by email.