
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Leader_Follower.cpp,v 1.38 2006/04/19 08:53:39 jwillemsen Exp
00003 #include "ace/Countdown_Time.h"
00004 #include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h"
00005 #include "ace/Reactor.h"
00007 #include "tao/Leader_Follower.h"
00008 #include "tao/LF_Follower_Auto_Ptr.h"
00009 #include "tao/LF_Follower_Auto_Adder.h"
00010 #include "tao/LF_Event_Binder.h"
00011 #include "tao/debug.h"
00012 #include "tao/Transport.h"
00013 #include "tao/GUIResource_Factory.h"
00014 #include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
00016 #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
00017 # include "tao/Leader_Follower.i"
00018 #endif /* ! __ACE_INLINE__ */
00020 ACE_RCSID (tao,
00021            Leader_Follower,
00022            "Leader_Follower.cpp,v 1.38 2006/04/19 08:53:39 jwillemsen Exp")
00027 TAO_Leader_Follower::~TAO_Leader_Follower (void)
00028 {
00029   while (!this->follower_free_list_.empty ())
00030     {
00031       TAO_LF_Follower *follower =
00032         this->follower_free_list_.pop_front ();
00033       delete follower;
00034     }
00035   // Hand the reactor back to the resource factory.
00036   // use GUI reactor factory if available
00037   if ( this->orb_core_->gui_resource_factory () )
00038     this->orb_core_->gui_resource_factory ()->reclaim_reactor (this->reactor_);
00039   else
00040     this->orb_core_->resource_factory ()->reclaim_reactor (this->reactor_);
00042   this->reactor_ = 0;
00043 }
00045 TAO_LF_Follower *
00046 TAO_Leader_Follower::allocate_follower (void)
00047 {
00048   if (!this->follower_free_list_.empty ())
00049     return this->follower_free_list_.pop_front ();
00051   return new TAO_LF_Follower (*this);
00052 }
00054 void
00055 TAO_Leader_Follower::release_follower (TAO_LF_Follower *follower)
00056 {
00057   this->follower_free_list_.push_front (follower);
00058 }
00060 int
00061 TAO_Leader_Follower::elect_new_leader_i (void)
00062 {
00063   TAO_LF_Follower* const follower =
00064     this->follower_set_.head ();
00066 #if defined (TAO_DEBUG_LEADER_FOLLOWER)
00068               "TAO (%P|%t) LF::elect_new_leader_i - "
00069               "follower is %x\n",
00070               follower));
00071 #endif /* TAO_DEBUG_LEADER_FOLLOWER */
00073   return follower->signal ();
00074 }
00076 int
00077 TAO_Leader_Follower::wait_for_client_leader_to_complete (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time)
00078 {
00079   int result = 0;
00080   ACE_Countdown_Time countdown (max_wait_time);
00082   // Note that we are waiting.
00083   ++this->event_loop_threads_waiting_;
00085   while (this->client_thread_is_leader_ &&
00086          result != -1)
00087     {
00088       if (max_wait_time == 0)
00089         {
00090           if (this->event_loop_threads_condition_.wait () == -1)
00091             {
00092               ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00093                           ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t): TAO_Leader_Follower::wait_for_client_leader_to_complete - ")
00094                           ACE_TEXT ("Condition variable wait failed\n")));
00096               result = -1;
00097             }
00098         }
00099       else
00100         {
00101           countdown.update ();
00102           ACE_Time_Value tv = ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
00103           tv += *max_wait_time;
00104           if (this->event_loop_threads_condition_.wait (&tv) == -1)
00105             {
00106               if (errno != ETIME)
00107                 ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00108                             ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t): TAO_Leader_Follower::wait_for_client_leader_to_complete - ")
00109                             ACE_TEXT ("Condition variable wait failed\n")));
00111               result = -1;
00112             }
00113         }
00114     }
00116   // Reset waiting state.
00117   --this->event_loop_threads_waiting_;
00119   return result;
00120 }
00122 ACE_Reactor *
00123 TAO_Leader_Follower::reactor (void)
00124 {
00125   if (this->reactor_ == 0)
00126     {
00127       ACE_GUARD_RETURN (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->lock (), 0);
00128       if (this->reactor_ == 0)
00129         {
00130           // use GUI reactor factory if available
00131           if ( this->orb_core_->gui_resource_factory () )
00132             this->reactor_ =
00133               this->orb_core_->gui_resource_factory ()->get_reactor ();
00134           else
00135             this->reactor_ =
00136               this->orb_core_->resource_factory ()->get_reactor ();
00137         }
00138     }
00139   return this->reactor_;
00140 }
00142 void
00143 TAO_Leader_Follower::set_client_thread (void)
00144 {
00145   // If we were a leader thread or an event loop thread, give up
00146   // leadership.
