Class CatalogItemGroup<I extends CatalogItem<I>,G extends CatalogItemGroup<I,G,C>,C extends Catalog<I,G,C>>

  extended by edu.nrao.sss.catalog.CatalogItemGroup<I,G,C>
All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class CatalogItemGroup<I extends CatalogItem<I>,G extends CatalogItemGroup<I,G,C>,C extends Catalog<I,G,C>>
extends Object
implements Cloneable

A grouping of catalog items. A CatalogItemGroup is normally contained in a Catalog and is a way of collecting together items that have similar traits.

Version Info:

$Revision: 2232 $
$Date: 2009-04-23 13:38:46 -0600 (Thu, 23 Apr 2009) $
$Author: dharland $ (last person to modify)

David M. Harland

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new group with a default name and that belongs to no catalog.
protected CatalogItemGroup(C container)
          Special constructor used only by Catalog for constructing its main group.
  CatalogItemGroup(C container, String nameOfGroup)
          Creates a new group that belongs to container.
Method Summary
 I add(I newMember)
          Adds a new member to this group.
 I add(int index, I newMember)
          Adds a new member to this group at the specified position.
 Collection<I> addAll(Collection<? extends I> newMembers)
          Adds the collection of newMembers to this group.
 Collection<I> addAll(int index, Collection<? extends I> newMembers)
          Adds the collection of newMembers to this group at the specified position.
 I addEvenIfEqualToCurrentMember(I newMember)
          Adds newMember even if this group already has a member to which it is equal.
 I addEvenIfEqualToCurrentMember(int index, I newMember)
          Adds newMember at the specified position even if this group already has a member to which it is equal.
 void addListener(CatalogItemGroupListener<I,G,C> newListener)
          Adds newListener to this group's list.
 void clear()
          Removes all members from this group.
protected  boolean clearlyNotEqualTo(Object o)
 G clone()
          Returns a group that is a copy of this one.
protected  G cloneAllExceptMembers()
          Clones this group but does not add any members to the new group.
 G cloneIntoSameCatalog()
          Clones this group and adds it to the same catalog to which it belongs.
 boolean contains(I member)
          Returns true if member belongs to this group.
protected  void copyPropertiesFrom(G otherGroup)
          Copies some properties of otherGroup into this one.
 I decrementIndexOf(I member)
          Moves member to an index one lower than its current index.
 I decrementIndexOfMemberAt(int index)
          Moves the member at index to an index of index-minus-one.
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Returns true if o is equal to this group.
 boolean equalsWithoutRespectToOrder(Object o)
          Returns true if o is equal to this group in all respects with the possible exception of the ordering of the members.
 I get(int index)
          Returns the member at the given position.
 List<I> getAll()
          Returns a list of this group's members.
 C getCatalog()
          Returns the catalog to which this group belongs, if any.
 Long getId()
          Returns this group's ID.
protected  long getIdOfUnidentified()
          Returns a value that represents an undefined ID.
protected  List<I> getInternalMemberList()
          Returns the internal list of members.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of this group.
protected  boolean getNameIsLocked()
          Returns true if the ability to change this group's name is restricted.
 List<String> getNotes()
          Returns a list of notes about this group.
 boolean hasCatalog()
          Returns true if this group has a non-null catalog.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code value for this group.
 I incrementIndexOf(I member)
          Moves member to an index one higher than its current index.
 I incrementIndexOfMemberAt(int index)
          Moves the member at index to an index of index-plus-one.
 int indexOf(I member)
          Returns the index in this group of the first occurrence of member.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if this group has no members.
 int lastIndexOf(I member)
          Returns the index in this group of the last occurrence of member.
 I move(I member, int toIndex)
          Moves member toIndex.
 I move(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
          Moves a member fromIndex toIndex.
 I remove(I member)
          Removes member from this group, if present.
 I remove(int index)
          Removes the member at index from this group.
 Collection<I> removeAll(Collection<? extends I> unwantedMembers)
          Removes all elements of unwantedMembers that are contained in this group.
 void removeAllListeners()
          Removes all listeners from this group.
 void removeListener(CatalogItemGroupListener<I,G,C> listener)
          Removes listener from this group's list.
 boolean setCatalog(C newCatalog)
          Sets the catalog to which this group belongs.
protected  void setId(Long id)
          Sets the ID of this group.
protected  void setInternalMemberList(List<I> replacementList)
          Replaces the internal member list with replacementList.
 void setName(String newName)
          Attempts to change the name of this group to newName.
 boolean setNameAndConfirm(String newName)
          Attempts to set the name of this group and returns true if this group's name was changed.
protected  void simplySetCatalog(C newCatalog)
          Sets this group's catalog to newCatalog without contacting either the former or new catalog.
 int size()
          Returns the number of members in this group.
 void sort(Comparator<? super I> comparator)
          Uses comparator to sort the members of this group.
 List<I> swap(int index1, int index2)
          Swaps the members at the given positions.
protected  void tellListenersAboutFormerMember(I formerMember, int index)
protected  void tellListenersAboutMovedMember(I member, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
protected  void tellListenersAboutNewMember(I newMember, int index)
 String toString()
          Returns a text representation of this group.
 String toXml()
          Returns an XML representation of this group.
 void writeAsXmlTo(Writer writer)
          Writes an XML representation of this group to writer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CatalogItemGroup()
Creates a new group with a default name and that belongs to no catalog.


