ACE Namespace Reference

The namespace containing the ACE framework itself. More...


struct  If_Then_Else< true, Ta, Tb >
struct  If_Then_Else< false, Ta, Tb >
struct  VP_traits
 Value_Ptr traits template structure. More...

class  Value_Ptr
 Smart pointer implementation designed for use as a class member. More...

struct  If_Then_Else
 Compile-time selection of type based on a boolean value. More...

I/O operations

Notes on common parameters:

handle is the connected endpoint that will be used for I/O.

buf is the buffer to write from or receive into.

len is the number of bytes to transfer.

The timeout parameter in the following methods indicates how long to blocking trying to transfer data. If timeout == 0, then the call behaves as a normal send/recv call, i.e., for blocking sockets, the call will block until action is possible; for non-blocking sockets, EWOULDBLOCK will be returned if no action is immediately possible.

If timeout != 0, the call will wait until the relative time specified in *timeout elapses.

The "_n()" I/O methods keep looping until all the data has been transferred. These methods also work for sockets in non-blocking mode i.e., they keep looping on EWOULDBLOCK. timeout is used to make sure we keep making progress, i.e., the same timeout value is used for every I/O operation in the loop and the timeout is not counted down.

The return values for the "*_n()" methods match the return values from the non "_n()" methods and are specified as follows:

  • On complete transfer, the number of bytes transferred is returned.
  • On timeout, -1 is returned, errno == ETIME.
  • On error, -1 is returned, errno is set to appropriate error.
  • On EOF, 0 is returned, errno is irrelevant.

On partial transfers, i.e., if any data is transferred before timeout / error / EOF, bytes_transferred> will contain the number of bytes transferred.

Methods with iovec parameter are I/O vector variants of the I/O operations.

Methods with the extra flags argument will always result in send getting called. Methods without the extra flags argument will result in send getting called on Win32 platforms, and write getting called on non-Win32 platforms.

ACE_Export ssize_t recv (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t t_rcv (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t recv (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t recvmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, struct msghdr *msg, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t recvfrom (ACE_HANDLE handle, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
recv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
t_rcv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
recv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t recv (ACE_HANDLE handle, size_t n,...)
 Receive into a variable number of pieces.

ACE_Export ssize_t recvv (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
recvv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t recv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Message_Block *message_block, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t send (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t t_snd (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t send (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t sendmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t sendto (ACE_HANDLE handle, const char *buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
send_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
t_snd_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
send_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t send (ACE_HANDLE handle, size_t n,...)
 Varargs variant.

ACE_Export ssize_t sendv (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
sendv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t send_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
read_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
write_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t write_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t readv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)
ACE_Export ssize_t writev_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred=0)


ACE_Export u_int major_version (void)
 e.g., the "5" in ACE 5.1.12.

ACE_Export u_int minor_version (void)
 e.g., the "1" in ACE 5.1.12.

ACE_Export u_int beta_version (void)
ACE_Export const ACE_TCHARcompiler_name (void)
 E.g., the "SunPro C++" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

ACE_Export u_int compiler_major_version (void)
 E.g., the "4" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

ACE_Export u_int compiler_minor_version (void)
 E.g., the "32" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

ACE_Export u_int compiler_beta_version (void)
 E.g., the "0" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

ACE_Export int out_of_handles (int error)
ACE_Export bool wild_match (const char *s, const char *pattern, bool case_sensitive=true)
ACE_Export int handle_timed_accept (ACE_HANDLE listener, ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int restart)
ACE_Export ACE_HANDLE handle_timed_complete (ACE_HANDLE listener, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int is_tli=0)
ACE_Export int set_handle_limit (int new_limit=-1, int increase_limit_only=0)
ACE_Export int max_handles (void)
ACE_Export ACE_TCHARstrenvdup (const ACE_TCHAR *str)
ACE_Export const char * strend (const char *s)
ACE_Export char * strnew (const char *s)
strdelete (char *s)
 Delete the memory allocated by strnew.

ACE_Export char * strndup (const char *str, size_t n)
ACE_Export char * strnnew (const char *str, size_t n)
ACE_Export const wchar_t * strend (const wchar_t *s)
ACE_Export wchar_t * strnew (const wchar_t *s)
strdelete (wchar_t *s)
ACE_Export wchar_t * strndup (const wchar_t *str, size_t n)
ACE_Export wchar_t * strnnew (const wchar_t *str, size_t n)
ACE_Export const ACE_TCHARexecname (const ACE_TCHAR *pathname)
ACE_Export const ACE_TCHARbasename (const ACE_TCHAR *pathname, ACE_TCHAR delim=ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR)
ACE_Export const ACE_TCHARdirname (const ACE_TCHAR *pathname, ACE_TCHAR delim=ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR)
ACE_Export ACE_TCHARtimestamp (ACE_TCHAR date_and_time[], int time_len, int return_pointer_to_first_digit=0)
ACE_Export pid_t fork (const ACE_TCHAR *program_name=ACE_LIB_TEXT("< unknown >"), int avoid_zombies=0)
ACE_Export int daemonize (const ACE_TCHAR pathname[]=ACE_LIB_TEXT("/"), int close_all_handles=ACE_DEFAULT_CLOSE_ALL_HANDLES, const ACE_TCHAR program_name[]=ACE_LIB_TEXT("< unknown >"))
ACE_Export size_t round_to_pagesize (off_t len)
 Rounds the request to a multiple of the page size.

ACE_Export size_t round_to_allocation_granularity (off_t len)
 Rounds the request to a multiple of the allocation granularity.

ACE_Export size_t format_hexdump (const char *buffer, size_t size, ACE_TCHAR *obuf, size_t obuf_sz)
ACE_Export u_long hash_pjw (const char *str)
 Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

ACE_Export u_long hash_pjw (const char *str, size_t len)
 Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

ACE_Export u_long hash_pjw (const wchar_t *str)
 Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

ACE_Export u_long hash_pjw (const wchar_t *str, size_t len)
 Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

ACE_Export ACE_UINT16 crc_ccitt (const char *str)
 Computes CRC-CCITT for the string.

ACE_Export ACE_UINT16 crc_ccitt (const void *buf, size_t len, ACE_UINT16 crc=0)
 Computes CRC-CCITT for the buffer.

ACE_Export ACE_UINT16 crc_ccitt (const iovec *iov, int len, ACE_UINT16 crc=0)
 Computes CRC-CCITT for the @ len iovec buffers.

ACE_Export ACE_UINT32 crc32 (const char *str)
 Computes the ISO 8802-3 standard 32 bits CRC for the string.

ACE_Export ACE_UINT32 crc32 (const void *buf, size_t len, ACE_UINT32 crc=0)
 Computes the ISO 8802-3 standard 32 bits CRC for the buffer.

ACE_Export ACE_UINT32 crc32 (const iovec *iov, int len, ACE_UINT32 crc=0)
ACE_Export u_long gcd (u_long x, u_long y)
 Euclid's greatest common divisor algorithm.

ACE_Export u_long minimum_frame_size (u_long period1, u_long period2)
 Calculates the minimum enclosing frame size for the given values.

ACE_Export u_long is_prime (const u_long n, const u_long min_factor, const u_long max_factor)
ACE_Export int map_errno (int error)
ACE_Export const ACE_TCHARsock_error (int error)
ACE_Export bool is_sock_error (int error)
ACE_Export int process_active (pid_t pid)
ACE_Export int terminate_process (pid_t pid)
unique_name (const void *object, ACE_TCHAR *name, size_t length)
log2 (u_long num)
 Computes the base 2 logarithm of {num}.

nibble2hex (u_int n)
 Hex conversion utility.

hex2byte (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Convert a hex character to its byte representation.

ACE_Export char debug (void)
ACE_Export void debug (char d)
ACE_Export int select (int width, ACE_Handle_Set *readfds, ACE_Handle_Set *writefds=0, ACE_Handle_Set *exceptfds=0, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
 Wrapper facade for select that uses ACE_Handle_Sets.

ACE_Export int select (int width, ACE_Handle_Set &readfds, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)
handle_read_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
 Timed wait for handle to get read ready.

handle_write_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
 Timed wait for handle to get write ready.

handle_exception_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout)
 Timed wait for handle to get exception ready.

ACE_Export int handle_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int read_ready, int write_ready, int exception_ready)
 Timed wait for handle to get read, write, or exception ready.

ACE_Export int enter_recv_timedwait (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int &val)
ACE_Export int enter_send_timedwait (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int &val)
ACE_Export void record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (ACE_HANDLE handle, int &val)
ACE_Export void restore_non_blocking_mode (ACE_HANDLE handle, int val)
recv_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len)
ACE_Export ssize_t recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t t_rcv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t t_rcv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t recvv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t recvv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
send_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len)
ACE_Export ssize_t send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t t_snd_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t t_snd_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t sendv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export ssize_t sendv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred)
ACE_Export int set_flags (ACE_HANDLE handle, int flags)
 Set flags associated with handle.

ACE_Export int clr_flags (ACE_HANDLE handle, int flags)
 Clear flags associated with handle.

get_flags (ACE_HANDLE handle)
 Return the current setting of flags associated with handle.

ACE_Export ACE_HANDLE handle_timed_open (ACE_Time_Value *timeout, const ACE_TCHAR *name, int flags, int perms, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa=0)
ACE_Export int init (void)
ACE_Export int fini (void)
ACE_Export int ldfind (const ACE_TCHAR *filename, ACE_TCHAR pathname[], size_t maxpathnamelen)
ACE_Export FILE * ldopen (const ACE_TCHAR *filename, const ACE_TCHAR *type)
ACE_Export ACE_TCHARldname (const ACE_TCHAR *entry_point)
ACE_Export int get_temp_dir (ACE_TCHAR *buffer, size_t buffer_len)
ACE_Export ACE_HANDLE open_temp_file (const ACE_TCHAR *name, int mode, int perm=0)
ACE_Export size_t strrepl (char *s, char search, char replace)
ACE_Export char * strsplit_r (char *s, const char *token, char *&next_start)
ACE_Export size_t strrepl (wchar_t *s, wchar_t search, wchar_t replace)
 As strrepl, but for wide characters.

ACE_Export wchar_t * strsplit_r (wchar_t *s, const wchar_t *token, wchar_t *&next_start)
 As strsplit_r, but for wide characters.

ACE_Export int bind_port (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_UINT32 ip_addr=INADDR_ANY, int address_family=AF_UNSPEC)
 Bind a new unused port to handle.

ACE_Export int get_bcast_addr (ACE_UINT32 &bcast_addr, const ACE_TCHAR *hostname=0, ACE_UINT32 host_addr=0, ACE_HANDLE handle=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
ACE_Export int get_ip_interfaces (size_t &count, ACE_INET_Addr *&addr_array)
ACE_Export int count_interfaces (ACE_HANDLE handle, size_t &how_many)
ACE_Export ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void)
ACE_Export int ipv6_enabled (void)


size_t allocation_granularity_ = 0
size_t pagesize_ = 0
char debug_
unsigned int init_fini_count_ = 0

Detailed Description

The namespace containing the ACE framework itself.

The ACE namespace contains all types (classes, structures, typedefs, etc), and global functions and variables in the ACE framework.

Function Documentation

const ACE_TCHAR * ACE::basename const ACE_TCHAR pathname,

Returns the "basename" of a pathname separated by delim. For instance, the basename of "/tmp/foo.cpp" is "foo.cpp" when delim is '/'.

Definition at line 406 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, and ACE_OS::strrchr().

Referenced by ACE_MT_MEM_IO::init(), and ACE_Name_Options::process_name().

00407 {
00408   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::basename");
00409   const ACE_TCHAR *temp = ACE_OS::strrchr (pathname, delim);
00411   if (temp == 0)
00412     return pathname;
00413   else
00414     return temp + 1;
00415 }

u_int ACE::beta_version void   ) 

e.g., the "12" in ACE 5.1.12. Returns 0 for "stable" (non-beta) releases.

Definition at line 119 of file ACE.cpp.


00120 {
00121   return ACE_BETA_VERSION;
00122 }

ACE_UINT32  ip_addr = INADDR_ANY,
int  address_family = AF_UNSPEC

Bind a new unused port to handle.

Definition at line 284 of file Sock_Connect.cpp.

References ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_MAX_DEFAULT_PORT, ACE_TRACE, ACE_OS::bind(), EADDRINUSE, ACE_INET_Addr::get_addr(), ACE_Addr::get_size(), IPPORT_RESERVED, and ACE_INET_Addr::set().

Referenced by ACE_SOCK_CODgram::open(), ACE_Asynch_Acceptor< HANDLER >::open(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor::shared_open(), ACE_SOCK_Dgram::shared_open(), ACE_SOCK_Acceptor::shared_open(), and ACE_ICMP_Socket::shared_open().

00285 {
00286   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::bind_port");
00288   ACE_INET_Addr addr;
00290 #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6)
00291   if (address_family != PF_INET6)
00292     // What do we do if it is PF_"INET6?  Since it's 4 bytes, it must be an
00293     // IPV4 address. Is there a difference?  Why is this test done? dhinton
00294 #else /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
00295     ACE_UNUSED_ARG (address_family);
00296 #endif /* !ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
00297     addr = ACE_INET_Addr ((u_short)0, ip_addr);
00298 #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6)
00299  else if (ip_addr != INADDR_ANY)
00300  // address_family == PF_INET6 and a non default IP address means to bind
00301  // to the IPv4-mapped IPv6 address
00302    addr.set ((u_short)0, ip_addr, 1, 1);
00303 #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
00305 #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_WILDCARD_BIND)
00306   // The OS kernel should select a free port for us.
00307   return ACE_OS::bind (handle,
00308                        (sockaddr*)addr.get_addr(),
00309                        addr.get_size());
00310 #else
00311   static u_short upper_limit = ACE_MAX_DEFAULT_PORT;
00312   int round_trip = upper_limit;
00313   int lower_limit = IPPORT_RESERVED;
00315   // We have to select the port explicitly.
00317   for (;;)
00318     {
00319       addr.set((u_short)upper_limit,ip_addr);
00321       if (ACE_OS::bind (handle,
00322                         (sockaddr*)addr.get_addr()
00323                         addr.get_size()) >= 0)
00324         {
00325 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
00326           upper_limit--;
00327 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00328           return 0;
00329         }
00330       else if (errno != EADDRINUSE)
00331         return -1;
00332       else
00333         {
00334           upper_limit--;
00336           // Wrap back around when we reach the bottom.
00337           if (upper_limit <= lower_limit)
00338             upper_limit = ACE_MAX_DEFAULT_PORT;
00340           // See if we have already gone around once!
00341           if (upper_limit == round_trip)
00342             {
00343               errno = EAGAIN;
00344               return -1;
00345             }
00346         }
00347     }
00348 #endif /* ACE_HAS_WILDCARD_BIND */
00349 }

int ACE::clr_flags ACE_HANDLE  handle,
int  flags

Clear flags associated with handle.

Definition at line 62 of file Flag_Manip.cpp.


Referenced by ACE_IPC_SAP::disable(), ACE_IO_SAP::disable(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor::shared_accept_finish(), ACE_SOCK_Acceptor::shared_accept_finish(), and ACE_MEM_Acceptor::shared_accept_finish().

00063 {
00064   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::clr_flags");
00066 #if defined (ACE_LACKS_FCNTL)
00067   switch (flags)
00068     {
00069     case ACE_NONBLOCK:
00070       // nonblocking argument (1)
00071       // blocking:            (0)
00072       {
00073         int nonblock = 0;
00074         return ACE_OS::ioctl (handle, FIONBIO, &nonblock);
00075       }
00076     default:
00077       ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);
00078     }
00079 #else
00080   int val = ACE_OS::fcntl (handle, F_GETFL, 0);
00082   if (val == -1)
00083     return -1;
00085   // Turn flags off.
00086   ACE_CLR_BITS (val, flags);
00088   if (ACE_OS::fcntl (handle, F_SETFL, val) == -1)
00089     return -1;
00090   else
00091     return 0;
00092 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_FCNTL */
00093 }

u_int ACE::compiler_beta_version void   ) 

E.g., the "0" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

Definition at line 155 of file ACE.cpp.

00156 {
00157 #ifdef ACE_CC_BETA_VERSION
00158   return ACE_CC_BETA_VERSION;
00159 #else
00160   return 0;
00161 #endif
00162 }

u_int ACE::compiler_major_version void   ) 

E.g., the "4" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

Definition at line 135 of file ACE.cpp.

00136 {
00138   return ACE_CC_MAJOR_VERSION;
00139 #else
00140   return 0;
00141 #endif
00142 }

u_int ACE::compiler_minor_version void   ) 

E.g., the "32" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

Definition at line 145 of file ACE.cpp.

00146 {
00148   return ACE_CC_MINOR_VERSION;
00149 #else
00150   return 0;
00151 #endif
00152 }

const ACE_TCHAR * ACE::compiler_name void   ) 

E.g., the "SunPro C++" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0.

Definition at line 125 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_LIB_TEXT.

00126 {
00127 #ifdef ACE_CC_NAME
00128   return ACE_CC_NAME;
00129 #else
00130   return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("");
00131 #endif
00132 }

int ACE::count_interfaces ACE_HANDLE  handle,
size_t &  how_many

Helper routine for get_ip_interfaces, differs by UNIX platform so put into own subroutine. perform some ioctls to retrieve ifconf list of ifreq structs.

Definition at line 1345 of file Sock_Connect.cpp.

References ACE_ERROR_RETURN, ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN, caddr_t, ACE_OS::fclose(), ACE_OS::fopen(), ACE_OS::free(), ACE_OS::ioctl(), LM_ERROR, ACE_OS::malloc(), and ACE_OS::memset().

Referenced by get_ip_interfaces().

01346 {
01347 #if defined (sparc) && defined (SIOCGIFNUM)
01348   int tmp_how_many; // For 64 bit Solaris
01349   if (ACE_OS::ioctl (handle,
01350                      SIOCGIFNUM,
01351                      (caddr_t) &tmp_how_many) == -1)
01353                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
01354                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::count_interfaces:")
01355                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ioctl - SIOCGIFNUM failed")),
01356                       -1);
01357   how_many = (size_t) tmp_how_many;
01358   return 0;
01359 #elif defined (ACE_HAS_GETIFADDRS)
01360   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
01362   struct ifaddrs *ifap;
01363   struct ifaddrs *p_if;
01365   if (::getifaddrs (&ifap) != 0)
01366     return -1;
01368   // Count number of interfaces.
01369   size_t num_ifs = 0;
01370   for (p_if = ifap; p_if != 0; p_if = p_if->ifa_next)
01371     ++num_ifs;
01373   ::freeifaddrs (ifap);
01375   how_many = num_ifs;
01376   return 0;
01377 #elif defined (__unix) || defined (__unix__) || defined (__Lynx__) || defined (_AIX) || defined (ACE_OPENVMS)
01378   // Note: DEC CXX doesn't define "unix".  BSD compatible OS: HP UX,
01379   // AIX, SunOS 4.x perform some ioctls to retrieve ifconf list of
01380   // ifreq structs no SIOCGIFNUM on SunOS 4.x, so use guess and scan
01381   // algorithm
01383   // Probably hard to put this many ifs in a unix box..
01384   const int MAX_IF = 50;
01386   // HACK - set to an unreasonable number
01387   int num_ifs = MAX_IF;
01389   struct ifconf ifcfg;
01390   size_t ifreq_size = num_ifs * sizeof (struct ifreq);
01391   struct ifreq *p_ifs =
01392     (struct ifreq *) ACE_OS::malloc (ifreq_size);
01394   if (!p_ifs)
01395     {
01396       errno = ENOMEM;
01397       return -1;
01398     }
01400   ACE_OS::memset (p_ifs, 0, ifreq_size);
01401   ACE_OS::memset (&ifcfg, 0, sizeof (struct ifconf));
01403   ifcfg.ifc_req = p_ifs;
01404   ifcfg.ifc_len = ifreq_size;
01406 #if defined (AIX)
01407   int cmd = CSIOCGIFCONF;
01408 #else
01409   int cmd = SIOCGIFCONF;
01410 #endif /* AIX */
01411   if (ACE_OS::ioctl (handle,
01412                      cmd,
01413                      (caddr_t) &ifcfg) == -1)
01414     {
01415       ACE_OS::free (ifcfg.ifc_req);
01417                          ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
01418                          ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::count_interfaces:")
01419                          ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ioctl - SIOCGIFCONF failed")),
01420                         -1);
01421     }
01423   int if_count = 0, i;
01425   // get if address out of ifreq buffers.  ioctl puts a blank-named
01426   // interface to mark the end of the returned interfaces.
01427   for (i = 0;
01428        i < num_ifs;
01429        i++)
01430     {
01431       /* In OpenBSD, the length of the list is returned. */
01432       ifcfg.ifc_len -= sizeof (struct ifreq);
01433       if (ifcfg.ifc_len < 0)
01434         break;
01436       if_count++;
01437 #if !defined(AIX) && !defined (__QNX__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
01438       p_ifs++;
01439 #else
01440      if (p_ifs->ifr_addr.sa_len <= sizeof (struct sockaddr))
01441        {
01442           p_ifs++;
01443        }
01444        else
01445        {
01446           p_ifs = (struct ifreq *)
01447               (p_ifs->ifr_addr.sa_len + (caddr_t) &p_ifs->ifr_addr);
01448        }
01449 #endif /* !defined(AIX) && !defined (__QNX__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__) */
01450     }
01452   ACE_OS::free (ifcfg.ifc_req);
01454 # if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6)
01455   FILE* fp;
01457   if ((fp = ACE_OS::fopen (ACE_LIB_TEXT ("/proc/net/if_inet6"), ACE_LIB_TEXT ("r"))) != NULL)
01458     {
01459       // Scan the lines according to the expected format but don't really read any input
01460       while (fscanf (fp, "%*32s %*02x %*02x %*02x %*02x %*8s\n") != EOF)
01461         {
01462           if_count++;
01463         }
01464       ACE_OS::fclose (fp);
01465     }
01466 # endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
01468   how_many = if_count;
01469   return 0;
01470 #else
01471   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
01472   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (how_many);
01473   ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1); // no implementation
01474 #endif /* sparc && SIOCGIFNUM */
01475 }

ACE_UINT32 ACE::crc32 const iovec iov,
int  len,
ACE_UINT32  crc = 0

Computes the ISO 8802-3 standard 32 bits CRC for the @ len iovec buffers.

Definition at line 142 of file ACE_crc32.cpp.

References COMPUTE, iovec::iov_base, and iovec::iov_len.

00143 {
00144   crc = ~crc;
00146   for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
00147     {
00148       for (const char *p = (const char *) iov[i].iov_base,
00149                       *e = (const char *) iov[i].iov_base + iov[i].iov_len;
00150            p != e;
00151            ++p)
00152         COMPUTE (crc, *p);
00153     }
00155   return ~crc;
00156 }

ACE_UINT32 ACE::crc32 const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
ACE_UINT32  crc = 0

Computes the ISO 8802-3 standard 32 bits CRC for the buffer.

Definition at line 126 of file ACE_crc32.cpp.

References COMPUTE.

00127 {
00128   crc = ~crc;
00130   for (const char *p = (const char *) buffer,
00131                   *e = (const char *) buffer + len;
00132        p != e;
00133        ++p)
00134     {
00135       COMPUTE (crc, *p);
00136     }
00138   return ~crc;
00139 }


Computes the ISO 8802-3 standard 32 bits CRC for the string.

Definition at line 111 of file ACE_crc32.cpp.

References COMPUTE.

Referenced by ACE_Shared_Memory_Pool::ACE_Shared_Memory_Pool(), and ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple::name_2_key().

00112 {
00113   ACE_UINT32 crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
00115   for (const char *p = string;
00116        *p != 0;
00117        ++p)
00118     {
00119       COMPUTE (crc, *p);
00120     }
00122   return ~crc;
00123 }

ACE_UINT16 ACE::crc_ccitt const iovec iov,
int  len,
ACE_UINT16  crc = 0

Computes CRC-CCITT for the @ len iovec buffers.

Definition at line 109 of file ACE_crc_ccitt.cpp.

References COMPUTE, iovec::iov_base, and iovec::iov_len.

00110 {
00111   crc = ~crc;
00113   for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
00114     {
00115       for (const char *p = (const char *) iov[i].iov_base,
00116                       *e = (const char *) iov[i].iov_base + iov[i].iov_len;
00117            p != e;
00118            ++p)
00119         COMPUTE (crc, *p);
00120     }
00122   return ~crc;
00123 }

ACE_UINT16 ACE::crc_ccitt const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
ACE_UINT16  crc = 0

Computes CRC-CCITT for the buffer.

Definition at line 93 of file ACE_crc_ccitt.cpp.

References COMPUTE.

00094 {
00095   crc = ~crc;
00097   for (const char *p = (const char *) buffer,
00098                   *e = (const char *) buffer + len;
00099        p != e;
00100        ++p)
00101     {
00102       COMPUTE (crc, *p);
00103     }
00105   return ~crc;
00106 }

ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_UINT16 ACE::crc_ccitt const char *  str  ) 

Computes CRC-CCITT for the string.

Definition at line 78 of file ACE_crc_ccitt.cpp.

References COMPUTE.

