Uses of Class

Packages that use ReceiverBand
edu.nrao.sss.model.project Project object model. 
edu.nrao.sss.model.resource Resource object model. 
edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla EVLA hardware classes. 
edu.nrao.sss.model.source Astronomical source object model. 
edu.nrao.sss.model.source.sort Aides for sorting sources. 

Uses of ReceiverBand in edu.nrao.sss.model.project

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project with parameters of type ReceiverBand
static Angle EnvironmentalConstraints.getSuggestedMinimumSolarSeparation(ReceiverBand receiver, TelescopeConfiguration arrayConfig)
          Returns the suggested minimum angular separation between a target source and the sun.

Uses of ReceiverBand in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource that return ReceiverBand
static ReceiverBand ReceiverBand.fromString(String text)
          Returns the band represented by text.
 ReceiverBand AntennaFrontEnd.getBand()
          Returns the receiver band handled by this front end.
 ReceiverBand AntennaSelection.getRequiredReceiver()
          Returns the receiver band that must be supported on all returned Antennas.
 ReceiverBand ResourceBuilder.makeReceiver()
 ReceiverBand TelescopeType.selectBestReceiverFor(FrequencyRange targetRange)
 ReceiverBand ReceiverSelector.selectBestReceiverFor(FrequencyRange targetRange)
          Returns the best receiver to use for the given range of sky frequencies.
 ReceiverBand SimpleReceiverSelector.selectBestReceiverFor(FrequencyRange targetRange)
static ReceiverBand ReceiverBand.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ReceiverBand[] ReceiverBand.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource that return types with arguments of type ReceiverBand
 SortedSet<ReceiverBand> AntennaElectronics.getActiveReceivers()
          Returns receiver(s) for which these electronics were most recently configured.
 Set<ReceiverBand> Antenna.getAvailableReceiverBands()
 Set<ReceiverBand> AntennaElectronicsConfiguration.getBands()
          Returns the receiver bands for this configuration.
 Set<ReceiverBand> TelescopeType.getReceivers()
          Returns the receiver bands that this type of telescope has.
 Set<ReceiverBand> ReceiverProvider.getReceivers()
          Returns a list of all receivers held by this provider.
 List<ReceiverBand> ReceiverSelection.getReceivers()
          Returns the selected receivers.
 Map<ReceiverBand,Map<String,Frequency>> TelescopeType.getTuningPlan()
          Returns a default tuning plan for the local oscillators of this telescope.
 List<Set<ReceiverBand>> TelescopeType.getValidReceiverCombinations()
          Returns a list of all the combinations of two or more receivers that may be used by this telescope simultaneously.
 List<Set<ReceiverBand>> ReceiverProvider.getValidReceiverCombinations()
          Returns a list of all the combinations of two or more receivers that may be used simultaneously.
static Map<ReceiverBand,AntennaFrontEnd> AntennaFrontEnd.makeEvlaFrontEnds(Map<ReceiverBand,SignalSource> loSignals)
          Creates all of the EVLA front ends and returns them in a map whose key is the receiver band of that front end.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource with parameters of type ReceiverBand
 boolean AntennaElectronics.configureFor(ReceiverBand band)
          Configures these electronics to work with the given receiver band.
 void AntennaSelection.setRequiredReceiver(ReceiverBand b)
          Sets a receiver band that must be supported on all returned Antennas.
 void AntennaElectronics.submitTuningPlan(ReceiverBand band, Map<String,Frequency> plan)
          Allows clients to tell this electronics how to tune its oscillators for a particular receiver band.

Method parameters in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource with type arguments of type ReceiverBand
 boolean AntennaElectronics.configureFor(Set<ReceiverBand> bands)
          Configures these electronics to work with the given set of receiver bands.
static Map<ReceiverBand,AntennaFrontEnd> AntennaFrontEnd.makeEvlaFrontEnds(Map<ReceiverBand,SignalSource> loSignals)
          Creates all of the EVLA front ends and returns them in a map whose key is the receiver band of that front end.
 void AntennaElectronics.submitTuningPlan(Map<ReceiverBand,Map<String,Frequency>> plans)
          Allows clients to tell this electronics how to tune its oscillators for a set of receiver bands.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource with parameters of type ReceiverBand
AntennaFrontEnd(ReceiverBand band, Set<PolarizationType> polarizations)
          Creates a new front end whose output signals are the same as those of its receiver band.
AntennaFrontEnd(ReceiverBand band, Set<PolarizationType> polarizations, SignalSource localOscillator, int loMultiplier, FrequencyRange filterRange, boolean mixDown)
          Creates a new front end that is initially turned off.

Uses of ReceiverBand in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla that return types with arguments of type ReceiverBand
 SortedSet<ReceiverBand> EvlaAntennaElectronics.getActiveReceivers()

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla with parameters of type ReceiverBand
 boolean EvlaAntennaElectronics.configureFor(ReceiverBand band)
          Configures these electronics to work with the given receiver band.
 void EvlaAntennaElectronics.submitTuningPlan(ReceiverBand band, Map<String,Frequency> plan)

Method parameters in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla with type arguments of type ReceiverBand
 boolean EvlaAntennaElectronics.configureFor(Set<ReceiverBand> bands)
          This method is not yet programmed; it will send one band to EvlaAntennaElectronics.configureFor(ReceiverBand).
 void EvlaAntennaElectronics.submitTuningPlan(Map<ReceiverBand,Map<String,Frequency>> plans)

Uses of ReceiverBand in edu.nrao.sss.model.source

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source with parameters of type ReceiverBand
static String Source.makeUdbKeyVlaCalibQuality(ReceiverBand band, TelescopeConfiguration cfg)
          Returns text that can be used as a key for the user defined values map.
static String Source.makeUdbKeyVlaUvMax(ReceiverBand band)
          Returns text that can be used as a key for the user defined values map.
static String Source.makeUdbKeyVlaUvMin(ReceiverBand band)
          Returns text that can be used as a key for the user defined values map.

Uses of ReceiverBand in edu.nrao.sss.model.source.sort

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source.sort with parameters of type ReceiverBand
 void SourceFluxSortKey.setReceiverBand(ReceiverBand newBand)
          Sets the receiver band for which flux densities will be sought from sources.

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