public CatalogItemGroup(C container,
                        String nameOfGroup)
Creates a new group that belongs to container.

container - the name of the one catalog to which this group belongs. This value may be null.
nameOfGroup - the name of this group. If this value is null, a non-null default name will be used.


protected CatalogItemGroup(C container)
Special constructor used only by Catalog for constructing its main group.

Method Detail


protected void setId(Long id)
Sets the ID of this group. If id is null, this group's ID ID will be set to an unidentified ID.

id - a new ID for this group.


protected long getIdOfUnidentified()
Returns a value that represents an undefined ID. Subclasses may override this method to suit their needs.


public Long getId()
Returns this group's ID.

this group's ID.


public void setName(String newName)
Attempts to change the name of this group to newName.

This method exists for the use of frameworks that rely on java-bean naming conventions and set-methods that are of type void. The preferred method for all other clients is setNameAndConfirm(String), which will let the caller know whether or not the change of name was successful. If this method fails to change this group's name it does so silently.

newName - the new name for this group.
See Also:


public boolean setNameAndConfirm(String newName)
Attempts to set the name of this group and returns true if this group's name was changed.

newName - the new name for this group.
true if the name of this group was changed to newName. Reasons for a return value of false:
  1. The name of this group is locked. (This is controlled by the containing catalog, if this group is a member of a catalog.)
  2. newName is null.
  3. newName is the empty string "".
  4. This group's name is already equal to newName.
  5. This group belongs to a catalog and another group in the catalog has a name of newName. (The catalog is now enforcing uniqueness of its groups' names.)


public String getName()
Returns the name of this group.

the name of this group.


protected boolean getNameIsLocked()
Returns true if the ability to change this group's name is restricted.


public List<String> getNotes()
Returns a list of notes about this group. Each note is free-form text with no particular structure.

This method returns the list actually held by this CatalogItemGroup, so any list manipulations may be performed by first fetching the list and then operating on it.

a list of notes about this catalog.


public boolean setCatalog(C newCatalog)
Sets the catalog to which this group belongs.

If this group is currently contained in a catalog that is not the same as the newCatalog parameter, the current catalog will be told to remove this group from its collection of groups. If newCatalog is not null, it will be told to add this group to its collection. Finally, this group's catalog will be set to newCatalog, even if it is null.

The current catalog has the right to deny movement of this group to a new catalog. If the request is denied, this group will remain with its current catalog.

