Uses of Class

Packages that use LinearVelocity
edu.nrao.sss.astronomy General astronomical concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.geom Geometric concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of LinearVelocity in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy that return LinearVelocity
 LinearVelocity DopplerTracker.calculateRelativeVelocity(Date dateTime)
          Calculates and returns the relative velocity between the earth-bound observer and celestial source held by this tracker.
 LinearVelocity DopplerTracker.getSourceVelocity()
          Returns the velocity of the celestial source, relative to the rest frame held by this object.
abstract  LinearVelocity VelocityConvention.getVelocity(BigDecimal shiftFactor)
          Returns the velocity for the given shift factor.
 LinearVelocity EphemerisTable.getVelocity(Date time)
          Returns the radial velocity of this position at the given point in time.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy with parameters of type LinearVelocity
 BigDecimal VelocityConvention.getFrequencyShiftFactor(LinearVelocity velocity)
          Returns a factor that can be used to shift a rest frequency to one appropriate for the given velocity.
 Frequency SpectralLine.getShiftedFrequency(LinearVelocity radialVelocity, VelocityConvention convention)
          Returns the apparent frequency of this line if its source is moving relative to the observer.
 void DopplerTracker.setSource(SkyPosition newPosition, LinearVelocity newVelocity, VelocityFrame newFrame, VelocityConvention newConvention)
          A convenience method for setting the position and velocity of a celestial source.
 void DopplerTracker.setSourceVelocity(LinearVelocity newVelocity)
          Sets the velocity of the celestial source, relative to the rest frame held by this object.
 void DopplerTracker.setSourceVelocity(LinearVelocity newVelocity, VelocityFrame newFrame, VelocityConvention newConvention)
          A convenience method for setting the source velocity and frame.
 void EphemerisTableBuilder.setVelocityRange(LinearVelocity first, LinearVelocity last)

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy with parameters of type LinearVelocity
DopplerTracker(EarthPosition observer, SkyPosition skyPosition, LinearVelocity sourceVelocity, VelocityFrame sourceFrame, VelocityConvention velocityConvention)
          Creates a new Doppler tracker with the given parameters.

Uses of LinearVelocity in edu.nrao.sss.geom

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.geom that return LinearVelocity
static LinearVelocity EarthPosition.calcRevolutionVelocityToward( positionOfDate, Date calcDate, boolean useHelio)
          Calculates the velocity in the direction of the given sky position due to the revolution of the earth around the sun or barycenter.
 LinearVelocity EarthPosition.calcVelocityRelativeTo(SkyPosition skyPosition, Date calcTime, VelocityFrame referenceFrame)
          Returns the velocity of this position to the given sky position at a particular point in time and with respect to the given frame of reference.

Uses of LinearVelocity in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return LinearVelocity
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.add(LinearVelocity other)
          Adds other linear velocity to this one.
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.clone()
          Returns a linear velocity that is equal to this one.
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.convertTo(LinearVelocityUnits newUnits)
          Converts this measure of linear velocity to the new units.
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.divideBy(BigDecimal divisor)
          Divides this velocity by divisor.
 LinearVelocity Wave.getVelocity()
          Returns a copy of the velocity of this wave.
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.multiplyBy(BigDecimal multiplier)
          Multiplies this velocity by multiplier.
static LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.parse(String velocityString)
          Returns a new velocity based on velocityString.
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.subtract(LinearVelocity other)
          Subtracts other linear velocity from this one.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type LinearVelocity
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.add(LinearVelocity other)
          Adds other linear velocity to this one.
 int LinearVelocity.compareTo(LinearVelocity otherVel)
          Compares this linear velocity with the otherVel for order.
 Wave Frequency.makeWave(LinearVelocity speedOfWave)
          Creates and returns a new wave with the given speed and this frequency.
 Wave Wave.setVelocity(LinearVelocity newVelocity)
          Sets this wave's velocity so that it is equal to newVelocity.
 LinearVelocity LinearVelocity.subtract(LinearVelocity other)
          Subtracts other linear velocity from this one.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type LinearVelocity
Wave(LinearVelocity speedOfWave)
          Creates a new wave with the given velocity.

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