SMA Tool
Created 2001-10-23

SMA Tool is a gui to access a set of SMA specific tools (functions). Currently, it contains createscanfits, smafiller, and visdisp tools. (See also the descriptions and glish command line access of createscanfits and smafiller)
visdisp is a visibility plotting tool customized to examine the SMA visibility data on AIPS++. This tool is a proto-type GUI for a run-time visibility monitor in development. Menu driven GUI allows users to plot visibility as functions of time and channel, closure phase, and uv tracks. For the moment, smatool can be used for a quick examination of the data during observations ( see the Operating Procedures in Test Central web site. as well as for off-line data analysis.

smatool is available on most of SMA's AIPS++ installations so it can be run from any one of linux or Solaris machines in Cambridge or Hawaii. However, to use createscanfits on recent SMA data it need to be run on smadata@Summit.

main glish script: smatool.g

how to run:

    On smadata, SMA Tool can be started directly from a shell script.

    Or if you already have started either AIPS++ or Glish from any one of the SMA's AIPS++ installations,
    then at glish prompt,

    - include 'smatool.g';
    # if you haven't done  include 'loadSMApackage.g', which does automatically load smatool.g.
    - smatool();
    Now, SMA Tool menu window should appear on your monitor like one shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Initial menu GUI
Description of each tool

create scan-based FITS
It creates scan-based FITS-IDI file from scan-based UV tables. This tool particularly useful to access FITS data during observation. Since the scan-based FITS-IDI file is not created on-line, you need to run this tool to get updated information on the data. An automated update feature will be available on a run-time display version of the smatool. Use "Browse" to search an appropriate file prefix. The output FITS-IDI file will be created under /fits_data/aips2data/account_name.


Figure 2. create scan-based FITS

convert FITS-IDI to MS
It converts a SMA FITS-IDI (regular or scan-based) file to AIPS++'s Measurement Set (MS) format tables. The data conversion for scan-based file may take a while for the large number of scans in the data since the program checks each FITS header attached in each scan. (Fig. 2)


plot data (visdisp)
This tool replaces visdisp for general plotting of SMA visibility data. First, fill/select(using "Browse") an input MS data file name. Then click on "Load" to update plot control (Fig. 3). After selecting plotting parameters, click on "Plot".

Notes on the display parameters:

  • plot type: amplitude & phase vs. time; amplitude & phase vs. channel; amplitude & phase vs. time and channel; uv track; closure phase.
  • data type: observed - raw data; corrected - calibrated data
  • band: band 1 => chunk 1 LSB, band 2 => chunk 1 USB, band 3=> chunk 2 LSB, etc. Use left button to select all chunks for both sideband, all LSB, or all USB (Selecting only LSB or USB is recommended for quicker plotting);
  • Do not use "Dismiss" button on the PGPlotter window, use "Done" instead to delete the plot window.

Figure 3. Updated plot control GUI after clicking 'Load'
Here is an example of plotting amplitude and phase (channel averaged) versus time for one of sideband:

More examples:

amplitude and phase versus channel
uv track
closure phase

SMA data analysis AIPS++ documentation@NRAO