Passing this method a newCatalog of null has the effect of disconnecting this group from any catalog.

newCatalog - the catalog to which this group belongs.
true if newCatalog is now the catalog for this group. Note that this means if newCatalog is already the catalog of this group, the return value is true.


protected void simplySetCatalog(C newCatalog)
Sets this group's catalog to newCatalog without contacting either the former or new catalog. This method is used only by the Catalog class.


public C getCatalog()
Returns the catalog to which this group belongs, if any.

This group may be one of several that belong to the same catalog. If this group belongs to no catalog, the value returned is null.

the catalog to which this group belongs, if any.
See Also:


public boolean hasCatalog()
Returns true if this group has a non-null catalog.

Catalog item groups should normally be contained within, and therefore have a non-null, catalog. However, there are some situations where this method will return false:

  1. This group has just been created and its catalog has not yet been set.
  2. A client removed this group from its catalog and did not place it in a new catalog.
  3. A client explicitly set this group's catalog to null.

true if this group has a non-null catalog. Therefore a return value of true means that you can call getCatalog() and know that it will return a non-null object.


public I add(I newMember)
Adds a new member to this group.

The new member is added to this group only if it is not null, and this group currently contains no member that is equal to it. (To bypass the equality restriction, use addEvenIfEqualToCurrentMember(CatalogItem)). If this group belongs to a catalog, the catalog is also informed about the new member.

If this group is part of a catalog, and if the catalog has an item that is equal to newMember, then that equivalent item is used in place of newMember as the new member of this group. This ensures that an item copied from one group of a catalog to another group of the same catalog is a single item that is a member of the two groups. The next section shows what happens to this group, its catalog (if it has one), and the value returned by this method in a few situations.

A. This Group Does Not Belong to a Catalog

  1. newMember is null or its addition to this group fails1.
    Nothing is added to this group and the value returned is null.

  2. This group contains no members that are equal to newMember.
    newMember is added to this group and returned.

  3. This group contains a member that is equal to newMember.
    The member equal to newMember that is already present in this group is returned. Nothing is added to this group.

B. This Group Does Belong to a Catalog

  1. newMember is null or its addition to this group or its catalog fails1.
    Nothing is added to this group or its catalog and the value returned is null.

  2. This group and its catalog contain no members that are equal to newMember.
    newMember is added to this group and to its catalog, and is returned.

  3. This group contains no members that are equal to newMember, but its catalog does.
    The member equal to newMember that is already present in the catalog is added to this group and returned. Nothing is added to the catalog.

  4. This group, and therefore its catalog, contains a member that is equal to newMember.
    The member equal to newMember that is already present in this group and its is returned. Nothing is added to this group or its catalog.

In general, the return value is the newMember parameter. However, this is not always true when this group is part of a catalog. See the description of the returned value, below.

1With the exception of a programming error within this class or the Catalog class, this is not expected to happen.

newMember - a prospective new member of this group.
null, newMember, or an item that is equal to newMember, as outlined in the situations above.
See Also:


public I add(int index,
             I newMember)
Adds a new member to this group at the specified position.

For a full description of the behavior of this method and its return values, see add(CatalogItem).

index - the position at which to insert the new member.
newMember - a prospective new member of this group.
the member that was actually added to, or was already a part of, this group.
See Also:
addEvenIfEqualToCurrentMember(int, CatalogItem)


public Collection<I> addAll(Collection<? extends I> newMembers)
Adds the collection of newMembers to this group. Only non-null candidates that are not already members of this group are added.

newMembers - a collection of prospective new members.
a collection of the members actually added to this group.
See Also:


public Collection<I> addAll(int index,
                            Collection<? extends I> newMembers)
Adds the collection of newMembers to this group at the specified position. Only non-null candidates that are not already members of this group are added.

index - the position at which to insert the first new member. Subsequent new members are added at successive positions.
newMembers - a collection of prospective new members.
a collection of the members actually added to this group.
See Also:


public I addEvenIfEqualToCurrentMember(I newMember)
Adds newMember even if this group already has a member to which it is equal. Contrast this with add(CatalogItem).

