Editorial - GCNEWS, Vol. 24, July 2006


A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Sera Markoff, Loránt Sjouwerman, Joseph Lazio, Cornelia Lang, Rainer Schödel & Robin Herrnstein
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu

Volume 24, July 2006 - In the News

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In the News - Cornelia Lang & Loránt Sjouwerman

It's been a productive spring and early summer for many GC researchers as evidenced by the 35 new GC abstracts! Thanks to all authors for getting your abstracts in for periodic e-newsflashes. We will get back to having a regular science feature article in the Fall 2006 issue of GCNEWS.

In the current issue we have a meeting summary from the GC06 Workshop held in late April in Bad Honnef, Germany, written by Rainer Schödel. This meeting was well-attended and provided lively discussions on many exciting GC topics! The spectacular location (and in-haus bier stube) helped to facilitate such discussions. A number of presentations on the theory of massive star formation and on nearby low-luminosity active galactic nuclei added breadth to the program. We continue to welcome meeting or workshop reports and encourage organizers (or participants!) of meetings or workshops to provide brief summaries so that those not able to attend might still be able to keep abreast of developments related to GC science.

Finally, we include the full program for the Special Science Session at the IAU Division VII (Galactic) Meeting on Monday, August 21st. This session will hopefully provide the basis for forming a working group on the Galactic Center and nearby normal nuclei. We hope if you are planning to attend the IAU you will go to this session and encourage your colleagues (especially from other sub-fields) to join you to find out about the latest GC findings.

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  • Internet access for GCNEWS is currently sponsored by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro NM/USA.
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