Uses of Class

Packages that use Angle
edu.nrao.sss.astronomy General astronomical concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.geom Geometric concepts. 
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of Angle in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy that return Angle
 Angle PolynomialPositionTable.getAngularSeparation(SphericalPosition other)
 Angle SolarSystemBodyPosition.getAngularSeparation(SphericalPosition other)
 Angle PolynomialPositionTable.getAngularSeparation(SphericalPosition other, Date time)
 Angle SkyPosition.getAngularSeparation(SphericalPosition other, Date time)
          Calculates current angular separation between this position and other at the given time.
 Angle SolarSystemBodyPosition.getAngularSeparation(SphericalPosition other, Date time)

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.astronomy with parameters of type Angle
 void SkyPositionFilter.setCone(Latitude centerLatitude, Longitude centerLongitude, Angle searchRadius)
          Sets this filter so that only positions within the cone described by the center latitude / longitude pair and the search radius may pass.
 void SkyPositionFilter.setCone(SkyPosition center, Angle searchRadius)
          Sets this filter so that only positions within the cone described by the center and the search radius may pass.
 void SkyPositionFilter.setLatitude(Latitude center, Angle halfWidth)
          Sets the latitude range for this filter.
 void SkyPositionFilter.setLatitudeLongitudeRectangle(Latitude centerLatitude, Longitude centerLongitude, Angle halfWidth)
          Sets that latitude and longitude ranges for this filter.
 void SkyPositionFilter.setLongitude(Longitude center, Angle halfWidth)
          Sets the longitude range for this filter.

Uses of Angle in edu.nrao.sss.geom

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.geom that return Angle
static Angle EarthPosition.calculateAngularSeparation(Latitude latitude1, Latitude latitude2, Longitude longitude1, Longitude longitude2)
          Calculates the angular separation between two positions.
 Angle SphericalPosition.getAngularSeparation(SphericalPosition other)
          Calculates the current angular separation between this position and other.
 Angle EarthPosition.getAngularSeparation(SphericalPosition other)
 Angle EarthPosition.getParallacticAngle(Longitude rightAscension, Latitude declination, Date dateTime)
          Returns the parallactic angle to the given sky coordinates from this location at the specified time.

Uses of Angle in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return Angle
 Angle Angle.add(Angle other)
          Adds the other angle to this one.
 Angle Angle.add(BigDecimal amount)
          Adds the amount, of the same units as this angle, to this angle.
 Angle Angle.add(String amount)
          Adds the amount, of the same units as this angle, to this angle.
static Angle Angle.arcCosine(double cosine)
          Returns a new angle whose cosine is cosine.
static Angle Angle.arcSine(double sine)
          Returns a new angle whose sine is sine.
static Angle Angle.arcTangent(double tangent)
          Returns a new angle whose tangent is tangent.
 Angle Angle.clone()
          Returns an angle that is equal to this one.
 Angle Angle.convertTo(ArcUnits newUnits)
          Converts this angle to the new units.
 Angle Angle.convertToMinAbsValueNormal()
          Converts this angle to the normalized value that has the smaller absolute value.
 Angle Angle.convertToNegativeNormal()
          Converts this angle to a negative normalized angle.
 Angle Angle.convertToPositiveNormal()
          Converts this angle to a positive normalized angle.
 Angle Angle.divideBy(BigDecimal divisor)
          Divides this angle by divisor.
 Angle Angle.divideBy(String divisor)
          Divides this angle by divisor.
 Angle LongitudeInterval.getLength()
          Returns the length of this this interval.
 Angle Angle.multiplyBy(BigDecimal multiplier)
          Multiplies this angle by multiplier.
 Angle Angle.multiplyBy(String multiplier)
          Multiplies this angle by multiplier.
 Angle Angle.negate()
          Negates the value of this angle.
 Angle Angle.normalize()
          Normalizes this angle so that its absolute value is less than that of a full circle.
static Angle Angle.parse(String angleString)
          Returns a new angle based on angleString.
 Angle Angle.reverseDirection()
          Reverses the direction of this angle.
 Angle Angle.subtract(Angle other)
          Subtracts the other angle from this one.
 Angle Angle.subtract(BigDecimal amount)
          Subtracts the amount, of the same units as this angle, from this angle.
 Angle Angle.subtract(String amount)
          Subtracts the amount, of the same units as this angle, from this angle.
 Angle TimeOfDay.toAngle()
          Creates an angular representation of this time of day.
 Angle EquatorialArc.toAngle()
          Returns this arc as an Angle.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type Angle
 Angle Angle.add(Angle other)
          Adds the other angle to this one.
 A EquatorialArc.add(Angle addend)
          Adds the given angle to this arc.
 int a1, Angle a2)
 int Angle.compareTo(Angle otherAngle)
          Compares this angle with the otherAngle for order.
 Angle Angle.subtract(Angle other)
          Subtracts the other angle from this one.
 A EquatorialArc.subtract(Angle subtrahend)
          Subtracts the given angle from this arc.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type Angle
Latitude(Angle latitude)
          Creates a new latitude from the given angle.
Longitude(Angle longitude)
          Creates a new longitude from the given angle.

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