Conference - GCNEWS, Vol. 4, February 1997
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
Volume 4, February 1997
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2nd Announcement and Preliminary Program:
IAU Symposium No. 184
1997 Aug 18-22, Kyoto Japan
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the preliminary program of the symposium.
Time allocation/poster will be anounced later. Please send us by
FEBRUARY 15, 1997, your
ABSTRACT with final title of paper
for the convenience of printing the abstracts together with those
related to GA and other symposia. More additional papers will be
also welcome.
Sincerely Yours,
Scientific Organizing Committee
IAU Symposium 184
Send by FEBRUARY 15,1997 to:
To: SOC IAU Symposium No. 184
I would like to present a paper on
Title of paper :
Author's Name :
E-mail address :
Affiliation :
Postal address :
Abstract :
Preliminary Program, IAU Symp. 184
1997 Monday, August 18, afternoon: Session 1:
(1.1) Galatic Bulges
- R: Chemical Evolution of Galactic Bulges (R:=Review):
M. Rich, USA
- Are the galactic bulge and bar the same ?:
- SiO Maser sources s in the Galactci Bulge:
Shuji Deguchi, JAPAN
- Populational Synthesis of Spiral Bulges:
T.P. Idiart, J.A. de Freitas Pacheco, R.D.D. Costa, France
- Secular Dynamical Evolution of Spiral Galaxies
and the Formation of Galactic Bulges:
Xiaolei Zhang, CfA USA
- Nuclear Rise of Rotation Curves and Massive Cor:
Y.Sofue, M.Honma, Y.Tutui, A.Tomita, Tokyo Japan
(1.2) Galatic Center Star Clusters
- 2 micron Narrow-Band Survey for Emission-line Stars in the Inner Galaxy:
Robert Blum, USA
- The Stellar Content in the Quintuplet Cluster:
Donald F. Figer, USA
- NICMOS Observations of Galactic Nuclei:
Rodger I. Thompson, USA
- Stellar sources in a field at l = -45 deg, b = 0 deg of the
ISOGAL survey (ISOCAM 15 microns observations):
Devendra Ojha, France
- Chemically decoupled nuclei in disk galaxies:
Sil'chenko O.K. Russia
- Observational data implying the NGC 1275 nucleus complexity:
I.I.Pronik, Crimean astrophys obs
- Determination of the 3D distribution function in nuclear star cluster:
Alexei Fridman
- Galaxy evolution and population in relation with active nuclei (tbf): B. Rocca-Volmerange
Tuesday August 19, morning: Session 2:
(1.3) Star formation and Starbursts
- R: Star Formation at the Galactic Center and its
Long-term Effect on the Stellar Population:
E. Serabyn, USA
- Atomic ISM in the Nuclear Starburst Region:
Min S. Yun, NRAO
- Theory of star formation in the Galactic Center:
Hans Zinnecker, Potsdam
- A Surface Brightness Limit To Starbursts:
Gerhardt R. Meurer, USA
- Star Formation and Stellar Dynamics in Seyfert Nuclei:
Roberto Maiolino, Germany
- Starburst Properties of Barred Galaxies:
R. Kandalian, A. Kalloghlian, Armenia
- Are the stellar populations in starbursts, LINERs and
Seyfert similar?:
Monique Joly, France
- IR variations in Seyfert galaxies - what they tell us:
I.S. Glass,South Africa
- Where Dense star clusters form in the Magellanic Clouds?