00147   TAO_ORB_Core_TSS_Resources *tss = this->get_tss_resources ();
00148   if (tss->event_loop_thread_ ||
00149       tss->client_leader_thread_)
00150     {
00151       --this->leaders_;
00152     }
00154   if (this->clients_ == 0 &&
00155       this->orb_core_->has_shutdown () &&
00156       !this->orb_core_->resource_factory ()->drop_replies_during_shutdown ())
00157     {
00158       // The ORB has shutdown and we are the first client after
00159       // that. This means that the reactor is disabled, we must
00160       // re-enable it if we want to receive any replys...
00161       this->orb_core_->reactor ()->reset_reactor_event_loop ();
00162     }
00163   ++this->clients_;
00164 }
00166 void
00167 TAO_Leader_Follower::reset_client_thread (void)
00168 {
00169   // If we were a leader thread or an event loop thread, take back
00170   // leadership.
00171   TAO_ORB_Core_TSS_Resources *tss = this->get_tss_resources ();
00172   if (tss->event_loop_thread_ ||
00173       tss->client_leader_thread_)
00174     {
00175       ++this->leaders_;
00176     }
00178   --this->clients_;
00179   if (this->clients_ == 0 &&
00180       this->orb_core_->has_shutdown ())
00181     {
00182       // The ORB has shutdown and we are the last client thread, we
00183       // must stop the reactor to ensure that any server threads go
00184       // away.
00185       this->orb_core_->reactor ()->end_reactor_event_loop ();
00186     }
00187 }
00189 int
00190 TAO_Leader_Follower::wait_for_event (TAO_LF_Event *event,
00191                                      TAO_Transport *transport,
00192                                      ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time)
00193 {
00194   // Obtain the lock.
00195   ACE_GUARD_RETURN (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->lock (), -1);
00197   ACE_Countdown_Time countdown (max_wait_time);
00199   // Optmize the first iteration [no access to errno]
00200   int result = 1;
00202   // For some cases the transport may dissappear like when waiting for
00203   // connection to be initiated or closed. So cache the id.
00204   // @@ NOTE: This is not completely safe either. We will be fine for
00205   // cases that dont access the id ie. when debug level is off but
00206   // with debugging level on we are on a sticky wicket. Hopefully none
00207   // of our users should run TAO with debugging enabled like they did
00208   // in PathFinder
00209   size_t t_id = 0;
00211   if (TAO_debug_level)
00212     {
00213       t_id = transport->id ();
00214     }
00216   {
00217     // Calls this->set_client_thread () on construction and
00218     // this->reset_client_thread () on destruction.
00219     TAO_LF_Client_Thread_Helper client_thread_helper (*this);
00220     ACE_UNUSED_ARG (client_thread_helper);
00222     // Check if there is a leader.  Note that it cannot be us since we
00223     // gave up our leadership when we became a client.
00224     if (this->leader_available ())
00225       {
00226         // = Wait as a follower.
00228         // Grab a follower:
00229         TAO_LF_Follower_Auto_Ptr follower (*this);
00230         if (follower.get () == 0)
00231           return -1;
00233         if (TAO_debug_level >= 5)
00234           ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,
00235                       "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event,"
00236                       " (follower), cond <%x>\n",
00237                       t_id, follower.get ()));
00239         // Bound the follower and the LF_Event, this is important to
00240         // get a signal when the event terminates
00241         TAO_LF_Event_Binder event_binder (event, follower.get ());
00243         while (event->keep_waiting () &&
00244                this->leader_available ())
00245           {
00246             // Add ourselves to the list, do it everytime we wake up
00247             // from the CV loop. Because:
00248             //
00249             // - The leader thread could have elected us as the new
00250             // leader.
00251             // - Before we can assume the role another thread becomes
00252             // the leader
00253             // - But our condition variable could have been removed
00254             // already, if we don't add it again we will never wake
00255             // up.
00256             //
00257             // Notice that we can have spurious wake ups, in that case
00258             // adding the leader results in an error, that must be
00259             // ignored.
00260             // You may be thinking of not removing the condition
00261             // variable in the code that sends the signal, but
00262             // removing it here, that does not work either, in that
00263             // case the condition variable may be used twice:
00264             //
00265             //  - Wake up because its reply arrived
00266             //  - Wake up because it must become the leader
00267             //
00268             // but only the first one has any effect, so the leader is
00269             // lost.
