Cover - GCNEWS, Vol. 10, December 1999


A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke

Volume 10, December 1999 - Coverpage

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GCNEWS Vol. 10, December 1999
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VLT Spectroscopy of the Galactic Center

Figure 1: Left: Speckle image reconstruction of the new June 1999 SHARP data taken at the ESO NTT. Right: The central portion of a 5 minute, two dimensional spectroscopic exposure on the CO(2-0) bandhead absorption line taken in ~0.3'' IR seeing with ISAAC on the ESO VLT UT1 (ANTU). The position of Sgr A* (see Menten et al. 1997) is indicated by a cross in the SHARP image. (From Eckart, Ott, & Genzel 1999)

Table of Contents

  1. Editorial by A. Cotera & H. Falcke
  2. Article: "VLT Spectroscopy of the Sgr A* Stellar Cluster", by Eckart, Ott, & Genzel
  3. Abstracts of recently submitted papers
  4. GC98 Proceedings: Table of Contents
  5. And Finally ... ! News from the Galactic Center
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