False-color, 0.5-7 keV image of the Sgr A West region at the
Galactic Center made with the ACIS-I instrument on the Chandra
X-ray Observatory. The X-ray image has been adaptively smoothed to
display the structure of the diffuse emission (green and blue). The
image is overlaid with VLA 6-cm contours showing the nuclear radio
source Sgr A* and the H II region Sgr A West
(F. Yusef-Zadeh, private communication). The red dot at
17h45m40.0', -29o00'28'' (J2000) is the faint
X-ray source discovered by Chandra ACIS coincident within
0.''35 of the radio position of Sgr A*. X-ray emission
coincident with IRS 13 (yellow) is evident just southwest of
Sgr A* (see Article by F. Baganoff).