Abstracts - GCNEWS, Vol. 11, May 2000
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera, Heino Falcke & Sera Markoff
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu
Volume 11, May 2000
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- ``Viewing the Shadow of the Black Hole at the Galactic Center''
Heino Falcke, Fulvio Melia(2,4), and Eric Agol(3) (hfalcke@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)
Paper: ApJ 528, L13 (Jan 1, 2000) [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Tue Dec 14 10:41:42 MET 1999)
- ``A correlation between the SiO and the Fe 6.4 keV line emission from the Galactic center''
J. Martin-Pintado, P. de Vicente, N. J. Rodriguez-Fernández, A. Fuente, and P. Planesas (vicente@cay.oan.es)
Paper: A&A (2000), in press [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Tue Mar 7 23:31:49 MET 2000)
- ``Non-equilibrium H2 ortho-to-para ratio in two molecular clouds of the Galactic Center''
N.J. Rodríguez-Fernández, J. Martín-Pintado, P. de Vicente, A. Fuente, S. Hüttemeister, T.L. Wilson, & D. Kunze (nemesio@oan.es)
Paper: A&A, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Mar 7 23:38:31 MET 2000
- ``Deep X-Ray Observations of Supernova Remnants G 359.1-0.5 and G 359.0-0.9 with ASCA''
Aya Bamba, Jun Yokogawa, Masaaki Sakano, and Katsuji Koyama (bamba@cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Paper: PASJ, April 2000, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Mar 9 10:06:50 MET 2000
- ``The Galactic Center: An Interacting System of Unusual Sources''
Farhad Yusef-Zadeh, Fulvio Melia, and Mark Wardle (zadeh@oort.astro.nwu.edu)
Paper: Science 2000, Vol. 287, p. 85 [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Thu Mar 9 10:55:37 MET 2000
- ``Cloud Collision-Induced Star Formation in Sagittarius B2. I. Large-Scale Kinematics''
Fumio SATO, Tetsuo HASEGAWA, John B. WHITEOAK and Ryosuke MIYAWAKI (satofm@u-gakugei.ac.jp)
Paper: ApJ 534, No.2, May 10, 2000, in press [Abstract, Tex] (Thu Mar 9 11:02:08 MET 2000)
- ``150 GHz NOBA observations of the Galactic Center Arc''
Wolfgang Reich, Yoshiaki Sofue, and Hiroshi Matsuo (p098wre@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)
Paper: PASJ Vol. 52, No. 2, in press [Abstract, Tex] (Thu Mar 9 15:01:03 MET 2000
- ``The Composition and Distribution of Dust Along the Line of Sight Towards the Galactic Center''
J.E. Chiar, A.G.G.M. Tielens, D.C.B. Whittet, W.A. Schutte, A.C.A. Boogert, D. Lutz, E.F. van Dishoeck, M.P. Bernstein (chiar@misty.arc.nasa.gov)
Paper: ApJ, July 2000, in press [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Thu Mar 9 19:31:24 MET 2000
- ``Stellar Iron Abundances at the Galactic Center''
Solange V. Ramírez, K. Sellgren, John S. Carr, Suchitra C. Balachandran, Robert Blum, Donald M. Terndrup, & Adam Steed (solange@astronomy.ohio-state.edu)
Paper: ApJ in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Mar 13 15:41:18 MET 2000
- ``2 micron Spectroscopy within 0.''3 of Sgr A*''
Donald F. Figer, E. E. Becklin, Ian S. McLean, Andrea M. Gilbert, James R. Graham, James E. Larkin, N. A. Levenson, Harry I. Teplitz, Mavourneen K. Wilcox, Mark Morris (figer@stsci.edu)
Paper: ApJ Letters, April 10th Issue [Abstract, Tex] (Wed Mar 15 09:49:53 MET 2000
- ``Bipolar-Hyper-Shell Galactic Center Starburst Model: Further Evidence from ROSAT Data and New Radio and X-ray Simulations''
Yoshiaki SOFUE (sofue@mtk.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Paper: ApJ, in press [Abstract, Tex] (Thu Mar 16 09:34:40 MET 2000
- ``A Cluster of Black Holes at the Galactic Center''
Jordi Miralda-Escudé and Andrew Gould (jordi@astronomy.ohio-state.edu)
Paper: ApJ, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Mar 21 10:20:56 MET 2000
- ``Studies of Galactic Nuclei with Darwin''
Andrew S. Wilson (wilson@astro.umd.edu)
Paper: in ``Darwin and Astronomy: The Infrared Space Interferometer'', European Space Agency Publication Division, ESA SP-451 (2000) [Abstract, Tex] (Tue Mar 21 10:33:08 MET 2000
- ``The Distance to the Galactic Center''
Paper: PASP 112, 202-216, 2000 February [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Tue Mar 21 10:44:39 MET 2000
- ``The Effelsberg Search for Pulsars in the Galactic Centre''
M. Kramer, B. Klein, D. Lorimer, P. Müller, A. Jessner, R. Wielebinski (mkramer@jb.man.ac.uk)
Paper: PASP, IAU Colloq. 177, Pulsar-Astronomy - 2000 and Beyond, eds. M.Kramer, N.Wex, R.Wielebinski [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed Mar 22 10:06:52 MET 2000
- ``Detection of polarized mm and sub-mm emission from Sgr A\star''
D.K. Aitken, J. Greaves, Antonio Chrysostomou W. Holland, J.H. Hough, D. Pierce-Price J. Richer (acc@star.herts.ac.uk)
Paper: ApJ Letters, accepted 23 Mar. 2000 [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Fri Mar 24 15:05:27 MET 2000
- ``A supermassive scalar star at the Galactic Center?''