00079 {
00080   ACE_UINT16 crc = 0xFFFF;
00082   for (const char *p = string;
00083        *p != 0;
00084        ++p)
00085     {
00086       COMPUTE (crc, *p);
00087     }
00089   return ~crc;
00090 }

int ACE::daemonize const ACE_TCHAR  pathname[] = ACE_LIB_TEXT("/"),
int  close_all_handles = ACE_DEFAULT_CLOSE_ALL_HANDLES,
const ACE_TCHAR  program_name[] = ACE_LIB_TEXT("< unknown >")

Become a daemon process using the algorithm in Richard Stevens "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment." If close_all_handles is non-zero then all open file handles are closed.

Definition at line 2808 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, ACE_OS::chdir(), ACE_OS::close(), ACE_OS::exit(), ACE_OS::fork(), max_handles(), pid_t, ACE_OS::setsid(), SIG_IGN, SIGHUP, ACE_OS::signal(), and ACE_OS::umask().

Referenced by ACE_Service_Config::open_i().

02811 {
02812   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::daemonize");
02813 #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_FORK)
02814   pid_t pid = ACE_OS::fork ();
02816   if (pid == -1)
02817     return -1;
02818   else if (pid != 0)
02819     ACE_OS::exit (0); // Parent exits.
02821   // 1st child continues.
02822   ACE_OS::setsid (); // Become session leader.
02824   ACE_OS::signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
02826   pid = ACE_OS::fork (program_name);
02828   if (pid != 0)
02829     ACE_OS::exit (0); // First child terminates.
02831   // Second child continues.
02833   if (pathname != 0)
02834     // change working directory.
02835     ACE_OS::chdir (pathname);
02837   ACE_OS::umask (0); // clear our file mode creation mask.
02839   // Close down the I/O handles.
02840   if (close_all_handles)
02841     for (int i = ACE::max_handles () - 1; i >= 0; i--)
02842       ACE_OS::close (i);
02844   return 0;
02845 #else
02846   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (pathname);
02847   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (close_all_handles);
02848   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (program_name);
02850   ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);
02851 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_FORK */
02852 }

void ACE::debug char  d  ) 

Definition at line 172 of file ACE.cpp.

00173 {
00174   ACE::debug_ = c;
00175 }

char ACE::debug void   ) 

Definition at line 165 of file ACE.cpp.

References debug(), and ACE_OS::getenv().

Referenced by ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Accept::accept(), ACE_DLL::ACE_DLL(), ACE_DLL_Manager::ACE_DLL_Manager(), ACE_Service_Config_Guard::ACE_Service_Config_Guard(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::ACE_Service_Gestalt(), ACE_Service_Type_Forward_Declaration_Guard::ACE_Service_Type_Forward_Declaration_Guard(), ACE_Dummy_Node::apply(), ACE_Static_Node::apply(), ACE_Dynamic_Node::apply(), ACE_Remove_Node::apply(), ACE_Resume_Node::apply(), ACE_Suspend_Node::apply(), ACE_Stream_Node::apply(), ACE_Service_Repository::close(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::close(), ACE_DLL_Handle::close(), ACE_Local_Name_Space<, ACE_LOCK >::create_manager_i(), debug(), ACE_Service_Object_Type::fini(), ACE_Service_Type_Impl::fini(), ACE_Service_Repository::fini(), ACE_Naming_Context::fini(), ACE_Service_Config::fini_svcs(), ACE_DLL_Handle::get_handle(), ACE_WIN32_Proactor::handle_events(), ACE_Acceptor< SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_ACCEPTOR_2 >::handle_input(), ACE_Service_Object_Type::init(), ACE_Naming_Context::init(), ACE_Dynamic_Service_Dependency::init(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::init_svc_conf_file_queue(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::initialize(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::initialize_i(), ACE_Service_Repository::insert(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::insert(), ACE_Dynamic_Service_Base::instance(), ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Bcast::mk_broadcast(), ACE_DLL_Handle::open(), ACE_Location_Node::open_dll(), ACE_DLL_Manager::open_dll(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::open_i(), ACE_Service_Config::open_i(), ACE_DLL::open_i(), ACE_DLL::operator=(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::parse_args_i(), ACE_WIN32_Proactor::post_completion(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::process_directive(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::process_directive_i(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::process_directives_i(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::process_file(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::Processed_Static_Svc::Processed_Static_Svc(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Read_File::readv(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Read_Stream::readv(), ACE_Service_Config::reconfigure(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Read_Dgram::recv(), ACE_WIN32_Proactor::register_handle(), ACE_Framework_Repository::remove_dll_components_i(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Write_Dgram::send(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Read_Stream::shared_read(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Write_Stream::shared_write(), ACE_DLL_Handle::symbol(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Transmit_File::transmit_file(), ACE_DLL_Manager::unload_dll(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Write_File::writev(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Write_Stream::writev(), ACE_DLL_Manager::~ACE_DLL_Manager(), ACE_Dynamic_Service_Dependency::~ACE_Dynamic_Service_Dependency(), ACE_Service_Config_Guard::~ACE_Service_Config_Guard(), ACE_Service_Gestalt::~ACE_Service_Gestalt(), ACE_Service_Repository::~ACE_Service_Repository(), ACE_Service_Type_Forward_Declaration_Guard::~ACE_Service_Type_Forward_Declaration_Guard(), and ACE_Service_Gestalt::Processed_Static_Svc::~Processed_Static_Svc().

00166 {
00167   static const char* debug = ACE_OS::getenv ("ACE_DEBUG");
00168   return ACE::debug_ != 0 ? ACE::debug_ : (debug != 0 ? (*debug - '0'): 0);
00169 }

const ACE_TCHAR * ACE::dirname const ACE_TCHAR pathname,

Returns the "dirname" of a pathname. For instance, the dirname of "/tmp/foo.cpp" is "/tmp" when delim is '/'. If pathname has no delim ".\0" is returned. This method does not modify pathname and is not reentrant.

Definition at line 418 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, MAXPATHLEN, ACE_OS::strrchr(), and ACE_OS::strsncpy().

00419 {
00420   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::dirname");
00421   static ACE_TCHAR return_dirname[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
00423   const ACE_TCHAR *temp = ACE_OS::strrchr (pathname, delim);
00425   if (temp == 0)
00426     {
00427       return_dirname[0] = '.';
00428       return_dirname[1] = '\0';
00430       return return_dirname;
00431     }
00432   else
00433     {
00434       // When the len is truncated, there are problems!  This should
00435       // not happen in normal circomstances
00436       size_t len = temp - pathname + 1;
00437       if (len > (sizeof return_dirname / sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)))
00438         len = sizeof return_dirname / sizeof (ACE_TCHAR);
00440       ACE_OS::strsncpy (return_dirname,
00441                         pathname,
00442                         len);
00443       return return_dirname;
00444     }
00445 }

int ACE::enter_recv_timedwait ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
int &  val

Wait for timeout before proceeding to a recv operation. val keeps track of whether we're in non-blocking mode or not.

Definition at line 2296 of file ACE.cpp.

References handle_read_ready(), and record_and_set_non_blocking_mode().

Referenced by recv(), recvfrom(), recvmsg(), recvv(), and t_rcv().

02299 {
02300   int result = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
02301                                        timeout);
02303   if (result == -1)
02304     return -1;
02306   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle,
02307                                          val);
02309   return result;
02310 }

int ACE::enter_send_timedwait ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
int &  val

Wait for timeout before proceeding to a send operation. val keeps track of whether we're in non-blocking mode or not.

Definition at line 2313 of file ACE.cpp.

References handle_write_ready(), and record_and_set_non_blocking_mode().

Referenced by send(), sendmsg(), sendto(), sendv(), and t_snd().

02316 {
02317   int result = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
02318                                         timeout);
02320   if (result == -1)
02321     return -1;
02323   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle,
02324                                          val);
02326   return result;
02327 }

const ACE_TCHAR * ACE::execname const ACE_TCHAR pathname  ) 

On Windows, determines if a specified pathname ends with ".exe" (not case sensitive). If on Windows and there is no ".exe" suffix, a new ACE_TCHAR array is allocated and a copy of pathname with the ".exe" suffix is copied into it. In this case, the caller is responsible for calling delete [] on the returned pointer.

pathname The name to check for a proper suffix.
Return values:
@c pathname if there is a proper suffix for Windows. This is always the return value for non-Windows platforms.
If a suffix needs to be added, returns a pointer to new[] allocated memory containing the original pathname plus a ".exe" suffix. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory using delete [].

Definition at line 287 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_NEW_RETURN, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_OS::strcasecmp(), ACE_OS::strcpy(), ACE_OS::strecpy(), ACE_OS::strlen(), and ACE_OS::strrchr().

00288 {
00289 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
00290   const ACE_TCHAR *suffix = ACE_OS::strrchr (old_name, ACE_LIB_TEXT ('.'));
00291   if (suffix == 0 || ACE_OS::strcasecmp (suffix, ACE_LIB_TEXT (".exe")) != 0)
00292     {
00293       ACE_TCHAR *new_name;
00295       size_t size =
00296         ACE_OS::strlen (old_name)
00297         + ACE_OS::strlen (ACE_LIB_TEXT (".exe"))
00298         + 1;
00300       ACE_NEW_RETURN (new_name,
00301                       ACE_TCHAR[size],
00302                       0);
00303       ACE_TCHAR *end = new_name;
00305       end = ACE_OS::strecpy (new_name, old_name);
00307       // Concatenate the .exe suffix onto the end of the executable.
00308       // end points _after_ the terminating nul.
00309       ACE_OS::strcpy (end - 1, ACE_LIB_TEXT (".exe"));
00311       return new_name;
00312     }
00313 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00314   return old_name;
00315 }

int ACE::fini void   ) 

Shut down ACE library services. Can be called only once per program invocation.

Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure, and 1 if it had already been called.

Definition at line 27 of file Init_ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TRACE, ACE_Object_Manager::fini(), and ACE_Object_Manager::instance().

00028 {
00029   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::fini");
00031   if (ACE::init_fini_count_ > 0)
00032     {
00033       if (--ACE::init_fini_count_ == 0)
00034         return ACE_Object_Manager::instance ()->fini ();
00035       else
00036         // Wait for remaining fini () calls.
00037         return 1;
00038     }
00039   else
00040     // More ACE::fini () calls than ACE::init () calls.  Bad
00041     // application!
00042     return -1;
00043 }

pid_t ACE::fork const ACE_TCHAR program_name = ACE_LIB_TEXT("< unknown >"),
int  avoid_zombies = 0

if avoid_zombies == 0 call ACE_OS::fork directly, else create an orphan process that's inherited by the init process; init cleans up when the orphan process terminates so we don't create zombies. Returns -1 on failure and either the child PID on success if avoid_zombies == 0 or 1 on success if avoid_zombies != 0 (this latter behavior is a known bug that needs to be fixed).

Definition at line 2855 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_OS::_exit(), ACE_exitcode, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_OS::fork(), pid_t, ACE_OS::waitpid(), WEXITSTATUS, and WIFEXITED.

Referenced by ACE_Process_Strategy< SVC_HANDLER >::activate_svc_handler(), and ACE_Process::spawn().

02857 {
02858   if (avoid_zombies == 0)
02859     return ACE_OS::fork (program_name);
02860   else
02861     {
02862       // This algorithm is adapted from an example in the Stevens book
02863       // "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" and an item in
02864       // Andrew Gierth's Unix Programming FAQ.  It creates an orphan
02865       // process that's inherited by the init process; init cleans up
02866       // when the orphan process terminates.
02867       //
02868       // Another way to avoid zombies is to ignore or catch the
02869       // SIGCHLD signal; we don't use that approach here.
02871       pid_t pid = ACE_OS::fork ();
02872       if (pid == 0)
02873         {
02874           // The child process forks again to create a grandchild.
02875           switch (ACE_OS::fork (program_name))
02876             {
02877             case 0: // grandchild returns 0.
02878               return 0;
02879             case -1: // assumes all errnos are < 256
02880               ACE_OS::_exit (errno);
02881             default:  // child terminates, orphaning grandchild
02882               ACE_OS::_exit (0);
02883             }
02884         }
02886       // Parent process waits for child to terminate.
02887 #if defined (ACE_HAS_UNION_WAIT)
02888       union wait status;
02889       if (pid < 0 || ACE_OS::waitpid (pid, &(status.w_status), 0) < 0)
02890 #else
02891         ACE_exitcode status;
02892       if (pid < 0 || ACE_OS::waitpid (pid, &status, 0) < 0)
02893 #endif /* ACE_HAS_UNION_WAIT */
02894         return -1;
02896       // child terminated by calling exit()?
02897       if (WIFEXITED ((status)))
02898         {
02899           // child terminated normally?
02900           if (WEXITSTATUS ((status)) == 0)
02901             return 1;
02902           else
02903             errno = WEXITSTATUS ((status));
02904         }
02905       else
02906         // child didn't call exit(); perhaps it received a signal?
02907         errno = EINTR;
02909       return -1;
02910     }
02911 }

size_t ACE::format_hexdump const char *  buffer,
size_t  size,
size_t  obuf_sz

Format buffer into printable format. This is useful for debugging.

Definition at line 2364 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_OS::ace_isprint(), ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, and ACE_OS::sprintf().

02368 {
02369   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::format_hexdump");
02371   u_char c;
02372   ACE_TCHAR textver[16 + 1];
02374   // We can fit 16 bytes output in text mode per line, 4 chars per byte.
02375   size_t maxlen = (obuf_sz / 68) * 16;
02377   if (size > maxlen)
02378     size = maxlen;
02380   size_t i;
02382   size_t lines = size / 16;
02383   for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
02384     {
02385       size_t j;
02387       for (j = 0 ; j < 16; j++)
02388         {
02389           c = (u_char) buffer[(i << 4) + j];    // or, buffer[i*16+j]
02390           ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02391                            ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%02x "),
02392                            c);
02393           obuf += 3;
02394           if (j == 7)
02395             {
02396               ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02397                                ACE_LIB_TEXT (" "));
02398               ++obuf;
02399             }
02400           textver[j] = ACE_OS::ace_isprint (c) ? c : '.';
02401         }
02403       textver[j] = 0;
02405       ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02406                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("  %s\n"),
02407                        textver);
02409       while (*obuf != '\0')
02410         obuf++;
02411     }
02413   if (size % 16)
02414     {
02415       for (i = 0 ; i < size % 16; i++)
02416         {
02417           c = (u_char) buffer[size - size % 16 + i];
02418           ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02419                            ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%02x "),
02420                            c);
02421           obuf += 3;
02422           if (i == 7)
02423             {
02424               ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02425                                ACE_LIB_TEXT (" "));
02426               ++obuf;
02427             }
02428           textver[i] = ACE_OS::ace_isprint (c) ? c : '.';
02429         }
02431       for (i = size % 16; i < 16; i++)
02432         {
02433           ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02434                            ACE_LIB_TEXT ("   "));
02435           obuf += 3;
02436           if (i == 7)
02437             {
02438               ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02439                                ACE_LIB_TEXT (" "));
02440               obuf++;
02441             }
02442           textver[i] = ' ';
02443         }
02445       textver[i] = 0;
02446       ACE_OS::sprintf (obuf,
02447                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("  %s\n"),
02448                        textver);
02449     }
02450   return size;
02451 }

u_long ACE::gcd u_long  x,
u_long  y

Euclid's greatest common divisor algorithm.

Definition at line 3018 of file ACE.cpp.

Referenced by minimum_frame_size(), and ACE_Get_Opt::permute_args().

03019 {
03020   while (y != 0)
03021     {
03022       u_long r = x % y;
03023       x = y;
03024       y = r;
03025     }
03027   return x;
03028 }

int ACE::get_bcast_addr ACE_UINT32 &  bcast_addr,
const ACE_TCHAR hostname = 0,
ACE_UINT32  host_addr = 0,

Get our broadcast address based on our host_addr. If hostname is non-0 we'll use it to determine our IP address. If handle is not ACE_INVALID_HANDLE then we'll use this to determine our broadcast address, otherwise we'll have to create a socket internally (and free it). Returns -1 on failure and 0 on success.

Definition at line 352 of file Sock_Connect.cpp.


00356 {
00357   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::get_bcast_addr");
00359 #if !defined(ACE_WIN32) && !defined(__INTERIX)
00360   ACE_HANDLE s = handle;
00362   if (s == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
00363     s = ACE_OS::socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
00365   if (s == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
00367                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
00368                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE_OS::socket")),
00369                       -1);
00371   struct ifconf ifc;
00372   char buf[BUFSIZ];
00374   ifc.ifc_len = sizeof buf;
00375   ifc.ifc_buf = buf;
00377   // Get interface structure and initialize the addresses using UNIX
00378   // techniques
00379 #if defined (AIX)
00380   int cmd = CSIOCGIFCONF;
00381 #else
00382   int cmd = SIOCGIFCONF;
00383 #endif /* AIX */
00384   if (ACE_OS::ioctl (s, cmd, (char *) &ifc) == -1)
00386                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
00387                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_bcast_addr:")
00388                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ioctl (get interface configuration)")),
00389                       -1);
00391   struct ifreq *ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
00393   struct sockaddr_in ip_addr;
00395   // Get host ip address if necessary.
00396   if (host_name)
00397     {
00398       hostent *hp = ACE_OS::gethostbyname (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (host_name));
00400       if (hp == 0)
00401         return -1;
00402       else
00403 #if !defined(_UNICOS)
00404         ACE_OS::memcpy ((char *) &ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
00405                         (char *) hp->h_addr,
00406                         hp->h_length);
00407 #else /* _UNICOS */
00408       {
00409         ACE_UINT64 haddr;  // a place to put the address
00410         char * haddrp = (char *) &haddr;  // convert to char pointer
00411         ACE_OS::memcpy(haddrp,(char *) hp->h_addr,hp->h_length);
00412         ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = haddr;
00413       }
00414 #endif /* ! _UNICOS */
00415     }
00416   else
00417     {
00418       ACE_OS::memset ((void *) &ip_addr, 0, sizeof ip_addr);
00419 #if !defined(_UNICOS)
00420       ACE_OS::memcpy ((void *) &ip_addr.sin_addr,
00421                       (void*) &host_addr,
00422                       sizeof ip_addr.sin_addr);
00423 #else /* _UNICOS */
00424       ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = host_addr;   // just copy to the bitfield
00425 #endif /* ! _UNICOS */
00426     }
00428 #if !defined(AIX) && !defined (__QNX__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
00429   for (int n = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof (struct ifreq) ; n > 0;
00430        n--, ifr++)
00431 #else
00432   // see mk_broadcast@SOCK_Dgram_Bcast.cpp
00433   for (int nbytes = ifc.ifc_len; nbytes >= (int) sizeof (struct ifreq) &&
00434         ((ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len > sizeof (struct sockaddr)) ?
00435           (nbytes >= (int) sizeof (ifr->ifr_name) + ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len) : 1);
00436         ((ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len > sizeof (struct sockaddr)) ?
00437           (nbytes -= sizeof (ifr->ifr_name) + ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len,
00438             ifr = (struct ifreq *)
00439               ((caddr_t) &ifr->ifr_addr + ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len)) :
00440           (nbytes -= sizeof (struct ifreq), ifr++)))
00441 #endif /* !defined(AIX) && !defined (__QNX__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__) */
00442     {
00443       struct sockaddr_in if_addr;
00445       // Compare host ip address with interface ip address.
00446       ACE_OS::memcpy (&if_addr,
00447                       &ifr->ifr_addr,
00448                       sizeof if_addr);
00450       if (ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr != if_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)
00451         continue;
00453       if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_INET)
00454         {
00455           ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00456                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
00457                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_bcast_addr:")
00458                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Not AF_INET")));
00459           continue;
00460         }
00462       struct ifreq flags = *ifr;
00463       struct ifreq if_req = *ifr;
00465       if (ACE_OS::ioctl (s, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (char *) &flags) == -1)
00466         {
00467           ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00468                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
00469                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_bcast_addr:")
00470                       ACE_LIB_TEXT (" ioctl (get interface flags)")));
00471           continue;
00472         }
00474       if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (flags.ifr_flags, IFF_UP))
00475         {
00476           ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00477                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
00478                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_bcast_addr:")
00479                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Network interface is not up")));
00480           continue;
00481         }
00483       if (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (flags.ifr_flags, IFF_LOOPBACK))
00484         continue;
00486       if (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (flags.ifr_flags, IFF_BROADCAST))
00487         {
00488           if (ACE_OS::ioctl (s,
00489                              SIOCGIFBRDADDR,
00490                              (char *) &if_req) == -1)
00491             ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00492                         ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
00493                         ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_bcast_addr:")
00494                         ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ioctl (get broadaddr)")));
00495           else
00496             {
00497               ACE_OS::memcpy (reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *> (&ip_addr),
00498                               reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *> (&if_req.ifr_broadaddr),
00499                               sizeof if_req.ifr_broadaddr);
00501               ACE_OS::memcpy ((void *) &host_addr,
00502                               (void *) &ip_addr.sin_addr,
00503                               sizeof host_addr);
00505               if (handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
00506                 ACE_OS::close (s);
00508               bcast_addr = host_addr;
00509               return 0;
00510             }
00511         }
00512       else
00513         ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00514                     ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
00515                     ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_bcast_addr:")
00516                     ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Broadcast is not enable for this interface.")));
00518       if (handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
00519         ACE_OS::close (s);
00521       bcast_addr = host_addr;
00522       return 0;
00523     }
00525   return 0;
00526 #else
00527   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
00528   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (host_addr);
00529   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (host_name);
00530   bcast_addr = (ACE_UINT32 (INADDR_BROADCAST));
00531   return 0;
00532 #endif /* !ACE_WIN32 && !__INTERIX */
00533 }


Return the current setting of flags associated with handle.

Definition at line 11 of file Flag_Manip.inl.

References ACE_TRACE, F_GETFL, and ACE_OS::fcntl().

Referenced by record_and_set_non_blocking_mode().

00012 {
00013   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::get_flags");
00015 #if defined (ACE_LACKS_FCNTL)
00016   // ACE_OS::fcntl is not supported.  It
00017   // would be better to store ACE's notion of the flags
00018   // associated with the handle, but this works for now.
00019   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
00020   return 0;
00021 #else
00022   return ACE_OS::fcntl (handle, F_GETFL, 0);
00023 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_FCNTL */
00024 }

ACE_HANDLE ACE::get_handle void   ) 

Routine to return a handle from which ioctl requests can be made. Caller must close the handle.

Definition at line 1480 of file Sock_Connect.cpp.

References ACE_OS::open(), and ACE_OS::socket().

Referenced by get_ip_interfaces().

01481 {
01482   // Solaris 2.x
01484 #if defined (sparc)
01485   handle = ACE_OS::open ("/dev/udp", O_RDONLY);
01486 #elif defined (__unix) || defined (__unix__) || defined (__Lynx__) || defined (_AIX) || (defined (ACE_VXWORKS) && (ACE_VXWORKS >= 0x600)) || defined (ACE_OPENVMS)
01487   // Note: DEC CXX doesn't define "unix" BSD compatible OS: HP UX,
01488   // AIX, SunOS 4.x
01490   handle = ACE_OS::socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
01491 #endif /* sparc */
01492   return handle;
01493 }

int ACE::get_ip_interfaces size_t &  count,
ACE_INET_Addr *&  addr_array

Return count and array of all configured IP interfaces on this host, rc = 0 on success (count == number of interfaces else -1). Caller is responsible for calling delete [] on addr_array.

Definition at line 540 of file Sock_Connect.cpp.

References ACE_ERROR_RETURN, ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_MAX_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_LEN, ACE_NEW_RETURN, ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, ACE_TString, ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WIN2K, ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WIN95, ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WIN98, ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WINME, ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WINNT, ACE_WINDOWS_VERSION, caddr_t, ACE_OS::close(), count_interfaces(), ACE_Tokenizer::delimiter(), ACE_String_Base< CHAR >::fast_rep(), ACE_OS::fclose(), ACE_OS::fopen(), ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr< X >::get(), get_handle(), get_reg_value(), get_windows_version(), ACE_OS::ioctl(), ACE_String_Base< CHAR >::length(), LM_ERROR, ACE_OS::memset(), ACE_Tokenizer::next(), ACE_INET_Addr::set(), ACE_OS::sprintf(), ACE_OS::strcat(), ACE_OS::strcmp(), and ACE_String_Base< CHAR >::substring().

Referenced by ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast::subscribe_ifs(), and ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast::unsubscribe_ifs().

