Created 2001-10-23

Tool to create scan-based FITS-IDI file from FITS tables

It calls smaScanFitsIDIMaker originally created by J.-H. Zhao. Gui version can be accessed in smatool. Run this tool in smadata@Summit so that the data can be accessed correctly.

createscanfits_r - Construct the createscanfits tool
createscanfits_r(fname, host)
  fname - input prefix (FITS table file name without table extension)
  host - host where the input data are located (default=localhost).
  The host and client machines need to be set up for remote access through glish and this has not been done yet. Do not set, leave it as default.

createscanfits_r.create - create the scan-based FITS-IDI data
createscanfits_r.done - destroy the createscanfits tool


- include 'createscanfits_r.g';  
- myfits := createscanfits_r('00223JZ01JUN18_1312');
- myfits.create();
- myfits.done();
The output file will be created under /fits_data/aips2data/your_account_name.

SMA data analysis AIPS++ documentation@NRAO