Next: A Basic VLBA Schedule.
Previous: SCHED Input and Output
There are a number of example SCHED input files distributed with the
program. They are in the examples subdirectory ($SCHED/examples if the environment variable is set on unix systems).
Any can be consulted for information on how to run SCHED or for use
as templates from which to create your own schedule. All should
produce valid schedules if run as is. In fact, all are used in the
Verify script that is used to check new installations and new
versions of SCHED. All of the examples are described briefly and
linked here. As of Dec. 2013, there were 52 examples. Some
consolidation is on the agenda for future releases, partly from purging
ones most appropriate for the legacy systems no longer in use.
The two examples in subsections below show a typical, reasonably
simple, schedule and a minimal schedule of the type one might use for
experiment planning. The latter is likely to be useful when writing
proposals or doing other conceptual work.
Note that the example suite has grown up over many years and is in
some considerable need up updating. All are valid schedules that run
and could be used. But many features used are dated and new features
and currently preferred styles are still only seen in a few. Some
with recent (After late 2010) modifications that are especially current are
manual_1.key, egdelzn.key, egrdbe.key,
egrdbe2.key, egddc.key, and egcent.key which target
certain new features, but also show decent scheduling style.
See the section of this manual on
installation if
SCHED is not yet installed on your computer and if your login
is not set up to run SCHED. Also see the Running SCHED section for instructions on how to start the
If your version of SCHED is linked with the PGPLOT libraries
(has plotting capability) and you are on a unix system, you will need
to set the environoment variables PGPLOT_DIR to the location of
the PGPLOT libraries and PGPLOT_FONT to the location of
the PGPLOT font files, if that is not the same as PGPLOT_DIR.
- manual_2.key
- This
file is shown below as the first example. It
is a fairly typical SCHED input file for a VLBA plus single VLA
antenna observation. It uses defaults where it can and is relatively
simple. This example is a good file to use as a template for making
new schedules. This file has not been updated from MARK5A to MARK5C.
- manual_1.key
- This file will produce the same schedule as the
first example. However, for demonstration purposes, far more
parameters are actually specified in the input file. This includes
having at least parts of all auxiliary input files (catalogs etc)
imbedded. It is fairly complicated and contains a lot of comments in
an attempt to show many SCHED features and give some advice on
scheduling strategy. It has been updated to use the RDBE/DDC system
on the VLBA and the WIDAR on the VLA.
- manual_simp.key
- is the second
example below. It is a very simple file that can be
used to make plots for experiment planning purposes. Because of the
lack of cover information and because of the special optimization mode
used, it cannot be used to produce telesope control files.
- egplan.key
- is
much like [manual_simp.key]. It is a simple schedule to assist
in experiment planning. It is a bit more complete than manual_simp.key.
- eglst.key
- is a
sample schedule using LST in the way requested for dynamic scheduling
projects on the VLBA.
- egvlba.key
- is a
sample schedule for VLBA observations. It demonstrates band switching
and some recording control proceedures not in manual_2.key. It also demonstrates
providing PREEMPT=EXTRA scans on the ends of the project so
that operations might be able to provide extra data if there is a gap
that cannot otherwise be filled between projects.
- eg24.key
- is a
sample schedule of a simple project on the VLBA, but one that goes
for 24 hours. For dynamic scheduling, it is useful to be able to
wrap such schedules to use a different start time. This shows how
to put in comments for the schedulers to aid that process and shows
how the schedulers can use parameters WRAP24 and DOSCANS to
simplify the wrapping process. Note, this has not yet been updated
from MARK5A to MARK5C.
- egOH.key
- is a
sample spectral line file for VLBA
observations of several OH masers transitions.
- egcent.key
- is
a sample showing how to specify multiple phase centers for a pointing
center for the DiFX correlator.
- egdelzn.key
- demonstrates how to use the capability in SCHED to add automatically
short geodetic segments for the purpose of atmospheric calibration
delay. Note that similar segments, with very short scans, can be added
for tropospheric opacity calibration. This example also shows the use
of the PREEMPT parameter to protect
specific scans from preemption at Pie Town and Mauna Kea for daily
EOP observations of up to 1.5 hr.
- egrdbe2.key
- demonstrates a SCHED file for use with the new digital backend and
Mark5C recorders being deployed on the VLBA and elsewhere. This one
is relatively simple and uses the PFB personality which gives many
channels of fixed frequency and bandwidth. It does exercise the
mode where one station (GBT) has to observe in the opposite sideband
from others.
