Uses of Class

Packages that use Frequency
edu.nrao.sss.astronomy General astronomical concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.electronics Electronic components that process frequency signals. 
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of Frequency in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy that return Frequency
 Frequency DopplerTracker.calculateShiftedFrequency(Frequency restFreq, Date dateTime)
          Returns a shifted frequency based on restFreq and the relative velocity of the observer to the emitter at dateTime.
 Frequency SpectralLine.getFrequency()
          Returns the frequency of this line.
 Frequency SpectralLine.getShiftedFrequency(LinearVelocity radialVelocity, VelocityConvention convention)
          Returns the apparent frequency of this line if its source is moving relative to the observer.
 Frequency SpectralLine.getUncertainty()
          Returns the uncertainty in the frequency of this line.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy with parameters of type Frequency
 Frequency DopplerTracker.calculateShiftedFrequency(Frequency restFreq, Date dateTime)
          Returns a shifted frequency based on restFreq and the relative velocity of the observer to the emitter at dateTime.
 void SpectralLine.setFrequency(Frequency newFrequency)
          Sets the frequency for this line.
 void SpectralLine.setUncertainty(Frequency newValue)
          Sets the uncertainty in the frequency of this line.

Uses of Frequency in edu.nrao.sss.electronics

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.electronics that return Frequency
 Frequency LocalOscillator.getClosestTunableFrequency(Frequency potentialTuning)
          Returns the legal tuning that is closed to potentialTuning.
 Frequency Signal.getCurrentFrequencyFor(Frequency proxiedFrequency)
          Returns the frequency to which proxiedFrequency has been transformed.
 Frequency LocalOscillator.getCurrentTuning()
          Returns the frequency to which this oscillator is currently tuned.
 Frequency LocalOscillatorPath.getLOFreqToMoveCenterViaAddition(Frequency from, Frequency to)
          Returns the value to which this path's source of signal should be tuned in order to move one frequency to another.
 Frequency LocalOscillatorPath.getLOFreqToMoveCenterViaSubtraction(Frequency from, Frequency to)
          Returns the value to which this path's source of signal should be tuned in order to move one frequency to another.
 Frequency Signal.getMappingIntercept()
          Returns the y-intercept of the linear mapping function, where the current frequency is the independent variable and the proxied frequency is the dependent variable.
 Frequency Signal.getProxiedFrequencyFor(Frequency currentFrequency)
          Returns the frequency represented by the currentFrequency.
 Frequency DigitalSignal.getSamplingRate()
          Returns the rate at which this signal was sampled.
 Frequency LocalOscillator.getStepSize()
          Returns the distance between adjacent tunings of this oscillator.
 Frequency SignalMultiplier.multiply(Frequency input)
          Multiplies input by this multiplier's factor and returns the multiplied frequency.
 Frequency LocalOscillator.tuneTo(Frequency desiredFrequency)
          Attempts to change the output frequency of this oscillator to desiredFrequency.
 Frequency LocalOscillator.tuneToCenter()
          Tunes this local oscillator as closely as possible to the center of its range.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.electronics with parameters of type Frequency
 Frequency LocalOscillator.getClosestTunableFrequency(Frequency potentialTuning)
          Returns the legal tuning that is closed to potentialTuning.
 Frequency Signal.getCurrentFrequencyFor(Frequency proxiedFrequency)
          Returns the frequency to which proxiedFrequency has been transformed.
 Frequency LocalOscillatorPath.getLOFreqToMoveCenterViaAddition(Frequency from, Frequency to)
          Returns the value to which this path's source of signal should be tuned in order to move one frequency to another.
 Frequency LocalOscillatorPath.getLOFreqToMoveCenterViaSubtraction(Frequency from, Frequency to)
          Returns the value to which this path's source of signal should be tuned in order to move one frequency to another.
 Frequency Signal.getProxiedFrequencyFor(Frequency currentFrequency)
          Returns the frequency represented by the currentFrequency.
 boolean LocalOscillator.isTunableTo(Frequency potentialTuning)
          Returns true if this oscillator can be tuned to the given frequency.
 Frequency SignalMultiplier.multiply(Frequency input)
          Multiplies input by this multiplier's factor and returns the multiplied frequency.
 void LocalOscillatorPath.setLOToMoveCenterViaAddition(Frequency from, Frequency to)
          Sets this path's local oscillator to a frequency that will convert from to to via addition.
 void LocalOscillatorPath.setLOToMoveCenterViaSubtraction(Frequency from, Frequency to)
          Sets this path's local oscillator to a frequency that will convert from to to via subtraction.
 Frequency LocalOscillator.tuneTo(Frequency desiredFrequency)
          Attempts to change the output frequency of this oscillator to desiredFrequency.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.electronics with parameters of type Frequency
DigitalSignal(FrequencyRange originalRange, PolarizationType polarization, Frequency samplingRate, int bitsPerSample)
          Creates a new digital signal with the given attributes.
DigitalSignal(Signal analogSignal, Frequency samplingRate, int bitsPerSample)
          Creates a new digital signal from another signal.
LocalOscillator(FrequencyRange tunableRange, Frequency tuningStepSize)
          Creates an oscillator whose tunings are limited to the given range and whose "dial" moves in increments of tuningStepSize.
Signal(Frequency centerFrequency)
          Creates a new signal centered on the given frequency and with an unspecified polarization.
SignalSampler(String deviceName, int numberOfBitsPerSample, Frequency samplesPerSecond)
          Creates a new sampler that produces signals with the given properties.

