Abstracts - GCNEWS, Vol. 23, March 2006
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Sera Markoff, Loránt Sjouwerman,
Joseph Lazio, Cornelia Lang, Rainer Schödel & Robin Herrnstein
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu
Volume 23, March 2006
[New Abstracts]
[Previous page]
[Cover page]
- ``The Nature of the Faint Chandra X-ray Sources in the Galactic Centre''
Ashley J. Ruiter , Krzysztof Belczynski , and Thomas E. Harrison (aruiter@nmsu.edu)
Paper: ApJL submitted [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Thu, 1 Dec 2005 09:48:36 -0700 (MST)
- ``Interferometric Measurements of Variable 340 GHz Linear Polarization in Sagittarius A*''
Daniel P. Marrone, James M. Moran, Jun-Hui Zhao, Ramprasad Rao (dmarrone@cfa.harvard.edu)
Paper: ApJ, accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed, 23 Nov 2005 00:58:40 -0500 (EST)
- ``The Observed Galactic Annihilation Line: Possible Signature of Accreting Small Mass Black Holes in the Galactic Center''
Lev Titarchuk (GMU/NRL/GSFC) and Pascal Chardonnet (LAPTH/LAPP) (lev.titarchuk@nrl.navy.mil)
Paper: ApJ (2006), Vol. 639 (March 10, 2006), in press [Abstract, Tex] (Mon, 28 Nov 2005 17:40:42 -0500
- ``A Possible Rossby Wave Instability Origin for the Flares in Sagittarius A*''
Michel Tagger , Fulvio Melia (tagger@cea.fr)
Paper: Ap.J. Letters, accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Nov 21 04:24:11 MST 2005
- ``Variations in the spectral slope of Sgr A* during a NIR flare''
S. Gillessen, F. Eisenhauer, E. Quataert, R. Genzel, T. Paumard, S. Trippe, T. Ott, R. Abuter, A. Eckart, P. O. Lagage, M. D. Lehnert, L. J. Tacconi, F. Martins (ste@mpe.mpg.de)
Paper: ApjL, submitted [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Mon Nov 28 03:12:54 MST 2005
- ``High Spectral Resolution Observations of the Massive Stars in the Galactic Center''
Angelle Tanner Donald F. Figer, Francisco Najarro, Rolf P. Kudritzki, Diane Gilmore, Mark Morris, E. E. Becklin, Ian S. McLean, Andrea M. Gilbert, James R. Graham, James E. Larkin, N. A. Levenson, Harry I. Teplitz (Angelle.M.Tanner-120278@jpl.nasa.gov)
Paper: April 2006, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sat Dec 17 19:21:01 MST 2005
- ``Understanding the Radio Variability of Sgr A*''
Jean-Pierre Macquart, Geoffrey C. Bower 1 (jmacquar@aoc.nrao.edu)
Paper: ApJ, Dec 2005, in press [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Sun Dec 18 17:08:41 MST 2005
- ``Millisecond pulsar population in the Galactic center and high energy contributions''
Wei Wang (wwang@mpe.mpg.de)
Paper: ChJAA 2006 in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Dec 19 01:50:02 MST 2005
- ``The Flare Activity of SgrA*; New Coordinated mm to X-Ray Observations''
A. Eckart, F. K. Baganoff, R. Schoedel, M. Morris, R. Genzel, G.C. Bower, D. Marrone, J.M. Moran, T. Viehmann, M.W. Bautz, W.N. Brandt, G.P. Garmire, T. Ott, S. Trippe, G.R. Ricker, C. Straubmeier, D.A. Roberts, F. Yusef-Zadeh, J.H. Zhao, R. Rao (eckart@ph1.uni-koeln.de)
Paper: A&A Dec.2005 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Dec 19 07:09:50 MST 2005
- ``GCIRS34W: An irregular variable in the Galactic Centre''
S. Trippe & F. Martins & T. Ott & T. Paumard & R. Abuter & F. Eisenhauer & S. Gillessen & R. Genzel & A. Eckart & R. Schödel (trippe@mpe.mpg.de)
Paper: A&A, accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Dec 20 07:49:00 MST 2005
- ``Observation of Gamma Rays from the Galactic Center with the MAGIC Telescope''
J. Albert and another 130 authors (hbartko@mppmu.mpg.de)
Paper: ApJ submitted [Abstract, Tex] (Tue Dec 20 09:06:00 MST 2005
- ``The Double Helix Nebula: a magnetic torsional wave propagating out of the Galactic centre''
Mark Morris (UCLA), Keven Uchida (Cornell U.), and Tuan Do (UCLA) (morris@astro.ucla.edu)
Paper: accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Dec 20 10:48:39 MST 2005
- `` The ecology of star clusters and intermediate mass black holes in the Galactic bulge''
Simon F. Portegies Zwart, Holger Baumgardt, Stephen L. W. McMillan, Junichiro Makino, Piet Hut, Toshi Ebisuzaki (spz@science.uva.nl)
Paper: ApJ, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed Dec 21 09:44:22 MST 2005
- ``Turbulent Origin of the Galactic-Center Magnetic Field: Nonthermal Radio Filaments''
Stanislav Boldyrev and Farhad Yusef-Zadeh (zadeh@northwestern.edu)
Paper: ApJL in press [Abstract, Tex] (Wed Dec 21 23:57:54 MST 2005
- `` A size of 1 AU for the radio source Sgr A* at the centre of the Milky Way''
Zhi-Qiang Shen, K. Y. Lo, M.-C. Liang, Paul T. P. Ho, J.-H. Zhao, (llshang@shao.ac.cn)
Paper: Nature, 438(2005)62 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sun Dec 25 17:46:37 MST 2005
- ``Dynamical Cusp Regeneration''
David Merritt and Andras Szell (merritt@astro.rit.edu)
Paper: ApJ, 2006, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sun Dec 25 18:33:24 MST 2005
- ``G359.95-0.04: An Energetic Pulsar Candidate Near Sgr A*''
Q.D. Wang, F.J. Lu, and E.V. Gotthelf (wqd@astro.umass.edu)
Paper: MNRAS, accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Jan 2 12:39:02 MST 2006
- ``The Arches Cluster - Evidence for a Truncated Mass Function?''
