Abstracts - GCNEWS, Vol. 2, July 1996
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu
Volume 2, July 1996
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- ``G357.1-00.2: a peculiar nonthermal radio source, near the Galactic Centre''
Andrew D. Gray (agray@cygnus.drao.nrc.ca)
Paper: to appear in Proceedings of ESO/CTIO Workshop on the Galactic Centre [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Fri May 10 13:05:22 EDT 1996)
- ``Old Isolated Accreting Neutron Stars: The Diffuse X-ray Emission From The Galactic Center''
Silvia Zane, Roberto Turolla, Aldo Treves (turolla@astaxp.pd.infn.it)
Paper: to be published in ApJ [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed May 15 11:41:34 EDT 1996)
- ``TGRS Observation of the Galactic Center, Annihilation Line''
B. J. Teegarden, T. L. Cline, N. Gehrels, D. Palmer, R. Ramaty, H. Seifert, K. H. Hurley, D. A. Landis, N. W. Madden, D. Malone, R. Pehl, and A. Owens (Bonnard.Teegarden@cesr.cnes.fr)
Paper: to appear in ApJ, 463, L75 [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Mon May 20 10:24:10 EDT 1996)
- ``2.2 micron Keck Images of the Galaxy's Central Stellar Cluster at 0."05 Resolution''
B. L. Klein, A. M. Ghez, M. Morris, E. E. Becklin (kleinb@astro.ucla.edu)
Paper: to appear in the Proc. of the 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop "The Galactic Center", Ed. R. Gredel [Abstract, Tex, PS] (Fri May 24 10:01:24 EDT 1996)
- ``The galactic center arc as source of high energy gamma-rays''
M. Pohl (mkp@mpe-garching.mpg.de)
Paper: A&A in press [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Fri May 24 10:15:29 EDT 1996)
- ``Detection of OH(1720 MHz) Masers at the Galactic Center: Evidence for Shock Excited Gas and Milli-Gauss Fields''
F. Yusef-Zadeh, D. A. Roberts, W. M. Goss, D. A. Frail, and A. J. Green (ZADEH@OSSENU.ASTRO.NWU.EDU)
Paper: ApJ Letters, in press [Abstract, Tex] (Fri May 24 14:43:33 EDT 1996)
- ``The 1720 MHz OH Emission from G359.1-0.5 and the CND''
F. Yusef-Zadeh, B.T. Robinson, D.A. Roberts, W.M. Goss, D.A. Frail, A. Green (ZADEH@OSSENU.ASTRO.NWU.EDU)
Paper: to appear in the Proc. of the 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop "The Galactic Center", Ed. R. Gredel [Abstract, Tex] (Fri May 24 14:45:13 EDT 1996)
K. Z. Stanek, A. Udalski, M. Szymanski, J. Kaluzny, M. Kubiak, M. Mateo, W. Krzeminski (stanek@astro.Princeton.EDU)
Paper: submitted to New Astronomy [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Wed May 29 10:04:21 EDT 1996)
- ``Our Galactic Center''
W. Kundt (wkundt@astro.uni-bonn.de)
Paper: in: Jets from Stars and Galactic Nuclei, Lecture Notes in Physics 471, ed. W. Kundt, Springer 1996, pp. 284-287 [Abstract, Tex] (Wed May 29 11:05:20 EDT 1996)
- ``OH/IR Stars - Dynamical Studies''
Anders Winnberg (anders@oso.chalmers.se)
Paper: to appear in the proceedings of the 4th ESO/CTIO workshop "The Galactic Center" [Abstract, Tex] (Wed Jun 5 11:24:03 EDT 1996)
M. Tamura, M.W.Werner, E.E.Becklin, and E.S.Phinney (mww@ipac.caltech.edu)
Paper: To appear in ApJ, August 20, 1996 [Abstract, Tex] (Wed Jun 5 14:53:24 EDT 1996)
- ``44 GHz Methanol Masers and Quasi-Thermal Emission in Sagittarius B2''
David M. Mehringer Karl M. Menten (dmehring@astro.uiuc.edu)
Paper: Accepted by ApJ [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Mon Jul 8 14:08:21 EDT 1996)
- ``The First Mid-Infrared Detection of a Source Coincident with Sagittarius A*''
Susan R. Stolovy, T. L. Hayward, and Terry Herter (stolovy@astrosun.tn.cornell.edu)
Paper: to appear in ApJ Letters; accepted July 1996 [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Mon Jul 22 09:50:12 EDT 1996)
- ``The Dark Mass Concentration in the Central Parsec of the Milky Way''
R. Genzel & N. Thatte & A. Krabbe & H. Kroker & L.E. Tacconi-Garman (GENZEL@MPE-GARCHING.MPG.DE)
Paper: ApJ, in press [Abstract, Tex] (Mon Jul 22 10:16:47 EDT 1996)
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- Editors of this Volume: Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
- The GCNEWS Logo
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- The GCNEWS newsletters, newsflashes and web pages are based on scripts originally developed by
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- Internet access for GCNEWS is currently sponsored by the
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