Editorial - GCNEWS, Vol. 9, May 1999


A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu

Volume 9, May 1999 - EDITORIAL

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EDITORIAL: GC98 is over, GCNEWS is back

Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke


Hard to believe that GC98 (the Galactic Center conference in Tucson) was over nine months ago. Perhaps that is because your GCNEWS editors have been recently working on the finishing touches needed before sending the proceedings to the publisher. In particular, we have had the discussions transcribed to text files and are working on editing them into highly enjoyable reading. However, with nontechnical clerical staff doing the majority of the job of transcribing, not all the technical (and some of the not so technical) words have made it to the written version. Some of our favorites are listed at the end of this newsletter. Needless to say, editting even the transcribed text takes a bit of time, and the many difficulties involved in getting the discussion sessions into publishable form has delayed the completion of the proceedings, but will, we believe, make these proceedings unique.

In general we can say that the conference was worth the effort. We were pleasantly surprised at how well the discussion sessions worked out, throughout the week. A word of thanks is due to the session moderators who were generally well prepared and kept the discussions both moving forward and relevant to the session topics. A lot of questions were thoroughly discussed in an atmosphere that was, without exception, friendly and constructive. It was also fun for us to get together with the GC crowd and put faces with the names we've come to know through this newsletter. We hope that this week generated many new ideas and encouraged new projects which will appear in future editions of GCNEWS!


As many of you may have noticed recently, our website disappeared when the webserver at our host institution was restructured and upgraded. This made a number of changes necessary which were almost impossible to do for quite a while since both editors spent the winter in Tucson---far away from the server. A number of our subscribers got frustrated when they tried to find and use the information we usually offer. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but ask you to remember that GCNEWS is an extracurricular activity for us and as active scientists there are serious constraints to how much ``extra'' time is available. However, we figure that all of our subscribers know the frustrations encountered when software, operating systems, or computers are `` upgraded''. Suddenly, at least half of the software that used to work just fine suddenly doesn't work and it takes an indeterminate amount of time to get back to where you were before the upgrade. After the necessary efforts of this type, we are happy to let you know that we are back in business and trust that you will all continue to collaborate with us in this otherwise fruitful venture by sending in your abstracts.

This Issue

This issue again contains a number of abstracts which will give a comprehensive summary of GC research in the last months. All of the abstracts had been distributed already in our newsflash service. Make sure to let us know if you have not received these emails. They are the fastest way to get up-to-date information on the GC. In addition to the abstracts we have an article by van Dyk et al. about 2MASS with a GC image from their survey. Along with the authors, we hope this will inspire some of our readers to use the available data in their own research.

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