Identifiable - Interface in edu.nrao.sss.util
An object that has an identity number.
IllegalTransitionException - Exception in edu.nrao.sss.util
Thrown to indicate that an attempt to change a property from one value to another failed.
IllegalTransitionException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception edu.nrao.sss.util.IllegalTransitionException
Creates a new exception with the given properties.
IllegalTransitionException(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception edu.nrao.sss.util.IllegalTransitionException
Creates a new exception with the given properties.
incrementIndexOf(I) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogItemGroup
Moves member to an index one higher than its current index.
incrementIndexOfGroup(G) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.Catalog
Moves group to an index one higher than its current index.
incrementIndexOfGroupAt(int) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.Catalog
Moves the group at index to an index of index-plus-one.
incrementIndexOfItem(I) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.Catalog
Moves item to an index one higher than its current index.
incrementIndexOfItemAt(int) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.Catalog
Moves the item at index to an index of index-plus-one.
incrementIndexOfMemberAt(int) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogItemGroup
Moves the member at index to an index of index-plus-one.
indexOf(I) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.Catalog
Returns the index of the first occurence of item in this catalog.
indexOf(I) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogItemGroup
Returns the index in this group of the first occurrence of member.
info - Variable in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.sesame.Target
infoOrERROROrOtype - Variable in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.sesame.Resolver
Interpolator - Interface in edu.nrao.sss.math
An interpolated value calculator.
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.geom.Circle
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.geom.Circle
intersectWith(FrequencyRange) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.FrequencyRange
Modifies this range to be the intersection of this range and other.
intersectWith(FrequencyRange) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.FrequencySpectrum
Modifies this spectrum to be the intersection of its covered ranges with targetRange.
IntSortKey - Class in edu.nrao.sss.sort
A sort key for Integerss (and ints).
IntSortKey() - Constructor for class edu.nrao.sss.sort.IntSortKey
Helps create a new instance.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.util.XmlWrapper
isAfter(JulianDate) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.JulianDate
Returns true if this date is later than other.
isAfter(LocalSiderealTime) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.LocalSiderealTime
Returns true if this LST is later than other.
isAfter(TimeInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeInterval
Returns true if this interval starts after the other one ends.
isAfter(Date) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeInterval
Returns true if this interval starts after the given time.
isAfter(TimeOfDay) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDay
Returns true if this time of day is later than other.
isAfter(TimeOfDayInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDayInterval
Returns true if this interval starts after the other one ends.
isAfter(TimeOfDay) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDayInterval
Returns true if this interval starts after the given time.
isBefore(JulianDate) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.JulianDate
Returns true if this date is earlier than other.
isBefore(LocalSiderealTime) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.LocalSiderealTime
Returns true if this LST is earlier than other.
isBefore(TimeInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeInterval
Returns true if this interval ends before the other one starts.
isBefore(Date) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeInterval
Returns true if this interval ends before the given time.
isBefore(TimeOfDay) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDay
Returns true if this time of day is earlier than other.
isBefore(TimeOfDayInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDayInterval
Returns true if this interval ends before the other one starts.
isBefore(TimeOfDay) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDayInterval
Returns true if this interval ends before the given time.
isCircular() - Method in enum edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.PolarizationType
Returns true if this is a type of circular polarization.
isClockwise() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Angle
Returns true if this angle is traversed in a clockwise direction.
isContainedBy(TimeInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeInterval
Returns true if the other interval contains this one.
isContainedBy(TimeOfDayInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDayInterval
Returns true if the other interval contains this one.
isContiguousWith(FrequencyRange) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.FrequencyRange
Returns true if this frequency range is contiguous with other.
isContiguousWith(TimeInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeInterval
Returns true if this interval and the other form a contiguous non-overlapping time interval.
isContiguousWith(TimeOfDayInterval) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDayInterval
Returns true if this interval and the other form a contiguous non-overlapping time interval.
isContinuouslyTunable() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.electronics.LocalOscillator
Returns true if this oscillator is continuously tunable.
isDisplayable() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.validation.ValidationFailure
Returns true if this message is suitable for display to a user.
isEastOf(Longitude) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Longitude
Returns true if this longitude is east of other.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.EphemerisTable
Returns true if this table has no entries.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogItemGroup
Returns true if this group has no members.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.clipboard.ClipBoard
isEndPointOf(FrequencyRange) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Frequency
Returns true if this frequency is equal to either the low or high frequency of range.
isEquator() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is the equator.
isFinal() - Method in enum edu.nrao.sss.util.EventSetStatus
Returns true if this status is a final status for an event.