00542 {
00543   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::get_ip_interfaces");
00545   count = 0;
00546   addrs = 0;
00548 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
00549   // Win32 can do this by a simple API call if MSVC 5 or later is the compiler.
00550   // Not sure if Borland supplies the needed header/lib, but it might.
00551 # if defined (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2) && (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2 != 0)
00552   int i, n_interfaces, status;
00554   INTERFACE_INFO info[64];
00555   SOCKET sock;
00557   // Get an (overlapped) DGRAM socket to test with
00558   sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
00559   if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
00560     return -1;
00562   DWORD bytes;
00563   status = WSAIoctl(sock,
00564                     SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST,
00565                     0,
00566                     0,
00567                     info,
00568                     sizeof(info),
00569                     &bytes,
00570                     0,
00571                     0);
00572   closesocket (sock);
00573   if (status == SOCKET_ERROR)
00574     return -1;
00576   n_interfaces = bytes / sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO);
00577   if (n_interfaces == 0)
00578     return 0;
00580   // SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST does not work for IPv6
00581   // Instead recent versions of Winsock2 add the new opcode SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY.
00582   // If this is not available forget about IPv6 local interfaces:-/
00583 # if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) && defined (SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY)
00584   int n_v6_interfaces = 0;
00587   char *buffer;
00588   DWORD buflen = sizeof (SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST) + (63 * sizeof (SOCKET_ADDRESS));
00589   ACE_NEW_RETURN (buffer,
00590                   char[buflen],
00591                   -1);
00592   v6info = reinterpret_cast<LPSOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST> (buffer);
00594   // Get an (overlapped) DGRAM socket to test with.
00595   // If it fails only return IPv4 interfaces.
00596   sock = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
00597   if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
00598     {
00599       delete [] buffer;
00600       return -1;
00601     }
00603   status = WSAIoctl(sock,
00604                     SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY,
00605                     0,
00606                     0,
00607                     v6info,
00608                     buflen,
00609                     &bytes,
00610                     0,
00611                     0);
00612   closesocket (sock);
00613   if (status == SOCKET_ERROR)
00614   {
00615       delete [] buffer; // clean up
00616       return -1;
00617   }
00619   n_v6_interfaces = v6info->iAddressCount;
00621   ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs,
00622                   ACE_INET_Addr[n_interfaces + n_v6_interfaces],
00623                   -1);
00624 # else /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
00625   ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs,
00626                   ACE_INET_Addr[n_interfaces],
00627                   -1);
00628 # endif /* !ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
00630   // Now go through the list and transfer the good ones to the list of
00631   // because they're down or don't have an IP address.
00632   for (count = 0, i = 0; i < n_interfaces; ++i)
00633     {
00634       LPINTERFACE_INFO lpii;
00635       struct sockaddr_in *addrp = 0;
00637       lpii = &info[i];
00638       if (!(lpii->iiFlags & IFF_UP))
00639         continue;
00641       // We assume IPv4 addresses here
00642       addrp = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in *> (&lpii->iiAddress.AddressIn);
00643       if (addrp->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY)
00644         continue;
00646       // Set the address for the caller.
00647       addrs[count].set(addrp, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
00648       ++count;
00649     }
00651 # if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6)
00652   // Now go through the list and transfer the good ones to the list of
00653   // because they're down or don't have an IP address.
00654   for (i = 0; i < n_v6_interfaces; i++)
00655     {
00656       struct sockaddr_in6 *addr6p;
00658       if (v6info->Address[i].lpSockaddr->sa_family != AF_INET6)
00659         continue;
00661       addr6p = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in6 *> (v6info->Address[i].lpSockaddr);
00662       if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&addr6p->sin6_addr))  // IN6ADDR_ANY?
00663         continue;
00665       // Set the address for the caller.
00666       addrs[count].set(reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in *> (addr6p), sizeof(sockaddr_in6));
00667       ++count;
00668     }
00670   delete [] buffer; // Clean up
00671 # endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
00673   if (count == 0)
00674     {
00675       delete [] addrs;
00676       addrs = 0;
00677     }
00679   return 0;
00681 #else /* Winsock 2 && MSVC 5 or later */
00683   // PharLap ETS has kernel routines to rummage through the device
00684   // configs and extract the interface info. Sort of a pain in the
00685   // butt, but better than trying to figure out where it moved to in
00686   // the registry... :-|
00687 #  if defined (ACE_HAS_PHARLAP)
00688 #    if !defined (ACE_HAS_PHARLAP_RT)
00689   ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);
00690 #    endif /* ACE_HAS_PHARLAP_RT */
00692   // Locate all of the IP devices in the system, saving a DEVHANDLE
00693   // for each. Then allocate the ACE_INET_Addrs needed and fetch all
00694   // the IP addresses.  To locate the devices, try the available
00695   // device name roots and increment the device number until the
00696   // kernel says there are no more of that type.
00697   const size_t ACE_MAX_ETS_DEVICES = 64;  // Arbitrary, but should be enough.
00699   EK_TCPIPCFG *devp;
00700   size_t i, j;
00701   ACE_TCHAR dev_name[16];
00703   count = 0;
00704   for (i = 0; count < ACE_MAX_ETS_DEVICES; i++, ++count)
00705     {
00706       // Ethernet.
00707       ACE_OS::sprintf (dev_name,
00708                        "ether%d",
00709                        i);
00710       ip_dev[count] = EtsTCPGetDeviceHandle (dev_name);
00711       if (ip_dev[count] == 0)
00712         break;
00713     }
00714   for (i = 0; count < ACE_MAX_ETS_DEVICES; i++, ++count)
00715     {
00716       // SLIP.
00717       ACE_OS::sprintf (dev_name,
00718                        "sl%d",
00719                        i);
00720       ip_dev[count] = EtsTCPGetDeviceHandle (dev_name);
00721       if (ip_dev[count] == 0)
00722         break;
00723     }
00724   for (i = 0; count < ACE_MAX_ETS_DEVICES; i++, ++count)
00725     {
00726       // PPP.
00727       ACE_OS::sprintf (dev_name,
00728                        "ppp%d",
00729                        i);
00730       ip_dev[count] = EtsTCPGetDeviceHandle (dev_name);
00731       if (ip_dev[count] == 0)
00732         break;
00733     }
00735   if (count > 0)
00736     ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs,
00737                     ACE_INET_Addr[count],
00738                     -1);
00739   else
00740     addrs = 0;
00742   for (i = 0, j = 0; i < count; i++)
00743     {
00744       devp = EtsTCPGetDeviceCfg (ip_dev[i]);
00745       if (devp != 0)
00746         {
00747           addrs[j].set (0,
00748                         devp->nwIPAddress,
00749                         0); // Already in net order.
00750           j++;
00751         }
00752       // There's no call to close the DEVHANDLE.
00753     }
00755   count = j;
00756   if (count == 0 && addrs != 0)
00757     {
00758       delete [] addrs;
00759       addrs = 0;
00760     }
00762   return 0;
00764 #  else /* ACE_HAS_PHARLAP */
00766 #   if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
00768   // CE does not support Winsock2 (yet) and has many variations on registry setting.
00769   // Thus, it is better to use GetAdapterInfo defined in iphlpapi.h, which is a
00770   // standard library for CE.  iphlpapi.lib should come with the CE SDK and should
00771   // be included in the machine.
00772   // Note: This call is supported only in WinCE 3.0 or later.  Also, even though
00773   //       "iphlpapi.dll" may not be found in the /Windows directory on some machines,
00774   //       it will (must) support iphlpapi API's because it is part of the standard
00775   //       library for WinCE.
00777     IP_ADAPTER_INFO* adapterInfo = 0;
00778     ULONG sz = 0;
00779     DWORD result = ::GetAdaptersInfo(adapterInfo, &sz);
00781     while (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
00782     {
00783         switch (result)
00784         {
00785         case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW:  // MUST come here at the first run because sz = 0
00786             adapterInfo = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)(new char[sz]);  // I know, I know, this is ugly.
00788             result = ::GetAdaptersInfo(adapterInfo, &sz);
00789             if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
00790                 const char* invalid_IP = "";
00792                 // find out how many interfaces are there
00793                 {
00794                     IP_ADAPTER_INFO* tempAdapterInfo = adapterInfo;
00795                     int n_interfaces = 0;
00796                     while (tempAdapterInfo != 0) {
00797                         IP_ADDR_STRING* addr = &tempAdapterInfo->IpAddressList;
00798                         while (addr != 0) {
00799                             if (ACE_OS::strcmp(addr->IpAddress.String, invalid_IP) != 0) {
00800                                 // skip invalid IP address
00801                                 ++n_interfaces;
00802                             }
00803                             addr = addr->Next;
00804                         }
00805                         tempAdapterInfo = tempAdapterInfo->Next;
00806                     }
00807                     if (n_interfaces == 0) {
00808                         ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
00809                             ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\nACE::get_ip_interfaces - "),
00810                             ACE_LIB_TEXT ("No adapter found.")),
00811                             -1);
00812                     }
00814                     ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs, ACE_INET_Addr[n_interfaces], -2);
00815                 }
00817                 // find out valid IP addresses and put them into the addr
00818                 while (adapterInfo != 0) {
00819                     IP_ADDR_STRING* addr = &adapterInfo->IpAddressList;
00820                     while (addr != 0) {
00821                         if (ACE_OS::strcmp(addr->IpAddress.String, invalid_IP) != 0) {
00822                             addrs[count++] = ACE_INET_Addr((u_short) 0, addr->IpAddress.String);
00823                         }
00824                         addr = addr->Next;
00825                     }
00826                     adapterInfo = adapterInfo->Next;
00827                 }
00828             }
00829             // if second GetAdaptersInfo call fails, let other cases take care of it
00830             break;
00832         case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: // OS does not support this method
00833             ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
00834                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\nACE::get_ip_interfaces - "),
00835                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("This version of WinCE does not support GetAdapterInfo.")),
00836                 -1);
00837             break;
00839         case ERROR_NO_DATA:  // no adapter installed
00840             ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
00841                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\nACE::get_ip_interfaces - "),
00842                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("No network adapter installed.")),
00843                 -1);
00844             break;
00846         case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:
00847             ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
00848                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\nACE::get_ip_interfaces - "),
00849                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Invalid parameter.")),
00850                 -1);
00851             break;
00853         default:
00854             ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
00855                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\nACE::get_ip_interfaces - "),
00856                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Adapter info access permission denied.")),
00857                 -1);
00858             break;
00859         }
00860     }
00862     delete [] adapterInfo;
00863     return 0;
00865 #   endif  // ACE_HAS_WINCE
00867   //
00868   // No Winsock2.
00869   // Get interface information from the registry.
00870   // As this information is in different locations of the registry
00871   // on different windows versions, we need to ask at runtime.
00872   //
00874   // Normally we have to look under one key for interfaces name,
00875   // and under a second key for ip address of those interfaces.
00876   // Exact values and the way to search depend on windows version.
00878   // This is the first key we have to look for.
00879   const ACE_TCHAR *BASE_KEY1;
00881   // This is the name we have to look for under the first key.
00882   // If this is == 0, we need to look for subkeys, not the values from
00883   // a name.
00884   const ACE_TCHAR *KEY1_NAME_ID;
00886   // The second key is normally constructed concatenating a prefix,
00887   // the value found on KEY1_NAME_ID stripped from the first s_offset
00888   // characters, and a suffix.
00889   unsigned int s_offset;
00890   const ACE_TCHAR *PREFFIX_KEY2;
00891   const ACE_TCHAR *SUFFIX_KEY2;
00893   // If != 0, look for the value of KEY1_NAME_ID not directly under
00894   // BASE_KEY1, but on every subkey of BASE_KEY1.
00895   int use_subkeys;
00897   // When we search for IP Addresses below, we look for a key with a
00898   // name in this array (null terminated).
00899   // For some windows versions, there is an
00900   // aditional key for ppp interfaces that will be stored on [1].
00901   const ACE_TCHAR *IPADDR_NAME_ID[3] = {
00902     ACE_LIB_TEXT ("IPAddress"), 0, 0
00903   };
00905   // Skip addresses that match this.
00908   ACE_WINDOWS_VERSION winver = get_windows_version();
00910   switch (winver)
00911     {
00912       case ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WINNT:
00913         PREFFIX_KEY2 = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\");
00914         BASE_KEY1 =
00915           ACE_LIB_TEXT ("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services")
00916           ACE_LIB_TEXT ("\\Tcpip\\Linkage");
00917         SUFFIX_KEY2 = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("\\Parameters\\Tcpip");
00918         KEY1_NAME_ID = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Bind");
00919         s_offset = 8;
00920         use_subkeys = 0;
00921         break;
00923       case ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WIN2K:
00924         BASE_KEY1 =
00925           ACE_LIB_TEXT ("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services")
00926           ACE_LIB_TEXT ("\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\");
00927         PREFFIX_KEY2 = BASE_KEY1;
00928         SUFFIX_KEY2 = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("");
00929         KEY1_NAME_ID = 0;
00930         s_offset = 0;
00931         use_subkeys = 1;
00932         // PPP.
00933         IPADDR_NAME_ID[1] = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("DhcpIPAddress");
00934         break;
00936       // If ACE_HAS_WINNT4 we can safely assume the ones below will
00937       // not be needed.
00938 #   if !defined(ACE_HAS_WINNT4) || (ACE_HAS_WINNT4 == 0)
00939       case ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WIN95:
00940       case ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WIN98:
00941       case ACE_WINDOWS_IS_WINME:
00942         PREFFIX_KEY2 =
00943           ACE_LIB_TEXT ("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\");
00944         BASE_KEY1 = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Enum\\Network\\MSTCP");
00945         SUFFIX_KEY2 = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("");
00946         KEY1_NAME_ID =  ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Driver");
00947         use_subkeys = 1;
00948         s_offset = 0;
00949         break;
00950 #   endif /* !ACE_HAS_WINNT4 */
00952       default:
00953         return -1;
00954     }
00957   DWORD raw_buflen = ACE_MAX_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_LEN + 1;
00959   if (KEY1_NAME_ID == 0)
00960     {
00961       if (::get_reg_subkeys (BASE_KEY1,
00962                              raw_buffer,
00963                              raw_buflen))
00964         return -1;
00965     }
00966   else
00967     {
00968       if (::get_reg_value (BASE_KEY1,
00969                            KEY1_NAME_ID,
00970                            raw_buffer,
00971                            raw_buflen,
00972                            use_subkeys))
00973         return -1;
00974     }
00975   // return buffer contains 0 delimited strings
00977   ACE_Tokenizer dev_names (raw_buffer);
00978   dev_names.delimiter (ACE_LIB_TEXT ('\0'));
00979   int n_interfaces = 0;
00981   // Count the number of interfaces
00982   while ( () != 0)
00983     ++n_interfaces;
00985   // case 1. no interfaces present, empty string? OS version change?
00986   if (n_interfaces == 0)
00987     return 0;
00989   ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs,
00990                   ACE_INET_Addr[n_interfaces],
00991                   -2);
00996   count = 0;
00997   for (int i = 0; i < n_interfaces; i++)
00998     {
00999       for (const ACE_TCHAR **ipaddr_name_id = IPADDR_NAME_ID;
01000            *ipaddr_name_id != 0;
01001            ++ipaddr_name_id)
01002         {
01003           // a. construct name to access IP Address for this interface
01004           ACE_TString ifdevkey (PREFFIX_KEY2);
01005           ACE_TString the_dev = ();
01007           if (the_dev.length() < s_offset)
01008             {
01009               return -3;              // Something's wrong
01010             }
01012           // rest of string from offset.
01013           the_dev = the_dev.substring (s_offset);
01015           ifdevkey += the_dev;
01016           ifdevkey += SUFFIX_KEY2;
01018           // b. extract value
01019           // Gets overwritten on each call
01020           buf_len = sizeof (buffer);
01021           if (get_reg_value (ifdevkey.fast_rep (),
01022                              *ipaddr_name_id,
01023                              buffer,
01024                              buf_len))
01025             continue; // Skip unknown devices.
01027           if (ACE_OS::strcmp (buffer,
01028                               INVALID_TCPIP_DEVICE_ADDR) == 0)
01029             continue; // Don't count this device
01031           // c. store in hostinfo object array and up the counter
01032           addrs[count++] =
01033             ACE_INET_Addr ((u_short) 0, buffer);
01034         }
01035     }
01037   return 0;
01038 #  endif /* ACE_HAS_PHARLAP */
01039 # endif /* Winsock 2 && MSVC 5 or later */
01041 #elif defined (ACE_HAS_GETIFADDRS)
01042   // Take advantage of the BSD getifaddrs function that simplifies
01043   // access to connected interfaces.
01044   struct ifaddrs *ifap;
01045   struct ifaddrs *p_if;
01047   if (::getifaddrs (&ifap) != 0)
01048     return -1;
01050   // Count number of interfaces.
01051   size_t num_ifs = 0;
01052   for (p_if = ifap; p_if != 0; p_if = p_if->ifa_next)
01053     ++num_ifs;
01055   // Now create and initialize output array.
01056   ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs,
01057                   ACE_INET_Addr[num_ifs],
01058                   -1); // caller must free
01060   // Pull the address out of each INET interface.  Not every interface
01061   // is for IP, so be careful to count properly.  When setting the
01062   // INET_Addr, note that the 3rd arg (0) says to leave the byte order
01063   // (already in net byte order from the interface structure) as is.
01064   count = 0;
01066   for (p_if = ifap;
01067        p_if != 0;
01068        p_if = p_if->ifa_next)
01069     {
01070       if (p_if->ifa_addr &&
01071           p_if->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
01072         {
01073           struct sockaddr_in *addr =
01074             reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *> (p_if->ifa_addr);
01076           // Sometimes the kernel returns as the interface
01077           // address, skip those...
01078           if (addr->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY)
01079             {
01080               addrs[count].set ((u_short) 0,
01081                                 addr->sin_addr.s_addr,
01082                                 0);
01083               ++count;
01084             }
01085         }
01086 # if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6)
01087       else if (p_if->ifa_addr &&
01088                p_if->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
01089         {
01090           struct sockaddr_in6 *addr =
01091             reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6 *> (p_if->ifa_addr);
01093           // Skip the ANY address
01094           if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&addr->sin6_addr))
01095             {
01096               addrs[count].set(reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in *> (addr),
01097                                sizeof(sockaddr_in6));
01098               ++count;
01099             }
01100         }
01101 # endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
01102     }
01104   ::freeifaddrs (ifap);
01106   return 0;
01108 #elif defined (__unix) || defined (__unix__) || defined (__Lynx__) || defined (_AIX) || defined (ACE_OPENVMS)
01109   // COMMON (SVR4 and BSD) UNIX CODE
01111   size_t num_ifs, num_ifs_found;
01113   // Call specific routine as necessary.
01114   ACE_HANDLE handle = get_handle();
01116   if (handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
01118                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
01119                        ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_ip_interfaces:open")),
01120                       -1);
01121   if (ACE::count_interfaces (handle, num_ifs))
01122     {
01123       ACE_OS::close (handle);
01124       return -1;
01125     }
01127   // ioctl likes to have an extra ifreq structure to mark the end of
01128   // what it returned, so increase the num_ifs by one.
01129   ++num_ifs;
01131   struct ifreq *ifs = 0;
01132   ACE_NEW_RETURN (ifs,
01133                   struct ifreq[num_ifs],
01134                   -1);
01135   ACE_OS::memset (ifs, 0, num_ifs * sizeof (struct ifreq));
01137   ACE_Auto_Array_Ptr<struct ifreq> p_ifs (ifs);
01139   if (p_ifs.get() == 0)
01140     {
01141       ACE_OS::close (handle);
01142       errno = ENOMEM;
01143       return -1;
01144     }
01146   struct ifconf ifcfg;
01147   ACE_OS::memset (&ifcfg, 0, sizeof (struct ifconf));
01148   ifcfg.ifc_req = p_ifs.get ();
01149   ifcfg.ifc_len = num_ifs * sizeof (struct ifreq);
01151 #if defined (AIX)
01152   int cmd = CSIOCGIFCONF;
01153 #else
01154   int cmd = SIOCGIFCONF;
01155 #endif /* AIX */
01156   if (ACE_OS::ioctl (handle,
01157                      cmd,
01158                      (caddr_t) &ifcfg) == -1)
01159     {
01160       ACE_OS::close (handle);
01162                          ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),
01163                          ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_ip_interfaces:")
01164                          ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ioctl - SIOCGIFCONF failed")),
01165                         -1);
01166     }
01168   ACE_OS::close (handle);
01170   // Now create and initialize output array.
01172   ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs,
01173                   ACE_INET_Addr[num_ifs],
01174                   -1); // caller must free
01176   struct ifreq *pcur = p_ifs.get ();
01177   num_ifs_found = ifcfg.ifc_len / sizeof (struct ifreq); // get the number of returned ifs
01179   // Pull the address out of each INET interface.  Not every interface
01180   // is for IP, so be careful to count properly.  When setting the
01181   // INET_Addr, note that the 3rd arg (0) says to leave the byte order
01182   // (already in net byte order from the interface structure) as is.
01183   count = 0;
01185   for (size_t i = 0;
01186        i < num_ifs_found;
01187        i++)
01188     {
01189       if (pcur->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET)
01190         {
01191 #if !defined(_UNICOS)
01192           struct sockaddr_in *addr =
01193             reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *> (&pcur->ifr_addr);
01195           // Sometimes the kernel returns as the interface
01196           // address, skip those...
01197           if (addr->sin_addr.s_addr != 0)
01198             {
01199               addrs[count].set ((u_short) 0,
01200                                 addr->sin_addr.s_addr,
01201                                 0);
01202               count++;
01203             }
01204 #else /* ! _UNICOS */
01205           // need to explicitly copy on the Cray, since the bitfields kinda
01206           // screw things up here
01207           struct sockaddr_in inAddr;
01209           inAddr.sin_len = pcur->ifr_addr.sa_len;
01210           inAddr.sin_family = pcur->ifr_addr.sa_family;
01211           memcpy((void *)&(inAddr.sin_addr),
01212                  (const void *)&(pcur->ifr_addr.sa_data[8]),
01213                  sizeof(struct in_addr));
01215           if (inAddr.sin_addr.s_addr != 0)
01216             {
01217               addrs[count].set(&inAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
01218               ++count;
01219             }
01220 #endif /* ! _UNICOS */
01221         }
01223 #if !defined(AIX) && !defined (__QNX__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
01224       ++pcur;
01225 #else
01226       if (pcur->ifr_addr.sa_len <= sizeof (struct sockaddr))
01227         {
01228            ++pcur;
01229         }
01230       else
01231         {
01232            pcur = (struct ifreq *)
01233                (pcur->ifr_addr.sa_len + (caddr_t) &pcur->ifr_addr);
01234         }
01235 #endif /* !defined(AIX) && !defined (__QNX__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__) */
01236     }
01238 # if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6)
01239   // Retrieve IPv6 local interfaces by scanning /proc/net/if_inet6 if it exists.
01240   // If we cannot open it then ignore possible IPv6 interfaces, we did our best;-)
01241   FILE* fp;
01242   char addr_p[8][5];
01243   char s_ipaddr[64];
01244   int scopeid;
01245   struct addrinfo hints, *res0;
01246   int error;
01248   ACE_OS::memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
01249   hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
01250   hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;
01252   if ((fp = ACE_OS::fopen (ACE_LIB_TEXT ("/proc/net/if_inet6"), ACE_LIB_TEXT ("r"))) != NULL)
01253     {
01254       while (fscanf (fp,
01255                      "%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %*02x %*02x %*02x %*8s\n",
01256                      addr_p[0], addr_p[1], addr_p[2], addr_p[3],
01257                      addr_p[4], addr_p[5], addr_p[6], addr_p[7], &scopeid) != EOF)
01258         {
01259           // Format the address intoa proper IPv6 decimal address specification and
01260           // resolve the resulting text using getaddrinfo().
01262           const char* ip_fmt = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s%%%d";
01263           ACE_OS::sprintf (s_ipaddr,
01264                            ip_fmt,
01265                            addr_p[0], addr_p[1], addr_p[2], addr_p[3],
01266                            addr_p[4], addr_p[5], addr_p[6], addr_p[7], scopeid);
01268           error = getaddrinfo (s_ipaddr, 0, &hints, &res0);
01269           if (error)
01270             continue;
01272           if (res0->ai_family == AF_INET6 &&
01273                 !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED (&reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6 *> (res0->ai_addr)->sin6_addr))
01274             {
01275               addrs[count].set(reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *> (res0->ai_addr), res0->ai_addrlen);
01276               ++count;
01277             }
01278           freeaddrinfo (res0);
01280         }
01281       ACE_OS::fclose (fp);
01282     }
01283 # endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
01285   return 0;
01286 #elif defined (ACE_VXWORKS) && (ACE_VXWORKS < 0x600)
01287   count = 0;
01288   // Loop through each address structure
01289   for (struct in_ifaddr* ia = in_ifaddr; ia != 0; ia = ia->ia_next)
01290     {
01291       ++count;
01292     }
01294   // Now create and initialize output array.
01295   ACE_NEW_RETURN (addrs,
01296                   ACE_INET_Addr[count],
01297                   -1); // caller must free
01298   count = 0;
01299   for (struct in_ifaddr* ia = in_ifaddr; ia != 0; ia = ia->ia_next)
01300     {
01301       struct ifnet* ifp = ia->ia_ifa.ifa_ifp;
01302       if (ifp != 0)
01303         {
01304           // Get the current interface name
01305           char interface[64];
01306           ACE_OS::sprintf(interface, "%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
01308           // Get the address for the current interface
01309           char address [INET_ADDR_LEN];
01310           STATUS status = ifAddrGet(interface, address);
01312           if (status == OK)
01313             {
01314               // Concatenate a ':' at the end. This is because in
01315               // ACE_INET_Addr::string_to_addr, the ip_address is
01316               // obtained using ':' as the delimiter. Since, using
01317               // ifAddrGet(), we just get the IP address, I am adding
01318               // a ":" to get with the general case.
01319               ACE_OS::strcat (address, ":");
01320               addrs[count].set (address);
01321             }
01322           else
01323             {
01324               ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,
01325                                  ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE::get_ip_interface failed\n")
01326                                  ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Couldnt get the IP Address\n")),
01327                                  -1);
01328             }
01329           ++count;
01330         }
01331     }
01332   return 0;
01333 #else
01334   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (count);
01335   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (addrs);
01336   ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);                      // no implementation
01337 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
01338 }

int ACE::get_temp_dir ACE_TCHAR buffer,
size_t  buffer_len

Returns the temporary directory including the trailing slash in buffer. Returns -1 for an error or if the buffer_len is not long enough.

