Meeting Summaries - GCNEWS, Vol. 23, March 2006


A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Sera Markoff, Loránt Sjouwerman, Joseph Lazio, Cornelia Lang, Rainer Schödel & Robin Herrnstein

Volume 23, March 2006 - Meeting Summaries

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Meeting summaries - Joe Lazio, Cornelia Lang and Masaaki Sakano

American Astronomical Society

The 207th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (January 8-12) was also the largest in the society's history (approximately 3100 attendees; possibly the largest gathering of astronomers ever!). There were two well-attended sessions on the Galactic center, with the recent Spitzer images a noticeable draw for many people. We describe briefly those papers with a GC component at the AAS meeting, with apologies to anybody whose work we might have missed. We give the AAS paper number in parentheses at the end of each summary.

Sgr A* was the target of observations over a wide range of wavelengths:

Stars in the GC came in for their share of observations as well:

The first release of (spectacular) Spitzer images merits a category unto itself:

The larger environment of the GC was considered from a variety of approaches:

Instruments that either are or will be improving our view of the GC include

The Galactic Center: Molecular Clouds to High Energy Phenomena

We hear from Dr. Hiroaki Yamamoto that a one-day workshop was held at the University of Nagoya, Japan on 2005 December 5. The aim of the workshop was to bring together new, multi-wavelength research on the Galactic center that is being conducted in Japan. There were 14 oral presentations.

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