Uses of Class

Packages that use TimeInterval
edu.nrao.sss.astronomy General astronomical concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of TimeInterval in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy that return TimeInterval
 TimeInterval EphemerisTable.getValidTime()
          Returns the interval of time for which this table is valid.
 TimeInterval PolynomialPosition.getValidTime()
          Returns the interval of time for which this position is valid.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy with parameters of type TimeInterval
 void PolynomialPosition.setValidTime(TimeInterval interval)
          Sets the interval of time for which this position is valid.

Uses of TimeInterval in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return TimeInterval
 TimeInterval TimeInterval.clone()
          Returns a time interval that is equal to this one.
 TimeInterval TimeInterval.makeGapFiller(TimeInterval other)
          Returns a new time interval that exactly plugs the gap between this interval and the other.
static TimeInterval TimeInterval.parse(String iso8601Interval)
          Creates a new time interval based on the parameter text.
static TimeInterval TimeInterval.parse(String interval, String dateFormat, String separator)
          Creates a new time interval by parsing interval with the given formatter and separator.
 TimeInterval[] TimeInterval.split(Date pointOfSplit)
          Returns two new intervals that were formed by splitting this one at the given point.
 TimeInterval TimeDuration.toIntervalCenteredOn(Date center)
          Returns a time interval that is centered on center and lasts as long as this duration.
 TimeInterval TimeDuration.toIntervalEndingOn(Date end)
          Returns a time interval that ends on end and lasts as long as this duration.
 TimeInterval TimeDuration.toIntervalStartingOn(Date start)
          Returns a time interval that begins on start and lasts as long as this duration.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type TimeInterval
 int TimeInterval.compareTo(TimeInterval other)
          Compares this interval to other for order.
 boolean TimeInterval.contains(TimeInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval contains other.
 boolean TimeInterval.isAfter(TimeInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval starts after the other one ends.
 boolean TimeInterval.isBefore(TimeInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval ends before the other one starts.
 boolean TimeInterval.isContainedBy(TimeInterval other)
          Returns true if the other interval contains this one.
 boolean TimeInterval.isContiguousWith(TimeInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval and the other form a contiguous non-overlapping time interval.
 TimeInterval TimeInterval.makeGapFiller(TimeInterval other)
          Returns a new time interval that exactly plugs the gap between this interval and the other.
 boolean TimeInterval.overlaps(TimeInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval overlaps the other interval.

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