Package edu.nrao.sss.astronomy

General astronomical concepts.


Interface Summary
CelestialCoordinateConverter A converter of sky positions to other celestial coordinate systems.
EphemerisTableReader A reader that can create or fill an ephemeris table from data in a file.
SkyPosition A point on the celestial sphere.
SourceLocator A finder of sources.

Class Summary
CompositeConverter A coordinate converter that delegates its work to other converters.
DopplerTracker A calculator of frequency shifts due to the motion of a point on earth relative to a celestial source.
EphemerisTable A table of position entries for an astronomical source.
EphemerisTableBuilder Helper for test classes; builds an ephemeris table.
EphemerisTableReaderFactory A factory that produces readers of ephemeris table files.
EquatorialHorizontalConverter A converter that converts only equatorial positions to or from horizontal positions.
HeasarcCoordConverter A celestial coordinate system converter provided by NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC).
JplEphemerisTableReader A reader of JPL Horizons Ephemeris Tables.
Orbit A description of the orbit of one body around another.
PolynomialPosition A position of an astronomical source that is described by a collection of polynomial equations.
PolynomialPositionTable A table of polynomial positions.
SimpleSkyPosition A very basic implementation of a sky position.
SkyBotResolver IMCE's SkyBot Resolver source locator.
SkyPositionBuilder Helper for test classes; builds sky positions with randomized data.
SkyPositionFilter A filter that operates on SkyPositions.
SolarSystemBodyPosition Position information for a solar system body.
SpectralLine A spectral line caused by emission or absorption of a photon.
StarlinkPalConverter A coordinate converter based on the Positional Astronomy Library of the defunct Starlink project.

Enum Summary
CelestialCoordinateSystem An enumeration of coordinate systems commonly used in astronomy.
Epoch An enumeration of astronomical epochs.
PolarizationType The polarizations a single receptor can detect.
SideBand A single sideband of an amplitude modulated signal.
SkyPositionType An indicator for the form in which position information is held.
StokesParameter A set of values that describe the polarization state of electromagnetic radiation1.
VelocityConvention A convention used to convert a rest frequency to a sky frequency.
VelocityFrame A frame of rest against which a velocity is measured.

Exception Summary
CoordinateConversionException Thrown to indicate that something has gone wrong during conversion from one celestial coordinate system to another.

Package edu.nrao.sss.astronomy Description

General astronomical concepts.

Class Diagrams

  1. SkyPosition and Its Implementations
    1. Simplest Implementation
    2. Ephemeris Table Implementation
    3. Orbital Elements Implementation
    4. Internal Ephemeris Implementation
    5. Polynomial Implementation
    6. Table of Polynomials Implementation
  2. Polynomial Position: Use of Polynomial Class

Sequence Diagrams

  1. Creating an EphemerisTable from a JPL File

David M. Harland

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