Abstracts - GCNEWS, Vol. 1, May 1996
A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
This Volume was edited by Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
email: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu
Volume 1, May 1996
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- ``The Galactic Center Environment''
Mark Morris & Eugene Serabyn (morris@astro.ucla.edu)
Paper: to appear in Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 34 (1996) [Abstract, Tex, Paper (PS)] (Wed May 8 19:05:08 EDT 1996)
- ``The Discovery of Hot Stars near the Galactic Center, Thermal Radio Filaments''
Angela S. Cotera(1), Edwin F. Erickson(2), Sean W. J. Colgan(2,3),, Janet P. Simpson (2,4), David A. Allen(5,6), and Michael G. Burton(7) (cotera@ipac.caltech.edu)
Paper: [Ap.J, 471, 750] [Abstract, Paper] (Sat Mar 23 03:03:18 EST 1996)
- `` Faraday Rotation Toward the Galactic Center Nonthermal Filament G359.54+0.18''
Farhad Yusef-Zadeh^1 Mark Wardle^2 Payman Parastaran^1 (ZADEH@OSSENU.ASTRO.NWU.EDU)
Paper: submitted to ApJ [Abstract] (Tue Mar 26 11:34:20 EST 1996)
- ``The Nuclear Jet in M81''
Heino Falcke (hfalcke@astro.umd.edu)
Paper: to appear in ApJ Letters [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Wed Mar 27 18:31:11 EST 1996)
Fulvio Melia ^2, Robert F. Coker^2, and Farhad Yusef-Zadeh^3 (rfc@physics.arizona.edu)
Paper: 1996 ApJL [in press] [Abstract] (Wed Mar 27 16:32:58 EST 1996)
- ``OH counterparts for H_ 2O masers in the Galactic center: evolved stars instead of signs of recent star formation''
Lorant O. Sjouwerman & Huib Jan van Langevelde (sjouwerm@sigyn.oso.chalmers.se)
Paper: ApJ 461 L41 April 10, 1996 [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Wed Apr 10 15:10:56 EDT 1996)
- `` Dynamics of the Bar at the Galactic Centre''
Ortwin Gerhard (gerhard@astro.unibas.ch)
Paper: to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symp. 167: Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way, ed. L. Blitz & P. Teuben, (Kluwer) [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Mon Apr 15 12:59:51 EDT 1996)
- ``Variable Stars Close to the Galactic Centre''
I.S. Glass S. Matsumoto T. Ono K. Sekiguchi (isg@da.saao.ac.za)
Paper: proceedings of the 4th ESO/CTIO workskop "The Galactic Center" [Abstract, Tex] (Wed Apr 17 10:00:47 EDT 1996)
- ``Non-linear generation of warps by spiral waves in galactic disks''
F. Masset & M. Tagger (tagger@cea.fr)
Paper: A&A in press [Abstract, Tex] (Wed Apr 17 12:17:43 EDT 1996)
- ``Millimetre Spectral Line Observations of the Galactic Centre''
Aa. Sandqvist (aage@astro.su.se)
Paper: to be published in 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop Proceedings on the Galactic Centre (ed. R. Gredel) ASP Conf Proc [Abstract, Tex] (Thu Apr 18 09:52:38 EDT 1996)
- `` JHKL Photometry and the K-band Luminosity Function at the Galactic Center''
R. D. Blum(1,2,3), K. Sellgren(1,4), and D. L. DePoy(1) (rblum@casa.Colorado.EDU)
Paper: accepted by ApJ [Abstract, Tex, Paper,EPrint-Server] (Thu Apr 18 13:53:06 EDT 1996)
- `` ASCA View of Our Galactic Center: Remains of Past Activities in X-Rays?''
K. KOYAMA, Y. MAEDA, T. SONOBE, T. TAKESHIMA, Y. TANAKA^4, and S. YAMAUCHI (koyama@cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Paper: to appear in PASJ, Vol. 48 (1996) [Abstract, Tex] (Tue Apr 23 10:50:03 EDT 1996)
- ``Excitation of the `` Arched'' Filaments near the Galactic Center''
Sean W. J. Colgan, Edwin F. Erickson, Janet P. Simpson, Michael R. Haas, and Mark Morris (colgan@cygnus.arc.nasa.gov)
Paper: ApJ accepted [Abstract, Tex] (Wed Apr 24 15:03:57 EDT 1996)
- ``The interaction of the G359.54+0.18 Nonthermal Filaments with the Ambient Medium''
J. Staguhn, J. Stutzki, F. Yusef-Zadeh, K. I. Uchida (staguhn@Newton.ph1.Uni-Koeln.DE)
Paper: to appear in the proceedings of the 4th ESO/CTIO workshop "The Galactic Center" [Abstract, Tex, HTTP] (Fri Apr 26 11:45:02 EDT 1996)
- ``A Varying Mass-To-Light Ratio in the Galactic Center Cluster?''
