Conference - GCNEWS, Vol. 2, July 1996
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
Volume 2, July 1996
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Conference Announcenment
Preliminary circular: IAU Symposium No. 184
Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies
- Place: Kyoto, Japan
- Date: 1997 August 18-22 (beginning of the General Assembly of IAU, Kyoto, Aug. 17-30)
- Proposed/sponsored by IAU Division X and Commission 40 (Radio astronomy), Supported by Commissions 28 (galaxies), 33 (structure & dynamics of
galactic systems.
Understanding the general characteristics of dynamics, mass and ISM
distributions, evolution, activities including outflow/inflow, shocks,
and starformation, in the central regions of the Galaxy and galaxies.
Highlights also on black holes and related activity.
For efficient inter-comparison among the phonemena in the central regions,
speakers/attendants from radio, IR/FIR, optical, X-rays would be requested
to present their data in a coherent manner (e.g. in scales, units).
Theorists would be requested to interpret and unify the data
toward a general view of the central regions.
Topics to be Covered
- Nuclear star clusters in M.W. and galaxies
- Star formation
- IR spectroscopy and imaging
- Masers in the GC
- Bulges
- Neutral ISM in the GC
- Molecular gas in nuclei of galaxies
- Gas dynamics in the GC (from kpc to pc)
- IR observations of the central parsecs
- X-ray observations and High-energy phenomena
- Outflow and high-temperature gas
- Radio continuum and Magnetic Phenomena
- Elements and spectroscopy in nuclear gas
- Black holes in galaxies
- Case for black hole in the GC
- Nature of compact radio sources
- BH powering of AGN and jets
Science Organizing Committee
Y. Sofue (radio; chair),
R. Genzel (IR; co-chair),
M. Morris (radio; co-chair),
F. Combes (galaxies, theory),
J. Binney (dynamics, theory)
N. Scoville (radio),
J. Kormendy (optical),
M. Tsuboi (radio)
Contact person: Yoshiaki Sofue
Institute of Astronomy, University of Tokyo, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan
Local Organizing Committee
Local organization (lodging etc.) will be made by a common LOC of the
General Assembly in Kyoto 1997, and announced in the IAU bulletin, etc.
Some deadlines (tentative)
- Call for papers: announced till 1996 Sept-Oct
- Submission of title and abstract: 1997 March
- Registration: same as for GA Kyoto: see above.
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- Editors of this Volume: Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
- The GCNEWS Logo
at the top of this page shows a 20cm radio map of the GC (Sgr A) made by Yusef-Zadeh & Morris.
- The GCNEWS newsletters, newsflashes and web pages are based on scripts originally developed by
Heino Falcke.
- Internet access for GCNEWS is currently sponsored by the
National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro NM/USA.
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