2011 October 14
Heather Bloemhard | NMT/MRO | Characterizing the Atmospheres of Transiting Exoplanets with IRTF/SpeX |
Samuel Bonin | UNM | |
Jack Brandt | UNM | |
Brandon Calabro | NMSU | |
Claire Chandler | NRAO | |
Phil Cigan | NMT | Star Formation in LITTLE THINGS: HI Line Profile Analysis of Nearby Dwarfs |
Barry Clark | NRAO | |
Stirling Colgate | LLNL and NMIMT | Emission from Helical, Force-Free Magnetic Fields, Jets & Radio Lobes |
Richard Cosentino | NMT | |
Joe Craig | UNM | Operations and Commissioning of LWA-1 |
Patrick Crane | Retired | |
Edward Crawford | UW Retired | |
Michelle Creech-Eakman | NMT/MRO | |
Gregg Crockett | Tau Technologies | |
Travis Crockett | ||
Larry D'Addario | JPL/Caltech | |
Candy D'Addario | ||
Vivek Dhawan | NRAO | |
Helene R. Dickel | UNM | |
John R. Dickel | UNM | |
Jayce Dowell | UNM | |
Vincent Dovydaitis | ASLC | |
Jean Eilek | NMT | Centaurus A: A Galaxy with a Past |
Nicholas Elias | NRAO | |
John Farrell | LCOGT | |
Dave Finley | NRAO | |
D.A. Frail | NRAO | On the Rate of Long Duration Transients in Radio Sky |
Miller Goss | NRAO | |
Todd Haines | LANL | |
Ryan T. Hamilton | NMSU | Understanding Abudance Patterns of Cataclysmic Variables in the Near Infrared |
Tim Hankins | NMT-NRAO | |
Bob Havlen | ||
Robert Hayward | NRAO | |
Trish Henning | UNM | |
Peter Hofner | NMT | |
Michael Hrynevych | MRO/NMT | NESSI: The New Mexico Tech Extrasolaor Spectoscopic Survey Instrument |
Jason Jackiewicz | NMSU | Solar and Stellar Physics Research at New Mexico State University |
Jim Jackson | NRAO | |
Anders Jorgensen | NMT | Imaging Geostationary Statellites with Interferometry: Signal-to-Noise Considerations |
Michael Kirk | NMSU | Connecting Ephemeral Chromospheric Brightenings to Coronal Loops |
Leonid Kogan | NRAO | |
Roger Kopp | LANL | |
Miriam Krauss | NRAO | |
Philipp Kronberg | LANL | |
Justin Linford | UNM | Contemporaneous VLBA 5 GHz Observations of LAT-Detected Blazars |
Joe Martinic | NMT | |
Josh Marvil | NRAO/NMT | |
David S. Meier | NMT | Revealing the Dense Gas Chemistry in the Hidden Galaxy Maffei 2 |
John Middleditch | LANL | Pulsar-driven Jets and the Non-existence of Dark Energy and Matter |
Amy Mioduszewski | NRAO | Evolution of colliding wind in high mass binary Cyg OB2#5 (T) |
Mark McCoy | NMT | |
Tyler McCracken | NMT/MRO | Bootstrapping the Magdalena Ridge Interferometer: Real and Imaginary Simulations |
Travis McIntyre | UNM | |
Raul Morales-Juberias | NMT | Analysis of Vortex Interactions in Jupiter Southern Hemisphere |
Kristina Nyland | NMT | Probing the Star Formation-AGN Relationship in Early-Type Galaxies Through Multifrequency EVLA Oservations |
Juergen Ott | NRAO | Feeding and Feedback: Molecular Gas in the Central Molecular Zone |
Frazer Owen | NRAO | |
Grady Owens | New Mexico Skies | |
Patrick Palmer | University of Chicago | |
Maria T Patterson | NMSU | The HALOGAS Survey: HI Observations and Modeling of NGC 5055 and NGC 4258 |
Rick Perley | NRAO | An accurate flux density scale from 1 to 50 GHz |
Alexander Pevtsov | NMSU | Coronoal Loop Detection and Seismology |
Jonathan Romney | NRAO | |
Viviana Rosero | NMT | |
Nirupam Roy | NRAO | Results from Galactic HI absorption survey |
Michael Rupen | NRAO | The Expanded Very Large Array: Status and Recent Results |
Eileen Ryan | NMT/MRO | |
Luke Schmidt | NMT | Assembly and Testing of AMASING, an Apeture Masking Insrument |
Jiahe Si | NMT | The Instrumental Implementation of the NMIMT Alpha-Omega Dynamo: The Omega-Phase |
Sue Simkin | MSU-NRAO Retired | |
Kenneth Sowinski | NRAO | |
Jason Speights | NMT | Observational Evidence Against Rigid Spiral Patterns in NGC 1365 and NGC 3031 |
Gustaaf van Moorsel | NRAO | |
Urvashi Rao Venkata | NRAO | |
R. Craig Walker | NRAO | |
Sander Weinreb | Caltech | Future of the VLA |
Dave Westpfahl | NMT | |
Stephen White | AFRL | |
Joan Wrobel | NRAO | A Kiloparsec-Scale Binary Active Galactic Nucleus Confirmed by the Expanded Very Large Array |
Cat Wu | NMSU | Multi-slit Spectroscopy and Ha Modeling of HALOGAS Targets NGC 4565, NGC 4244, and NGC 891 |
Lisa Young | NMT | |
Laura Zschaechner | UNM | HALOGAS: Observations and Modeling of the nearby edge-on spiral galaxies NGC 4244 and NGC 4565 |