Editorial - GCNEWS, Vol. 16, October 2003


A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera, Sera Markoff & Loránt Sjouwerman
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu

Volume 16, October 2003 - In the News

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In the News - Angela Cotera

GCNEWS is back!

After an extended absence, we are pleased to bring you Volume 16 of GCNEWS. Since Vol. 15, there have been numerous changes here at GCNEWS, with more to come. First, as many of you already know, Heino Falcke has stepped down as one of the editors, and I shall be following him within the year. We are very grateful to him for helping get GCNEWs off the ground, as well as for the technical support and scripting which have made our work much easier. Lorant Sjouwerman has assumed the technical editor position, and has successfully moved the webpages to NRAO. GCNEWS can now be found at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~gcnews/. As you have probably noticed, Lorant has also resumed the very useful ``Newsflash'' service, and has been getting out the abstracts sent to us in the past year.

Because the GCNEWS Bonn email address was unattended for a while, and because people move, emails from some of our subscribers have bounced; these names have been removed from the list. Please inform your colleagues that GCNEWS is back, and that they will need to re-subscribe if they haven't gotten the latest issue. If you have moved but are still receiving GCNEWs, you are likely receiving a forward so please check that your address is current (see the Subscribers link on our home page). If you will be moving, please send updates by email or use the subscriber form.

With Heino's and my departures, the structure of GCNEWS is evolving; the first change is the establishment of a rotating ``Editorial Board.'' This will give more of you the chance to both influence the direction of , e.g., future meetings as well as serving the community. We anticipate that this new approach will insure that GCNEWS will be uninterrupted in the future, and will continue to grow. Sera Markoff has agreed to remain on board for at least a year or two to bridge the gap, and we are pleased to welcome two new board members, Joe Lazio and Cornelia Lang. Joe has already been active in support of the GC community, by investigating the possibility of creating a more formal society under the auspices of the IAU. We are currently looking for a new member to represent the significant Japanese involvement in this field, so please contact us if you are interested.

We hope that GCNEWS will continue to serve as a link for the community, to encourage the planning of regular meetings, and to provide support as needed to the conference planners. Actually, with the amount of incredibly exciting GC research now in progress, I suggest it is not too soon to be thinking about the next workshop.

GC02 Conference Proceedings

The GC02 Conference Proceedings is finally in press. The proceedings will be sent to all of those who attended the conference. If you have changed addresses since the conference, please contact either Angela Cotera (cotera@asu.edu) or Tom Geballe (geballe@gemini.edu) with your new address, so we can insure you receive your copy. You will also be receiving a CD with the conference discussions sessions separately.

In the meantime, some of the proceedings are available online, and all of them should be shortly. You can access the articles from the publishers website, http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jissue/104552537. Finally, a much belated thanks to Tom Geballe, for an excellent conference, Andy Adamson for flawless transitions between the talk presentations, Gemini for providing superb staff support, and all of the participants for an excellent workshop. When and where shall we meet next?!

In this volume

As the first volume after a long hiatus, we have abstracts for a host of papers published in the last year. We know, however, that there have been many more articles published during this time. We encourage you to continue to submit your abstracts (even if published in the last year), to help keep the GC community informed of the latest research.

The featured article for this volume comes courtesy of Michael Muno. He provides us with a glimpse of the exciting science resulting from Chandra observations of the central parsecs of the Galaxy (our favorite place). We would also like to point out the abstract on results from XMM/Newton, which is also in this issue. Certainly one of the most striking aspects of the GC02 workshop was the extra dimension that X-ray observations are adding to our view of the GC.

We also have several abstracts about flares from Sgr A*, including recent results from the IR (and be sure to watch for a complementary article appearing in Nature this month).

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