isFinal() - Method in enum edu.nrao.sss.util.EventStatus
Returns true if this status is a final status for an event.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Angle
Returns true if this angle is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.AngularVelocity
Returns true if this angular velocity is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Distance
Returns true if this distance is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.FluxDensity
Returns true if this flux density is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Frequency
Returns true if this frequency is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.FrequencyRange
Returns true if this frequency range is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.LinearVelocity
Returns true if this velocity is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeDuration
Returns true if this duration is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeInterval
Returns true if this interval is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDay
Returns true if this time of day is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInDefaultState() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeOfDayInterval
Returns true if this interval is in its default state, no matter how it got there.
isInfinite() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Angle
Returns true if the magnitude of this angle approaches infinity.
isInfinite() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.AngularVelocity
Returns true if the magnitude of this frequency approaches infinity.
isInfinite() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Distance
Returns true if this distance is infinite.
isInfinite() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.FluxDensity
Returns true if this flux density is infinite.
isInfinite() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Frequency
Returns true if the magnitude of this frequency approaches infinity.
isInfinite() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.LinearVelocity
Returns true if this velocity is infinite.
isInfinite() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.TimeDuration
Returns true if this duration is infinite.
isLinear() - Method in enum edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.PolarizationType
Returns true if this is a type of linear polarization.
isMoving() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.EphemerisTable
isMoving() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.Orbit
isMoving() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.PolynomialPosition
isMoving() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.PolynomialPositionTable
isMoving() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.SimpleSkyPosition
isMoving() - Method in interface edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.SkyPosition
Returns true if this position has different properties at time T than it does at time U ≠ T.
isMoving() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.SolarSystemBodyPosition
isNegative() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Angle
Returns true if the value of this angle is less than zero.
isNorthOf(Latitude) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is north of other.
isNorthOfEquator() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is north of the equator.
isNorthPole() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is the north pole.
ISO8601_CALENDAR_DATE - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.FormatString
An ISO 8601 standard representation of a calendar date.
ISO8601_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.FormatString
An ISO 8601 standard representation of a timestamp.
ISO8601_DATE_TIME_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.FormatString
Text used to separate the time from the date in an ISO 8601 date / time string.
ISO8601_DATE_TIME_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.FormatString
An ISO 8601 standard representation of a timestamp with timezone information.
ISO8601_HOUR_MIN_SEC - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.FormatString
An ISO 8601 standard representation of a time of day.
ISO8601_HOUR_MIN_SEC_MILLI - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.FormatString
An ISO 8601 standard representation of a time of day.
ISO8601_TIME_INTERVAL_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.FormatString
An ISO 8601 standard for separating endpoints of a time interval.
ISO_8601 - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.XmlWrapper
ISO_8601_s - Static variable in class edu.nrao.sss.util.XmlWrapper
isOpposite(Longitude) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Longitude
Returns true if this longitude and other are separated by one half circle.
isPole() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is one of the poles.
isPositive() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Angle
Returns true if the value of this angle is greater than zero.
isSetToClockwise() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.electronics.SignalTransferSwitch
Returns true if this switch is set such that the inputs are piped to the outputs in a clockwise direction.
isSimple() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.html.HtmlAnchor
isSimple() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.html.HtmlElement
Returns true if this is a simple element.
isSimple() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.html.HtmlTable
Returns false.
isSimple() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.html.HtmlTableCell
Returns false.
isSimple() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.html.HtmlTableRow
Returns false.
isSouthOf(Latitude) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is south of other.
isSouthOfEquator() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is south of the equator.
isSouthPole() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Latitude
Returns true if this latitude is the north pole.
isTunableTo(Frequency) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.electronics.LocalOscillator
Returns true if this oscillator can be tuned to the given frequency.
isValidFor(Date) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.EphemerisTable
Returns true if this position is valid for the given point in time.
isValidFor(Date) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.PolynomialPosition
Returns true if this position is valid for the given point in time.
isValidFor(Date) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.PolynomialPositionTable
Returns true if this table has one or more positions for which time is a valid time.
isWellFormed() - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.astronomy.PolynomialPositionTable
Returns true if the valid time intervals of the positions of this table do not overlap and do not contain gaps.
isWestOf(Longitude) - Method in class edu.nrao.sss.measure.Longitude
Returns true if this longitude is west of other.
itemAdded(C, I, int) - Method in interface edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogListener
Called after newItem was added to catalog.
itemMoved(C, I, int, int) - Method in interface edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogListener
Called after item was moved from one location to another within catalog.
itemRemoved(C, I, int) - Method in interface edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogListener
Called after formerItem was removed from catalog.
itemReplaced(C, I, I, int) - Method in interface edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogListener
Called after the item located at index was replaced by another item.
itemsSorted(C) - Method in interface edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogListener
Called after the items in this catalog were sorted.

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