The 29th Annual New Mexico Symposium
  17 January 2014 - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  Registration is Closed

Posters will be displayed in the SOC Common Room, located on the upper floor at the head of the main staircase. Breaks in the oral program will provide plenty of time for viewing the posters; refreshments will be served in the Common Room during the breaks to induce participants to walk upstairs and look at the posters.
  • Posters 1-6 will have mounting spaces 4 feet wide by 5.5 feet high.
  • Posters 7-11 will have mounting spaces 5 feet wide by 4 feet high.
Poster Program:
Title Authors
1.The New VLA Low-Band SystemNRAO: H. Intema, F. Owen, P. Harden, R. Perley, M. Mao, D. Merteley, S. Durand, B. Cotton, et al.
NRL: N. Kassim, T. Clarke, B. Hicks, J. Helmboldt, E. Polisensky, T. Wilson, S. Cutchin, et al.
Other: S. Neff (NASA), S. Ellingson (VT), R. Subrahmanyan (RRI), A. Scaife (Southampton), J. Lazio (JPL), et al.
2.Mechanistic Generation of Atmospheric Oscillations in Gas Giant Planets Richard Cosentino (NMT), Raul Morales Juberias (NMT), Timothy Dowling (Univ of Louisville) and Bryan Butler (NRAO)
3.Pulsar Supraluminal Excitation -- the Near FieldJohn Middleditch, John Singleton (MPA-cmms/LANL), Andrea Schmidt (MPA-cmms/LANL) and Arzhang Ardavant (Clarenden Lab., Oxford U.)
4.Methanol masers in Galactic Center region supernova remnantsY. Pihlstrom (UNM), L. Sjouwerman (NRAO) and B. McEwen (UNM)
5.Monitoring observations of the interaction between Sgr A* and G2 with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Lorant O. Sjouwerman and Claire J. Chandler (NRAO)
6.Power law structure of the interstellar medium: Fractal dimension of the HI, CO and mid-IR in nearby galaxies Lorraine Bowman (NMT), Juergen Ott (NRAO) and Dave Westpfahl (NMT)
7.Relativistic MHD Simulations of Poynting-Flux Driven Jets Xiaoyue Guan (LANL)
8.Phenomenology of Superfluid Dark MatterLeanne Duffy (LANL)
9.Large Radio Sources Hosted by Spiral Galaxies (a.k.a. The Wrong Type of Host!) Ryan A. Duffin (UVa), Minnie Y. Mao* (NRAO) and Frazer Owen (NRAO)
*-presenting author
10.Monitoring of Cyg A and Cas A flux densities below 100 MHz Frank Schinzel (UNM)
11.Alignments of Radio Sources in the GMRT ELAIS N1 Deep Field Preshanth Jagannathan and Russ Taylor (U. of Calgary)

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This page last updated on 15 January 2014 by Amy Mioduszewski.