List of Registrants as of 21 May 2012
This list only includes people who have paid their registration fee. If you think your name should be on this list please contact Antonette Romero. There may be a delay of a day or two between payment and being added to this list.Last updated May 21, 2012 by Antonette Romero (575-835-7310).
- Anderson, Crystal (NMT)
- Bae, Jaehan (University of Michigan)
- Balokovic, Mislav (Caltech)
- Barcos-Munoz, Loreto (University of Virginia)
- Bathurst, Corey (NRAO)
- Beuchert, Tobias (Dr. Remesi-Sternwarte Bamberg ECAP)
- Bihr, Simon (MPIA)
- Bouffet, Romuald (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux)
- Bowman, Lorraine (NRAO)
- Brinkerink, Christiaan (Radbound University Nijmegen)
- Burkutean, Sandra (Argelander Institute for Astronomy)
- Butcher, Zhon (UMass-Amherst)
- Butterfield, Natalie (University of Iowa)
- Caldu Primo, Ahani (MPIA)
- Cao, Yi (Caltech)
- Ceglowski, Maciej (TCfA, Poland)
- Charness, Cameron (University of Virginia)
- Chen, How-Hun Hope (CfA)
- Chen, Xuelei (NAO)
- Clark, Joshua (Rincon Research Corportaion)
- Corby, Joanna (University of Virginia)
- Cortes Mandiola, Jose (ALMA)
- Cosentino, Richard (NMT)
- Coughlan, Colm (University of College Cork)
- Cutchin, Sean (NRL-NRC)
- Czekala, Ian (CfA)
- Dabbech, Arwa (Observatoire de La Cte d'Azur)
- de Bude, Deanne (Radbound University Nijmegen)
- Drabent, Alexander (Thuringer Landessterwarte)
- Edwards, Zachary (NRAO)
- Eldering, Bob (JIVE)
- Enriquez, Emilio (Radbound University)
- Faesi, Christopher (CfA)
- Feng, Siyi (MPIA)
- Fielding, Peter (The Royal Observatory)
- Fuji, Kosuke (Tokyo University)
- Gallardo, Jose (ALMA)
- Gao, Feng (NRAO-CV)
- Gong, Yan (Purple Mountain Observatory)
- Gorski, Mark (UNM)
- Greenbaum, Alexandra (Johns Hopkins University)
- Grossberger, Christoph (University of Wurzburg)
- Hallenbeck, Gregory (Cornell University)
- Hays, Brian (Emory University)
- Herrero-Illana, Ruben (IAA-CSIC)
- Hezaveh, Yashar (McGill University)
- Hodgson, Jeffrey (MPIfR)
- Hsu, Wen-hsin (University of Michigan)
- Hu, Bo (Purple Mountain Observatory)
- Huang, Lei (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
- Indriolo, Nicholas (Johns Hopkins University)
- Jagannathan, Preshanth (University of Calgary)
- Jiang, Bing (Nanjing University)
- Jiang, Xuejian Snow (CfA)
- Jones, Kristen (University of Virginia)
- Kang, Ji-hyun (Yonsei University)
- Kao, Melodie (Caltech)
- Karkare, Kirit (CfA)
- Keating, Katie (Rincon Research Corportaion)
- Keimpema, Koenraad (JIVE)
- Kellar, Jessica (Dartmouth College)
- King, Ashley (University of Michgian)
- Kitchener, Ged (University of Hertfordshire)
- Kittiwisit, Piyanat (Arizona State University)
- Kiyokane, Kazuhiro (NAOJ)
- Kong, Shuo (Univeristy of Florida)
- Kooi, Jason (Univeristy of Iowa)
- Kulow, Jennifer (University of Colorado)
- Lane, Daria (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
- Lee, Katherine (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
- Li, Juan (Nanjing University)
- Li, Yi-Chao (NAO)
- Lien, Amy (NASA)