Definition at line 593 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR, ACE_OS::getenv(), ACE_OS::strcpy(), and ACE_OS::strlen().

Referenced by ACE_MEM_Acceptor::accept(), ACE_MMAP_Memory_Pool::ACE_MMAP_Memory_Pool(), ACE_Name_Options::ACE_Name_Options(), ACE_System_Time::ACE_System_Time(), and ACE_FILE_Addr::set().

00594 {
00595   int result;
00596 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
00597   result = ACE_TEXT_GetTempPath (static_cast<DWORD> (buffer_len),
00598                                  buffer);
00600   // Make sure to return -1 if there is an error
00601   if (result == 0 && ::GetLastError () != ERROR_SUCCESS
00602       || result > static_cast<int> (buffer_len))
00603     result = -1;
00605 #else /* ACE_WIN32 */
00607   // NOTE! Non-Windows platforms don't deal with wide chars for env.
00608   // variables, so do this narrow-char and convert to wide for the
00609   // caller if necessary.
00611   // On non-win32 platforms, check to see what the TMPDIR environment
00612   // variable is defined to be.  If it doesn't exist, just use /tmp
00613   const char *tmpdir = ACE_OS::getenv ("TMPDIR");
00615   if (tmpdir == 0)
00616     tmpdir = "/tmp";
00618   size_t len = ACE_OS::strlen (tmpdir);
00620   // Check to see if the buffer is large enough for the string,
00621   // another /, and its null character (hence the + 2)
00622   if ((len + 2) > buffer_len)
00623     {
00624       result = -1;
00625     }
00626   else
00627     {
00628       ACE_OS::strcpy (buffer, ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (tmpdir));
00630       // Add a trailing slash because we cannot assume there is already one
00631       // at the end.  And having an extra one should not cause problems.
00632       buffer[len] = ACE_LIB_TEXT ('/');
00633       buffer[len + 1] = 0;
00634       result = 0;
00635     }
00636 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00637   return result;
00638 }

ACE_INLINE int ACE::handle_exception_ready ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout

Timed wait for handle to get exception ready.

Definition at line 263 of file ACE.inl.

References handle_ready().

00265 {
00266   return ACE::handle_ready (handle,
00267                             timeout,
00268                             0,
00269                             0,
00270                             1);
00271 }

ACE_INLINE int ACE::handle_read_ready ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout

Timed wait for handle to get read ready.

Definition at line 241 of file ACE.inl.

References handle_ready().

Referenced by enter_recv_timedwait(), recv_n_i(), recvv_n_i(), and t_rcv_n_i().

00243 {
00244   return ACE::handle_ready (handle,
00245                             timeout,
00246                             1,
00247                             0,
00248                             0);
00249 }

int ACE::handle_ready ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
int  read_ready,
int  write_ready,
int  exception_ready

Timed wait for handle to get read, write, or exception ready.

Definition at line 2242 of file ACE.cpp.

References ETIME, ACE_Handle_Set::fdset(), ACE_OS::poll(), ACE_OS::select(), and ACE_Handle_Set::set_bit().

Referenced by handle_exception_ready(), handle_read_ready(), and handle_write_ready().

02247 {
02248 #if defined (ACE_HAS_POLL) && defined (ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT)
02249   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (write_ready);
02250   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (exception_ready);
02252   struct pollfd fds;
02254   fds.fd = handle;
02255 = read_ready ? POLLIN : POLLOUT;
02256   fds.revents = 0;
02258   int result = ACE_OS::poll (&fds, 1, timeout);
02259 #else
02260   ACE_Handle_Set handle_set;
02261   handle_set.set_bit (handle);
02263   // Wait for data or for the timeout to elapse.
02264   int select_width;
02265 #  if defined (ACE_WIN32)
02266   // This arg is ignored on Windows and causes pointer truncation
02267   // warnings on 64-bit compiles.
02268   select_width = 0;
02269 #  else
02270   select_width = int (handle) + 1;
02271 #  endif /* ACE_WIN64 */
02272   int result = ACE_OS::select (select_width,
02273                                read_ready ? handle_set.fdset () : 0, // read_fds.
02274                                write_ready ? handle_set.fdset () : 0, // write_fds.
02275                                exception_ready ? handle_set.fdset () : 0, // exception_fds.
02276                                timeout);
02280   switch (result)
02281     {
02282     case 0:  // Timer expired.
02283       errno = ETIME;
02284       /* FALLTHRU */
02285     case -1: // we got here directly - select() returned -1.
02286       return -1;
02287     case 1: // Handle has data.
02288       /* FALLTHRU */
02289     default: // default is case result > 0; return a
02290       // ACE_ASSERT (result == 1);
02291       return result;
02292     }
02293 }

int ACE::handle_timed_accept ACE_HANDLE  listener,
ACE_Time_Value timeout,
int  restart

Wait up to timeout amount of time to passively establish a connection. This method doesn't perform the accept, it just does the timed wait.

Definition at line 2731 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TRACE, ETIMEDOUT, EWOULDBLOCK, ACE_OS::poll(), ACE_Time_Value::sec(), ACE_OS::select(), ACE_Handle_Set::set_bit(), and ACE_Time_Value::usec().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Acceptor::accept(), ACE_SPIPE_Acceptor::accept(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor::shared_accept_start(), and ACE_SOCK_Acceptor::shared_accept_start().

02734 {
02735   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::handle_timed_accept");
02736   // Make sure we don't bomb out on erroneous values.
02737   if (listener == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
02738     return -1;
02740 #if defined (ACE_HAS_POLL) && defined (ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT)
02742   struct pollfd fds;
02744   fds.fd = listener;
02745 = POLLIN;
02746   fds.revents = 0;
02748 #else
02749   // Use the select() implementation rather than poll().
02750   ACE_Handle_Set rd_handle;
02751   rd_handle.set_bit (listener);
02754   // We need a loop here if <restart> is enabled.
02756   for (;;)
02757     {
02758 #if defined (ACE_HAS_POLL) && defined (ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT)
02760       int n = ACE_OS::poll (&fds, 1, timeout);
02762 #else
02763       int select_width;
02764 #  if defined (ACE_WIN32)
02765       // This arg is ignored on Windows and causes pointer truncation
02766       // warnings on 64-bit compiles.
02767       select_width = 0;
02768 #  else
02769       select_width = int (listener) + 1;
02770 #  endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
02771       int n = ACE_OS::select (select_width,
02772                               rd_handle, 0, 0,
02773                               timeout);
02776       switch (n)
02777         {
02778         case -1:
02779           if (errno == EINTR && restart)
02780             continue;
02781           else
02782             return -1;
02783           /* NOTREACHED */
02784         case 0:
02785           if (timeout != 0
02786               && timeout->sec () == 0
02787               && timeout->usec () == 0)
02788             errno = EWOULDBLOCK;
02789           else
02790             errno = ETIMEDOUT;
02791           return -1;
02792           /* NOTREACHED */
02793         case 1:
02794           return 0;
02795           /* NOTREACHED */
02796         default:
02797           errno = EINVAL;
02798           return -1;
02799           /* NOTREACHED */
02800         }
02801     }
02802 }

ACE_HANDLE ACE::handle_timed_complete ACE_HANDLE  listener,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
int  is_tli = 0

Wait up to timeout amount of time to complete an actively established non-blocking connection. If is_tli is non-0 then we are being called by a TLI wrapper (which behaves slightly differently from a socket wrapper).

Definition at line 2573 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TRACE, ECONNREFUSED, ETIME, EWOULDBLOCK, ACE_OS::getsockopt(), ACE_Handle_Set::is_set(), ACE_OS::poll(), recv(), ACE_OS::select(), and ACE_Handle_Set::set_bit().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Connector::complete(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Connector::complete(), and ACE_SOCK_Connector::complete().

02576 {
02577   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::handle_timed_complete");
02579 #if !defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_HAS_POLL) && defined (ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT)
02581   struct pollfd fds;
02583   fds.fd = h;
02585   fds.revents = 0;
02587 #else
02588   ACE_Handle_Set rd_handles;
02589   ACE_Handle_Set wr_handles;
02591   rd_handles.set_bit (h);
02592   wr_handles.set_bit (h);
02593 #endif /* !ACE_WIN32 && ACE_HAS_POLL && ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT */
02595 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
02596   // Winsock is different - it sets the exception bit for failed connect,
02597   // unlike other platforms, where the read bit is set.
02598   ACE_Handle_Set ex_handles;
02599   ex_handles.set_bit (h);
02600 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
02602   int need_to_check = 0;
02603   int known_failure = 0;
02605 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
02606   int n = ACE_OS::select (0,    // Ignored on Windows: int (h) + 1,
02607                           0,
02608                           wr_handles,
02609                           ex_handles,
02610                           timeout);
02611 #else
02612 # if defined (ACE_HAS_POLL) && defined (ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT)
02614   int n = ACE_OS::poll (&fds, 1, timeout);
02616 # else
02617   int n = ACE_OS::select (int (h) + 1,
02618                           rd_handles,
02619                           wr_handles,
02620                           0,
02621                           timeout);
02622 # endif /* ACE_HAS_POLL && ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT */
02623 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
02625   // If we failed to connect within the time period allocated by the
02626   // caller, then we fail (e.g., the remote host might have been too
02627   // busy to accept our call).
02628   if (n <= 0)
02629     {
02630       if (n == 0 && timeout != 0)
02631         errno = ETIME;
02632       return ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;
02633     }
02635   // Usually, a ready-for-write handle is successfully connected, and
02636   // ready-for-read (exception on Win32) is a failure. On fails, we
02637   // need to grab the error code via getsockopt. On possible success for
02638   // any platform where we can't tell just from select() (e.g. AIX),
02639   // we also need to check for success/fail.
02640 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
02641   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (is_tli);
02643   // On Win32, ex_handle set indicates a failure. We'll do the check
02644   // to try and get an errno value, but the connect failed regardless of
02645   // what getsockopt says about the error.
02646   if (ex_handles.is_set (h))
02647     {
02648       need_to_check = 1;
02649       known_failure = 1;
02650     }
02651 #elif defined (ACE_VXWORKS)
02652   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (is_tli);
02654   // Force the check on VxWorks.  The read handle for "h" is not set,
02655   // so "need_to_check" is false at this point.  The write handle is
02656   // set, for what it's worth.
02657   need_to_check = 1;
02658 #else
02659   if (is_tli)
02661 # if defined (ACE_HAS_POLL) && defined (ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT)
02662     need_to_check = (fds.revents & POLLIN) && !(fds.revents & POLLOUT);
02663 # else
02664   need_to_check = rd_handles.is_set (h) && !wr_handles.is_set (h);
02665 # endif /* ACE_HAS_POLL && ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT */
02667   else
02668 #if defined(AIX)
02669     // AIX is broken... both success and failed connect will set the
02670     // write handle only, so always check.
02671     need_to_check = 1;
02672 #else
02673 # if defined (ACE_HAS_POLL) && defined (ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT)
02674   need_to_check = (fds.revents & POLLIN);
02675 # else
02676   need_to_check = rd_handles.is_set (h);
02677 # endif /* ACE_HAS_POLL && ACE_HAS_LIMITED_SELECT */
02678 #endif /* AIX */
02679 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
02681   if (need_to_check)
02682     {
02683 #if defined (SOL_SOCKET) && defined (SO_ERROR)
02684       int sock_err = 0;
02685       int sock_err_len = sizeof (sock_err);
02686       int sockopt_ret = ACE_OS::getsockopt (h, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR,
02687                                             (char *)&sock_err, &sock_err_len);
02688       if (sockopt_ret < 0)
02689         {
02690           h = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;
02691         }
02693       if (sock_err != 0 || known_failure)
02694         {
02695           h = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;
02696           errno = sock_err;
02697         }
02698 #else
02699       char dummy;
02701       // The following recv() won't block provided that the
02702       // ACE_NONBLOCK flag has not been turned off .
02703       n = ACE::recv (h, &dummy, 1, MSG_PEEK);
02705       // If no data was read/peeked at, check to see if it's because
02706       // of a non-connected socket (and therefore an error) or there's
02707       // just no data yet.
02708       if (n <= 0)
02709         {
02710           if (n == 0)
02711             {
02712               errno = ECONNREFUSED;
02713               h = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;
02714             }
02715           else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN)
02716             h = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;
02717         }
02718 #endif
02719     }
02721   // 1. The HANDLE is ready for writing and doesn't need to be checked or
02722   // 2. recv() returned an indication of the state of the socket - if there is
02723   // either data present, or a recv is legit but there's no data yet,
02724   // the connection was successfully established.
02725   return h;
02726 }

const ACE_TCHAR name,
int  flags,
int  perms,

Wait up to timeout> amount of time to actively open a device. This method doesn't perform the connect, it just does the timed wait.

Definition at line 17 of file Handle_Ops.cpp.

References ACE_NONBLOCK, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, ETIMEDOUT, EWOULDBLOCK, ACE_OS::open(), ACE_Time_Value::sec(), and ACE_Time_Value::usec().

Referenced by ACE_UPIPE_Connector::connect(), ACE_SPIPE_Connector::connect(), ACE_FILE_Connector::connect(), and ACE_DEV_Connector::connect().

00022 {
00023   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::handle_timed_open");
00025   if (timeout != 0)
00026     {
00027 #if !defined (ACE_WIN32)
00028       // On Win32, ACE_NONBLOCK gets recognized as O_WRONLY so we
00029       // don't use it there
00030       flags |= ACE_NONBLOCK;
00031 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00033       // Open the named pipe or file using non-blocking mode...
00034       ACE_HANDLE handle = ACE_OS::open (name,
00035                                         flags,
00036                                         perms,
00037                                         sa);
00038       if (handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE
00039           && (errno == EWOULDBLOCK
00040               && (timeout->sec () > 0 || timeout->usec () > 0)))
00041         // This expression checks if we were polling.
00042         errno = ETIMEDOUT;
00044       return handle;
00045     }
00046   else
00047     return ACE_OS::open (name, flags, perms, sa);
00048 }

ACE_INLINE int ACE::handle_write_ready ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout

Timed wait for handle to get write ready.

Definition at line 252 of file ACE.inl.

References handle_ready().

Referenced by enter_send_timedwait(), send_n_i(), sendv_n_i(), and t_snd_n_i().

00254 {
00255   return ACE::handle_ready (handle,
00256                             timeout,
00257                             0,
00258                             1,
00259                             0);
00260 }

u_long ACE::hash_pjw const wchar_t *  str,
size_t  len

Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

Definition at line 347 of file ACE.cpp.

00348 {
00349   u_long hash = 0;
00351   for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
00352     {
00353       // @@ UNICODE: Does this function do the correct thing with wchar's?
00355       const wchar_t temp = str[i];
00356       hash = (hash << 4) + (temp * 13);
00358       u_long g = hash & 0xf0000000;
00360       if (g)
00361         {
00362           hash ^= (g >> 24);
00363           hash ^= g;
00364         }
00365     }
00367   return hash;
00368 }

u_long ACE::hash_pjw const wchar_t *  str  ) 

Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

Definition at line 371 of file ACE.cpp.

References hash_pjw().

00372 {
00373   return ACE::hash_pjw (str, ACE_OS::strlen (str));
00374 }

u_long ACE::hash_pjw const char *  str,
size_t  len

Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

Definition at line 318 of file ACE.cpp.

00319 {
00320   u_long hash = 0;
00322   for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
00323     {
00324       const char temp = str[i];
00325       hash = (hash << 4) + (temp * 13);
00327       u_long g = hash & 0xf0000000;
00329       if (g)
00330         {
00331           hash ^= (g >> 24);
00332           hash ^= g;
00333         }
00334     }
00336   return hash;
00337 }

u_long ACE::hash_pjw const char *  str  ) 

Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine.

Definition at line 340 of file ACE.cpp.

Referenced by ACE_Filecache::create(), ACE_Filecache::fetch(), ACE_Filecache::finish(), ACE_UNIX_Addr::hash(), ACE_String_Base< CHAR >::hash(), ACE_SString::hash(), hash_pjw(), ACE_Hash< wchar_t * >::operator()(), ACE_Hash< const wchar_t * >::operator()(), ACE_Hash< char * >::operator()(), ACE_Hash< const char * >::operator()(), and ACE_Filecache::remove().

00341 {
00342   return ACE::hash_pjw (str, ACE_OS::strlen (str));
00343 }

ACE_INLINE u_char ACE::hex2byte ACE_TCHAR  c  ) 

Convert a hex character to its byte representation.

Definition at line 325 of file ACE.inl.

References ACE_LIB_TEXT, and ACE_TCHAR.

00326 {
00327   if (isdigit (c))
00328     return (u_char) (c - ACE_LIB_TEXT ('0'));
00329   else if (islower (c))
00330     return (u_char) (10 + c - ACE_LIB_TEXT ('a'));
00331   else
00332     return (u_char) (10 + c - ACE_LIB_TEXT ('A'));
00333 }

int ACE::init void   ) 

This class implements the functions for the initialization and shutting down ACE. These functions are called only once per ACE invokation.

Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure, and 1 if it had already been called.

Definition at line 15 of file Init_ACE.cpp.

References ACE_Object_Manager::init(), and ACE_Object_Manager::instance().

00016 {
00017   // Don't use ACE_TRACE, because Object_Manager might not have been
00018   // instantiated yet.
00019   // ACE_TRACE ("ACE::init");
00021   ++ACE::init_fini_count_;
00023   return ACE_Object_Manager::instance ()->init ();
00024 }

int ACE::ipv6_enabled void   ) 

Returns 1 if IPv6 is enabled on the current host; 0 if not. This is an execution-time check. If ACE has not been compiled with ACE_HAS_IPV6, it always returns 0. If ACE_HAS_IPV6 is enabled, this function tries to create a PF_INET6 socket, returning 1 if it succeeds, and 0 if it fails. Caches the result so it only gets checked once.

Definition at line 1497 of file Sock_Connect.cpp.

References ACE_GUARD_RETURN, ace_ipv6_enabled, ACE_OS::closesocket(), and ACE_OS::socket().

Referenced by ACE_INET_Addr::determine_type(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor::open(), ACE_SOCK_Dgram::open(), and ACE_SOCK_Acceptor::open().

01498 {
01499 #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6)
01500   if (ace_ipv6_enabled == -1)
01501     {
01502       // Perform Double-Checked Locking Optimization.
01503       ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
01504                                 *ACE_Static_Object_Lock::instance (), 0));
01506       if (ace_ipv6_enabled == -1)
01507         {
01508           // Determine if the kernel has IPv6 support by attempting to
01509           // create a PF_INET6 socket and see if it fails.
01510           ACE_HANDLE s = ACE_OS::socket (PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
01511           if (s == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
01512             {
01513               ace_ipv6_enabled = 0;
01514             }
01515           else
01516             {
01517               ace_ipv6_enabled = 1;
01518               ACE_OS::closesocket (s);
01519             }
01520         }
01521     }
01523   return ace_ipv6_enabled;
01524 #else /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
01525   return 0;
01526 #endif /* !ACE_HAS_IPV6 */
01527 }

u_long ACE::is_prime const u_long  n,
const u_long  min_factor,
const u_long  max_factor

Function that can burn up noticeable CPU time: brute-force determination of whether number n is prime. Returns 0 if it is prime, or the smallest factor if it is not prime. min_factor and max_factor can be used to partition the work among threads. For just one thread, typical values are 2 and n/2.

Definition at line 3076 of file ACE.cpp.

03079 {
03080   if (n > 3)
03081     for (u_long factor = min_factor;
03082          factor <= max_factor;
03083          ++factor)
03084       if (n / factor * factor == n)
03085         return factor;
03087   return 0;
03088 }

bool ACE::is_sock_error int  error  ) 

Determins whether the given error code corresponds to to a WinSock error. If so returns true, false otherwise.

For internal use only.

Definition at line 3243 of file ACE.cpp.

Referenced by ACE_OS::strerror().

03244 {
03245 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
03246   switch (error)
03247     {
03249     case WSASYSNOTREADY:
03250     case WSAEINVAL:
03251     case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND:
03252     case WSATRY_AGAIN:
03253     case WSANO_RECOVERY:
03254     case WSANO_DATA:
03255       /*
03256         case WSANO_ADDRESS:
03257       */
03259     case WSAENETDOWN:
03260     case WSAEINPROGRESS:
03261     case WSAEINTR:
03262     case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT:
03263     case WSAEMFILE:
03264     case WSAENOBUFS:
03266     case WSAEPROTOTYPE:
03268     case WSAENOTSOCK:
03269     case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
03270     case WSAEADDRINUSE:
03271     case WSAECONNABORTED:
03272     case WSAECONNRESET:
03273     case WSAENOTCONN:
03274     case WSAETIMEDOUT:
03275     case WSAECONNREFUSED:
03276     case WSAEHOSTDOWN:
03277     case WSAEHOSTUNREACH:
03278     case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL:
03279     case WSAEISCONN:
03280     case WSAENETRESET:
03281     case WSAEMSGSIZE:
03282     case WSAENETUNREACH:
03283     case WSAEFAULT:
03284     case WSAEDISCON:
03285     case WSAEACCES:
03286     case WSAESHUTDOWN:
03287     case WSAEPROCLIM:
03288     case WSAEALREADY:
03289     case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT:
03290     case WSAENOPROTOOPT:
03291     case WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND:
03292     case WSAEOPNOTSUPP:
03293       return true;
03294     }
03295 #else
03296   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (error);
03297 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
03298   return false;
03299 }

ACE_TCHAR  pathname[],
size_t  maxpathnamelen

Finds the file filename either using an absolute path or using a relative path in conjunction with ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH (e.g., $LD_LIBRARY_PATH on UNIX or the directories scaned by Win32 API SearchPath on Win32). This function will add appropriate suffix (e.g., .dll on Win32 or .so on UNIX) according to the OS platform. In addition, this function will apply the appropriate prefix (e.g., "lib" on UNIX and "" on Win32) if the filename doesn't match directly.

Definition at line 121 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_OS::access(), ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR, ACE_DLL_PREFIX, ACE_DLL_SUFFIX, ACE_ERROR, ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH, ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR, ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR, ACE_TRACE, F_OK, ACE_OS::free(), ACE_OS::getenv(), LM_WARNING, ACE_OS::malloc(), MAXPATHLEN, ACE_OS::sprintf(), ACE_OS::strcasecmp(), ACE_OS::strcat(), ACE_OS::strcmp(), ACE_OS::strcpy(), ACE_OS::strdup(), ACE_OS::strlen(), ACE_OS::strrchr(), strrepl(), and strsplit_r().

Referenced by ldopen(), and ACE_DLL_Handle::open().