- rdbepfb.key
- is a stripped down version of egrdbe2.key that shows a rather
basic schedule for the VLBA only using the RDBE with the PFB personality.
It uses a SCHED standard setup so the user doesn't need to set
the configuration information.
- egcwide.key
- Example sched input for a VLBA using the RDBE with the PFB personality
and the wideband 6 cm receiver. Setups are given that use dual
polarization in one pair of IFs and that use single polarization in
two IFs at very different frequencies.
- egrdbe.key
- demonstrates a SCHED file for use with the new digital backend and
Mark5C recorders being deployed on the VLBA and elsewhere. This also
uses the PFB personality which gives many channels of fixed frequency
and bandwidth. This key file demonstrates fully specified setup
files. It also demonstrates how to set up a key file for piggyback
MARK5A and MARK5C scheduling.
- egddc.key
- demonstrates a SCHED file for use with the new digital backend
and Mark5C recorders being deployed on the VLBA and elsewhere.
This one allows flexible baseband frequencies and bandwidths, but provides
fewer channels than the PFB personality.
- egddc2.key
- demonstrates a SCHED file for use with 2 RDBE's and 8 channels
from the DDC personality. Otherwise it is a fairly simple VLBA
schedule. The deployment of 2 RDBE's is expected in early 2013.
- manual_line.key
- is the example that is
included in the spectral line section of this
manual. It is for VLBA and VLA observations of 7mm SiO lines. It
is more complicated than egOH.key
and also demonstrates setting VLA
frequencies and many other setup parameters that were defaulted
in egOH.key. This file has not been updated from MARK5A to
- eg512.key
- is a
sample schedule for the VLBA that uses the 512 Mbps mode.
- eg512g.key
- is a
sample schedule for the a global observation that uses 512 Mbps with
the RDBE.
- eg1024.key
- is a
sample schedule for the EVN that uses the 1024 Mbps mode with DBBC,
VLBA4, and MKIV systems.
- eg2head.key
- is
a sample schedule for an EVN observation that uses the 512 Mbps mode.
This uses 2 heads on one tape drive on Mark IV stations. VLBA4 and
DBBC stations are included. Note that it is possible to do 512 Mbps
on the VLBA and Mark IV stations simultaneously. The VLBA uses 2
drives while the Mark IV systems use 2 heads. This is actually based
on a network monitoring observation.
- egglobal.key
- is a sample file for simple continuum observations involving the VLBA,
the EVN,and the GBT. The VLA has been removed because this example
uses the legacy recording system which is no longer supported at the
VLA. This file has not been updated from MARK5A to MARK5C.
- egglobalOH.key
- is a sample file for line observations involving the VLBA,
the EVN,and the GBT.
- egiv.key
- is a
sample schedule for Mark IV/VLBA observations involving mainly EVN
stations. It will generate a VEX format file for stations controlled
by the field system and VLBA type control files for the VLBA and other
stations that need them. It is an OH spectral line observation so it
is also an example of spectral line observing.
- egvsop.key
- is a
sample schedule for Mark IV / VLBA observations specifically using
modes appropriate for observations with the Japanese VLBI satellite,
VSOP. It will produce VEX format schedules for stations that use the
field system and VLBA format files for those stations that need them.
VSOP (HALCA) is no longer operational, but the VSOP-2 project has started
so this example has been retained. It will be modified for VSOP-2
when that project is far enough along to make it clear what is needed.
This file has not been updated from MARK5A to MARK5C.
- eg3mma.key
- is a
VLBA schedule for observations at 86 GHz. There is special emphasis
on reference pointing, which is done
explicitly in this file. This file uses the RDBE_DDC at 2 Gbps
using 8 channels of 64 MHz each.
- eg3mmc.key
- is
yet a third VLBA 3mm schedule, again using automatic insertion of
pointing scans. But this time, the file with the commands controling
that insertion is inserted in the main schedule file and is somewhat
simplified from that in eg3mmb.key
This file does not create the separate new and old system files needed
for reference pointing on masers while observing with the new RDBE wide
band system with the PFB personality. For instructions on how to do
that, please see
This file has not been updated from MARK5A to MARK5C.
- eg3mm_rd2.key
- is similar to eg3mmb.key, but shows how to make reference
pointing observations, when using the RDBE wide band system with the
PFB personality which uses fixed 32 MHz channels and cannot be fine
tuned. It uses the crd parameters to specify the allowed bandwidth
and frequency, including using Doppler calculations, to set the legacy
system as desired.