- Litzinger, Eugenia (University of Wurzburg)
- Liu, Dong Hao (NAO)
- Liu, Fang-Chun (MPIfR)
- Lopez, Cristian (ALMA)
- Lu, Xing (CfA)
- Ludovici, Dominic (University of Iowa)
- Lynch, Christene (University of Iowa)
- MacHattie, Jeremy (Queens's University)
- Martin, Benito Marcote (University of Barcelona)
- Matzuzawa, Ayumu (NAO)
- Max-Moerbeck, Walter (Caltech)
- Medlin, Drew (NRAO-NM)
- Mertens, Florent (MPIfR)
- Meyer, Eileen (Rice University)
- Mitchell-Wynne, Ketron (Universidade de Lisboa)
- Monkiewicz, Jacqueline (Arizona State University)
- Mora, Carolina (MPIfR)
- Morabito, Leah (NRAO-NM)
- Mortazavi, S. Alireza (Johns Hopkins University)
- Moullet, Arielle (NRAO-CV)
- Muller, Cornelia (Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg ECAP)
- McCoy, Mark (NMT)
- McEwen, Bridget (UNM)
- McKinley, Benjamin (Australian National University)
- Nakos, Thodori (ESO)
- Neill, Justin (University of Michigan)
- Nemalili, Tshakule (SKA, South Africa)
- Nielsen, Danille (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Nyland, Kristina (NRAO-NMT)
- Obenberger, Kenneth (UNM)
- O'Gorman, Eamon (Trinity College Dublin)
- Ortiz-Leon, Gisela Noemi (UNAM)
- Papadopoulos, Andreas (ICG, Portsmouth)
- Passmoor, Sean (SKA, South Africa)
- Peach, Gerardo (UNAM)
- Peck, Luke (University College London)
- Phillips, Neil (ALMA/JAO/ESO)
- Radiszcz, Matias (NRAO/ALMA)
- Randriamampandry, Solohery (University of the Western Cape)
- Randriamampandry, Toky (University of Cape Town)
- Rawle, Tim (University of Arizona)
- Rawls, Meredith (NMSU)
- Reiter, Megan (University of Arizona)
- Renil, Rosly (SKA , South Africa)
- Richards, Emily (Indiana University)
- Richter, Laura (SKA, South Africa)
- Riding, Jennifer (CAASTRO)
- Rodriguez Garza, Carolina (UNAM)
- Rosenfeld, Katherine (CfA)
- Rosero, Viviana (NMT)
- Royster, Marc (Northwestern University)
- Ruiz, Jose Enrique (IAA-CSIC)
- Saez, Alejandro (ALMA)
- Salim, Sameera (Bonn)
- Salji, Carl (University of Cambridge)
- Sanders, James (Emory University)
- Savage, Allie (University of Iowa)
- Seo, Youngmin (Univserity of Arizona)
- Sheehan, Patrick (University of Arizona)
- Sinclair, David (University of Oxford)
- Smith, Warren (Rincon Research Corporation)
- Srinivasan, Ranjani (ASIAA)
- Strader, Jay (CfA)
- Stein, Yelena (Ruhr-Universitt Bochum)
- Svoboda, Brian (Western Washington University)
- Taylor, Rhys (Arecibo Observatory)
- Toledo, Ignacio (ALMA)
- Tsai, Cheng-Hung (National Tsing Hua University)
- Utomo, Dyas (UC Berkeley)
- Varenius, Eskil (Onsala Space Observatory)
- van Velzen, Sjoert (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Videla, Liza (ALMA)
- Villadsen, Jackie (Caltech)
- Walker, Lisa May (University of Virginia)
- Walker-LaFollette, Amanda (NRAO)
- Walth, Gregory (University of Arizona)
- Weil, Kathryn (NRAO)
- West, Jennifer (University of Manitoba)
- White, Sarah (Oxford Astrophysics)
- Williams, Anna (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Wrigley, Nicholas (Jodrell Bank)
- Wu, Yu-Ting (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
- Yuan, Jinghua (NAO)