Prasenjit Saha, Geoffrey V. Bicknell, and Peter J. McGregor (1) (gvb@maths.anu.edu.au)
Paper: ApJ, in press [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sat Apr 27 10:12:46 EDT 1996)
- `` Radio Continuum and Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center''
Yoshiaki Sofue (sofue@mtk.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Paper: to appear in the Proc. of the Nobel Symp. 98 "Barred Galaxies and Circumnuclear Activity", (ed.) A. Sandquist [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server] (Sat Apr 27 10:17:45 EDT 1996)
- ``A New Eclipsing X-Ray Burster near the Galactic Center: A Quiescent State of the Old Transient A1742-289''
Yoshitomo Maeda, Katsuji Koyama, Masaaki Sakano, Toshiaki Takeshima, and Shigeo Yamauchi (maeda@cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Paper: PASJ 48 (1996), in press [Abstract, Tex] (Sat Apr 27 10:27:29 EDT 1996)
- ``A new sample of OH/IR stars in the Galactic center''
Lor'ant Sjouwerman^1,2, Anders Winnberg^1, Huib Jan van Langevelde^3, Harm Habing^2 and Michael Lindqvist^1,2 (sjouwerm@sigyn.oso.chalmers.se)
Paper: to appear in the 4th ESO/CTIO workshop on the Galactic center [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Sat Apr 27 16:46:32 EDT 1996)
- ``Hot Stars in the Quintuplet''
Donald F. Figer, Mark Morris, and Ian S. McLean (figer@bnkl01.astro.ucla.edu)
Paper: to appear in the 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop on the Galactic Center Proceedings [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Sat Apr 27 19:01:19 EDT 1996)
- ``The Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region based on C^18O Measurements, Presentation of a Large Scale J = 1 -- 0 Survey obtained with the 1.2m Southern Millimeter-Wave Telescope at CTIO''
G. Dahmen, S. Hüttemeister, T.L. Wilson, R. Mauersberger, A. Linhart, L. Bronfman, A.R. Tieftrunk, K. Meyer, W. Wieden höver, T.M. Dame, E.S. Palmer, J. May, J. Aparici, F. MacAuliffe (G.Dahmen@qmw.ac.uk)
Paper: to appear in the Proceedings of the 4th [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Mon Apr 29 12:44:53 EDT 1996)
- `` H_2 Emission from the Inner 400 Parsecs of the Galaxy, II. The UV-Excited H_2''
Soojong Pak, D. T. Jaffe, and L. D. Keller (soojong@astro.as.utexas.edu)
Paper: the 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop [Abstract, Tex, EPrint-Server, EPrint-Server (ApJL Paper)] (Tue Apr 30 10:02:50 EDT 1996)
- ``Sgr A* and its siblings in nearby galaxies''
Heino Falcke (hfalcke@astro.umd.edu)
Paper: to appear in: Proc. of the 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop "The Galactic Center", ASP Conf. Series, R. Gredel (ed.) [Abstract, Tex, Paper, EPrint-Server] (Tue Apr 30 21:48:39 EDT 1996)
D.A. Roberts F. Yusef-Zadeh W.M. Goss (droberts@lai.ncsa.uiuc.edu)
Paper: to appear in the 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop on the Galactic Center Proceedings [Abstract, Tex] (Thu May 2 15:03:09 EDT 1996)
- ``Interstellar extinction in the vicinity of Galactic center thermal radio emission regions''
Angela S. Cotera, Janet P. Simpson, Edwin F. Erickson, Sean W. J. Colgan, and Michael G. Burton (cotera@ipac.caltech.edu)
Paper: to appear in the proceedings of the 4th ESO/CTIO conference: The Galactic Center [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Thu May 2 20:26:59 EDT 1996)
- ``The Discovery of the Radio Source Sagittarius A ( Sgr A)''
W. M. Goss and R. X. McGee (mgoss@aoc.nrao.edu)
Paper: to appear in the proceedings of the 4th ESO/CTIO Wokrshop "The Galactic Center", R. Gredel (ed.), ASP Conf. Ser. [Abstract, Tex, PS] (Fri May 3 15:12:03 EDT 1996)
- ``Neutral Carbon and the Dense Interstellar Medium in the Inner 300 pc of the Galaxy''
D.T. Jaffe (1), R. Plume(1,3), Neal J. Evans II (1) John Bally (2) (dtj@fireant.as.utexas.edu)
Paper: to appear in the proceedings of the 4th ESO/CTIO workshop "The Galactic Center", ed. R. Gredel, ASP Conf. Ser. [Abstract, Tex] (Mon May 6 12:33:55 EDT 1996)
- ``Quantitative Spectroscopy of the He I Cluster''
Francisco Najarro, Rolf P. Kudritzki, Alfred Krabbe, Reinhard Genzel, Dieter Lutz, and D. John Hillier (paco@usm.uni-muenchen.de)
Paper: to appear in the 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop [Abstract, Tex, Paper] (Tue May 7 05:40:16 EDT 1996)
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- Editors of this Volume: Angela Cotera & Heino Falcke
- The GCNEWS Logo
at the top of this page shows a 20cm radio map of the GC (Sgr A) made by Yusef-Zadeh & Morris.
- The GCNEWS newsletters, newsflashes and web pages are based on scripts originally developed by
Heino Falcke.
- Internet access for GCNEWS is currently sponsored by the
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L. O. Sjouwerman.
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