Abstracts - GCNEWS, Vol. 26, April 2007
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
Currently edited by Sera Markoff, Loránt Sjouwerman,
Joseph Lazio, Cornelia Lang, Rainer Schödel, Masaaki
Sakano & Feng Yuan
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu

Volume 26, April 2007

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[Cover page]
- ``Flaring Activity of Sgr A*: Expanding Hot Blobs''
F. Yusef-Zadeh, M. Wardle, D. A. Roberts, C. O. Heinke, C. D. Dowell, W. D. Cotton, G. C. Bower & F. K. Baganoff (zadeh@northwestern.edu)
Paper: IV Microquasar Workshop, astro-ph/0612156 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Dec 7 16:28:02 MST 2006
Sungsoo S. Kim, Donald F. Figer, Rolf P. Kudritzki, and F. Najarro (figer@cis.rit.edu)
Paper: ApJ, 2006, 653, L113 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sun Dec 17 21:15:30 MST 2006
- ``The possibility of detecting Sagittarius A* at 8.6 micron from sensitive imaging of the Galactic center''
R. Schödel & A. Eckart & K. Mu\vzi\'c & L. Meyer & T. Viehmann & G. C. Bower (rainer@ph1.uni-koeln.de)
Paper: A&A Letter, in press [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Fri Dec 20 10:20:28 MST 2006
- ``A Faint, Steep Spectrum Burst from the Radio Transient GCRT J1745-3009''
Scott D. Hyman Subhashis Roy Sabyasachi Pal T. Joseph W. Lazio Paul S. Ray Namir E. Kassim S. Bhatnagar (shyman@sbc.edu)
Paper: ApJLetters, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Jan 4 14:14:30 MST 2007
- ``Photometric Stellar Variability in the Galactic Center''
M. Rafelski, A. M. Ghez, S. D. Hornstein, J. R. Lu, M. Morris (marcar@ucla.edu)
Paper: ApJ, April 2007, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Fri Jan 5 14:57:36 MST 2007
- `` Far-Infrared detection of H2D^+ toward SgrB2''
J. Cernicharo, E. Polehampton, J.R. Goicoechea (javier.rodriguez-goicoechea@lra.ens.fr)
Paper: ApJ letters, 2007, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Jan 23 04:14:41 MST 2007
- ``A Possible Link Between the Galactic Center HESS Source and Sgr A*''
D. R. Ballantyne, Fulvio Melia, Siming Liu, and Roland M. Crocker (drb@physics.arizona.edu)
Paper: ApJ Letters, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Fri Jan 26 09:06:12 MST 2007
- ``Properties of the Radio-Emitting Gas Around SgrA*''
Abraham Loeb & Eli Waxman (loeb@cfa.harvard.edu)
Paper: JCAP, Jan 2007, submitted; astro-ph/0702043 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Feb 5 11:09:56 MST 2007
- ``A symbiotic scenario for the rapid formation of supermassive black holes''
M.C. Richter, G.B. Tupper and R.D. Viollier (max.c.richter@gmail.com)
Paper: JCAP, 2006, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Feb 5 11:14:17 MST 2007
- ``The Cosmic Ray Distribution in Sagittarius B''
Roland M. Crocker, David Jones, Raymond J. Protheroe, Jurgen Ott, Ron Ekers, Fulvio Melia, Todor Stanev, and Anne Green (roland.crocker@adelaide.edu.au)
Paper: [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Feb 5 15:59:22 MST 2007
- ``The ISO LWS high resolution spectral survey towards Sagittarius B2''
Edward T. Polehampton, Jean-Paul Baluteau, Bruce M. Swinyard, Javier R. Goicoechea, John M. Brown, Glenn J. White, José Cernicharo, Timothy W. Grundy, (E.T.Polehampton@rl.ac.uk)
Paper: MNRAS, accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Mar 1 08:04:31 MST 2007
- ``The Galactic Center as a point source of neutrons at EeV energies''
G. Medina-Tanco, A.G.O. Krone-Martins (gmtanco@gmail.com)
Paper: Nucl.Phys. B165 (2007) 280-286 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Mar 5 17:10:27 MST 2007
- ``Stellar and wind properties of massive stars in the central parsec of the Galaxy''
F. Martins & R. Genzel & D.J. Hillier & F. Eisenhauer & T. Paumard & S. Gillessen & T. Ott & S. Trippe (martins@mpe.mpg.de)
Paper: 2007, A&A, accepted [Abstract, Tex] (Fri Mar 9 07:25:33 MST 2007
- ``Discovery of Hot Supergiant Stars Near the Galactic Center''
Jon C. Mauerhan, Michael P. Muno, and Mark Morris (mauerhan@astro.ucla.edu)
Paper: ApJ, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sat Mar 10 00:28:41 MST 2007
- ``The structure of the nuclear stellar cluster of the Milky Way''
R. Schödel, A. Eckart, T. Alexander, D. Merritt, R. Genzel, A. Sternberg, L. Meyer, F. Kul, J. Moultaka, T. Ott & C. Straubmeier (rainer@ph1.uni-koeln.de)
Paper: A&A, 2007, accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed Mar 14 06:57:27 MDT 2007
- ``Black Hole Shadow Image and Visibility Analysis of Sagittarius A*''
Lei Huang, Mike Cai, Zhi-Qiang Shen, and Feng Yuan (muduri@shao.ac.cn)
Paper: MNRAS accepted [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Wed Mar 14 08:05:14 MDT 2007
- ``How to hide large scale outflows: size constraints on the jets of Sgr A*''
Sera Markoff, Geoffrey C. Bower and Heino Falcke (sera@science.uva.nl)
Paper: ApJ, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Mar 20 10:05:43 MDT 2007
- ``The INTEGRAL Galactic bulge monitoring program: the first 1.5 years''
E. Kuulkers, S.E. Shaw, A. Paizis, J. Chenevez, S. Brandt, T.J.-L. Courvoisier, A. Domingo, K. Ebisawa, P. Kretschmar, C.B. Markwardt, N. Mowlavi, T. Oosterbroek, A. Orr, D. Rísquez, C. Sanchez-Fernandez, R. Wijnands (Erik.Kuulkers@sciops.esa.int)
Paper: A&A, 2007, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed Mar 21 08:11:45 MDT 2007
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at the top of this page shows a 20cm radio map of the GC (Sgr A) made by Yusef-Zadeh & Morris.
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Heino Falcke.
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L. O. Sjouwerman.
File last modified on Friday 20 April 2007 [16:04 MDT].
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