Uses of Class

Packages that use TimeDuration
edu.nrao.sss.astronomy General astronomical concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of TimeDuration in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy that return TimeDuration
 TimeDuration SolarSystemBodyPosition.getRefreshRate()
          Returns a copy of this position's refresh rate (see SolarSystemBodyPosition.setRefreshRate(TimeDuration) for a description).

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy with parameters of type TimeDuration
 void SolarSystemBodyPosition.setRefreshRate(TimeDuration newRate)
          Sets the refresh rate for this position to newRate.

Uses of TimeDuration in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return TimeDuration
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.add(TimeDuration other)
          Adds the given time to this duration.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.clone()
          Returns a duration that is equal to this one.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.convertTo(TimeUnits newUnits)
          Converts this duration to the new units.
 TimeDuration TimeOfDayInterval.getDuration()
          Returns the time duration represented by this interval.
 TimeDuration TimeInterval.getDuration()
          Returns the time duration represented by this interval.
 TimeDuration TimeOfDay.getLengthOfDay()
          Returns the length of day on which this time of day is based.
 TimeDuration TimeOfDay.getTimeSinceMidnight()
          Returns the amount of time that has elapsed from midnight until this time of day.
 TimeDuration TimeOfDay.getTimeUntilMidnight()
          Returns the amount of time that will elapse from this time of day until midnight.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.multiplyBy(BigDecimal multiplier)
          Multiplies this duration by multiplier.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.multiplyBy(String multiplier)
          Multiplies this duration by multiplier.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.normalize()
          Converts the value and units of this time duration so that the value is normal.
static TimeDuration TimeDuration.parse(String timeText)
          Creates a time duration based on timeText.
static TimeDuration TimeDuration.parse(String timeText, BigDecimal secondsInOneDay)
          Creates a new time duration by parsing timeText.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.siderealTimeUntil(Date otherSolar)
          Returns a duration, in sidereal time, from this LST to otherSolar.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.siderealTimeUntil(JulianDate otherSolar)
          Returns a duration, in sidereal time, from this LST to otherSolar.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.siderealTimeUntil(LocalSiderealTime otherSidereal)
          Returns a duration, in sidereal time, from this LST to otherSidereal.
static TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.siderealToSolar(TimeDuration siderealDuration)
          Returns a duration in solar time that is equivalent to the given sidereal duration.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.solarTimeUntil(Date otherSolar)
          Returns a duration, in solar time, from this LST to otherSolar.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.solarTimeUntil(JulianDate otherSolar)
          Returns a duration, in solar time, from this LST to otherSolar.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.solarTimeUntil(LocalSiderealTime otherSidereal)
          Returns a duration, in solar time, from this LST to otherSidereal.
static TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.solarToSidereal(TimeDuration solarDuration)
          Returns a duration in sidereal time that is equivalent to the given solar duration.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.subtract(TimeDuration other)
          Subtracts other from this duration.
 TimeDuration TimeOfDay.timeUntil(TimeOfDay other)
          Returns the amount of time until this time of day equals other.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type TimeDuration
 TimeOfDay TimeOfDay.add(TimeDuration duration)
          Adds the given amount of time to this time of day.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.add(TimeDuration other)
          Adds the given time to this duration.
 JulianDate JulianDate.add(TimeDuration duration)
          Increments this date by the given amount of time.
 LocalSiderealTime LocalSiderealTime.addSidereal(TimeDuration siderealDuration)
          Increments this LST by the given amount of sidereal time.
 LocalSiderealTime LocalSiderealTime.addSolar(TimeDuration solarDuration)
          Increments this LST by the given amount of solar time.
 int TimeDuration.compareTo(TimeDuration otherDur)
          Compares this duration with the otherDur for order.
 void TimeDuration.set(TimeDuration other)
          Sets this duration to be equal to other.
static TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.siderealToSolar(TimeDuration siderealDuration)
          Returns a duration in solar time that is equivalent to the given sidereal duration.
static TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.solarToSidereal(TimeDuration solarDuration)
          Returns a duration in sidereal time that is equivalent to the given solar duration.
 TimeOfDay TimeOfDay.subtract(TimeDuration duration)
          Subtracts the given amount of time from this time of day.
 TimeDuration TimeDuration.subtract(TimeDuration other)
          Subtracts other from this duration.
 JulianDate JulianDate.subtract(TimeDuration duration)
          Decrements this date by the given amount of time.
 LocalSiderealTime LocalSiderealTime.subtractSidereal(TimeDuration siderealDuration)
          Decrements this LST by the given amount of sidereal time.
 LocalSiderealTime LocalSiderealTime.subtractSolar(TimeDuration solarDuration)
          Decrements this LST by the given amount of solar time.

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