Your site: has been selected as a featured site in StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the Web by our researchers. It can be found in our Astrophysics section.
We invite you to display the prestigious ``StudyWeb Excellence Award'' icon, which is only offered to sites included in the StudyWeb directory. It is available at: We would appreciate it if you would link the icon back to our homepage.
After researching the matter, we couldn't shake the impression that virtually everyone who is remotely associated with academia is featured by this ``search engine'' and gets this award -- obviously they are looking for free internet advertisement. On the other hand, the icon might be useful to impress a naive soul who is visiting our site; so, we will keep mum and not divulge the dubiousness of the honor ... their icon can be found at the bottom of our home page.
Still, it was worth a try.
... where exactly .... as in ``exactly'' is the galactic center located in Sagittarius? Your answer would help me out a great deal. I had it recorded somewhere about a year ago but... in my file clearing blew it off my hard drive.
XYZ (Name deleted) - Esotercist, Astrologer, and Healer, Member: Int. Academy of Esoteric Asstrology
Interested in Free Distance Reiki Healing, Astrology or Esoteric Infusion?
Please visit The Reflectory...http://....
In this case the answer was straight forward (17h 45m 40.045 -29d 00m 27.9s in J2000 coordinates from 3mm VLBI by Rogers et al. 1994, ApJ 434, L59) and polite as we are, we did not comment on the `Asstrology' typo. Instead, inspired by this email, we were wondering whether ``Free Distance Reiki Healing'' might eventually cure Sgr A* of its apparent anorexia (refusal to eat...nearby stars that is!) -- observers watch out!