Loading SMA data into AIPS++
Updated 2001-10-23

fitsidi2ms, a tool for converting FITS-IDI to MS formats is now available for Solaris platform. See Direct method below.
Direct method (available in Solaris platform only)

Use smafiller tool to load the FITS-IDI file in AIPS++. You can access the GUI version from smatool. In AIP++:

- include 'smafiller.g';
- myms := smafiller('26SEP00B.FIT', 'temp.ms');
- myms.fill();
The input FITS-IDI file can be either scan-based or regular(single UV table).
Indirect method (required for linux platform):
  1. load raw SMA FITS-IDI file into AIPS by SMALD (See logs ##)
  2. write the data in AIPS to uvfits by SMALD
Then, in AIPS++:
- include 'ms.g';
- myms := fitstoms('temp.ms', '26SEP00B.FITS');
# UV FITS file 26SEP00B.FITS is converted to AIPS++ format (called Measurement Set or MS) file, temp.ms.

SMA data analysis AIPS++ documents (@NRAO)