The only times newMember is not added to this group are when it is null and when a reference to it is already contained in this group.

newMember - a potential new member for this group.


public I addEvenIfEqualToCurrentMember(int index,
                                       I newMember)
Adds newMember at the specified position even if this group already has a member to which it is equal. Contrast this with add(int, CatalogItem).

The only times newMember is not added to this group are when it is null and when a reference to it is already contained in this group.

index - the position at which to add newMember.
newMember - a potential new member for this group.


protected void tellListenersAboutNewMember(I newMember,
                                           int index)


public I remove(I member)
Removes member from this group, if present.

The returned element is either null (if this group had no member equal to member) or is the removed member, which is the first member of this group that is equal to member.

member - the member that is to be removed from this group.
the removed element, or null if no element was removed.


public I remove(int index)
Removes the member at index from this group.

index - the index of the member to be removed.
the member formerly at index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= size()).


public Collection<I> removeAll(Collection<? extends I> unwantedMembers)
Removes all elements of unwantedMembers that are contained in this group.

unwantedMembers - the members that are to be removed from this group.
the former members that were removed from this group as a result of the call.


public void clear()
Removes all members from this group.


protected void tellListenersAboutFormerMember(I formerMember,
                                              int index)


public I incrementIndexOf(I member)
Moves member to an index one higher than its current index. The member will not be moved if it is not in this group, or if it is already in the highest position.

If member is in this group in multiple positions, the instance with the highest index will be moved.

member - the member to be moved.
if no movement occurred, null is returned. Otherwise the member that was moved is returned. This will be either member, or an equal member that was already part of this group.


public I decrementIndexOf(I member)
Moves member to an index one lower than its current index. The member will not be moved if it is not in this group, or if it is already in the lowest position.

If member is in this group in multiple positions, the instance with the lowest index will be moved.

member - the member to be moved.
if no movement occurred, null is returned. Otherwise the member that was moved is returned. This will be either member, or an equal member that was already part of this group.


public I incrementIndexOfMemberAt(int index)
Moves the member at index to an index of index-plus-one. No move will occur if index is out of bounds, or if it is already the highest index of this group.

index - the index of the member to be moved.
the member that was moved, or null if no member was moved.


public I decrementIndexOfMemberAt(int index)
Moves the member at index to an index of index-minus-one. No move will occur if index is out of bounds, or if it is already the lowest index of this group.

index - the index of the member to be moved.
the member that was moved, or null if no member was moved.


public List<I> swap(int index1,
                    int index2)
Swaps the members at the given positions.

If the indices are equal, no action is taken. If one or both of the indices are not in the range [0,size()), the underlying List will throw an exception.

index1 - the position of the one of the members.
index2 - the position of another of the members.
a list with the member originally at the lower index followed by the member originally at the higher index. If no swap was made the returned list will be empty.


public I move(int fromIndex,
              int toIndex)
Moves a member fromIndex toIndex.

fromIndex - the current index of a member.
toIndex - the new index of that same member.
the member that moved, even if it moved back to the same position.


public I move(I member,
              int toIndex)
Moves member toIndex.

member - the member to be moved.
toIndex - the new position for member.
the member that moved, or null if no movement occurred. Note that the member that moved might be member or, alternatively, a member equal to member, if this group has such a member.


protected void tellListenersAboutMovedMember(I member,
                                             int fromIndex,
                                             int toIndex)


public void sort(Comparator<? super I> comparator)
Uses comparator to sort the members of this group.

comparator - used to order this group's members


public int size()
Returns the number of members in this group.

the number of members in this group.


public I get(int index)
Returns the member at the given position.

index - the position of the member to return.
the member at index.


public List<I> getAll()
Returns a list of this group's members.

