Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          This class will be eliminated because the design of this package is not conducive to devices that process multiple inputs simultaneously. A device that combines multiple signals into one. There are restrictions on the nature of the signals to be combined, namely:
  1. All signals must have the same polarization.
  2. All signals must have the same mapping function (the function that converts a current frequency to a proxied frequency).
  3. All signals must have the same reversal state (either all reversed or none reversed) for the relationship between their current and proxied frequencies. (This is really redundant, given item 2, above.)

A recent change to the Signal class changed its the way in which it holds frequencies. It had held these in the form of a FrequencySpectrum; it now holds them in the form of a FrequencyRange. This change compromises the ability of this combiner. The main consequence is that if signals S and T hold non-overlapping, non-contiguous, ranges, the combined signal contains all of S, all of T, and the range in between them.

Version Info:

$Revision: 1198 $
$Date: 2008-04-02 18:59:31 -0600 (Wed, 02 Apr 2008) $
$Author: dharland $ (last person to modify)


Deprecated Fields
          Use MathUtil.MC_FINAL_CALC or MathUtil.MC_INTERM_CALCS Precision of 50, rounding mode of half-up. 

Deprecated Methods
          Use FrequencySpectrum.set(String). 

Deprecated Constructors
edu.nrao.sss.validation.ValidationFailure(String, String, FailureSeverity, Object, String)

Deprecated Enum Constants
          Same as TimeUnits.YEAR. 

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