GCNews Vol.2, Conference Announcement QPS Mini-Workshop
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu
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A Specialized Mini-Workshop will be held at UCLA on
September 19 & 20, 1996
QPS: A Rosetta Stone for Understanding Large-Scale MHD Activity
near the Galactic Center?
QPS is the Quintuplet(AFGL2004)/Pistol(G0.15-0.05)/Sickle (G0.18-0.04)
complex located at the intersection of the Radio Arc with the Galactic
plane. At the present time, a number of groups are studying this
fascinating region with a variety of techniques, so we propose to have
an informal meeting of minds about the nature of the interactions
taking place there. The discussion will be focussed on four areas:
- The nature of the stars in the Quintuplet, and their winds,
- The physical conditions in the HII regions and in the neighboring
molecular clouds, and the constraints they pose on the ionization
mechanism and the source of ionization,
- The evidence for magnetic fields and the constraints on the
magnetic field geometry, both inside and outside of the dense
clouds there, and
- The mechanisms for generating the nonthermal radio filaments of the
Related topics, such as the neighboring ``radio arches''
and the
possibly associated stellar cluster can also be addressed, time
If you wish to attend, please send a message to Mark Morris (Morris@astro.ucla.edu), stating
whether you wish to present a 15-to-30 minute paper, and if so, what
its title will be. We can help with hotel reservations in Westwood,
with sufficient advance notice, so please state which nights you would
like to have a room. The schedule will only be set after we have
assessed the response to the announcement. Friday afternoon,
September 20 will tentatively not be scheduled, unless the response is
quite strong. We now expect 15 to 25 attendees.
Further information will be sent to those who respond to this
announcement. Please note that this meeting is unfunded, so we will
not be offering assistance for travel or subsistence.
Organizing committee:
Mark Morris,
Don Figer,
Cornelia Lang,
Gene Serabyn.
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- Editors of this Volume: Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
- The GCNEWS Logo
at the top of this page shows a 20cm radio map of the GC (Sgr A) made by Yusef-Zadeh & Morris.
- The GCNEWS newsletters, newsflashes and web pages are based on scripts originally developed by
Heino Falcke.
- Internet access for GCNEWS is currently sponsored by the
National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro NM/USA.
Page currently maintained by
L. O. Sjouwerman.
File last modified on Monday 04 August 2003 [09:40 MDT].
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