Package edu.nrao.sss.model.resource

Resource object model.


Interface Summary
AntennaElectronics The electronics system of a radio antenna.
BasebandCollectionListener An object that is interested in changes to collections of CorrelatorBaseband.
CorrelationProductGroup A grouping of correlation products that share certain properties.
CorrelatorBaseband A baseband of a correlator.
CorrelatorResource An element of a correlator that can be used to work on a portion of a signal sent to the correlator.
CorrelatorResourceGroup [Put description here.]
CorrelatorResourcePool [Put description here.]
CorrelatorSubband A portion of a correlator baseband.
HasBandwidth An object that has frequency bandwidth.
ReceiverProvider A provider of receivers.
ReceiverSelector A selector of the best receiver(s) for a given ResourceSpecification.
ResourceCatalogProvider A provider of resource catalogs.
ResourceGroupListener A convenience interface that locks down the generic item, group, and catalog types.
ResourceProvider A provider of physical resources for observing an astronomical source.
TelescopeBackend Hardware used on a telescope that is downstream of the receivers.
TelescopeMotionModel A TelescopeMotionModel.

Class Summary
AntennaElectronicsConfiguration A generalized representation of the configuration of antenna electronics.
AntennaFrontEnd The portion of an antenna's electronics that immediately follows the collector of the sky signal.
AntennaSelection A selection of antennas.
BackendSelector xxx
BasebandCollectionEvent An event that indicates a collection of CorrelatorBaseband has been changed.
CorrelationProductGroupAbs Partial implementation of a correlation product group.
CorrelatorBasebandAbs A partial implementation of a CorrelatorBaseband.
CorrelatorConfiguration Configuration information for a correlator of a radio telescope.
CorrelatorSubbandAbs A partial implementation of a CorrelatorSubband.
PulsarSpecification A resource specification for pulsar observations.
ReceiverSelection A selection of receivers, typically created by a ReceiverSelector.
Resource A container of scientific and hardware specifications for an observation of of an astronomical source.
ResourceBuilder Helper for test classes; builds resources and their components.
ResourceCatalog A catalog of Resources.
ResourceCatalogValidator A validator of resource catalogs.
ResourceGroup A collection of Resources.
ResourceGroupValidator A validator of resource groups.
ResourceSpecification A science view of the hardware needed for an observation.
ResourceValidator A validator of resources.
SimpleReceiverSelector A very simple receiver selector.
SkyFrequencySpecification A specification for observing a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
SpectralLineSpecification A specification for observing a spectral transition in a distance object.

Enum Summary
AntennaSelectionMethod The way in which an observer selects antennas.
AntennaSpecifier A list of ways to identify an antenna.
BackendType Types of telescope backends.
CorrelatorName An enumeration of known interferometer correlators.
ObservingMode Mode of observing.
ReceiverBand The receiver bands of NRAO (and other) telescopes.
TelescopeConfiguration A particular configuration of a telescope.
TelescopeType An enumeration of the NRAO telescopes.

Package edu.nrao.sss.model.resource Description

Resource object model.

The classes in this package represent problem-domain objects. They are not tied to any particular persistence mechanism or presentation framework. They are the model classes within a model / view / controller construct.

UML Diagrams

Class Diagrams

  1. Resource Package Overview
  2. Location of Resource in Project Model
  3. Science View of Resources

Sequence Diagrams

  1. Selecting Receiver(s)


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