Diego F. Torres, S. Capozziello, and G. Lambiase (dtorres@venus.fisica.unlp.edu.ar)
Paper: ApJ, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed Apr 5 14:22:16 MET DST 2000
- ``Is Galactic Structure Compatible with Microlensing Data?''
James Binney , Nicolai Bissantz, and Ortwin Gerhard (Ortwin.Gerhard@unibas.ch)
Paper: ApJ Letters, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Apr 6 09:32:35 MET DST 2000
- ``Stellar Dynamics in the Galactic centre: Proper Motions and Anisotropy''
R. Genzel, C.Pichon, A.Eckart, O.E.Gerhard and T.Ott (lowell@mpe.mpg.de)
Paper: MNRAS, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Apr 11 14:05:58 MET DST 2000
- ``A Second Luminous Blue Variable in the Quintuplet Cluster''
T. R. Geballe, F. Najarro, D. F. Figer (tgeballe@noao.edu)
Paper: ApJL 530, L57 [Abstract, Tex] (Tue Apr 11 14:11:09 MET DST 2000
- ``The role of the outer boundary condition in accretion disk models: theory and application''
Feng Yuan, Qiuhe Peng, Ju-fu Lu, Jianmin Wang (fyuan@nju.edu.cn)
Paper: ApJ, June 2000, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Mon Apr 17 15:48:26 MET DST 2000
- ``Possible evidence for the disk origin for the powering of jets in Sgr A* and nearby elliptical galaxies''
Feng Yuan (fyuan@nju.edu.cn)
Paper: MNRAS, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Tue Apr 18 11:30:50 MET DST 2000
- ``Hybrid Thermal-Nonthermal Synchrotron Emission from Hot Accretion Flows''
Feryal Özel, Dimitrios Psaltis, and Ramesh Narayan (fozel@cfa.harvard.edu)
Paper: ApJ, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed Apr 19 10:27:53 MET DST 2000
- ``Tidal spin-up of stars in dense stellar cusps around massive black holes''
Tal Alexander & Pawan Kumar (tal@ias.edu)
Paper: ApJ, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Wed Apr 19 14:53:27 MET DST 2000
- ``The Population of Faint Transients in the Galactic Centre''
A.R. King (ark@star.le.ac.uk)
Paper: MNRAS, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Apr 27 12:11:47 MET DST 2000
- ``Constraining the Accretion Rate Onto Sagittarius A* Using Linear Polarization''
Eliot Quataert and Andrei Gruzinov (eliot@ias.edu)
Paper: ApJ, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu Apr 27 12:15:03 MET DST 2000
- ``Sgr A* Polarization: No ADAF, Low Accretion Rate, and Non-Thermal Synchrotron Emission''
Eric Agol (agol@pha.jhu.edu)
Paper: ApJ Letters, submitted [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Thu May 4 18:05:10 MET DST 2000
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- Editors of this Volume: Angela Cotera, Heino Falcke & Sera Markoff
- The GCNEWS Logo
at the top of this page shows a 20cm radio map of the GC (Sgr A) made by Yusef-Zadeh & Morris.
- The GCNEWS newsletters, newsflashes and web pages are based on scripts originally developed by
Heino Falcke.
- Internet access for GCNEWS is currently sponsored by the
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