Package edu.nrao.sss.model.project

Project object model.


Interface Summary
ExecutionBlockProvider A provider of execution blocks.
ProgramBlockProvider A provider of program blocks.
ProjectProvider A provider of projects.
ScheduleEntry A single schedulable entry of a scheduling block.
SchedulingBlockProvider A provider of scheduling blocks.

Class Summary
AbstractScheduleIterator This class provides a template method (AbstractScheduleIterator.iterateOverSchedulingBlock(edu.nrao.sss.model.project.SchedulingBlock)) that iterates over all the scans in a SB.
CalibratorSelector A selector of sources that can be used for observation calibration.
EnvironmentalConstraints Scheduling constraints related to environmental conditions.
ExecutionBlock A single execution of a SchedulingBlock.
ObserveScriptBuilder This class provides methods for converting a scheduling block to a Jython Observe Script for the EVLA Monitor and Control system.
ProgramBlock A set of observations that share a common telescope configuration.
ProgramBlockFilter A filter that operates on program blocks.
ProgramBlockValidator A validator of program blocks.
Project A scientifically independent subset of the observations set forth in a Proposal.
ProjectBuilder Helper for test classes; builds projects and their components.
ProjectValidator A validator of projects.
SchedulingBlock The shortest allowable contiguous block of observing time on a telescope.
SchedulingBlockFilter A filter that operates on scheduling blocks.
SchedulingBlockValidator A validator of scheduling blocks.
ServiceCalibration A calibration of a telescope that is typically performed just before, or just after, a scheduling block is executed.

Enum Summary
ProjectType An enumeration of project types.
SchedulingConstraint Constraints related to scheduling an observation.
SchedulingType An enumeration of scheduling types.
ScientificPriority An enumeration of scientific priorities.
ServiceCalibrationTiming Signals that indicate when a service calibration should occur in relation to a SchedulingBlock.

Package edu.nrao.sss.model.project Description

Project object model.

The classes in this package represent problem-domain objects. They are not tied to any particular persistence mechanism or presentation framework. They are the model classes within a model / view / controller construct.

Class Diagrams

  1. Project Model - Major Objects
  2. Scheduling Blocks: Overview
  3. Scheduling Blocks: Simple Attributes
  4. Scheduling Blocks: Prerequisites
  5. Scheduling Blocks: Scans
  6. Scans: Connecting to Sources

Other Documentation

  1. Scheduling Block Status Transitions

David M. Harland

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