Cover - GCNEWS, Vol. 3, November 1996


A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke

Volume 3, November 1996 - Coverpage

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GCNEWS Vol. 3, November 1996
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The Galactic Center at 90 cm - new images from the VLA

((B/W PostScript Version of this image)
Image of the Galactic Center taken from the VLA P band imaging project. The 156' HPBW of the 90 cm VLA primary beam allows it to map large fields of view quickly and efficiently (see abstract by Kassim & Frail). The high central dark mass in Sgr A in the center of this image was confirmed recently by Eckart & Genzel (see also Editorial). The nature of the non-thermal filaments visible here was discussed in a recent workshop at UCLA (see Conference Summary). Image courtesy of N. Kassim, D. Frail, and D. Briggs.

Table of Contents

  1. Editorial: The Galactic Center makes (some) Headlines, by H. Falcke
  2. Conference Report: Highlights of the QPS Workshop, by A. Cotera
  3. Abstracts of recently submitted papers
  4. IAU Symposium 184, Kyoto
  5. Announcements
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