Posters will be displayed in the SOC Common Room, located on the upper
floor at the head of the main staircase. Breaks in the oral program
will provide plenty of time for viewing the posters; refreshments will
be served in the Common Room during the breaks to induce participants
to walk upstairs and look at the posters.
- Posters 1-12 will have mounting spaces 4 feet wide by 5.5 feet high.
- Posters 13-16 will have mounting spaces 5 feet wide by 4 feet high.
Poster Program:
| Title
| Authors |
1. | NESSI: The New Mexico Tech Extrasolar Spectroscopic Survey Instrument | Michael
Hrynevych (NMT), Colby Jurgenson (NMT), Fernando Santoro (NMT), Heather
Bloemhard (NMT), Michelle Creech-Eakman (NMT), Mark Swain (JPL),Gautam
Vasisht (JPL), Peter Deroo (JPL), Luke Schmidt (NMT), Matt Napolitano
(NMT) |
2. | Bootstrapping the Magdalena Ridge Interferometer: Real and Imaginary Simulations | Tyler McCracken (NMT/MRO),
Fernando Santoro (MRO),
Colby Jurgenson (MRO),
Alisa Shtromberg (NMT/MRO),
Nicolas Torres (MRO),
Chuck Dahl (MRO),
Chris Haniff (U. of Cambridge),
David F. Buscher (U. of Cambridge),
John Young (U. of Cambridge) |
3. | The Expanded Very Large Array: Status and Recent Results | Michael Rupen (NRAO) |
4. | Assembly and Testing of AMASING, an Aperture Masking Instrument | Luke Schmidt (NMT) |
5. | Imaging Geostationary Satellites with Interferometry: Signal-to-Noise Considerations | Anders Jorgensen (NMT) |
6. | Coronal Loop Detection and Seismology | Alexander Pevtsov (NMSU), R.T.J. McAteer, J. Jackiewicz, B. McNamara, B. Calabro |
7. | Analysis of Vortex Interactions in Jupiter Southern Hemisphere | Raul Morales-Juberias (NMT) |
8. | Jovian Stratospheric Dynamics: Modeling Insights from Cassini Observations | Cosentino (NMT), S. Coffing (NMT) R. Morales-Juberias (NMT), X. Zhang (Calthech), R. A. West (JPL), T. E. Dowling (UofL), M. Allen (JPL) and Y. L. Yung (Caltech)
9. | Connecting Ephemeral Chromospheric Brightenings to Coronal Loops | Michael Kirk, Jason Jackiewicz, James McAteer (NMSU), Ryan Milligan (Queens University) |
10. | Characterizing the Atmospheres of Transiting Exoplanets with IRTF/SpeX | Heather
Bloemhard (NMT), Michelle Creech-Eakman (NMT/MRO), Colby Jurgenson
(MRO), Fernando Santoro (MRO), Michael Hrynevych (NMT), Mark Swain
(NASA JPL), Pieter Deroo (NASA JPL), Ming Zhao (Penn State) |
11. | Pulsar-driven Jets and the Non-existence of Dark Energy and Matter | John Middleditch (LANL-retired) |
12. | Multi-slit Spectroscopy and Ha Modeling of HALOGAS Targets NGC 4565, NGC 4244, and NGC 891 | Cat Wu, Rene Walterbos, Richard Rand, George Heald (NMSU), the HALOGAS Team |
13. | Revealing the Dense Gas Chemistry in the Hidden Galaxy Maffei 2 | David S. Meier (NMT, NRAO) and Jean L. Turner (UCLA) |
14. | Star Formation in LITTLE THINGS: HI Line Profile Analysis of Nearby Dwarfs | Phil Cigan (NMT), Lisa Young (NMT), Deidre Hunter (Lowell Observatory) and the LITTLE THINGS Team |
15. | Probing the Star Formation-AGN Relationship in Early-Type Galaxies Through Multifrequency EVLA Observations | K.
Nyland (NMT), J. (NRAO), L. Young (NMT), R. Morganti (ASTRON), M. Sarzi
(U. of Hertfordshire), M. Cappelarri (U. of Oxford), R. McDermid
(NOAO), E. Emsellem (ESO), D. Krajnovic (ESO) |
16. | A Kiloparsec-Scale Binary Active Galactic Nucleus Confirmed by the Expanded Very Large Array | H.
Fu (Caltech), Z-Y. Zhang (PMO), R.J. Assef (Caltech), A. Stockton (U
Hawaii), A.D. Myers (U Wyoming), L. Yan (Caltech), S.G. Djorgovski
(Caltech), J.M. Wrobel (NRAO), D.A. Riechers (Caltech) |
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