A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research This Volume was edited by Sera Markoff, Loránt Sjouwerman,
Joseph Lazio, Cornelia Lang, Rainer Schödel & Robin Herrnstein
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu
Figure 1: :
NIR View of the GC with NAOS/CONICA at the ESO VLT. The image
has been composed using an image with the L' (3.8 micron) broad-band
filter and two images with narrow band filters centered at 2.36 micron
and 2.18 micron. All observations were obtained in July 2004 with the
NACO adaptive optics system/NIR camera at unit telescope 4 (Yepun) of
the ESO VLT observatory on Paranal, Chile. The field-of-view is
approximately 30x30'' or 1.1x1.1pc. Image
credit: R. Schödel, University of Cologne.