Andrea Stolte, Wolfgang Brandner, Eva K. Grebel, Rainer Lenzen, Anne-Marie Lagrange (stolte@astro.ufl.edu)
Paper: ApJL, Aug 2005 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Jan 9 09:56:20 MST 2006
- ``Interstellar Extinction Law in the J, H, and KS Bands, toward the Galactic Center''
Shogo Nishiyama, Tetsuya Nagata, Nobuhiko Kusakabe, Noriyuki Matsunaga, Takahiro Naoi, Daisuke Kato, Chie Nagashima, Koji Sugitani, Motohide Tamura, Toshihiko Tanabe, and Shuji Sato (shogo@z.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp)
Paper: ApJ, Feb 2006, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Jan 10 01:43:56 MST 2006
- ``Clockwise Stellar Disk and the Dark Mass in the Galactic Center''
Andrei M. Beloborodov1,2, Yuri Levin3, Frank Eisenhauer4, Reinhard Genzel4,5, Thibaut Paumard4, Stefan Gillessen4, Thomas Ott4 (amb@phys.columbia.edu)
Paper: ApJ, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Fri Jan 13 10:17:52 MST 2006
- ``Dark Matter and the CACTUS Gamma-Ray Excess from Draco''
Stefano Profumo and Marc Kamionkowski (profumo@caltech.edu)
Paper: astro-ph/0601249 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Fri Jan 13 16:49:38 MST 2006
- ``Warm Water Vapor around Sagittarius B2''
José Cernicharo, Javier R. Goicoechea, Juan R. Pardo, Andrés Asensio-Ramos (javier.rodriguez-goicoechea@lra.ens.fr)
Paper: ApJ, Jan 2006, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Jan 17 07:40:03 MST 2006
- ``Resonant relaxation near a massive black hole: the stellar distribution and gravitational wave sources''
Clovis Hopman and Tal Alexander (tal.alexander@weizmann.ac.il)
Paper: ApJ, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Jan 17 10:54:00 MST 2006
- ``The Fate of Former Companions to Hypervelocity Stars Originating at the Galactic Center''
Idan Ginsburg & Abraham Loeb (iginsbur@cfa.harvard.edu)
Paper: MNRAS, Oct 2005, accepted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Jan 23 08:29:37 MST 2006
- ``Isolated, Massive Supergiants near the Galactic Center''
M. P. Muno, G. C. Bower, A. J. Burgasser, F. K. Baganoff, M. R. Morris, W. N. Brandt (mmuno@ucla.edu)
Paper: ApJ, 638, 183, 2006 in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Jan 26 15:44:57 MST 2006
- ``A Chandra Catalog of X-ray Sources in the Central 150 pc of the Galaxy''
M. P. Muno, F. E. Bauer, R. M. Bandyopadhyay, Q. D. Wang (mmuno@astro.UCLA.EDU)
Paper: ApJ submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Jan 26 15:46:49 MST 2006
- `` A Successful Targeted Search for Hypervelocity Stars''
Warren R. Brown, Margaret J. Geller, Scott J. Kenyon, Michael J. Kurtz (wbrown@cfa.harvard.edu)
Paper: ApJ Letters, Jan 2006, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Fri Jan 27 10:14:09 MST 2006
- ``QPOs in microquasars and Sgr A^*: measuring the black hole spin''
G. Török (terek@volny.cz)
Paper: Astron.Nachr., 9 (2005) 856-860 [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Mon Jan 30 02:58:49 MST 2006
T. Handa M. Sakano S. Naito, M. Hiramatsu M. Tsuboi (handa@ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Paper: ApJ, 636, 261 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sat Feb 4 17:50:27 MST 2006
- ``A Multi-Wavelength Study of Sgr A*: The Role of Near-IR Flares in Production of X-ray, Soft gamma-ray and Sub-millimeter Emission''
F. Yusef-Zadeh, H. Bushouse, C.D. Dowell, M. Wardle, D. Roberts, C. Heinke, G. C. Bower, B. Vila Vilaro, S. Shapiro, A. Goldwurm, G. Belanger (zadeh@northwestern.edu)
Paper: ApJ (in press) [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Feb 6 08:31:59 MST 2006
- ``Obtaining cosmic ray propagation parameters from diffuse VHE gamma-ray emission from the Galactic center ridge''
I. Büsching O.C. de Jager J. Snyman (fskib@puk.ac.za)
Paper: ApJ, submitted astro-ph/0602193 [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Feb 13 03:49:58 MST 2006
- ``Capture of a Red Giant by the Black Hole Sgr A* as a Possible Origin for the TeV Gamma-Rays from the Galactic Center''
Y. Lu, K. S. Cheng, Y. F. Huang (ly@bao.ac.cn)
Paper: ApJ, Apr. 2006, in press [Abstract, Tex] (Tue Feb 14 09:13:20 MST 2006
- ``Stellar Orbit Constraints on Neutralino Annihilation at the Galactic Center''
Jeter Hall Paolo Gondolo (jeter@physics.utah.edu)
Paper: [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Feb 20 09:33:13 MST 2006
[Cover page]
[New Abstracts]
at the top of this page shows a 20cm radio map of the GC (Sgr A) made by Yusef-Zadeh & Morris.
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[New Abstracts]