Note that the returned list is not held internally by this group. This means that any changes made to the returned list will not be reflected in this object. The elements of the list, though, are the actual members of this group, so changes made to them will be reflected in this group (and in all other groups of which those items are members).

a list of this group's members. The returned value is guaranteed to be non-null, but it may be an empty list.


protected List<I> getInternalMemberList()
Returns the internal list of members.


protected void setInternalMemberList(List<I> replacementList)
Replaces the internal member list with replacementList. This method is meant solely for use by frameworks (such as JAXB or Hibernate) that rely on getX/setX pairs for persisted properties. It is protected, as opposed to private, so that subclasses can create and annotate methods that call this one.


public boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if this group has no members.

true if this group has no members.


public boolean contains(I member)
Returns true if member belongs to this group.

member - a possible member of this group.
true if member belongs to this group.


public int indexOf(I member)
Returns the index in this group of the first occurrence of member. Indexing is zero-based.

member - the member whose index is sought.
the index of the first occurrence of member. If member does not belong to this group, the returned value will be less than zero.


public int lastIndexOf(I member)
Returns the index in this group of the last occurrence of member. Indexing is zero-based.

member - the member whose index is sought.
the index of the last occurrence of member. If member does not belong to this group, the returned value will be less than zero.


public void addListener(CatalogItemGroupListener<I,G,C> newListener)
Adds newListener to this group's list.

The listener will be informed whenever:

newListener - the listener to be added to this group's list.


public void removeListener(CatalogItemGroupListener<I,G,C> listener)
Removes listener from this group's list.

listener - the listener to be removed from this group's list.


public void removeAllListeners()
Removes all listeners from this group.


public String toString()
Returns a text representation of this group.

toString in class Object
a text representation of this group.


public String toXml()
             throws JAXBException
Returns an XML representation of this group.

an XML representation of this group.
JAXBException - if anything goes wrong during the conversion to XML.


public void writeAsXmlTo(Writer writer)
                  throws JAXBException
Writes an XML representation of this group to writer.

writer - the device to which XML is written.
JAXBException - if anything goes wrong during the conversion to XML.


public G cloneIntoSameCatalog()
Clones this group and adds it to the same catalog to which it belongs. If this group belongs to no catalog, this method behaves the same as clone().

Special Notes on Cloning Methodology

  1. The clone's ID property will be set to a value that indicates that this group is currently unidentified.
  2. The clone will have no listeners.

If anything goes wrong during the cloning procedure, a RuntimeException will be thrown.

a clone of this group that belongs to the same catalog.
See Also:


public G clone()
Returns a group that is a copy of this one. The clone is a deep clone; all the members in the returned group are copies of those in this group.

Special Notes on Cloning Methodology

  1. The clone's ID property will be set to a value that indicates that this group is currently unidentified.
  2. The clone will belong to no catalog. That is, its catalog property will be null.
  3. The clone will have no listeners.

If anything goes wrong during the cloning procedure, a RuntimeException will be thrown.

clone in class Object
See Also:


protected G cloneAllExceptMembers()
Clones this group but does not add any members to the new group.

a partial clone of this group. The returned clone has no members.


protected void copyPropertiesFrom(G otherGroup)
Copies some properties of otherGroup into this one.

This method is used by the catalog's clone method to help copy its main group, which is not created via the normal cloning process. Subclasses should override this method and call super.copyPropertiesFrom(otherGroup). Failure to do so will result in some properties of a cloned catalog from matching that of the original.

What is not copied:

Subclasses should copy only those new properties that it creates. This list will be similar, if not identical, to the properties copied in the subclass's clone method.

The fact that this method has become necessary probably means that the way we're handling setup of a catalog's main group could probably be done better. One reason we don't just clone the main group is the main group uses a special non-public constructor. A reworking of the main group creation and cloning code should be done later on.

otherGroup - a source of property values.


public boolean equalsWithoutRespectToOrder(Object o)
Returns true if o is equal to this group in all respects with the possible exception of the ordering of the members.


public boolean equals(Object o)
Returns true if o is equal to this group.

equals in class Object


protected boolean clearlyNotEqualTo(Object o)


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for this group.

hashCode in class Object

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