Time | Title | Authors |
9:00-9:05 | Welcome | Dale Frail (NRAO) |
9:05-9:25 | Observational Evidence Against Rigid Spiral Patterns in NGC 1365 and NGC 3031 | Jason Speights (NMT) |
9:25-9:45 | The HALOGAS Survey: HI Observations and Modeling of NGC 5055 and NGC 4258 | Maria Patterson (NMSU) |
9:45-10:05 | HALOGAS: Observations and Modeling of the nearby edge-on spiral galaxies NGC 4244 and NGC 4565 | Laura Zschaechner (UNM) |
10:05-10:45 | Break and Posters | common room |
10:45-11:05 | Future of the VLA | Sander Weinreb (JPL/Caltech) |
11:05-11:25 | An accurate flux density scale from 1 to 50 GHz | Rick Perley (NRAO) |
11:25-11:45 | Operations and Commissioning of LWA-1 | Joe Craig (UNM) |
11:45-12:05 | Status Update on the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer | Michelle Creech-Eakman (NMT/MRO) |
12:05-1:35 | Lunch | |
1:35-1:55 | Centaurus A: A Galaxy with a Past | Jean Eilek (NMT) |
1:55-2:15 | Contemporaneous VLBA 5 GHz Observations of LAT-Detected Blazars | Justin Linford (UNM) |
2:15-2:35 | Emission from Helical, Force-Free Magnetic Fields, Jets \& Radio Lobes | Stirling Colgate (LLNL/NMIMT) |
2:35-2:55 | The Instrumental Implementation of the NMIMT Alpha-Omega Dynamo: the Omega-Phase | Jiahe Si (NMT) |
2:55-3:35 | Break and Posters | common room |
3:35-3:55 | Feeding and Feedback: Molecular Gas in the Central Molecular Zone | Juergen Ott (NRAO) |
3:55-4:15 | Results from Galactic HI absorption survey | Nirupam Roy (NRAO) |
4:15-4:35 | On the Rate of Long Duration Transients in Radio Sky | Dale Frail (NRAO) |
4:35-4:55 | Understanding Abundance Patterns of Cataclysmic Variables in the Near Infrared | Ryan Hamilton (NMSU) |
4:55-5:15 | Solar and Stellar Physics Research at New Mexico State University | Jason Jackiewicz (NMSU) |
5:30-8:00 | Cocktails and Dinner | Fidel Center |
8:00-9:00 | Jansky Lecture | Workman 101 |