Connection with the mass of the parent galaxy:
M. Kontizas and E. Kontizas, Athens
- Evidence for spiraling massive star formation in the nucleus of
an active galaxy: NGC4303:
L. Colina, STScI
- ISO spectroscopy of the Galactic Center and Starburst Nuclei:
Dieter Lutz
- Observations of the Galactic Center Region with ISO:
Sabine Philipp and Robert Zylka
- ISO SWS spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei:
Eiichi Egami, Germany
- WFPCII Imaging of Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei:
Matt Malkan, UCLA
- The Nuclear Region of NGC 1068 the stellar cluster
and hot dust emission:
Niranjan Thatte,Germany
- The nature of the ionizing source in Mrk 231, an ISO result:
Dimitra Rigopoulou, MPIE/London
- X-Ray Constraints on Starburst and Accretion Activity
in Galactic Nuclei:
- Nuclear Fuelling by Radiative Avalanche Induced by Starbursts:
Masayuki Umemura, Jun Fukue, Shin Mineshige
Tuesday, August 19, afternoon: Session 3:
(2.1) Neutral ISM in the Galactic Center
- R: Radio Continuum and Molecular Gas in the GC:
Yoshiaki Sofue, Japan
- A Large-Scale CO Imaging of the Galactic Center with
the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope - Shell Statistics and
Star Formation History:
T. Hasegawa et al. JAPAN
- Molecular gas in the Galactic Center (to be fixed):
M. Tsuboi, JAPAN
- Statistical Properties of Dense Molecular Clouds
in the Galactic Center Region:
Atsushi Miyazaki, M. Tsuboi, JAPAN
- CS survey of a Galactic center cloud with the IRAM 30m
telescope: the interaction between dense molecular gas
and a nonthermal filament:
Carsten Kramer, Germany
- Asymmetry of the nuclear interstellar medium
derived from radio sources:
Didier Fraix-Burnet, Obs.Grenoble
- Detailed optical and H-band population synthesis in AGN:
Catherine Boisson, Meudon France
(2.2) Molecular Gas in Nuclei of Galaxies
- R: Molecular gas in the nuclei of luminous IR galaxies:
Nick Scoville, USA
- The BIMA Survey of Seyfert Nuclei:
Leo Blitz, et al., USA
- Nuclear molecular disk and outflow:
J. A. Irwin, Canada
- The Kinematics and Distribution of the Molecular Gas in
the Circumnuclear Regions of AGN:
Linda J. Tacconi, Germany
- Kinematics of circumnuclear regions (preliminary ):
Johan H. Knapen, UK
- The nuclear interstellar medium in ultraluminous infrared galaxies:
Paul P. van der Werf, The Netherlands
- NMA observations of CO in Galactic Centers:
- New high-resolution observations of molecular gas towards the
nuclei of spiral galaxies:
- Gas dynamics in the central part of the Sy 1 galaxies: III Zw2 and Mrk 817: Luka C. Popovic, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Wednesday, August 20, morning: Session 4:
(2.3) Gas dynamics in the Galactic center
- R: Nonaxisymmetric Gas Dynamics in the Galactic Center:
Combes, Francoise, France
- Observations of Bars and Central Activity:
Aage Sandqvist, Stockholm
- Dynamics of the Galactic bar:
HongSheng Zhao, The Netherlands
- Orbital structure in scale-free triaxial cusps:
Daniel Pfenniger, Switzerland
- Bars and central activity:
Masafumi Noguchi, Tohoku Uni., Japan
- Bar and the Nuclei (TBA):
Isaac Shlosman, USA
- Bars and Nuclear Feeding:
K. Wada, Hokkaido, Japan
- Structure and dynamics of the inner Galaxy (COBE results):
Gerhard, Ortwin, Switzerland
- Formation and Evolution of Nuclear Gaseous Bars:
Daniel Friedli, Switzerland
- Physical Conditions of the Gas in the Centers of Nearby Galaxies:
Jean Turner, USA
- The response of molecular cloud chemistry to a strongly variable environment:
Jacques le Bourlot, France
- Direct evidence for gas streaming and shocks in the galactic
bar of an AGN (NGC4151):
Carole G. Mundell UK
(2.4) IR observations of the Center of MW
- R: The Nuclear Stellar Cluster and the Central Dark Mass in the Milky Way:
Reinhard Genzel, Germany
- NIR and Mm/Submm Mosaicing of the Central ~100 pc:
Robert Zylka, Germany
- Sgr A* Wind, IRs7 Bow Shock and Tail, and IR/Radio Source
Displacements in the Galactic Center:
Dan Gezari, NASA/Goddard
- 12.5-micron Imaging of Sgr A West with the Keck Telescope:
Morris, M., Figer, D.F., Becklin, E.E., Puetter,
R.C. and Jones, B, USA
Thursday, August 21, morning: Session 5:
(2.5) Gas structures in the central pc's
- Inside the central cavity:
Peter G. Mezger, Germany
- The Galactic Center - A Laboratory for AGN:
Wolfgang J. Duschl, Germany
- 1720 MHz OH Masers observations of the Galactic Center Region:
Farhad Yusef-Zadeh, USA
- Gaseous Accretion Flows in the Inner Parsec of the Galaxy:
Robert F. Coker and Fulvio Melia, USA
- H alpha Velocity diagnostics of Circumnuclear Zones in Spirals:
J.E.Beckman, (+M.Rozas, J.H. Knapen), Spain
- The Fourier analysis of the observed velocity field of gas in
the inner 1.5pc: A. Fridman, Moscow
- Does detected systematic radial velocity in ionized disk be
a new type of accretion?: A. Fridman, Moscow
(2.6) Outflow and high-temperature gas
- X-ray observations of the Galactic Center:
first results of the Italian SAX Satellite:
Sandro Mereghetti, Italy
- Ionized nuclear winds and the X-ray spectra of AGN:
I. Appenzeller, S. Wagner, Heidelberg
- Flows in the Nuclei of Active Galaxies:
R.J.R. Williams, UK
- High velocity outflow from the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7319:
Kentaro Aoki, JAPAN
- Interaction of Jets with the ISM in Compact Radio-Loud AGN /or
The Central Dark Mass in the Milky Way:
Geoff Bicknell, AUSTRALIA
- Relationship between kpc and pc-scale ISM gas structures (i.e.
