Chris Carilli's Home Page
Click on the image if you want to see an expanded view of the
beautiful radio galaxy CYGNUS A, pictured above (jpg format).
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the Cygnus A image,
then write to and we can arrange for an ftp
transfer. If you want something else, then read on.
Useful links
astroph papers
astroph -- my account login
NRAO links
Next Gen VLA zoom
Next Gen VLA
Atlassian Imaging + Cal meetings etc...
ngVLA Config GIT lab
ngVLA Config design google docs
NRAO Astrocloud
ETK and reqs etc...
NRAO employee services
NRAO outlook
New NRAO archive
My Links
ASPECS survey: The first CO cosmological deep field
CASA links
CASA Tutorials
CASA to AIPS task translator
My Stuff
Movie of Shape-Orientation-Size conservation using the optical interferometry lab at the ALBA synchrotron light source.
Cool gas in distant galaxies, ARAA, 51, 105
Cool gas in distant galaxies: Data tables
Talks by cc after October 2008
Talks by cc before October 2008
Max Planck Research Award 2005
Last modified January 2, 2010
Chris Carilli, NRAO, PO Box O, Socorro NM, USA 87801,
phone: 1-575-835-7306 (fax: 7027)