Package edu.nrao.sss.util

Utility classes that are independent of any particular data model.


Interface Summary
Filter<T> A filter that either blocks a particle or allows it to pass through.
Identifiable An object that has an identity number.
Nameable An object that can be named.
Symbolic An object that has a text symbol.
XmlSerializable An XmlSerializable is an object that can read and write its state in an XML format.

Class Summary
CompoundFilter<T> A filter that is composed of other filters.
DateUtility A helper class for working with dates.
EnumerationUtility A class that helps clients interact with enumeration classes.
FormatString A collection of strings for use with Format and its subclasses.
JaxbUtility A utility for converting an object to XML and vice versa.
LookupTable<K extends Comparable<K>,V> A lookup table.
SourceNameResolver The SourceNameResolver encapsulates the networking and XML envolved in making a source name lookup at the CDS and provides quick javabeans methods for retreiving a particular bit of information about a source.
StringUtil A utility class for manipulating text strings.
XmlWrapper This is a base class for simple Java POJOs that reflect an XML file.

Enum Summary
AlterationStatus The manner in which an object came to be in its current state.
EqualityMethod An enumeration of the ways that two objects may be compared for equality.
EventSetStatus An indicator for where a collection of events is in its life cycle.
EventStatus An indicator for where an event is in its life cycle.
FileCompressionFormat An enumeration of file compression formats to be used by SourceCatalogReaders.
LogicalOperator Logical operators.

Exception Summary
IllegalTransitionException Thrown to indicate that an attempt to change a property from one value to another failed.

Package edu.nrao.sss.util Description

Utility classes that are independent of any particular data model. This package represents a layer immediately on top of the standard java packages.

During initial development this package is acting as a dumping ground for classes that clearly do not belong to the model or DAO packages. Later on we will see what new packages might be created from subgroups of classes in this package. We might wind up eliminating this pacakge altogether.

David M. Harland

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