bars, nuclear outflow cones and radio jets):
Carole G. Mundell UK
(2.7) Magnetic Phenomena
- R: Magnetic Phenomena in the Galactic Centers:
Mark Morris, USA
- Polarized emission from the Galactic Center:
W. Reich, Germany
- The interaction of the Sgr C Nonthermal Filaments with the ambient medium:
Johannes Staguhn, Germany
- Magnetic phenomena around BH : to be fixed:
Thursday, August 21, afternoon: Session 6:
(3.1) Black Holes in Galaxies
- R: Black holes in galaxies HST results:
H. Ford, HST, USA
- Black Holes or Central Bars in nearby galactic nuclei?:
Eric Emsellem, Germany
- The nucleus of M31:
Roland Bacon, France
- HST/FOS observations of the nuclei of M32, NGC 7052 and
IC 1459 the case for massive black holes:
Roeland van der Marel, USA
- VLBI observations of AGN ( TBD):
Bob Preston, USA
- Studies of AGN and Black holes with water vapor masers:
N. Nakai, JAPAN
- Story of the discovery of a massive black hole in NGC4258:
Makoto Miyoshi et al., Japan
- Stellar Dynamical Constraints On Alternatives To A Black Hole
In Galaxies Which Contain A Central Massive Object (NGC 4258,
the Galaxy, and others):
Eyal Maoz, Berkeley USA
(3.2) Case for a Black Hole in the Galactic Center
- R: The question of black holes and the centers of galaxies:
Douglas Richstone, USA
- Stellar proper motions based on diffraction-limited
imaging at 2-microns with the Keck Telescope of the inner 5 arcsec of the
Andrea Ghez, M. Morris, and E.E.Becklin, USA
- Proper Motions towards the Galactic Center:
Eckart,A., and Genzel, R., Germany
- Progress toward a Trigonometric Parallax of SgrA*:
Reid, M. J., USA, Readhead, A. C. S., Treuhaft, R. & Vermeulen, R.
- Latest Results on the Radiative and Hydrodynamical
Characteristics of Sgr A*:
Fulvio Melia, USA
- High energy gamma-rays from the galactic center:
Martin Pohl, Germany
- Short-Timescale Variability of Sgr A* at Short Millimeter
Takahiro Tsutsumi, Nobeyama Japan
Friday, August 22, morning: Session 7:
(3.3) Black-hole powering of AGN and jets
- R: The formation of massive holes / or
Physical processes around massive holes displaying low-level activity:
Martin Rees, UK
- The nature of compact radio nuclei in galaxies:
Heino Falcke, USA
- The correlated variability in optical and radio bands
for extragalactic objects:
J.H. Fan, CfA Gangzhou China
- Relativistic beaming model for compact radio sources:
J. H. Fan, CfA Gangzhou China
- A General Relativistic Simulation of Jet formation from Accretion Disk:
S. Koide, K. Shibata, and T. Kudoh, Japan
- Binary Black Holes and Jets:
Y. Taniguchi, Tohoku Univ. Japan
- Massive Black hole binaries in galactic nuclei:
Junichiro Makino, JAPAN
- Circumnuclear gas studies including evidence for the obscuring
torus invoked in Unified Schemes:
Carole G. Mundell UK
- Demographics of Nuclear Activity in Nearby Galaxies:
Luis C. Ho, USA
- Is it possible to distinguish between different
accretion processes from the UV/X-ray spectrum of AGN?:
Suzy Collin, Anne-Marie Dumont, France
- Nuclear activity due to globular cluster's mass accretion:
R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Rome
- Conference Summary:
SOC: J. Binney (UK), F. Combes (France), R. Genzel (Germany; co-chair),
J. Kormendy (Canada), R.P. Kraft (IAU), M. Morris (USA; co-chair),
N. Scoville (USA), Y. Sofue (Japan; chair), M. Tsuboi (Japan)
Contact address: Dr. Yoshiaki Sofue
Phone:+81-422-34-3734; Fax +81-422-34-3749,
Dates: 1997 August 18-22
Place: Kyoto International Conference Hall, Japan
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- Editors of this Volume: Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
- The GCNEWS Logo
at the top of this page shows a 20cm radio map of the GC (Sgr A) made by Yusef-Zadeh & Morris.
- The GCNEWS newsletters, newsflashes and web pages are based on scripts originally developed by
Heino Falcke.
- Internet access for GCNEWS is currently sponsored by the
National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro NM/USA.
Page currently maintained by
L. O. Sjouwerman.
File last modified on Monday 04 August 2003 [09:52 MDT].
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