00124 {
00125   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::ldfind");
00126 #if defined (ACE_OPENVMS)
00127   if (strlen(filename) >= maxpathnamelen)
00128   {
00129     errno = ENOMEM;
00130     return -1;
00131   }
00133   dsc$descriptor nameDsc;
00134   nameDsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
00135   nameDsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
00136   nameDsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(filename);
00137   nameDsc.dsc$a_pointer = (char*)filename;
00139   char symbol[] = "NULL";
00140   dsc$descriptor symbolDsc;
00141   symbolDsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
00142   symbolDsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
00143   symbolDsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(symbol);
00144   symbolDsc.dsc$a_pointer = symbol;
00146   int symbolValue;
00147   int result;
00148   try
00149   {
00150     result = LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL(&nameDsc, &symbolDsc, &symbolValue, 0, 0);
00151   }
00152   catch (chf$signal_array& sig)
00153   {
00154     result = sig.chf$l_sig_name;
00155   }
00157   int severity = result & STS$M_SEVERITY;
00158   int conditionId = result & STS$M_COND_ID;
00159   if (severity == STS$K_SUCCESS || severity == STS$K_WARNING || severity == STS$K_INFO ||
00160       (severity == STS$K_ERROR && conditionId == (LIB$_KEYNOTFOU & STS$M_COND_ID)))
00161   {
00162     strcpy(pathname, filename);
00163     return 0;
00164   }
00166   if (strlen(filename) + strlen(ACE_DLL_PREFIX) >= maxpathnamelen)
00167   {
00168     errno = ENOMEM;
00169     return -1;
00170   }
00173   strcpy(pathname, ACE_DLL_PREFIX);
00174   strcat(pathname, filename);
00175   nameDsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(pathname);
00176   nameDsc.dsc$a_pointer = pathname;
00177   try
00178   {
00179     result = LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL(&nameDsc, &symbolDsc, &symbolValue, 0, 0);
00180   }
00181   catch (chf$signal_array& sig)
00182   {
00183     result = sig.chf$l_sig_name;
00184   }
00186   severity = result & STS$M_SEVERITY;
00187   conditionId = result & STS$M_COND_ID;
00188   if (severity == STS$K_SUCCESS || severity == STS$K_WARNING || severity == STS$K_INFO ||
00189       (severity == STS$K_ERROR && conditionId == (LIB$_KEYNOTFOU & STS$M_COND_ID)))
00190   {
00191     return 0;
00192   }
00193   errno = ENOENT;
00194   return -1;
00195 #endif /* ACE_OPENVMS */
00197 #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && !defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE) && \
00198     !defined (ACE_HAS_PHARLAP)
00199   ACE_TCHAR expanded_filename[MAXPATHLEN];
00200   if (ACE_TEXT_ExpandEnvironmentStrings (filename,
00201                                          expanded_filename,
00202                                          sizeof expanded_filename
00203                                          / sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)))
00204     filename = expanded_filename;
00205 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 && !ACE_HAS_WINCE && !ACE_HAS_PHARLAP */
00207   ACE_TCHAR tempcopy[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
00208   ACE_TCHAR searchpathname[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
00209 #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
00210   ACE_TCHAR decorator[] = ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR;
00211   ACE_TCHAR searchfilename[MAXPATHLEN + sizeof(decorator) / sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)];
00212 #else
00213   ACE_TCHAR searchfilename[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
00216   // Create a copy of filename to work with.
00217   if (ACE_OS::strlen (filename) + 1
00218       > (sizeof tempcopy / sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)))
00219     {
00220       errno = ENOMEM;
00221       return -1;
00222     }
00223   else
00224     ACE_OS::strcpy (tempcopy, filename);
00226   // Insert canonical directory separators.
00227   ACE_TCHAR *separator_ptr;
00230   // Make all the directory separators "canonical" to simplify
00231   // subsequent code.
00232   ACE::strrepl (tempcopy, ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR, '/');
00235   // Separate filename from pathname.
00236   separator_ptr = ACE_OS::strrchr (tempcopy, '/');
00238   // This is a relative path.
00239   if (separator_ptr == 0)
00240     {
00241       searchpathname[0] = '\0';
00242       ACE_OS::strcpy (searchfilename, tempcopy);
00243     }
00244   else // This is an absolute path.
00245     {
00246       ACE_OS::strcpy (searchfilename, separator_ptr + 1);
00247       separator_ptr[1] = '\0';
00248       ACE_OS::strcpy (searchpathname, tempcopy);
00249     }
00251   int got_suffix = 0;
00253   // Check to see if this has an appropriate DLL suffix for the OS
00254   // platform.
00255   ACE_TCHAR *s = ACE_OS::strrchr (searchfilename, '.');
00257   const ACE_TCHAR *dll_suffix = ACE_DLL_SUFFIX;
00259   if (s != 0)
00260     {
00261       // If we have a dot, we have a suffix
00262       got_suffix = 1;
00264       // Check whether this matches the appropriate platform-specific
00265       // suffix.
00266 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
00267       // Use <ACE_OS::strcasecmp> on any platform with
00268       // case-insensitive filenames.
00269       if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (s, dll_suffix) != 0)
00270 #else
00271       if (ACE_OS::strcmp (s, dll_suffix) != 0)
00272 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00273         {
00274           ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING,
00275                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Warning: improper suffix for a ")
00276                       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("shared library on this platform: %s\n"),
00277                       s));
00278         }
00279     }
00281   // Make sure we've got enough space in searchfilename.
00282   if (ACE_OS::strlen (searchfilename)
00283       + ACE_OS::strlen (ACE_DLL_PREFIX)
00284       + got_suffix ? 0 : ACE_OS::strlen (dll_suffix) >= (sizeof searchfilename /
00285                                                          sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)))
00286     {
00287       errno = ENOMEM;
00288       return -1;
00289     }
00291 #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
00292   size_t len_searchfilename = ACE_OS::strlen (searchfilename);
00293   if (! got_suffix)
00294     ACE_OS::strcpy (searchfilename + len_searchfilename,
00295                            decorator);
00297   for (int tag = 1; tag >= 0; tag --)
00298     {
00299       if (tag == 0)
00300         searchfilename [len_searchfilename] = 0;
00303       // Use absolute pathname if there is one.
00304       if (ACE_OS::strlen (searchpathname) > 0)
00305         {
00306           if (ACE_OS::strlen (searchfilename)
00307               + ACE_OS::strlen (searchpathname) >= maxpathnamelen)
00308             {
00309               errno = ENOMEM;
00310               return -1;
00311             }
00312           else
00313             {
00315               // Revert to native path name separators.
00316               ACE::strrepl (searchpathname,
00317                             '/',
00318                             ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
00320               // First, try matching the filename *without* adding a
00321               // prefix.
00322               ACE_OS::sprintf (pathname,
00323                                ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%s%s%s"),
00324                                searchpathname,
00325                                searchfilename,
00326                                got_suffix ? ACE_LIB_TEXT ("") : dll_suffix);
00327               if (ACE_OS::access (pathname, F_OK) == 0)
00328                 return 0;
00330               // Second, try matching the filename *with* adding a prefix.
00331               ACE_OS::sprintf (pathname,
00332                                ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%s%s%s%s"),
00333                                searchpathname,
00334                                ACE_DLL_PREFIX,
00335                                searchfilename,
00336                                got_suffix ? ACE_LIB_TEXT ("") : dll_suffix);
00337               if (ACE_OS::access (pathname, F_OK) == 0)
00338                 return 0;
00339             }
00340         }
00342       // Use relative filenames via LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH (depending on
00343       // OS platform).
00344       else
00345         {
00346 #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && !defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
00347           ACE_TCHAR *file_component = 0;
00348           DWORD pathlen =
00349             ACE_TEXT_SearchPath (0,
00350                                  searchfilename,
00351                                  dll_suffix,
00352                                  static_cast<DWORD> (maxpathnamelen),
00353                                  pathname,
00354                                  &file_component);
00355           if (pathlen >= maxpathnamelen)
00356           {
00357               errno = ENOMEM;
00358               return -1;
00359           }
00360           else if (pathlen > 0)
00361               return 0;
00363           // In case not found we should try again with the ACE_DLL_PREFIX
00364           // prefixed
00365           ACE_OS::strcpy (searchfilename, ACE_DLL_PREFIX);
00366           ACE_OS::strcat (searchfilename, tempcopy);
00367           pathlen =
00368             ACE_TEXT_SearchPath (0,
00369                                  searchfilename,
00370                                  dll_suffix,
00371                                  static_cast<DWORD> (maxpathnamelen),
00372                                  pathname,
00373                                  &file_component);
00374           if (pathlen >= maxpathnamelen)
00375           {
00376               errno = ENOMEM;
00377               return -1;
00378           }
00379           else if (pathlen > 0)
00380               return 0;
00381 #else
00382           ACE_TCHAR *ld_path;
00383 #  if defined ACE_DEFAULT_LD_SEARCH_PATH
00384           ld_path = ACE_DEFAULT_LD_SEARCH_PATH;
00385 #  else
00386 #    if defined (ACE_WIN32) || !defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR)
00387           ld_path = ACE_OS::getenv (ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH);
00388 #    else
00389           // Wide-char, non-Windows only offers char * getenv. So capture
00390           // it, translate to wide-char, and continue.
00391           ACE_Ascii_To_Wide wide_ldpath
00392             (ACE_OS::getenv (ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH)));
00393           ld_path = wide_ldpath.wchar_rep ();
00394 #    endif /* ACE_WIN32 || !ACE_USES_WCHAR */
00395 #  endif /* ACE_DEFAULT_LD_SEARCH_PATH */
00397 #if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
00398             ACE_TCHAR *ld_path_temp = 0;
00399             if (ld_path != 0)
00400               {
00401                 ld_path_temp = (ACE_TCHAR *)
00402                   ACE_OS::malloc ((ACE_OS::strlen (ld_path) + 2)
00403                                   * sizeof (ACE_TCHAR));
00404                 if (ld_path_temp != 0)
00405                   {
00406                     ACE_OS::strcpy (ld_path_temp,
00407                                     ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR);
00409                     ACE_OS::strcat (ld_path_temp, ld_path);
00410                     ld_path = ld_path_temp;
00411                   }
00412                 else
00413                   {
00414                     ACE_OS::free ((void *) ld_path_temp);
00415                     ld_path = ld_path_temp = 0;
00416                   }
00417               }
00418 #endif /* ACE_HAS_WINCE */
00420           if (ld_path != 0
00421               && (ld_path = ACE_OS::strdup (ld_path)) != 0)
00422             {
00423               // strtok has the strange behavior of not separating the
00424               // string ":/foo:/bar" into THREE tokens.  One would expect
00425               // that the first iteration the token would be an empty
00426               // string, the second iteration would be "/foo", and the
00427               // third iteration would be "/bar".  However, this is not
00428               // the case; one only gets two iterations: "/foo" followed
00429               // by "/bar".
00431               // This is especially a problem in parsing Unix paths
00432               // because it is permissible to specify 'the current
00433               // directory' as an empty entry.  So, we introduce the
00434               // following special code to cope with this:
00436               // Look at each dynamic lib directory in the search path.
00438               ACE_TCHAR *nextholder = 0;
00439               const ACE_TCHAR *path_entry =
00440                 ACE::strsplit_r (ld_path,
00441                                  ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR,
00442                                  nextholder);
00443               int result = 0;
00445               for (;;)
00446                 {
00447                   // Check if at end of search path.
00448                   if (path_entry == 0)
00449                     {
00450                       errno = ENOENT;
00451                       result = -1;
00452                       break;
00453                     }
00454                   else if (ACE_OS::strlen (path_entry)
00455                            + 1
00456                            + ACE_OS::strlen (searchfilename)
00457                            >= maxpathnamelen)
00458                     {
00459                       errno = ENOMEM;
00460                       result = -1;
00461                       break;
00462                     }
00463                   // This works around the issue where a path might have
00464                   // an empty component indicating 'current directory'.
00465                   // We need to do it here rather than anywhere else so
00466                   // that the loop condition will still work.
00467                   else if (path_entry[0] == '\0')
00468                     path_entry = ACE_LIB_TEXT (".");
00470                   // First, try matching the filename *without* adding a
00471                   // prefix.
00472                   ACE_OS::sprintf (pathname,
00473                                    ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%s%c%s%s"),
00474                                    path_entry,
00475                                    ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR,
00476                                    searchfilename,
00477                                    got_suffix ? ACE_LIB_TEXT ("") : dll_suffix);
00478                   if (ACE_OS::access (pathname, F_OK) == 0)
00479                     break;
00481                   // Second, try matching the filename *with* adding a
00482                   // prefix.
00483                   ACE_OS::sprintf (pathname,
00484                                    ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%s%c%s%s%s"),
00485                                    path_entry,
00486                                    ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR,
00487                                    ACE_DLL_PREFIX,
00488                                    searchfilename,
00489                                    got_suffix ? ACE_LIB_TEXT ("") : dll_suffix);
00490                   if (ACE_OS::access (pathname, F_OK) == 0)
00491                     break;
00493                   // Fetch the next item in the path
00494                   path_entry =
00495                     ACE::strsplit_r (0,
00496                                      ACE_LD_SEARCH_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR,
00497                                      nextholder);
00498                 }
00500 #if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
00501               if (ld_path_temp != 0)
00502                 ACE_OS::free (ld_path_temp);
00503 #endif /* ACE_HAS_WINCE */
00504               ACE_OS::free ((void *) ld_path);
00505 #if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && \
00506             !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
00507                if (result == 0 || tag == 0)
00509               return result;
00510             }
00511 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 && !ACE_HAS_WINCE */
00512         }
00513 #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
00514     }
00517   errno = ENOENT;
00518   return -1;
00519 }

ACE_TCHAR * ACE::ldname const ACE_TCHAR entry_point  ) 

Transforms entry_point into a form that can be located in a dynamic library using . For example, with Win32/Borland extern "C" functions which use the default calling convention have a '_' prepended. Always returns a buffer that has been dynamically allocated using .

Definition at line 537 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_NEW_RETURN, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, ACE_OS::strcat(), ACE_OS::strcpy(), and ACE_OS::strlen().

00538 {
00539   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::ldname");
00541 #if defined(ACE_NEEDS_DL_UNDERSCORE)
00542   size_t size =
00543     1 // leading '_'
00544     + ACE_OS::strlen (entry_point)
00545     + 1;
00547   ACE_TCHAR *new_name;
00548   ACE_NEW_RETURN (new_name,
00549                   ACE_TCHAR[size],
00550                   0);
00552   ACE_OS::strcpy (new_name, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("_"));
00553   ACE_OS::strcat (new_name, entry_point);
00555   return new_name;
00556 #else /* ACE_NEEDS_DL_UNDERSCORE */
00557   size_t size =
00558     ACE_OS::strlen (entry_point)
00559     + 1;
00561   ACE_TCHAR *new_name;
00562   ACE_NEW_RETURN (new_name,
00563                   ACE_TCHAR[size],
00564                   0);
00566   ACE_OS::strcpy (new_name, entry_point);
00567   return new_name;
00568 #endif /* ACE_NEEDS_DL_UNDERSCORE */
00569 }

FILE * ACE::ldopen const ACE_TCHAR filename,
const ACE_TCHAR type

Uses ldfind to locate and open the appropriate filename and returns a pointer to the file, else it returns a NULL pointer. type specifies how the file should be open.

Definition at line 522 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, ACE_OS::fopen(), ldfind(), and MAXPATHLEN.

00524 {
00525   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::ldopen");
00527   ACE_TCHAR buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
00528   if (ACE::ldfind (filename,
00529                    buf,
00530                    sizeof (buf) /sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)) == -1)
00531     return 0;
00532   else
00533     return ACE_OS::fopen (buf, type);
00534 }

ACE_INLINE u_long ACE::log2 u_long  num  ) 

Computes the base 2 logarithm of {num}.

Definition at line 296 of file ACE.inl.

Referenced by ACE_Log_Record::priority(), and ACE_Log_Record::priority_name().

00297 {
00298   u_long log = 0;
00300   for (; num > 1; ++log)
00301     num >>= 1;
00303   return log;
00304 }

u_int ACE::major_version void   ) 

e.g., the "5" in ACE 5.1.12.

Definition at line 107 of file ACE.cpp.


00108 {
00109   return ACE_MAJOR_VERSION;
00110 }

int ACE::map_errno int  error  ) 

Map troublesome win32 errno values to values that standard C strerr function understands. Thank you Microsoft.

Definition at line 3003 of file ACE.cpp.

Referenced by ACE_Log_Msg::log().

03004 {
03005   switch (error)
03006     {
03007 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
03008     case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
03009       return EAGAIN; // Same as UNIX errno EWOULDBLOCK.
03010 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
03011     }
03013   return error;
03014 }

int ACE::max_handles void   ) 

Returns the maximum number of open handles currently permitted in this process. This maximum may be extended using ACE::set_handle_limit.

Definition at line 2914 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN, ACE_TRACE, ACE_OS::getrlimit(), and ACE_OS::sysconf().

Referenced by ACE_POSIX_AIOCB_Proactor::check_max_aio_num(), daemonize(), and set_handle_limit().

02915 {
02916   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::max_handles");
02917 #if defined (RLIMIT_NOFILE) && !defined (ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT)
02918   rlimit rl;
02919   int r = ACE_OS::getrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);
02920 # if !defined (RLIM_INFINITY)
02921   if (r == 0)
02922     return rl.rlim_cur;
02923 #else
02924   if (r == 0 && rl.rlim_cur != RLIM_INFINITY)
02925     return rl.rlim_cur;
02926   // If == RLIM_INFINITY, fall through to the ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT sections
02927 # endif /* RLIM_INFINITY */
02928 #endif /* RLIMIT_NOFILE && !ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT */
02930 #if defined (_SC_OPEN_MAX)
02931   return ACE_OS::sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX);
02932 #elif defined (ACE_VXWORKS) && (ACE_VXWORKS < 0x620)
02933   return maxFiles;
02934 #elif defined (FD_SETSIZE)
02935   return FD_SETSIZE;
02936 #else
02937   ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);
02938 #endif /* _SC_OPEN_MAX */
02939 }

u_long ACE::minimum_frame_size u_long  period1,
u_long  period2

Calculates the minimum enclosing frame size for the given values.

Definition at line 3033 of file ACE.cpp.

References gcd().

03034 {
03035   // if one of the periods is zero, treat it as though it as
03036   // uninitialized and return the other period as the frame size
03037   if (0 == period1)
03038     {
03039       return period2;
03040     }
03041   if (0 == period2)
03042     {
03043       return period1;
03044     }
03046   // if neither is zero, find the greatest common divisor of the two periods
03047   u_long greatest_common_divisor = ACE::gcd (period1, period2);
03049   // explicitly consider cases to reduce risk of possible overflow errors
03050   if (greatest_common_divisor == 1)
03051     {
03052       // periods are relative primes: just multiply them together
03053       return period1 * period2;
03054     }
03055   else if (greatest_common_divisor == period1)
03056     {
03057       // the first period divides the second: return the second
03058       return period2;
03059     }
03060   else if (greatest_common_divisor == period2)
03061     {
03062       // the second period divides the first: return the first
03063       return period1;
03064     }
03065   else
03066     {
03067       // the current frame size and the entry's effective period
03068       // have a non-trivial greatest common divisor: return the
03069       // product of factors divided by those in their gcd.
03070       return (period1 * period2) / greatest_common_divisor;
03071     }
03072 }

u_int ACE::minor_version void   ) 

e.g., the "1" in ACE 5.1.12.

Definition at line 113 of file ACE.cpp.


00114 {
00115   return ACE_MINOR_VERSION;
00116 }

ACE_INLINE ACE_TCHAR ACE::nibble2hex u_int  n  ) 

Hex conversion utility.

Definition at line 307 of file ACE.inl.

References ACE_LIB_TEXT, and ACE_TCHAR.

00308 {
00309   // Hexadecimal characters.
00310 #if defined (ACE_VXWORKS) && !defined (__DCPLUSPLUS__)
00311   // temporary solution to prevent Windriver GNU toolchains from spewing
00312   // loads of warnings when inlining.
00313   // problem (incorrect warning leftover from older GNU) has been reported as
00314   // TSR to Windriver.
00315   const ACE_TCHAR hex_chars[] = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("0123456789abcdef");
00316 #else
00317   static const ACE_TCHAR hex_chars[] = ACE_LIB_TEXT ("0123456789abcdef");
00318 #endif
00320   // @@ UNICODE does this work?
00321   return hex_chars[n & 0x0f];
00322 }

ACE_HANDLE ACE::open_temp_file const ACE_TCHAR name,
int  mode,
int  perm = 0

Opening the temp file. File is automagically unlinked when it is closed. This is useful for have temp files.

Definition at line 641 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_TCHAR, ACE_OS::open(), and ACE_OS::unlink().

00642 {
00643 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
00644   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (perm);
00645   ACE_HANDLE handle = ACE_OS::open (name,
00646                                     mode,
00647                                     FILE_SHARE_READ
00648                                     | FILE_SHARE_WRITE
00649                                     | FILE_SHARE_DELETE);
00650 #else
00651   // Open it.
00652   ACE_HANDLE handle = ACE_OS::open (name, mode, perm);
00653 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00655   if (handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
00656     return ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;
00658   // Unlink it so that the file will be removed automatically when the
00659   // process goes away.
00660   if (ACE_OS::unlink (name) == -1)
00661     return ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;
00662   else
00663     // Return the handle.
00664     return handle;
00665 }

int ACE::out_of_handles int  error  ) 

Check if error indicates the process being out of handles (file descriptors).

Definition at line 65 of file ACE.cpp.


Referenced by ACE_Handle_Gobbler::consume_handles().

00066 {
00067   // EMFILE is common to all platforms.
00068   if (error == EMFILE ||
00069 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
00070       // On Win32, we need to check for ENOBUFS also.
00071       error == ENOBUFS ||
00072 #elif defined (HPUX)
00073       // On HPUX, we need to check for EADDRNOTAVAIL also.
00074       error == EADDRNOTAVAIL ||
00075 #elif defined (linux)
00076       // On linux, we need to check for ENOENT also.
00077       error == ENOENT ||
00078       // For RedHat5.2, need to check for EINVAL too.
00079       error == EINVAL ||
00080       // Without threads check for EOPNOTSUPP
00081       error == EOPNOTSUPP ||
00082 #elif defined (sun)
00083       // On sun, we need to check for ENOSR also.
00084       error == ENOSR ||
00085       // Without threads check for ENOTSUP
00086       error == ENOTSUP ||
00087 #elif defined (__FreeBSD__)
00088       // On FreeBSD we need to check for EOPNOTSUPP (LinuxThreads) or
00089       // ENOSYS (libc_r threads) also.
00090       error == EOPNOTSUPP ||
00091       error == ENOSYS ||
00092 #elif defined (__OpenBSD__)
00093       // OpenBSD appears to return EBADF.
00094       error == EBADF ||
00095 #elif defined (__sgi) // irix
00096       error == ENOTSUP ||
00097 #elif defined (DIGITAL_UNIX) // osf1
00098       error == ENOTSUP ||
00099 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00100       error == ENFILE)
00101     return 1;
00102   else
00103     return 0;
00104 }

int ACE::process_active pid_t  pid  ) 

Checks if process with {pid} is still alive. Returns 1 if it is still alive, 0 if it isn't alive, and -1 if something weird happened.

Definition at line 253 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_OS::kill(), and pid_t.

00254 {
00255 #if !defined(ACE_WIN32)
00256   int retval = ACE_OS::kill (pid, 0);
00258   if (retval == 0)
00259     return 1;
00260   else if (errno == ESRCH)
00261     return 0;
00262   else
00263     return -1;
00264 #else
00265   // Create a handle for the given process id.
00266   ACE_HANDLE process_handle =
00267     ::OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid);
00268   if (process_handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE
00269       || process_handle == 0)
00270     return 0;
00271   else
00272     {
00273       DWORD status;
00274       int result = 1;
00275       if (::GetExitCodeProcess (process_handle,
00276                                 &status) == 0
00277           || status != STILL_ACTIVE)
00278         result = 0;
00280       ::CloseHandle (process_handle);
00281       return result;
00282     }
00283 #endif /* !ACE_WIN32 */
00284 }

void *  buf,
size_t  len,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 17 of file ACE.inl.

References ACE_OS::read_n().

Referenced by ACE_SPIPE_Stream::recv_n(), ACE_Pipe::recv_n(), ACE_FILE_IO::recv_n(), and ACE_DEV_IO::recv_n().

00021 {
00022   return ACE_OS::read_n (handle,
00023                          buf,
00024                          len,
00025                          bytes_transferred);
00026 }

ssize_t ACE::readv_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 2165 of file ACE.cpp.

References iovec::iov_len, ACE_OS::readv(), and ssize_t.

02169 {
02170   size_t temp;
02171   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
02172   bytes_transferred = 0;
02174   for (int s = 0;
02175        s < iovcnt;
02176        )
02177     {
02178       ssize_t n = ACE_OS::readv (handle,
02179                                  iov + s,
02180                                  iovcnt - s);
02182       if (n == -1 || n == 0)
02183         return n;
02185       for (bytes_transferred += n;
02186            s < iovcnt
02187              && n >= static_cast<ssize_t> (iov[s].iov_len);
02188            s++)
02189         n -= iov[s].iov_len;
02191       if (n != 0)
02192         {
02193           char *base = reinterpret_cast<char *> (iov[s].iov_base);
02194           iov[s].iov_base = base + n;
02195           iov[s].iov_len = iov[s].iov_len - n;
02196         }
02197     }
02199   return bytes_transferred;
02200 }

void ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode ACE_HANDLE  handle,
int &  val

This makes sure that handle is set into non-blocking mode. val keeps track of whether were in non-blocking mode or not.

Definition at line 2330 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_BIT_DISABLED, ACE_NONBLOCK, get_flags(), and set_flags().

Referenced by enter_recv_timedwait(), enter_send_timedwait(), recv_n_i(), recvv_n_i(), send_n_i(), sendv_n_i(), t_rcv_n_i(), and t_snd_n_i().

02332 {
02333   // We need to record whether we are already *in* nonblocking mode,
02334   // so that we can correctly reset the state when we're done.
02335   val = ACE::get_flags (handle);
02338     // Set the handle into non-blocking mode if it's not already in
02339     // it.
02340     ACE::set_flags (handle, ACE_NONBLOCK);
02341 }

ssize_t ACE::recv ACE_HANDLE  handle,
size_t  n,

Receive into a variable number of pieces.

Accepts a variable, caller-specified, number of pointer/length pairs. Arguments following n are char *, size_t pairs.

handle The I/O handle to receive on
n The total number of char *, size_t pairs following n.
-1 on error, else total number of bytes received.

Definition at line 959 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NEW_RETURN, iovec::iov_base, iovec::iov_len, ACE_OS::recvv(), and ssize_t.