- vips11.key
- shows use of OPTMODE=HAS for automatic
scheduling. This mode tries to obtain a requested number of scans on
each source and spread them reasonably evenly over the time available.
It pays some attention to minimizing slew times. It is meant to
simplify scheduling of projects that try to image a number, perhaps
large, of sources using multiple snap-shots on each. It was
originally provided for the VIPS project but should be useful for many
other programs.
- evn_cont_strong.key
- is an example of EVN observations at
18cm. The observing pattern is an 11 minute cycle with 2 minutes on
a calibrator and 9 minutes on a target source. This observation is at
128 Mbps.
- evn_cont_strong_pol.key
- is essentially the same
schedule as evn_cont_strong.key, but with a D
term calibrator and a polarization position angle calibrator added.
- evn_cont_weak_256.key
- is phase referencing schedule for
the EVN with a 5 minute cycle time using 256 Mbps.
- evn_cont_weak_512.key
- is a similar phase referencing schedule
for the EVN, but uses 512 Mbps which requires 2 headstacks.
- evn_cont_weak_snap.key
- is an EVN schedule for 256 Mbps
observations of multiple snapshots using phase referencing.
- evn_line_hi.key
- is for EVN observations of an extragalactic
21-cm HI source.
- evn_line_meth.key
- is for EVN only observations of the
6.7 GHz line of methanol in a glactic source.
- eg5cm.key
- is a
sample schedule for the EVN and EVLA that observes near 6.7 GHz. It
is the same as evn_line_meth.key, but with the EVLA added.
- hsa1cm.key
- is a
sample schedule for the High Sensitivity Array (HSA - VLBA + GBT +
Effelsberg + Arecibo + VLA) at 1cm. This file does not include the
VLA and Arecibo.
- hsa21cm.key
- is a
sample schedule for the High Sensitivity Array (HSA = VLBA + GBT +
Effelsberg + Arecibo (VLA removed)) at 21cm. The schedule uses the
legacy system which is not avaiable at the VLA so the VLA has been taken
out for now.
- hsaddc.key
- is
a rather complex example that uses the RDBE with the DDC personality
on the VLBA, VLA, GBT, and Effelsberg. There are segments
at 6cm, 1cm, and 3mm. It exercises array phasing
at the VLA, reference pointing at all of the telescopes, and Doppler
- lba.key
- is a
sample schedule for the Long Baseline Array in Australia.
- lba_mk5.key
- is a
sample schedule for the Long Baseline Array in Australia when some
MARK5 stations are included.
- planvla.key
- is a
planning file similar to the other VLBA planning files, but has
all 27 stations of the VLA A configuration. You can use this to
explore VLA uv coverage etc. It should still work despite the current
(2012) inability to schedule the VLA for other than VLBI. It doesn't
actually create observing files.
- is a
script that creates and runs VLBA pointing observations. It exercizes
one of the optimization modes to allow the same script to be used for
any time slot for any time of year. This example will not be run by
the Verify script if the site is not at NRAO because the
emphemeris routines used for pointing at planets will not generally be
available. It is also not of much interest beyond the staff
responsible for maintaining the VLBA.
- is a
script that creates and runs VLBA pointing observations. It is very
much like except that it uses the DOSTA parameter to allow the same script to be used for stations
with 3mm and stations without 3mm.
- demonstrates scheduling a satellite observation using both MER-B and
Stardust. It also includes Mars to exercise the planet option. These
capabilities are unlikely to be of interest outside of the AOC. In
fact, the required NAIF software libraries would hugely increase the
size of the SCHED distribution and are not normally included. This
file has not been updated from MARK5A to MARK5C.
- dq415.key
- is
a data quality test file from early 2014 that uses the RDBE and MARK5C.
It samples most of the RF bands available on the VLBA.
- mt506.key
- is one
of the weekly VLBA integrity check observations from the MARK5A era.
It is here mainly to exercize SCHED in a mode that uses lots of setup
files. It is similar to the more modern dq415.key but uses the
outdated recording system. It should probably be removed soon.
- jvla.key
- is
an example covering use of the VLA as a phased array for VLBI. This
version uses the 32 MHz output baseband bandwidths of the WIDAR to
create recordings that can be played against 4 of the 16 channels
created by the PFB personality of the RDBE on the VLBA.
- n2227.key
- is a
sample USNO Earth Orientation observation using PT and MK.
is a
vehicle for testing all the new RDBE/MARK5C standard setup files that
use the pfb personality. These are the setups that start with
Next: A Basic VLBA Schedule.
Previous: SCHED Input and Output
Craig Walker