Uses of Class

Packages that use Distance
edu.nrao.sss.astronomy General astronomical concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.geom Geometric concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of Distance in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy

Fields in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy declared as Distance
static Distance SkyPositionFilter.ANY_DISTANCE
          A constant that may be used to indicate that the minimum or maximum distance is unbounded.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy that return Distance
 Distance PolynomialPositionTable.getDistance()
 Distance SimpleSkyPosition.getDistance()
          Returns the current distance of this position.
 Distance SolarSystemBodyPosition.getDistance()
          Returns the current distance of this position.
 Distance EphemerisTable.getDistance(Date time)
          Returns the distance of this position at the given point in time.
 Distance PolynomialPositionTable.getDistance(Date time)
 Distance SimpleSkyPosition.getDistance(Date time)
          Returns the distance of this position at the given point in time.
 Distance Orbit.getDistance(Date time)
          NOT YET CODED; always returns a null-like value.

Returns the distance of this position at the given point in time.

 Distance SkyPosition.getDistance(Date time)
          Returns the distance of this position at the given point in time.
 Distance PolynomialPosition.getDistance(Date time)
          Returns the distance of this position at the given point in time.
 Distance SolarSystemBodyPosition.getDistance(Date time)
          Returns the distance of this position at the given point in time.
 Distance PolynomialPosition.getDistanceAtTimeZero()
          Returns the distance of this position as of the reference time.
 Distance PolynomialPositionTable.getDistanceUncertainty()
 Distance SimpleSkyPosition.getDistanceUncertainty()
          Returns the uncertainty in the distance of this position.
 Distance PolynomialPosition.getDistanceUncertainty()
          Returns the uncertainty in the distance of this position.
 Distance SolarSystemBodyPosition.getDistanceUncertainty()
          Returns the uncertainty in the distance of this position.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy with parameters of type Distance
 void SimpleSkyPosition.setDistance(Distance newDistance)
          Sets the distance of this position.
 void SkyPositionFilter.setDistance(Distance center, Distance halfWidth)
          Sets the distance range for this filter.
 void PolynomialPosition.setDistanceAtTimeZero(Distance distance)
          Sets the distance of this position as of the reference time.
 void SkyPositionFilter.setDistanceRange(Distance min, Distance max)
          Sets the distance range for this filter.
 void EphemerisTableBuilder.setDistanceRange(Distance first, Distance last)
 void SimpleSkyPosition.setDistanceUncertainty(Distance newUncertainty)
          Sets the uncertainty in the distance of this position.
 void PolynomialPosition.setDistanceUncertainty(Distance uncertainty)
          Sets the uncertainty level in the distance of this position.

Uses of Distance in edu.nrao.sss.geom

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.geom that return Distance
 Distance SphericalPosition.getDistance()
          Returns the current distance of this position from an origin.
 Distance EarthPosition.getDistance()
          Returns a copy of this position's distance.
 Distance SphericalPosition.getDistanceUncertainty()
          Returns the uncertainty in the distance of this position.
 Distance EarthPosition.getDistanceUncertainty()
          Returns a copy of the uncertainty in this position's distance.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.geom with parameters of type Distance
EarthPosition(Longitude longitude, Latitude latitude, Distance distance, TimeZone timeZone)
          Creates a new position at the given location.
EarthPosition(Longitude lon, Latitude lat, Distance dist, TimeZone tz, Longitude lonUncertainty, Latitude latUncertainty, Distance distUncertainty)
          Creates a new position at the given location.

Uses of Distance in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return Distance
 Distance Distance.add(Distance other)
          Adds other distance to this one.
 Distance Distance.clone()
          Returns a distance that is equal to this one.
 Distance Distance.convertTo(DistanceUnits newUnits)
          Converts this measure of distance to the new units.
 Distance Wave.getWavelength()
          Returns a copy of this wave's wavelength.
static Distance Distance.parse(String distanceString)
          Returns a new distance based on distanceString.
 Distance Distance.subtract(Distance other)
          Subtracts other distance from this one.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type Distance
 Distance Distance.add(Distance other)
          Adds other distance to this one.
 int Distance.compareTo(Distance otherDist)
          Compares this distance with the otherDist for order.
 Wave Wave.setWavelength(Distance newWavelength)
          Sets this wave's wavelength so that it is equal to newWavelength.
 Distance Distance.subtract(Distance other)
          Subtracts other distance from this one.

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