00960 {
00961   va_list argp;
00962   int total_tuples = static_cast<int> (n / 2);
00963   iovec *iovp;
00964 #if defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA)
00965   iovp = (iovec *) alloca (total_tuples * sizeof (iovec));
00966 #else
00967   ACE_NEW_RETURN (iovp,
00968                   iovec[total_tuples],
00969                   -1);
00970 #endif /* !defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA) */
00972   va_start (argp, n);
00974   for (int i = 0; i < total_tuples; i++)
00975     {
00976       iovp[i].iov_base = va_arg (argp, char *);
00977       iovp[i].iov_len = va_arg (argp, int);
00978     }
00980   ssize_t result = ACE_OS::recvv (handle, iovp, total_tuples);
00981 #if !defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA)
00982   delete [] iovp;
00983 #endif /* !defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA) */
00984   va_end (argp);
00985   return result;
00986 }

ssize_t ACE::recv ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 507 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_recv_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), recv_i(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

00511 {
00512   if (timeout == 0)
00513     return ACE::recv_i (handle, buf, n);
00514   else
00515     {
00516 #if defined (ACE_HAS_READ_TIMEDWAIT)
00517       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
00518       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
00519       timespec_t ts = copy;
00520       return ::read_timedwait (handle, buf, n, &ts);
00521 #else
00522       int val = 0;
00523       if (ACE::enter_recv_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
00524         return -1;
00525       else
00526         {
00527           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE::recv_i (handle, buf, n);
00528           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00529           return bytes_transferred;
00530         }
00531 #endif /* ACE_HAS_READ_TIMEDWAIT */
00532     }
00533 }

ssize_t ACE::recv ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 448 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_recv_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), ACE_OS::recv(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

Referenced by ACE_MEM_Acceptor::accept(), ACE_MEM_Connector::connect(), handle_timed_complete(), ACE_Select_Reactor_Notify::read_notify_pipe(), ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor_Notify::read_notify_pipe(), ACE_TLI_Stream::recv(), ACE_SOCK_IO::recv(), ACE_ICMP_Socket::recv(), ACE_Reactive_MEM_IO::recv_buf(), ACE_SOCK_Stream::recv_urg(), and ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association::recv_urg().

00453 {
00454   if (timeout == 0)
00455     return ACE_OS::recv (handle, (char *) buf, len, flags);
00456   else
00457     {
00458 #if defined (ACE_HAS_RECV_TIMEDWAIT)
00459       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
00460       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
00461       timespec_t ts = copy;
00462       return ::recv_timedwait (handle, buf, len, flags, &ts);
00463 #else
00464       int val = 0;
00465       if (ACE::enter_recv_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) ==-1)
00466         return -1;
00467       else
00468         {
00469           ssize_t bytes_transferred =
00470             ACE_OS::recv (handle, (char *) buf, len, flags);
00471           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00472           return bytes_transferred;
00473         }
00474 #endif /* ACE_HAS_RECV_TIMEDWAIT */
00475     }
00476 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::recv_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len

Definition at line 231 of file ACE.inl.

References ACE_OS::read(), and ACE_OS::recv().

Referenced by recv(), and recv_n_i().

00232 {
00233 #if defined (ACE_WIN32) || defined (ACE_OPENVMS) || defined (ACE_TANDEM_T1248_PTHREADS)
00234   return ACE_OS::recv (handle, (char *) buf, len);
00235 #else
00236   return ACE_OS::read (handle, (char *) buf, len);
00237 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00238 }

ssize_t ACE::recv_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
ACE_Message_Block message_block,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 1158 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_IOV_MAX, ACE_Message_Block::cont(), iovec::iov_base, iovec::iov_len, ACE_Message_Block::length(), ACE_Message_Block::next(), ACE_Message_Block::rd_ptr(), recvv_n(), and ssize_t.

01162 {
01163   size_t temp;
01164   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01165   bytes_transferred = 0;
01167   iovec iov[ACE_IOV_MAX];
01168   int iovcnt = 0;
01170   while (message_block != 0)
01171     {
01172       // Our current message block chain.
01173       const ACE_Message_Block *current_message_block = message_block;
01175       while (current_message_block != 0)
01176         {
01177           size_t current_message_block_length =
01178             current_message_block->length ();
01179           char *this_rd_ptr = current_message_block->rd_ptr ();
01181           // Check if this block has any space for incoming data.
01182           while (current_message_block_length > 0)
01183             {
01184               u_long this_chunk_length;
01185               if (current_message_block_length > ULONG_MAX)
01186                 this_chunk_length = ULONG_MAX;
01187               else
01188                 this_chunk_length =
01189                   static_cast<u_long> (current_message_block_length);
01190               // Collect the data in the iovec.
01191               iov[iovcnt].iov_base = this_rd_ptr;
01192               iov[iovcnt].iov_len  = this_chunk_length;
01193               current_message_block_length -= this_chunk_length;
01194               this_rd_ptr += this_chunk_length;
01196               // Increment iovec counter.
01197               ++iovcnt;
01199               // The buffer is full make a OS call.  @@ TODO find a way to
01200               // find ACE_IOV_MAX for platforms that do not define it rather
01201               // than simply setting ACE_IOV_MAX to some arbitrary value such
01202               // as 16.
01203               if (iovcnt == ACE_IOV_MAX)
01204                 {
01205                   size_t current_transfer = 0;
01207                   ssize_t result = ACE::recvv_n (handle,
01208                                                  iov,
01209                                                  iovcnt,
01210                                                  timeout,
01211                                                  &current_transfer);
01213                   // Add to total bytes transferred.
01214                   bytes_transferred += current_transfer;
01216                   // Errors.
01217                   if (result == -1 || result == 0)
01218                     return result;
01220                   // Reset iovec counter.
01221                   iovcnt = 0;
01222                 }
01223             }
01225           // Select the next message block in the chain.
01226           current_message_block = current_message_block->cont ();
01227         }
01229       // Selection of the next message block chain.
01230       message_block = message_block->next ();
01231     }
01233   // Check for remaining buffers to be sent.  This will happen when
01234   // ACE_IOV_MAX is not a multiple of the number of message blocks.
01235   if (iovcnt != 0)
01236     {
01237       size_t current_transfer = 0;
01239       ssize_t result = ACE::recvv_n (handle,
01240                                      iov,
01241                                      iovcnt,
01242                                      timeout,
01243                                      &current_transfer);
01245       // Add to total bytes transferred.
01246       bytes_transferred += current_transfer;
01248       // Errors.
01249       if (result == -1 || result == 0)
01250         return result;
01251     }
01253   // Return total bytes transferred.
01254   return bytes_transferred;
01255 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::recv_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 91 of file ACE.inl.

References recv_n_i().

00096 {
00097   if (timeout == 0)
00098     return ACE::recv_n_i (handle,
00099                           buf,
00100                           len,
00101                           bytes_transferred);
00102   else
00103     return ACE::recv_n_i (handle,
00104                           buf,
00105                           len,
00106                           timeout,
00107                           bytes_transferred);
00108 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::recv_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 41 of file ACE.inl.

References recv_n_i().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Stream::recv_n(), ACE_SOCK_Stream::recv_n(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association::recv_n(), ACE_Pipe::recv_n(), ACE_FIFO_Recv::recv_n(), and ACE_DEV_IO::recv_n().

00047 {
00048   if (timeout == 0)
00049     return ACE::recv_n_i (handle,
00050                           buf,
00051                           len,
00052                           flags,
00053                           bytes_transferred);
00054   else
00055     return ACE::recv_n_i (handle,
00056                           buf,
00057                           len,
00058                           flags,
00059                           timeout,
00060                           bytes_transferred);
00061 }

ssize_t ACE::recv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 888 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), recv_i(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), and ssize_t.

00893 {
00894   size_t temp;
00895   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
00896   ssize_t n;
00897   ssize_t result = 0;
00898   int error = 0;
00900   int val = 0;
00901   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00903   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
00904        bytes_transferred < len;
00905        bytes_transferred += n)
00906     {
00907       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
00908       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
00909       // block.
00910       n = ACE::recv_i (handle,
00911                        static_cast <char *> (buf) + bytes_transferred,
00912                        len - bytes_transferred);
00914       // Check for errors.
00915       if (n == 0 ||
00916           n == -1)
00917         {
00918           // Check for possible blocking.
00919           if (n == -1 &&
00920               errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
00921             {
00922               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
00923               int rtn = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
00924                                                 timeout);
00926               // Did select() succeed?
00927               if (rtn != -1)
00928                 {
00929                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
00930                   // data transfer.
00931                   n = 0;
00932                   continue;
00933                 }
00934             }
00936           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
00937           // select() failures.
00938           error = 1;
00939           result = n;
00940           break;
00941         }
00942     }
00944   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00946   if (error)
00947     return result;
00948   else
00949     return static_cast<ssize_t> (bytes_transferred);
00950 }

ssize_t ACE::recv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 838 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), recv_i(), and ssize_t.

00842 {
00843   size_t temp;
00844   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
00845   ssize_t n;
00847   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
00848        bytes_transferred < len;
00849        bytes_transferred += n)
00850     {
00851       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
00852       n = ACE::recv_i (handle,
00853                        static_cast <char *> (buf) + bytes_transferred,
00854                        len - bytes_transferred);
00855       // Check EOF.
00856       if (n == 0)
00857         {
00858           return 0;
00859         }
00860       // Check for other errors.
00861       if (n == -1)
00862         {
00863           // Check for possible blocking.
00864           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
00865             {
00866               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
00867               int result = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
00868                                                    0);
00870               // Did select() succeed?
00871               if (result != -1)
00872                 {
00873                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
00874                   n = 0;
00875                   continue;
00876                 }
00877             }
00879           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
00880           return -1;
00881         }
00882     }
00884   return static_cast<ssize_t> (bytes_transferred);
00885 }

ssize_t ACE::recv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 649 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::recv(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), and ssize_t.

00655 {
00656   size_t temp;
00657   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
00658   ssize_t n;
00659   ssize_t result = 0;
00660   int error = 0;
00662   int val = 0;
00663   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00665   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
00666        bytes_transferred < len;
00667        bytes_transferred += n)
00668     {
00669       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
00670       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
00671       // block.
00672       n = ACE_OS::recv (handle,
00673                         static_cast <char *> (buf) + bytes_transferred,
00674                         len - bytes_transferred,
00675                         flags);
00677       // Check for errors.
00678       if (n == 0 ||
00679           n == -1)
00680         {
00681           // Check for possible blocking.
00682           if (n == -1 &&
00683               errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
00684             {
00685               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
00686               int rtn = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
00687                                                 timeout);
00689               // Did select() succeed?
00690               if (rtn != -1)
00691                 {
00692                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
00693                   // data transfer.
00694                   n = 0;
00695                   continue;
00696                 }
00697             }
00699           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
00700           // select() failures.
00701           error = 1;
00702           result = n;
00703           break;
00704         }
00705     }
00707   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00709   if (error)
00710     return result;
00711   else
00712     return static_cast<ssize_t> (bytes_transferred);
00713 }

ssize_t ACE::recv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 598 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), ACE_OS::recv(), and ssize_t.

Referenced by recv_n().

00603 {
00604   size_t temp;
00605   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
00606   ssize_t n;
00608   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
00609        bytes_transferred < len;
00610        bytes_transferred += n)
00611     {
00612       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
00613       n = ACE_OS::recv (handle,
00614                         static_cast <char *> (buf) + bytes_transferred,
00615                         len - bytes_transferred,
00616                         flags);
00617       // Check EOF.
00618       if (n == 0)
00619         return 0;
00621       // Check for other errors.
00622       if (n == -1)
00623         {
00624           // Check for possible blocking.
00625           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
00626             {
00627               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
00628               int result = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
00629                                                    0);
00631               // Did select() succeed?
00632               if (result != -1)
00633                 {
00634                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
00635                   n = 0;
00636                   continue;
00637                 }
00638             }
00640           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
00641           return -1;
00642         }
00643     }
00645   return static_cast<ssize_t> (bytes_transferred);
00646 }

ssize_t ACE::recvfrom ACE_HANDLE  handle,
char *  buf,
int  len,
int  flags,
struct sockaddr *  addr,
int *  addrlen,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 565 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_recv_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), ACE_OS::recvfrom(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

00572 {
00573   if (timeout == 0)
00574     return ACE_OS::recvfrom (handle, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen);
00575   else
00576     {
00577 #if defined (ACE_HAS_RECVFROM_TIMEDWAIT)
00578       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
00579       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
00580       timespec_t ts = copy;
00581       return ::recvfrom_timedwait (handle, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen, &ts);
00582 #else
00583       int val = 0;
00584       if (ACE::enter_recv_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
00585         return -1;
00586       else
00587         {
00588           ssize_t bytes_transferred =
00589             ACE_OS::recvfrom (handle, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen);
00590           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00591           return bytes_transferred;
00592         }
00594     }
00595 }

ssize_t ACE::recvmsg ACE_HANDLE  handle,
struct msghdr msg,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 536 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_recv_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), ACE_OS::recvmsg(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

00540 {
00541   if (timeout == 0)
00542     return ACE_OS::recvmsg (handle, msg, flags);
00543   else
00544     {
00545 #if defined (ACE_HAS_RECVMSG_TIMEDWAIT)
00546       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
00547       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
00548       timespec_t ts = copy;
00549       return ::recvmsg_timedwait (handle, msg, flags, &ts);
00550 #else
00551       int val = 0;
00552       if (ACE::enter_recv_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
00553         return -1;
00554       else
00555         {
00556           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE_OS::recvmsg (handle, msg, flags);
00557           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00558           return bytes_transferred;
00559         }
00560 #endif /* ACE_HAS_RECVMSG_TIMEDWAIT */
00561     }
00562 }

ssize_t ACE::recvv ACE_HANDLE  handle,
iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 989 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_recv_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), ACE_OS::recvv(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

Referenced by ACE_Pipe::recv(), and ACE_SOCK_IO::recvv().

00993 {
00994   if (timeout == 0)
00995     return ACE_OS::recvv (handle, iov, iovcnt);
00996   else
00997     {
00998 #if defined (ACE_HAS_READV_TIMEDWAIT)
00999       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
01000       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
01001       timespec_t ts = copy;
01002       return ::readv_timedwait (handle, iov, iovcnt, &ts);
01003 #else
01004       int val = 0;
01005       if (ACE::enter_recv_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
01006         return -1;
01007       else
01008         {
01009           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE_OS::recvv (handle, iov, iovcnt);
01010           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01011           return bytes_transferred;
01012         }
01013 #endif /* ACE_HAS_READV_TIMEDWAIT */
01014     }
01015 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::recvv_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 111 of file ACE.inl.

References recvv_n_i().

Referenced by recv_n(), ACE_SOCK_Stream::recvv_n(), and ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association::recvv_n().

00116 {
00117   if (timeout == 0)
00118     return ACE::recvv_n_i (handle,
00119                            iov,
00120                            iovcnt,
00121                            bytes_transferred);
00122   else
00123     return ACE::recvv_n_i (handle,
00124                            iov,
00125                            iovcnt,
00126                            timeout,
00127                            bytes_transferred);
00128 }

ssize_t ACE::recvv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1080 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), iovec::iov_len, record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::recvv(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), and ssize_t.

01085 {
01086   size_t temp;
01087   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01088   bytes_transferred = 0;
01089   ssize_t result = 0;
01090   int error = 0;
01092   int val = 0;
01093   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01095   for (int s = 0;
01096        s < iovcnt;
01097        )
01098     {
01099       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01100       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
01101       // block.
01102       ssize_t n = ACE_OS::recvv (handle,
01103                                  iov + s,
01104                                  iovcnt - s);
01106       // Check for errors.
01107       if (n == 0 ||
01108           n == -1)
01109         {
01110           // Check for possible blocking.
01111           if (n == -1 &&
01112               errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
01113             {
01114               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
01115               int rtn = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
01116                                                 timeout);
01118               // Did select() succeed?
01119               if (rtn != -1)
01120                 {
01121                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
01122                   // data transfer.
01123                   n = 0;
01124                   continue;
01125                 }
01126             }
01128           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
01129           // select() failures.
01130           error = 1;
01131           result = n;
01132           break;
01133         }
01135       for (bytes_transferred += n;
01136            s < iovcnt
01137              && n >= static_cast<ssize_t> (iov[s].iov_len);
01138            s++)
01139         n -= iov[s].iov_len;
01141       if (n != 0)
01142         {
01143           char *base = reinterpret_cast<char *> (iov[s].iov_base);
01144           iov[s].iov_base = base + n;
01145           iov[s].iov_len = iov[s].iov_len - n;
01146         }
01147     }
01149   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01151   if (error)
01152     return result;
01153   else
01154     return bytes_transferred;
01155 }

ssize_t ACE::recvv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1018 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), iovec::iov_len, ACE_OS::recvv(), and ssize_t.

Referenced by recvv_n().

01022 {
01023   size_t temp;
01024   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01025   bytes_transferred = 0;
01027   for (int s = 0;
01028        s < iovcnt;
01029        )
01030     {
01031       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01032       ssize_t n = ACE_OS::recvv (handle,
01033                                  iov + s,
01034                                  iovcnt - s);
01035       // Check EOF.
01036       if (n == 0)
01037         return 0;
01039       // Check for other errors.
01040       if (n == -1)
01041         {
01042           // Check for possible blocking.
01043           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
01044             {
01045               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
01046               int result = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
01047                                                    0);
01049               // Did select() succeed?
01050               if (result != -1)
01051                 {
01052                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
01053                   n = 0;
01054                   continue;
01055                 }
01056             }
01058           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
01059           return -1;
01060         }
01062       for (bytes_transferred += n;
01063            s < iovcnt
01064              && n >= static_cast<ssize_t> (iov[s].iov_len);
01065            s++)
01066         n -= iov[s].iov_len;
01068       if (n != 0)
01069         {
01070           char *base = static_cast<char *> (iov[s].iov_base);
01071           iov[s].iov_base = base + n;
01072           iov[s].iov_len = iov[s].iov_len - n;
01073         }
01074     }
01076   return bytes_transferred;
01077 }

void ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode ACE_HANDLE  handle,
int  val

Cleanup after a timed operation, restore the appropriate non-blocking status of handle.

Definition at line 2344 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_BIT_DISABLED, ACE_NONBLOCK, and clr_flags().

Referenced by recv(), recv_n_i(), recvfrom(), recvmsg(), recvv(), recvv_n_i(), send(), send_n_i(), sendmsg(), sendto(), sendv(), sendv_n_i(), t_rcv(), t_rcv_n_i(), t_snd(), and t_snd_n_i().

02346 {
02347   if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (val,
02348                         ACE_NONBLOCK))
02349     {
02350       // Save/restore errno.
02351       ACE_Errno_Guard error (errno);
02352       // Only disable ACE_NONBLOCK if we weren't in non-blocking mode
02353       // originally.
02354       ACE::clr_flags (handle, ACE_NONBLOCK);
02355     }
02356 }

size_t ACE::round_to_allocation_granularity off_t  len  ) 

Rounds the request to a multiple of the allocation granularity.

Definition at line 2562 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TRACE, and ACE_OS::allocation_granularity().

02563 {
02564   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::round_to_allocation_granularity");
02566   if (ACE::allocation_granularity_ == 0)
02567     ACE::allocation_granularity_ = ACE_OS::allocation_granularity ();
02569   return (len + (ACE::allocation_granularity_ - 1)) & ~(ACE::allocation_granularity_ - 1);
02570 }

size_t ACE::round_to_pagesize off_t  len  ) 

Rounds the request to a multiple of the page size.

Definition at line 2551 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TRACE, and ACE_OS::getpagesize().

Referenced by ACE_Shared_Memory_Pool::init_acquire(), ACE_Shared_Memory_Pool::round_up(), ACE_Sbrk_Memory_Pool::round_up(), ACE_MMAP_Memory_Pool::round_up(), and ACE_Local_Memory_Pool::round_up().

02552 {
02553   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::round_to_pagesize");
02555   if (ACE::pagesize_ == 0)
02556     ACE::pagesize_ = ACE_OS::getpagesize ();
02558   return (len + (ACE::pagesize_ - 1)) & ~(ACE::pagesize_ - 1);
02559 }

int ACE::select int  width,
ACE_Handle_Set readfds,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Wrapper facade for the most common use of select that uses ACE_Handle_Sets.

Definition at line 205 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_Handle_Set::fdset(), ACE_OS::select(), and ACE_Handle_Set::sync().

00208 {
00209   int result = ACE_OS::select (width,
00210                                readfds.fdset (),
00211                                0,
00212                                0,
00213                                timeout);
00215 #if !defined (ACE_WIN32)
00216   if (result > 0)
00217     readfds.sync ((ACE_HANDLE) width);
00218 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00219   return result;
00220 }

int ACE::select int  width,
ACE_Handle_Set readfds,
ACE_Handle_Set writefds = 0,
ACE_Handle_Set exceptfds = 0,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Wrapper facade for select that uses ACE_Handle_Sets.

Definition at line 178 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_Handle_Set::fdset(), ACE_OS::select(), and ACE_Handle_Set::sync().

00183 {
00184   int result = ACE_OS::select (width,
00185                                readfds ? readfds->fdset () : 0,
00186                                writefds ? writefds->fdset () : 0,
00187                                exceptfds ? exceptfds->fdset () : 0,
00188                                timeout);
00189   if (result > 0)
00190     {
00191 # if !defined (ACE_WIN32)
00192       // This isn't needed for Windows... it's a no-op anyway.
00193       if (readfds)
00194         readfds->sync ((ACE_HANDLE) width);
00195       if (writefds)
00196         writefds->sync ((ACE_HANDLE) width);
00197       if (exceptfds)
00198         exceptfds->sync ((ACE_HANDLE) width);
00199 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00200     }
00201   return result;
00202 }

ssize_t ACE::send ACE_HANDLE  handle,
size_t  n,

Varargs variant.

Definition at line 1765 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NEW_RETURN, iovec::iov_base, iovec::iov_len, ACE_OS::sendv(), and ssize_t.

01766 {
01767   va_list argp;
01768   int total_tuples = static_cast<int> (n / 2);
01769   iovec *iovp;
01770 #if defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA)
01771   iovp = (iovec *) alloca (total_tuples * sizeof (iovec));
01772 #else
01773   ACE_NEW_RETURN (iovp,
01774                   iovec[total_tuples],
01775                   -1);
01776 #endif /* !defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA) */
01778   va_start (argp, n);
01780   for (int i = 0; i < total_tuples; i++)
01781     {
01782       iovp[i].iov_base = va_arg (argp, char *);
01783       iovp[i].iov_len = va_arg (argp, int);
01784     }
01786   ssize_t result = ACE_OS::sendv (handle, iovp, total_tuples);
01787 #if !defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA)
01788   delete [] iovp;
01789 #endif /* !defined (ACE_HAS_ALLOCA) */
01790   va_end (argp);
01791   return result;
01792 }

ssize_t ACE::send ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 1315 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_send_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), send_i(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

01319 {
01320   if (timeout == 0)
01321     return ACE::send_i (handle, buf, n);
01322   else
01323     {
01324 #if defined (ACE_HAS_WRITE_TIMEDWAIT)
01325       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
01326       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
01327       timespec_t ts = copy;
01328       return ::write_timedwait (handle, buf, n, &ts);
01329 #else
01330       int val = 0;
01331       if (ACE::enter_send_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
01332         return -1;
01333       else
01334         {
01335           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE::send_i (handle, buf, n);
01336           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01337           return bytes_transferred;
01338         }
01339 #endif /* ACE_HAS_WRITE_TIMEDWAIT */
01340     }
01341 }

ssize_t ACE::send ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 1258 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_send_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::send(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

Referenced by ACE_MEM_Acceptor::accept(), ACE_MEM_Connector::connect(), ACE_Select_Reactor_Notify::dispatch_notify(), ACE_Select_Reactor_Notify::notify(), ACE_AIOCB_Notify_Pipe_Manager::notify(), ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor_Notify::notify(), ACE_TLI_Stream::send(), ACE_SOCK_IO::send(), ACE_Reactive_MEM_IO::send_buf(), ACE_SOCK_Stream::send_urg(), and ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association::send_urg().

01263 {
01264   if (timeout == 0)
01265     return ACE_OS::send (handle, (const char *) buf, n, flags);
01266   else
01267     {
01268 #if defined (ACE_HAS_SEND_TIMEDWAIT)
01269       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
01270       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday();
01271       timespec_t ts = copy;
01272       return ::send_timedwait (handle, buf, n, flags, &ts);
01273 #else
01274       int val = 0;
01275       if (ACE::enter_send_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
01276         return -1;
01277       else
01278         {
01279           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE_OS::send (handle, (const char *) buf, n, flags);
01280           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01281           return bytes_transferred;
01282         }
01283 #endif /* ACE_HAS_SEND_TIMEDWAIT */
01284     }
01285 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::send_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len

Definition at line 221 of file ACE.inl.

References ACE_OS::send(), and ACE_OS::write().

Referenced by send(), and send_n_i().

00222 {
00223 #if defined (ACE_WIN32) || defined (HPUX)
00224   return ACE_OS::send (handle, (const char *) buf, len);
00225 #else
00226   return ACE_OS::write (handle, (const char *) buf, len);
00227 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
00228 }

ssize_t ACE::send_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Message_Block message_block,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Send all the message_blocks chained through their next and cont pointers. This call uses the underlying OS gather-write operation to reduce the domain-crossing penalty.

Definition at line 2065 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_IOV_MAX, ACE_Message_Block::cont(), iovec::iov_base, iovec::iov_len, ACE_Message_Block::length(), ACE_Message_Block::next(), ACE_Message_Block::rd_ptr(), sendv_n(), and ssize_t.