Uses of Frequency in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return Frequency
 Frequency Frequency.add(Frequency other)
          Adds other frequency to this one.
 Frequency Frequency.clone()
          Returns a frequency that is equal to this one.
 Frequency Frequency.convertTo(FrequencyUnits newUnits)
          Converts this measure of frequency to the new units.
 Frequency Frequency.divideBy(BigDecimal divisor)
          Divides this frequency by divisor.
 Frequency Frequency.divideBy(String divisor)
          Divides this frequency by divisor.
 Frequency Frequency.getAbsoluteDistanceFrom(FrequencyRange range)
          Returns the smallest positive difference between this frequency and range.
 Frequency FrequencySpectrum.getAmountCovered()
          Returns the amount of this spectrum that is covered.
 Frequency FrequencySpectrum.getAmountCovered(FrequencyRange targetRange)
          Returns the amount of the target range that is covered by the covered portions of this spectrum.
 Frequency FrequencyRange.getCenterFrequency()
          Returns the frequency that is midway between the endpoints of this range.
 Frequency Wave.getFrequency()
          Returns a copy of this wave's frequency.
 Frequency FrequencyRange.getHighFrequency()
          Returns the high endpoint of this range.
 Frequency FrequencyRange.getLowFrequency()
          Returns the low endpoint of this range.
 Frequency FrequencyRange.getWidth()
          Returns the width of this range.
 Frequency Frequency.multiplyBy(BigDecimal multiplier)
          Multiplies this frequency by multiplier.
 Frequency Frequency.multiplyBy(String multiplier)
          Multiplies this frequency by multiplier.
 Frequency Frequency.normalize()
          Converts the value and units of this frequency so that the value is between one and one thousand.
static Frequency Frequency.parse(String frequencyString)
          Returns a new frequency based on frequencyString.
 Frequency Frequency.subtract(Frequency other)
          Subtracts other frequency from this one.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type Frequency
 Frequency Frequency.add(Frequency other)
          Adds other frequency to this one.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.changeWidthTo(Frequency newWidth)
          Changes the width of this range to newWidth.
 int Frequency.compareTo(Frequency otherFreq)
          Compares this frequency with the otherFreq for order.
 boolean FrequencyRange.contains(Frequency frequency)
          Returns true if this range contains frequency.
 boolean FrequencySpectrum.covers(Frequency frequency)
          Returns true if this spectrum covers the given frequency.
 BigDecimal Frequency.dividedBy(Frequency other)
          Returns the result of dividing this frequency by other, without altering this frequency.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.moveCenterTo(Frequency newCenter)
          Moves this range so that its new center frequency is newCenter.
 void FrequencyRange.set(Frequency frequency1, Frequency frequency2)
          Sets the frequencies of this range.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.setCenterAndWidth(Frequency center, Frequency width)
          Sets the endpoints of this range based on the given center frequency and bandwidth.
 Wave Wave.setFrequency(Frequency newFrequency)
          Sets this wave's frequency so that it is equal to newFrequency.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.shiftDownBy(Frequency shiftSize)
          Moves both the low and high endpoints of this range down by shiftSize.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.shiftUpBy(Frequency shiftSize)
          Moves both the low and high endpoints of this range up by shiftSize.
 Frequency Frequency.subtract(Frequency other)
          Subtracts other frequency from this one.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type Frequency
FrequencyRange(Frequency center)
          Creates a new frequency range with the given center and an extremely narrow width.
FrequencyRange(Frequency frequency1, Frequency frequency2)
          Creates a new instance with the given endpoints.

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