02069 {
02070   size_t temp;
02071   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
02072   bytes_transferred = 0;
02074   iovec iov[ACE_IOV_MAX];
02075   int iovcnt = 0;
02077   while (message_block != 0)
02078     {
02079       // Our current message block chain.
02080       const ACE_Message_Block *current_message_block = message_block;
02082       while (current_message_block != 0)
02083         {
02084           char *this_block_ptr = current_message_block->rd_ptr ();
02085           size_t current_message_block_length =
02086             current_message_block->length ();
02088           // Check if this block has any data to be sent.
02089           while (current_message_block_length > 0)
02090             {
02091               u_long this_chunk_length;
02092               if (current_message_block_length > ULONG_MAX)
02093                 this_chunk_length = ULONG_MAX;
02094               else
02095                 this_chunk_length =
02096                   static_cast<u_long> (current_message_block_length);
02097               // Collect the data in the iovec.
02098               iov[iovcnt].iov_base = this_block_ptr;
02099               iov[iovcnt].iov_len  = this_chunk_length;
02100               current_message_block_length -= this_chunk_length;
02101               this_block_ptr += this_chunk_length;
02103               // Increment iovec counter.
02104               ++iovcnt;
02106               // The buffer is full make a OS call.  @@ TODO find a way to
02107               // find ACE_IOV_MAX for platforms that do not define it rather
02108               // than simply setting ACE_IOV_MAX to some arbitrary value such
02109               // as 16.
02110               if (iovcnt == ACE_IOV_MAX)
02111                 {
02112                   size_t current_transfer = 0;
02114                   ssize_t result = ACE::sendv_n (handle,
02115                                                  iov,
02116                                                  iovcnt,
02117                                                  timeout,
02118                                                  &current_transfer);
02120                   // Add to total bytes transferred.
02121                   bytes_transferred += current_transfer;
02123                   // Errors.
02124                   if (result == -1 || result == 0)
02125                     return result;
02127                   // Reset iovec counter.
02128                   iovcnt = 0;
02129                 }
02130             }
02132           // Select the next message block in the chain.
02133           current_message_block = current_message_block->cont ();
02134         }
02136       // Selection of the next message block chain.
02137       message_block = message_block->next ();
02138     }
02140   // Check for remaining buffers to be sent.  This will happen when
02141   // ACE_IOV_MAX is not a multiple of the number of message blocks.
02142   if (iovcnt != 0)
02143     {
02144       size_t current_transfer = 0;
02146       ssize_t result = ACE::sendv_n (handle,
02147                                      iov,
02148                                      iovcnt,
02149                                      timeout,
02150                                      &current_transfer);
02152       // Add to total bytes transferred.
02153       bytes_transferred += current_transfer;
02155       // Errors.
02156       if (result == -1 || result == 0)
02157         return result;
02158     }
02160   // Return total bytes transferred.
02161   return bytes_transferred;
02162 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::send_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 181 of file ACE.inl.

References send_n_i().

00186 {
00187   if (timeout == 0)
00188     return ACE::send_n_i (handle,
00189                           buf,
00190                           len,
00191                           bytes_transferred);
00192   else
00193     return ACE::send_n_i (handle,
00194                           buf,
00195                           len,
00196                           timeout,
00197                           bytes_transferred);
00198 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::send_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 131 of file ACE.inl.

References send_n_i().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Stream::send_n(), ACE_SOCK_Stream::send_n(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association::send_n(), ACE_Pipe::send_n(), and ACE_FIFO_Send::send_n().

00137 {
00138   if (timeout == 0)
00139     return ACE::send_n_i (handle,
00140                           buf,
00141                           len,
00142                           flags,
00143                           bytes_transferred);
00144   else
00145     return ACE::send_n_i (handle,
00146                           buf,
00147                           len,
00148                           flags,
00149                           timeout,
00150                           bytes_transferred);
00151 }

ssize_t ACE::send_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1695 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), send_i(), and ssize_t.

01700 {
01701   size_t temp;
01702   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01703   ssize_t n;
01704   ssize_t result = 0;
01705   int error = 0;
01707   int val = 0;
01708   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01710   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
01711        bytes_transferred < len;
01712        bytes_transferred += n)
01713     {
01714       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01715       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
01716       // block.
01717       n = ACE::send_i (handle,
01718                        (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
01719                        len - bytes_transferred);
01721       // Check for errors.
01722       if (n == 0 ||
01723           n == -1)
01724         {
01725           // Check for possible blocking.
01726           if (n == -1 &&
01727               errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01728             {
01729               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
01730               int rtn = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01731                                                  timeout);
01733               // Did select() succeed?
01734               if (rtn != -1)
01735                 {
01736                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
01737                   // data transfer.
01738                   n = 0;
01739                   continue;
01740                 }
01741             }
01743           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
01744           // select() failures.
01745           error = 1;
01746           result = n;
01747           break;
01748         }
01749     }
01751   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01753   if (error)
01754     return result;
01755   else
01756     return bytes_transferred;
01757 }

ssize_t ACE::send_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1646 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), send_i(), and ssize_t.

01650 {
01651   size_t temp;
01652   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01653   ssize_t n;
01655   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
01656        bytes_transferred < len;
01657        bytes_transferred += n)
01658     {
01659       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01660       n = ACE::send_i (handle,
01661                        (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
01662                        len - bytes_transferred);
01663       // Check EOF.
01664       if (n == 0)
01665         return 0;
01667       // Check for other errors.
01668       if (n == -1)
01669         {
01670           // Check for possible blocking.
01671           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01672             {
01673               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
01674               int result = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01675                                                     0);
01677               // Did select() succeed?
01678               if (result != -1)
01679                 {
01680                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
01681                   n = 0;
01682                   continue;
01683                 }
01684             }
01686           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
01687           return -1;
01688         }
01689     }
01691   return bytes_transferred;
01692 }

ssize_t ACE::send_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1457 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::send(), and ssize_t.

01463 {
01464   size_t temp;
01465   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01466   ssize_t n;
01467   ssize_t result = 0;
01468   int error = 0;
01470   int val = 0;
01471   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01473   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
01474        bytes_transferred < len;
01475        bytes_transferred += n)
01476     {
01477       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01478       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
01479       // block.
01480       n = ACE_OS::send (handle,
01481                         (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
01482                         len - bytes_transferred,
01483                         flags);
01485       // Check for errors.
01486       if (n == 0 ||
01487           n == -1)
01488         {
01489           // Check for possible blocking.
01490           if (n == -1 &&
01491               errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01492             {
01493               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
01494               int rtn = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01495                                                  timeout);
01497               // Did select() succeed?
01498               if (rtn != -1)
01499                 {
01500                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
01501                   // data transfer.
01502                   n = 0;
01503                   continue;
01504                 }
01505             }
01507           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
01508           // select() failures.
01509           error = 1;
01510           result = n;
01511           break;
01512         }
01513     }
01515   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01517   if (error)
01518     return result;
01519   else
01520     return bytes_transferred;
01521 }

ssize_t ACE::send_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1406 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), ACE_OS::send(), and ssize_t.

Referenced by send_n().

01411 {
01412   size_t temp;
01413   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01414   ssize_t n;
01416   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
01417        bytes_transferred < len;
01418        bytes_transferred += n)
01419     {
01420       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01421       n = ACE_OS::send (handle,
01422                         (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
01423                         len - bytes_transferred,
01424                         flags);
01425       // Check EOF.
01426       if (n == 0)
01427         return 0;
01429       // Check for other errors.
01430       if (n == -1)
01431         {
01432           // Check for possible blocking.
01433           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01434             {
01435               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
01436               int result = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01437                                                     0);
01439               // Did select() succeed?
01440               if (result != -1)
01441                 {
01442                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
01443                   n = 0;
01444                   continue;
01445                 }
01446             }
01448           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
01449           return -1;
01450         }
01451     }
01453   return bytes_transferred;
01454 }

ssize_t ACE::sendmsg ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const struct msghdr msg,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 1344 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_send_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::sendmsg(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

01348 {
01349   if (timeout == 0)
01350     return ACE_OS::sendmsg (handle, msg, flags);
01351   else
01352     {
01353 #if defined (ACE_HAS_SENDMSG_TIMEDWAIT)
01354       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
01355       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
01356       timespec_t ts = copy;
01357       return ::sendmsg_timedwait (handle, msg, flags, &ts);
01358 #else
01359       int val = 0;
01360       if (ACE::enter_send_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
01361         return -1;
01362       else
01363         {
01364           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE_OS::sendmsg (handle, msg, flags);
01365           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01366           return bytes_transferred;
01367         }
01368 #endif /* ACE_HAS_SENDMSG_TIMEDWAIT */
01369     }
01370 }

ssize_t ACE::sendto ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const char *  buf,
int  len,
int  flags,
const struct sockaddr *  addr,
int  addrlen,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 1373 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_send_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::sendto(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

01380 {
01381   if (timeout == 0)
01382     return ACE_OS::sendto (handle, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen);
01383   else
01384     {
01385 #if defined (ACE_HAS_SENDTO_TIMEDWAIT)
01386       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
01387       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
01388       timespec_t ts = copy;
01389       return ::sendto_timedwait (handle, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen, ts);
01390 #else
01391       int val = 0;
01392       if (ACE::enter_send_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
01393         return -1;
01394       else
01395         {
01396           ssize_t bytes_transferred =
01397             ACE_OS::sendto (handle, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen);
01398           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01399           return bytes_transferred;
01400         }
01401 #endif /* ACE_HAS_SENDTO_TIMEDWAIT */
01402     }
01403 }

ssize_t ACE::sendv ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 1795 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_send_timedwait(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::sendv(), ssize_t, and timespec_t.

Referenced by ACE_Pipe::send(), and ACE_SOCK_IO::sendv().

01799 {
01800   if (timeout == 0)
01801     return ACE_OS::sendv (handle, iov, iovcnt);
01802   else
01803     {
01804 #if defined (ACE_HAS_WRITEV_TIMEDWAIT)
01805       ACE_Time_Value copy = *timeout;
01806       copy += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
01807       timespec_t ts = copy;
01808       return ::sendv_timedwait (handle, iov, iovcnt, &ts);
01809 #else
01810       int val = 0;
01811       if (ACE::enter_send_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
01812         return -1;
01813       else
01814         {
01815           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE_OS::sendv (handle, iov, iovcnt);
01816           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01817           return bytes_transferred;
01818         }
01819 #endif /* ACE_HAS_WRITEV_TIMEDWAIT */
01820     }
01821 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::sendv_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 201 of file ACE.inl.

References sendv_n_i().

Referenced by send_n(), ACE_SOCK_Stream::sendv_n(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association::sendv_n(), and ACE_Pipe::sendv_n().

00206 {
00207   if (timeout == 0)
00208     return ACE::sendv_n_i (handle,
00209                            iov,
00210                            iovcnt,
00211                            bytes_transferred);
00212   else
00213     return ACE::sendv_n_i (handle,
00214                            iov,
00215                            iovcnt,
00216                            timeout,
00217                            bytes_transferred);
00218 }

ssize_t ACE::sendv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1888 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), iovec::iov_len, record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_OS::sendv(), and ssize_t.

01893 {
01894   size_t temp;
01895   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01896   bytes_transferred = 0;
01897   ssize_t result = 0;
01898   int error = 0;
01900   int val = 0;
01901   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01903   iovec *iov = const_cast<iovec *> (i);
01905   for (int s = 0;
01906        s < iovcnt;
01907        )
01908     {
01909       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01910       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
01911       // block.
01912       ssize_t n = ACE_OS::sendv (handle,
01913                                  iov + s,
01914                                  iovcnt - s);
01916       // Check for errors.
01917       if (n == 0 ||
01918           n == -1)
01919         {
01920           // Check for possible blocking.
01921           if (n == -1 &&
01922               errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01923             {
01924               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
01925               int rtn = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01926                                                  timeout);
01928               // Did select() succeed?
01929               if (rtn != -1)
01930                 {
01931                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
01932                   // data transfer.
01933                   n = 0;
01934                   continue;
01935                 }
01936             }
01938           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
01939           // select() failures.
01940           error = 1;
01941           result = n;
01942           break;
01943         }
01945       for (bytes_transferred += n;
01946            s < iovcnt
01947              && n >= static_cast<ssize_t> (iov[s].iov_len);
01948            s++)
01949         n -= iov[s].iov_len;
01951       if (n != 0)
01952         {
01953           char *base = reinterpret_cast<char *> (iov[s].iov_base);
01954           iov[s].iov_base = base + n;
01955           iov[s].iov_len = iov[s].iov_len - n;
01956         }
01957     }
01959   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01961   if (error)
01962     return result;
01963   else
01964     return bytes_transferred;
01965 }

ssize_t ACE::sendv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1824 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), iovec::iov_len, ACE_OS::sendv(), and ssize_t.

Referenced by sendv_n().

01828 {
01829   size_t temp;
01830   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01831   bytes_transferred = 0;
01833   iovec *iov = const_cast<iovec *> (i);
01835   for (int s = 0;
01836        s < iovcnt;
01837        )
01838     {
01839       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01840       ssize_t n = ACE_OS::sendv (handle,
01841                                  iov + s,
01842                                  iovcnt - s);
01843       // Check EOF.
01844       if (n == 0)
01845         return 0;
01847       // Check for other errors.
01848       if (n == -1)
01849         {
01850           // Check for possible blocking.
01851           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01852             {
01853               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
01854               int result = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01855                                                     0);
01857               // Did select() succeed?
01858               if (result != -1)
01859                 {
01860                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
01861                   n = 0;
01862                   continue;
01863                 }
01864             }
01866           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
01867           return -1;
01868         }
01870       for (bytes_transferred += n;
01871            s < iovcnt
01872              && n >= static_cast<ssize_t> (iov[s].iov_len);
01873            s++)
01874         n -= iov[s].iov_len;
01876       if (n != 0)
01877         {
01878           char *base = reinterpret_cast<char *> (iov[s].iov_base);
01879           iov[s].iov_base = base + n;
01880           iov[s].iov_len = iov[s].iov_len - n;
01881         }
01882     }
01884   return bytes_transferred;
01885 }

int  flags

Set flags associated with handle.

Definition at line 27 of file Flag_Manip.cpp.


Referenced by ACE_AIOCB_Notify_Pipe_Manager::ACE_AIOCB_Notify_Pipe_Manager(), ACE_WIN32_Asynch_Connect::connect_i(), ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Connect::connect_i(), ACE_IPC_SAP::enable(), ACE_IO_SAP::enable(), ACE_Select_Reactor_Notify::open(), ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor_Notify::open(), record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor::shared_accept_start(), and ACE_SOCK_Acceptor::shared_accept_start().

00028 {
00029   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::set_flags");
00030 #if defined (ACE_LACKS_FCNTL)
00031   switch (flags)
00032     {
00033     case ACE_NONBLOCK:
00034       // nonblocking argument (1)
00035       // blocking:            (0)
00036       {
00037         int nonblock = 1;
00038         return ACE_OS::ioctl (handle, FIONBIO, &nonblock);
00039       }
00040     default:
00041       ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);
00042     }
00043 #else
00044   int val = ACE_OS::fcntl (handle, F_GETFL, 0);
00046   if (val == -1)
00047     return -1;
00049   // Turn on flags.
00050   ACE_SET_BITS (val, flags);
00052   if (ACE_OS::fcntl (handle, F_SETFL, val) == -1)
00053     return -1;
00054   else
00055     return 0;
00056 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_FCNTL */
00057 }

int ACE::set_handle_limit int  new_limit = -1,
int  increase_limit_only = 0

Reset the limit on the number of open handles. If new_limit == -1 set the limit to the maximum allowable. Otherwise, set the limit value to new_limit. If increase_limit_only is non-0 then only allow increases to the limit.

Definition at line 2947 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN, ACE_TRACE, ACE_OS::getrlimit(), max_handles(), ACE_OS::memset(), and ACE_OS::setrlimit().

Referenced by ACE_POSIX_AIOCB_Proactor::check_max_aio_num(), ACE_Select_Reactor_Handler_Repository::open(), and ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor_Handler_Repository::open().

02949 {
02950   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::set_handle_limit");
02951   int cur_limit = ACE::max_handles ();
02952   int max_limit = cur_limit;
02954   if (cur_limit == -1)
02955     return -1;
02957 #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT) && defined (RLIMIT_NOFILE)
02958   struct rlimit rl;
02960   ACE_OS::memset ((void *) &rl, 0, sizeof rl);
02961   int r = ACE_OS::getrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);
02962   if (r == 0)
02963     max_limit = rl.rlim_max;
02964 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT */
02966   if (new_limit == -1)
02967     new_limit = max_limit;
02969   if (new_limit < 0)
02970     {
02971       errno = EINVAL;
02972       return -1;
02973     }
02974   else if (new_limit > cur_limit)
02975     {
02976       // Increase the limit.
02977 #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT) && defined (RLIMIT_NOFILE)
02978       rl.rlim_cur = new_limit;
02979       return ACE_OS::setrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);
02980 #else
02981       // Must return EINVAL errno.
02982       ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);
02983 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT */
02984     }
02985   else if (increase_limit_only == 0)
02986     {
02987       // Decrease the limit.
02988 #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT) && defined (RLIMIT_NOFILE)
02989       rl.rlim_cur = new_limit;
02990       return ACE_OS::setrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);
02991 #else
02992       // We give a chance to platforms without RLIMIT to work.
02993       // Instead of ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (0), just return 0 because
02994       // new_limit is <= cur_limit, so it's a no-op.
02995       return 0;
02996 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_RLIMIT */
02997     }
02999   return 0;
03000 }

const ACE_TCHAR * ACE::sock_error int  error  ) 

Returns a string containing the error message corresponding to a WinSock error. This works around an omission in the Win32 API.

For internal use only.

Definition at line 3091 of file ACE.cpp.


Referenced by ACE_Log_Msg::log(), and ACE_OS::strerror().

03092 {
03093 #if defined (ACE_WIN32)
03094   static ACE_TCHAR unknown_msg[64];
03096   switch (error)
03097     {
03099       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("version of WinSock not supported");
03100       /* NOTREACHED */
03101     case WSASYSNOTREADY:
03102       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("WinSock not present or not responding");
03103       /* NOTREACHED */
03104     case WSAEINVAL:
03105       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("app version not supported by DLL");
03106       /* NOTREACHED */
03107     case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND:
03108       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Authoritive: Host not found");
03109       /* NOTREACHED */
03110     case WSATRY_AGAIN:
03111       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Non-authoritive: host not found or server failure");
03112       /* NOTREACHED */
03113     case WSANO_RECOVERY:
03114       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Non-recoverable: refused or not implemented");
03115       /* NOTREACHED */
03116     case WSANO_DATA:
03117       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Valid name, no data record for type");
03118       /* NOTREACHED */
03119       /*
03120         case WSANO_ADDRESS:
03121         return "Valid name, no MX record";
03122       */
03124       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("WSA Startup not initialized");
03125       /* NOTREACHED */
03126     case WSAENETDOWN:
03127       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Network subsystem failed");
03128       /* NOTREACHED */
03129     case WSAEINPROGRESS:
03130       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Blocking operation in progress");
03131       /* NOTREACHED */
03132     case WSAEINTR:
03133       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Blocking call cancelled");
03134       /* NOTREACHED */
03135     case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT:
03136       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("address family not supported");
03137       /* NOTREACHED */
03138     case WSAEMFILE:
03139       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("no file handles available");
03140       /* NOTREACHED */
03141     case WSAENOBUFS:
03142       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("no buffer space available");
03143       /* NOTREACHED */
03145       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("specified protocol not supported");
03146       /* NOTREACHED */
03147     case WSAEPROTOTYPE:
03148       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("protocol wrong type for this socket");
03149       /* NOTREACHED */
03151       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("socket type not supported for address family");
03152       /* NOTREACHED */
03153     case WSAENOTSOCK:
03154       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("handle is not a socket");
03155       /* NOTREACHED */
03156     case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
03157       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("resource temporarily unavailable");
03158       /* NOTREACHED */
03159     case WSAEADDRINUSE:
03160       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("address already in use");
03161       /* NOTREACHED */
03162     case WSAECONNABORTED:
03163       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("connection aborted");
03164       /* NOTREACHED */
03165     case WSAECONNRESET:
03166       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("connection reset");
03167       /* NOTREACHED */
03168     case WSAENOTCONN:
03169       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("not connected");
03170       /* NOTREACHED */
03171     case WSAETIMEDOUT:
03172       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("connection timed out");
03173       /* NOTREACHED */
03174     case WSAECONNREFUSED:
03175       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("connection refused");
03176       /* NOTREACHED */
03177     case WSAEHOSTDOWN:
03178       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("host down");
03179       /* NOTREACHED */
03180     case WSAEHOSTUNREACH:
03181       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("host unreachable");
03182       /* NOTREACHED */
03183     case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL:
03184       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("address not available");
03185       /* NOTREACHED */
03186     case WSAEISCONN:
03187       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("socket is already connected");
03188       /* NOTREACHED */
03189     case WSAENETRESET:
03190       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("network dropped connection on reset");
03191       /* NOTREACHED */
03192     case WSAEMSGSIZE:
03193       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("message too long");
03194       /* NOTREACHED */
03195     case WSAENETUNREACH:
03196       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("network is unreachable");
03197       /* NOTREACHED */
03198     case WSAEFAULT:
03199       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("bad address");
03200       /* NOTREACHED */
03201     case WSAEDISCON:
03202       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("graceful shutdown in progress");
03203       /* NOTREACHED */
03204     case WSAEACCES:
03205       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("permission denied");
03206       /* NOTREACHED */
03207     case WSAESHUTDOWN:
03208       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("cannot send after socket shutdown");
03209       /* NOTREACHED */
03210     case WSAEPROCLIM:
03211       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("too many processes");
03212       /* NOTREACHED */
03213     case WSAEALREADY:
03214       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("operation already in progress");
03215       /* NOTREACHED */
03216     case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT:
03217       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("protocol family not supported");
03218       /* NOTREACHED */
03219     case WSAENOPROTOOPT:
03220       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("bad protocol option");
03221       /* NOTREACHED */
03222     case WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND:
03223       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("class type not found");
03224       /* NOTREACHED */
03225     case WSAEOPNOTSUPP:
03226       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("operation not supported");
03227       /* NOTREACHED */
03228     case WSAEDESTADDRREQ:
03229       return ACE_LIB_TEXT ("destination address required");
03230       /* NOTREACHED */
03231     default:
03232       ACE_OS::sprintf (unknown_msg, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("unknown error: %d"), error);
03233       return unknown_msg;
03234       /* NOTREACHED */
03235     }
03236 #else
03237   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (error);
03238   ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (0);
03239 #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
03240 }

ACE_INLINE void ACE::strdelete wchar_t *  s  ) 

Definition at line 281 of file ACE.inl.

00282 {
00283   delete [] s;
00284 }

ACE_INLINE void ACE::strdelete char *  s  ) 

Delete the memory allocated by strnew.

Definition at line 274 of file ACE.inl.

Referenced by ACE_Process_Options::command_line_argv(), ACE_Service_Type_Impl::name(), ACE_Framework_Component::~ACE_Framework_Component(), and ACE_Process_Options::~ACE_Process_Options().

00275 {
00276   delete [] s;
00277 }

const wchar_t * ACE::strend const wchar_t *  s  ) 

Definition at line 3401 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TEXT_WIDE.

03402 {
03403   while (*s++ != ACE_TEXT_WIDE ('\0'))
03404     continue;
03406   return s;
03407 }

const char * ACE::strend const char *  s  ) 

Returns a pointer to the "end" of the string, i.e., the character past the ''.

Definition at line 3391 of file ACE.cpp.

03392 {
03393   while (*s++ != '\0')
03394     continue;
03396   return s;
03397 }

ACE_TCHAR * ACE::strenvdup const ACE_TCHAR str  ) 

Return a dynamically allocated duplicate of str, substituting the environment variable if str[0] == '$'. Note that the pointer is allocated with ACE_OS::malloc and must be freed by ACE_OS::free.

Definition at line 379 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_TCHAR, ACE_TRACE, and ACE_OS::strenvdup().

00380 {
00381   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::strenvdup");
00383   return ACE_OS::strenvdup (str);
00384 }

wchar_t * ACE::strndup const wchar_t *  str,
size_t  n

Definition at line 3324 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_ALLOCATOR_RETURN, and ACE_OS::strsncpy().

03325 {
03326   const wchar_t *t = str;
03327   size_t len;
03329   // Figure out how long this string is (remember, it might not be
03330   // NUL-terminated).
03332   for (len = 0;
03333        len < n && *t++ != '\0';
03334        len++)
03335     continue;
03337   wchar_t *s;
03339                         static_cast<wchar_t *> (
03340             ACE_OS::malloc ((len + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t))),
03341                         0);
03342   return ACE_OS::strsncpy (s, str, len + 1);
03343 }

char * ACE::strndup const char *  str,
size_t  n

Create a fresh new copy of str, up to n chars long. Uses ACE_OS::malloc to allocate the new string.

Definition at line 3302 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_ALLOCATOR_RETURN, and ACE_OS::strsncpy().

03303 {
03304   const char *t = str;
03305   size_t len;
03307   // Figure out how long this string is (remember, it might not be
03308   // NUL-terminated).
03310   for (len = 0;
03311        len < n && *t++ != '\0';
03312        len++)
03313     continue;
03315   char *s;
03317                         (char *) ACE_OS::malloc (len + 1),
03318                         0);
03319   return ACE_OS::strsncpy (s, str, len + 1);
03320 }

wchar_t * ACE::strnew const wchar_t *  s  ) 

Definition at line 3427 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NEW_RETURN, and ACE_OS::strcpy().

03428 {
03429   if (s == 0)
03430     return 0;
03431   wchar_t *t = 0;
03432   ACE_NEW_RETURN (t,
03433                   wchar_t[ACE_OS::strlen (s) + 1],
03434                   0);
03435   if (t == 0)
03436     return 0;
03437   else
03438     return ACE_OS::strcpy (t, s);
03439 }

char * ACE::strnew const char *  s  ) 

This method is just like strdup, except that it uses operator new rather than malloc. If s is NULL returns NULL rather than segfaulting.

Definition at line 3411 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NEW_RETURN, and ACE_OS::strcpy().

Referenced by ACE_Logging_Strategy::ACE_Logging_Strategy(), ACE_Process_Options::command_line_argv(), ACE_NT_Service::host(), ACE_Function_Node::make_func_name(), ACE_MEM_Acceptor::mmap_prefix(), ACE_Service_Type_Impl::name(), ACE_Service_Type::name(), ACE_NT_Service::name(), ACE_DLL_Handle::open(), ACE_DLL::open_i(), and ACE_Logging_Strategy::parse_args().

03412 {
03413   if (s == 0)
03414     return 0;
03415   char *t = 0;
03416   ACE_NEW_RETURN (t,
03417                   char [::strlen (s) + 1],
03418                   0);
03419   if (t == 0)
03420     return 0;
03421   else
03422     return ACE_OS::strcpy (t, s);
03423 }

wchar_t * ACE::strnnew const wchar_t *  str,
size_t  n

Definition at line 3369 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NEW_RETURN, ACE_TEXT_WIDE, and ACE_OS::strsncpy().

03370 {
03371   const wchar_t *t = str;
03372   size_t len;
03374   // Figure out how long this string is (remember, it might not be
03375   // NUL-terminated).
03377   for (len = 0;
03378        len < n && *t++ != ACE_TEXT_WIDE ('\0');
03379        len++)
03380     continue;
03382   wchar_t *s;
03383   ACE_NEW_RETURN (s,
03384                   wchar_t[len + 1],
03385                   0);
03386   return ACE_OS::strsncpy (s, str, len + 1);
03387 }

char * ACE::strnnew const char *  str,
size_t  n

Create a fresh new copy of str, up to n chars long. Uses ACE_OS::malloc to allocate the new string.

Definition at line 3347 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NEW_RETURN, and ACE_OS::strsncpy().

03348 {
03349   const char *t = str;
03350   size_t len;
03352   // Figure out how long this string is (remember, it might not be
03353   // NUL-terminated).
03355   for (len = 0;
03356        len < n && *t++ != L'\0';
03357        len++)
03358     continue;
03360   char *s;
03361   ACE_NEW_RETURN (s,
03362                   char[len + 1],
03363                   0);
03364   return ACE_OS::strsncpy (s, str, len + 1);
03365 }

size_t ACE::strrepl wchar_t *  s,
wchar_t  search,
wchar_t  replace

As strrepl, but for wide characters.

Definition at line 756 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_TRACE.

00757 {
00758   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::strrepl");
00760   size_t replaced = 0;
00762   for (size_t i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
00763     if (s[i] == search)
00764       {
00765         s[i] = replace;
00766         replaced++;
00767       }
00769   return replaced;
00770 }

size_t ACE::strrepl char *  s,
char  search,
char  replace

Replace all instances of search in s with replace. Returns the number of replacements made.

Definition at line 668 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_TRACE.

Referenced by ldfind().

00669 {
00670   ACE_TRACE ("ACE::strrepl");
00672   size_t replaced = 0;
00674   for (size_t i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
00675     if (s[i] == search)
00676       {
00677         s[i] = replace;
00678         replaced++;
00679       }
00681   return replaced;
00682 }

wchar_t * ACE::strsplit_r wchar_t *  s,
const wchar_t *  token,
wchar_t *&  next_start

As strsplit_r, but for wide characters.

Definition at line 723 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_OS::strlen(), and ACE_OS::strstr().

00726 {
00727   wchar_t *result = 0;
00729   if (str != 0)
00730     next_start = str;
00732   if (next_start != 0)
00733     {
00734       wchar_t *tok_loc = ACE_OS::strstr (next_start, token);
00736       if (tok_loc != 0)
00737         {
00738           // Return the beginning of the string.
00739           result = next_start;
00741           // Insure it's terminated.
00742           *tok_loc = '\0';
00743           next_start = tok_loc + ACE_OS::strlen (token);
00744         }
00745       else
00746         {
00747           result = next_start;
00748           next_start = (wchar_t *) 0;
00749         }
00750     }
00752   return result;
00753 }

char * ACE::strsplit_r char *  s,
const char *  token,
char *&  next_start

Splits string into pieces separated by the string . is an opaque cookie handed back by the call to store its state for the next invocation, thus making it re-entrant. This operates very similar to Perl's function except that it returns pieces one at a time instead of into an array.

Definition at line 689 of file Lib_Find.cpp.

References ACE_OS::strlen(), and ACE_OS::strstr().

Referenced by ldfind().

00692 {
00693   char *result = 0;
00695   if (str != 0)
00696     next_start = str;
00698   if (next_start != 0)
00699     {
00700       char *tok_loc = ACE_OS::strstr (next_start, token);
00702       if (tok_loc != 0)
00703         {
00704           // Return the beginning of the string.
00705           result = next_start;
00707           // Insure it's terminated.
00708           *tok_loc = '\0';
00709           next_start = tok_loc + ACE_OS::strlen (token);
00710         }
00711       else
00712         {
00713           result = next_start;
00714           next_start = (char *) 0;
00715         }
00716     }
00718   return result;
00719 }

ssize_t ACE::t_rcv ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int *  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 481 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_recv_timedwait(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and ACE_OS::t_rcv().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Stream::recv().

00486 {
00487   if (timeout == 0)
00488     return ACE_OS::t_rcv (handle, (char *) buf, len, flags);
00489   else
00490     {
00491       int val = 0;
00492       if (ACE::enter_recv_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) ==-1)
00493         return -1;
00494       else
00495         {
00496           ssize_t bytes_transferred =
00497             ACE_OS::t_rcv (handle, (char *) buf, len, flags);
00498           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00499           return bytes_transferred;
00500         }
00501     }
00502 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::t_rcv_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int *  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 66 of file ACE.inl.

References t_rcv_n_i().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Stream::recv_n().

00072 {
00073   if (timeout == 0)
00074     return ACE::t_rcv_n_i (handle,
00075                            buf,
00076                            len,
00077                            flags,
00078                            bytes_transferred);
00079   else
00080     return ACE::t_rcv_n_i (handle,
00081                            buf,
00082                            len,
00083                            flags,
00084                            timeout,
00085                            bytes_transferred);
00086 }

ssize_t ACE::t_rcv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int *  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 769 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and ACE_OS::t_rcv().

00775 {
00776   size_t temp;
00777   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
00778   ssize_t n;
00779   ssize_t result = 0;
00780   int error = 0;
00782   int val = 0;
00783   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00785   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
00786        bytes_transferred < len;
00787        bytes_transferred += n)
00788     {
00789       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
00790       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
00791       // block.
00792       n = ACE_OS::t_rcv (handle,
00793                          (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
00794                          len - bytes_transferred,
00795                          flags);
00797       // Check for errors.
00798       if (n == 0 ||
00799           n == -1)
00800         {
00801           // Check for possible blocking.
00802           if (n == -1 &&
00803               errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
00804             {
00805               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
00806               int rtn = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
00807                                                 timeout);
00809               // Did select() succeed?
00810               if (rtn != -1)
00811                 {
00812                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
00813                   // data transfer.
00814                   n = 0;
00815                   continue;
00816                 }
00817             }
00819           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
00820           // select() failures.
00821           error = 1;
00822           result = n;
00823           break;
00824         }
00825     }
00827   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
00829   if (error)
00830     return result;
00831   else
00832     return bytes_transferred;
00833 }

ssize_t ACE::t_rcv_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int *  flags,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 718 of file ACE.cpp.

References EWOULDBLOCK, handle_read_ready(), ssize_t, and ACE_OS::t_rcv().

Referenced by t_rcv_n().

00723 {
00724   size_t temp;
00725   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
00726   ssize_t n;
00728   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
00729        bytes_transferred < len;
00730        bytes_transferred += n)
00731     {
00732       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
00733       n = ACE_OS::t_rcv (handle,
00734                          (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
00735                          len - bytes_transferred,
00736                          flags);
00737       // Check EOF.
00738       if (n == 0)
00739         return 0;
00741       // Check for other errors.
00742       if (n == -1)
00743         {
00744           // Check for possible blocking.
00745           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
00746             {
00747               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
00748               int result = ACE::handle_read_ready (handle,
00749                                                    0);
00751               // Did select() succeed?
00752               if (result != -1)
00753                 {
00754                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
00755                   n = 0;
00756                   continue;
00757                 }
00758             }
00760           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
00761           return -1;
00762         }
00763     }
00765   return bytes_transferred;
00766 }

ssize_t ACE::t_snd ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0

Definition at line 1290 of file ACE.cpp.

References enter_send_timedwait(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and ACE_OS::t_snd().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Stream::send().

01295 {
01296   if (timeout == 0)
01297     return ACE_OS::t_snd (handle, (const char *) buf, n, flags);
01298   else
01299     {
01300       int val = 0;
01301       if (ACE::enter_send_timedwait (handle, timeout, val) == -1)
01302         return -1;
01303       else
01304         {
01305           ssize_t bytes_transferred = ACE_OS::t_snd (handle, (const char *) buf, n, flags);
01306           ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01307           return bytes_transferred;
01308         }
01309     }
01310 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::t_snd_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout = 0,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 156 of file ACE.inl.

References t_snd_n_i().

Referenced by ACE_TLI_Stream::send_n().

00162 {
00163   if (timeout == 0)
00164     return ACE::t_snd_n_i (handle,
00165                            buf,
00166                            len,
00167                            flags,
00168                            bytes_transferred);
00169   else
00170     return ACE::t_snd_n_i (handle,
00171                            buf,
00172                            len,
00173                            flags,
00174                            timeout,
00175                            bytes_transferred);
00176 }

ssize_t ACE::t_snd_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
const ACE_Time_Value timeout,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1577 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), record_and_set_non_blocking_mode(), restore_non_blocking_mode(), ssize_t, and ACE_OS::t_snd().

01583 {
01584   size_t temp;
01585   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01586   ssize_t n;
01587   ssize_t result = 0;
01588   int error = 0;
01590   int val = 0;
01591   ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01593   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
01594        bytes_transferred < len;
01595        bytes_transferred += n)
01596     {
01597       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01598       // Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, this call will not
01599       // block.
01600       n = ACE_OS::t_snd (handle,
01601                          (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
01602                          len - bytes_transferred,
01603                          flags);
01605       // Check for errors.
01606       if (n == 0 ||
01607           n == -1)
01608         {
01609           // Check for possible blocking.
01610           if (n == -1 &&
01611               errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01612             {
01613               // Wait upto <timeout> for the blocking to subside.
01614               int rtn = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01615                                                  timeout);
01617               // Did select() succeed?
01618               if (rtn != -1)
01619                 {
01620                   // Blocking subsided in <timeout> period.  Continue
01621                   // data transfer.
01622                   n = 0;
01623                   continue;
01624                 }
01625             }
01627           // Wait in select() timed out or other data transfer or
01628           // select() failures.
01629           error = 1;
01630           result = n;
01631           break;
01632         }
01633     }
01635   ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (handle, val);
01637   if (error)
01638     return result;
01639   else
01640     return bytes_transferred;
01641 }

ssize_t ACE::t_snd_n_i ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
int  flags,
size_t *  bytes_transferred

Definition at line 1526 of file ACE.cpp.

References ENOBUFS, EWOULDBLOCK, handle_write_ready(), ssize_t, and ACE_OS::t_snd().

Referenced by t_snd_n().

01531 {
01532   size_t temp;
01533   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01534   ssize_t n;
01536   for (bytes_transferred = 0;
01537        bytes_transferred < len;
01538        bytes_transferred += n)
01539     {
01540       // Try to transfer as much of the remaining data as possible.
01541       n = ACE_OS::t_snd (handle,
01542                          (char *) buf + bytes_transferred,
01543                          len - bytes_transferred,
01544                          flags);
01545       // Check EOF.
01546       if (n == 0)
01547         return 0;
01549       // Check for other errors.
01550       if (n == -1)
01551         {
01552           // Check for possible blocking.
01553           if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS)
01554             {
01555               // Wait for the blocking to subside.
01556               int result = ACE::handle_write_ready (handle,
01557                                                     0);
01559               // Did select() succeed?
01560               if (result != -1)
01561                 {
01562                   // Blocking subsided.  Continue data transfer.
01563                   n = 0;
01564                   continue;
01565                 }
01566             }
01568           // Other data transfer or select() failures.
01569           return -1;
01570         }
01571     }
01573   return bytes_transferred;
01574 }

int ACE::terminate_process pid_t  pid  ) 

Terminate the process abruptly with id pid. On Win32 platforms this uses {TerminateProcess} and on POSIX platforms is uses {kill} with the -9 (SIGKILL) signal, which cannot be caught or ignored. Note that this call is potentially dangerous to use since the process being terminated may not have a chance to cleanup before it shuts down.

Definition at line 223 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN, ACE_OS::close(), ACE_OS::kill(), and pid_t.

Referenced by ACE_Process_Manager::terminate(), and ACE_Process::terminate().

00224 {
00225 #if defined (ACE_HAS_PHARLAP)
00226   ACE_UNUSED_ARG (pid);
00227   ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1);
00228 #elif defined (ACE_WIN32)
00229   // Create a handle for the given process id.
00230   ACE_HANDLE process_handle =
00231     ::OpenProcess (PROCESS_TERMINATE,
00232                    FALSE, // New handle is not inheritable.
00233                    pid);
00235   if (process_handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE
00236       || process_handle == 0)
00237     return -1;
00238   else
00239     {
00240       // Kill the process associated with process_handle.
00241       BOOL terminate_result =
00242         ::TerminateProcess (process_handle, 0);
00243       // Free up the kernel resources.
00244       ACE_OS::close (process_handle);
00245       return terminate_result ? 0 : -1;
00246     }
00247 #else
00248   return ACE_OS::kill (pid, 9);
00249 #endif /* ACE_HAS_PHARLAP */
00250 }

ACE_TCHAR * ACE::timestamp ACE_TCHAR  date_and_time[],
int  time_len,
int  return_pointer_to_first_digit = 0

Returns the current timestamp in the form "hour:minute:second:microsecond." The month, day, and year are also stored in the beginning of the date_and_time array, which is a user-supplied array of size time_len> ACE_TCHARs. Returns 0 if unsuccessful, else returns pointer to beginning of the "time" portion of date_and_time. If return_pointer_to_first_digit is 0 then return a pointer to the space before the time, else return a pointer to the beginning of the time portion.

Definition at line 2458 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_LIB_TEXT, ACE_TCHAR, ACE_OS::ctime_r(), ACE_OS::gettimeofday(), ACE_Time_Value::sec(), ACE_OS::sprintf(), ACE_OS::strsncpy(), and ACE_Time_Value::usec().

Referenced by ACE_Log_Msg_UNIX_Syslog::log(), and ACE_Log_Msg::log().

02461 {
02462   //ACE_TRACE ("ACE::timestamp");
02464   if (date_and_timelen < 35)
02465     {
02466       errno = EINVAL;
02467       return 0;
02468     }
02470 #if defined (WIN32)
02471   // Emulate Unix.  Win32 does NOT support all the UNIX versions
02472   // below, so DO we need this ifdef.
02473   static const ACE_TCHAR *day_of_week_name[] =
02474     {
02475       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Sun"),
02476       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Mon"),
02477       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Tue"),
02478       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Wed"),
02479       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Thu"),
02480       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Fri"),
02481       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Sat")
02482     };
02484   static const ACE_TCHAR *month_name[] =
02485     {
02486       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Jan"),
02487       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Feb"),
02488       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Mar"),
02489       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Apr"),
02490       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("May"),
02491       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Jun"),
02492       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Jul"),
02493       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Aug"),
02494       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Sep"),
02495       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Oct"),
02496       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Nov"),
02497       ACE_LIB_TEXT ("Dec")
02498     };
02500   SYSTEMTIME local;
02501   ::GetLocalTime (&local);
02503   ACE_OS::sprintf (date_and_time,
02504                    ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%3s %3s %2d %04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d"),
02505                    day_of_week_name[local.wDayOfWeek],
02506                    month_name[local.wMonth - 1],
02507                    (int) local.wDay,
02508                    (int) local.wYear,
02509                    (int) local.wHour,
02510                    (int) local.wMinute,
02511                    (int) local.wSecond,
02512                    (int) (local.wMilliseconds * 1000));
02513   return &date_and_time[15 + (return_pointer_to_first_digit != 0)];
02514 #else  /* UNIX */
02515   ACE_TCHAR timebuf[26]; // This magic number is based on the ctime(3c) man page.
02516   ACE_Time_Value cur_time = ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
02517   time_t secs = cur_time.sec ();
02519   ACE_OS::ctime_r (&secs,
02520                    timebuf,
02521                    sizeof timebuf);
02522   // date_and_timelen > sizeof timebuf!
02523   ACE_OS::strsncpy (date_and_time,
02524                     timebuf,
02525                     date_and_timelen);
02526   ACE_TCHAR yeartmp[5];
02527   ACE_OS::strsncpy (yeartmp,
02528                     &date_and_time[20],
02529                     5);
02530   ACE_TCHAR timetmp[9];
02531   ACE_OS::strsncpy (timetmp,
02532                     &date_and_time[11],
02533                     9);
02534   ACE_OS::sprintf (&date_and_time[11],
02535 #  if defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR)
02536                    ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%ls %ls.%06ld"),
02537 #  else
02538                    ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%s %s.%06ld"),
02539 #  endif /* ACE_USES_WCHAR */
02540                    yeartmp,
02541                    timetmp,
02542                    cur_time.usec ());
02543   date_and_time[33] = '\0';
02544   return &date_and_time[15 + (return_pointer_to_first_digit != 0)];
02545 #endif /* WIN32 */
02546 }

ACE_INLINE void ACE::unique_name const void *  object,
size_t  length

This method uses process id and object pointer to come up with a machine wide unique name. The process ID will provide uniqueness between processes on the same machine. The "this" pointer of the {object} will provide uniqueness between other "live" objects in the same process. The uniqueness of this name is therefore only valid for the life of {object}.

Definition at line 288 of file ACE.inl.

References ACE_TCHAR, and ACE_OS::unique_name().

Referenced by ACE_Semaphore::ACE_Semaphore(), ACE_RW_Process_Mutex::unique_name(), and ACE_Process_Mutex::unique_name().

00291 {
00292   ACE_OS::unique_name (object, name, length);
00293 }

bool ACE::wild_match const char *  s,
const char *  pattern,
bool  case_sensitive = true

Simple wildcard matching function supporting '*' and '?' return true if string s matches pattern.

Definition at line 3450 of file ACE.cpp.

References equal_char().

03451 {
03452   if (str == pat)
03453     return true;
03454   if (pat == 0 || str == 0)
03455     return false;
03457   bool star = false;
03458   const char* s = str;
03459   const char* p = pat;
03460   while (*s != '\0')
03461     {
03462       if (*p == '*')
03463   {
03464     star = true;
03465     pat = p;
03466     while (*++pat == '*');
03468     if (*pat == '\0')
03469       return true;
03470     p = pat;
03471   }
03472       else if (*p == '?')
03473   {
03474     ++s;
03475     ++p;
03476   }
03477       else if (! equal_char(*s, *p, case_sensitive))
03478   {
03479     if (!star)
03480       return false;
03481     s = ++str;
03482     p = pat;
03483   }
03484       else
03485   {
03486     ++s;
03487     ++p;
03488   }
03489     }
03490   if (*p == '*')
03491     while (*++p == '*');
03493   return *p == '\0';
03494 }

ssize_t ACE::write_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const ACE_Message_Block message_block,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Write all the message_blocks chained through their next and cont pointers. This call uses the underlying OS gather-write operation to reduce the domain-crossing penalty.

Definition at line 1968 of file ACE.cpp.

References ACE_IOV_MAX, ACE_Message_Block::cont(), iovec::iov_base, iovec::iov_len, ACE_Message_Block::length(), ACE_Message_Block::next(), ACE_Message_Block::rd_ptr(), ssize_t, and writev_n().

01971 {
01972   size_t temp;
01973   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
01974   bytes_transferred = 0;
01976   iovec iov[ACE_IOV_MAX];
01977   int iovcnt = 0;
01979   while (message_block != 0)
01980     {
01981       // Our current message block chain.
01982       const ACE_Message_Block *current_message_block = message_block;
01984       while (current_message_block != 0)
01985         {
01986           size_t current_message_block_length =
01987             current_message_block->length ();
01988           char *this_block_ptr = current_message_block->rd_ptr ();
01990           // Check if this block has any data to be sent.
01991           while (current_message_block_length > 0)
01992             {
01993               u_long this_chunk_length;
01994               if (current_message_block_length > ULONG_MAX)
01995                 this_chunk_length = ULONG_MAX;
01996               else
01997                 this_chunk_length =
01998                   static_cast<u_long> (current_message_block_length);
01999               // Collect the data in the iovec.
02000               iov[iovcnt].iov_base = this_block_ptr;
02001               iov[iovcnt].iov_len  = this_chunk_length;
02002               current_message_block_length -= this_chunk_length;
02003               this_block_ptr += this_chunk_length;
02005               // Increment iovec counter.
02006               ++iovcnt;
02008               // The buffer is full make a OS call.  @@ TODO find a way to
02009               // find ACE_IOV_MAX for platforms that do not define it rather
02010               // than simply setting ACE_IOV_MAX to some arbitrary value such
02011               // as 16.
02012               if (iovcnt == ACE_IOV_MAX)
02013                 {
02014                   size_t current_transfer = 0;
02016                   ssize_t result = ACE::writev_n (handle,
02017                                                   iov,
02018                                                   iovcnt,
02019                                                   &current_transfer);
02021                   // Add to total bytes transferred.
02022                   bytes_transferred += current_transfer;
02024                   // Errors.
02025                   if (result == -1 || result == 0)
02026                     return result;
02028                   // Reset iovec counter.
02029                   iovcnt = 0;
02030                 }
02031             }
02033           // Select the next message block in the chain.
02034           current_message_block = current_message_block->cont ();
02035         }
02037       // Selection of the next message block chain.
02038       message_block = message_block->next ();
02039     }
02041   // Check for remaining buffers to be sent.  This will happen when
02042   // ACE_IOV_MAX is not a multiple of the number of message blocks.
02043   if (iovcnt != 0)
02044     {
02045       size_t current_transfer = 0;
02047       ssize_t result = ACE::writev_n (handle,
02048                                       iov,
02049                                       iovcnt,
02050                                       &current_transfer);
02052       // Add to total bytes transferred.
02053       bytes_transferred += current_transfer;
02055       // Errors.
02056       if (result == -1 || result == 0)
02057         return result;
02058     }
02060   // Return total bytes transferred.
02061   return bytes_transferred;
02062 }

ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE::write_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 29 of file ACE.inl.

References ACE_OS::write_n().

Referenced by ACE_SPIPE_Stream::send_n(), ACE_Pipe::send_n(), ACE_FILE_IO::send_n(), and ACE_DEV_IO::send_n().

00033 {
00034   return ACE_OS::write_n (handle,
00035                           buf,
00036                           len,
00037                           bytes_transferred);
00038 }

ssize_t ACE::writev_n ACE_HANDLE  handle,
const iovec iov,
int  iovcnt,
size_t *  bytes_transferred = 0

Definition at line 2203 of file ACE.cpp.

References iovec::iov_len, ssize_t, and ACE_OS::writev().

Referenced by ACE_SPIPE_Stream::sendv_n(), ACE_Pipe::sendv_n(), ACE_FILE_IO::sendv_n(), and write_n().

02207 {
02208   size_t temp;
02209   size_t &bytes_transferred = bt == 0 ? temp : *bt;
02210   bytes_transferred = 0;
02212   iovec *iov = const_cast<iovec *> (i);
02214   for (int s = 0;
02215        s < iovcnt;
02216        )
02217     {
02218       ssize_t n = ACE_OS::writev (handle,
02219                                   iov + s,
02220                                   iovcnt - s);
02221       if (n == -1 || n == 0)
02222         return n;
02224       for (bytes_transferred += n;
02225            s < iovcnt
02226              && n >= static_cast<ssize_t> (iov[s].iov_len);
02227            s++)
02228         n -= iov[s].iov_len;
02230       if (n != 0)
02231         {
02232           char *base = reinterpret_cast<char *> (iov[s].iov_base);
02233           iov[s].iov_base = base + n;
02234           iov[s].iov_len = iov[s].iov_len - n;
02235         }
02236     }
02238   return bytes_transferred;
02239 }

Variable Documentation

size_t ACE::allocation_granularity_ = 0

Definition at line 53 of file ACE.cpp.

char ACE::debug_

Definition at line 60 of file ACE.cpp.

ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL unsigned int ACE::init_fini_count_ = 0

Counter to match <init()>/<fini()> calls. <init()> must increment it; <fini()> must decrement it. <fini()> then does nothing until it reaches 0.

Definition at line 12 of file Init_ACE.cpp.

size_t ACE::pagesize_ = 0

Definition at line 56 of file ACE.cpp.

Generated on Thu Nov 9 11:33:43 2006 for ACE by doxygen 1.3.6