00270             //
00272             TAO_LF_Follower_Auto_Adder auto_adder (*this, follower);
00274             if (max_wait_time == 0)
00275               {
00276                 if (follower->wait (max_wait_time) == -1)
00277                   {
00278                     if (TAO_debug_level >= 5)
00279                       ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,
00280                                   "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event, "
00281                                   " (follower) [no timer, cond failed]\n",
00282                                   t_id));
00284                     // @@ Michael: What is our error handling in this case?
00285                     //             We could be elected as leader and
00286                     //             no leader would come in?
00287                     return -1;
00288                   }
00289               }
00290             else
00291               {
00292                 countdown.update ();
00293                 ACE_Time_Value tv = ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
00294                 tv += *max_wait_time;
00295                 if (follower->wait (&tv) == -1)
00296                   {
00297                     if (TAO_debug_level >= 5)
00298                       ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,
00299                                   "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait, "
00300                                   "(follower) [has timer, follower failed]\n",
00301                                   t_id ));
00303                     // If we have timedout set the state in the
00304                     // LF_Event. We call the non-locking,
00305                     // no-signalling method on LF_Event.
00306                     if (errno == ETIME)
00307                         // We have timedout
00308                         event->set_state (TAO_LF_Event::LFS_TIMEOUT);
00310                     if (!event->successful ())
00311                       {
00312                         // Remove follower can fail because either
00313                         // 1) the condition was satisfied (i.e. reply
00314                         //    received or queue drained), or
00315                         // 2) somebody elected us as leader, or
00316                         // 3) the connection got closed.
00317                         //
00318                         // Therefore:
00319                         // If remove_follower fails and the condition
00320                         // was not satisfied, we know that we got
00321                         // elected as a leader.
00322                         // But we got a timeout, so we cannot become
00323                         // the leader, therefore, we have to select a
00324                         // new leader.
00325                         //
00327                         if (this->elect_new_leader () == -1
00328                             && TAO_debug_level > 0)
00329                           {
00330                             ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
00331                                         "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event, "
00332                                         "elect_new_leader failed\n",
00333                                         t_id ));
00334                           }
00335                       }
00338                     return -1;
00339                   }
00340               }
00341           }
00343         countdown.update ();
00345         // @@ Michael: This is an old comment why we do not want to
00346         //             remove the follower here.
00347         // We should not remove the follower here, we *must* remove it when
00348         // we signal it so the same condition is not signalled for
00349         // both wake up as a follower and as the next leader.
00351         if (TAO_debug_level >= 5)
00352           ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,
00353                       "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event,"
00354                       " done (follower), successful %d\n",
00355                       t_id,
00356                       event->successful ()));
00358         // Now somebody woke us up to become a leader or to handle our
00359         // input. We are already removed from the follower queue.
00361         if (event->successful ())
00362           return 0;
00364         if (event->error_detected ())
00365           return -1;
00367         // FALLTHROUGH
00368         // We only get here if we woke up but the reply is not
00369         // complete yet, time to assume the leader role....
00370         // i.e. ACE_ASSERT (event->successful () == 0);
00371       }
00373     // = Leader Code.
00375     // The only way to reach this point is if we must become the
00376     // leader, because there is no leader or we have to update to a
00377     // leader or we are doing nested upcalls in this case we do
00378     // increase the refcount on the leader in TAO_ORB_Core.
00380     // Calls this->set_client_leader_thread () on
00381     // construction and this->reset_client_leader_thread ()
00382     // on destruction.  Note that this may increase the refcount of
00383     // the leader.
00384     TAO_LF_Client_Leader_Thread_Helper client_leader_thread_helper (*this);
00385     ACE_UNUSED_ARG (client_leader_thread_helper);
00387     {
00388       ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Reverse_Lock<TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX>, rev_mon,
00389                         this->reverse_lock (), -1);
00391       // Become owner of the reactor.
00392       ACE_Reactor *reactor = this->reactor_;
00393       reactor->owner (ACE_Thread::self ());
00395       // Run the reactor event loop.
00397       if (TAO_debug_level >= 5)
00398         ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,
00399                     "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event,"
00400                     " (leader) enter reactor event loop\n",
00401                     t_id));
00403       // If we got our event, no need to run the event loop any
00404       // further.
00405       while (event->keep_waiting ())
00406         {
00407           // Run the event loop.
00408           result = reactor->handle_events (max_wait_time);
00410           // Did we timeout? If so, stop running the loop.
00411           if (result == 0 &&
00412               max_wait_time != 0 &&
00413               *max_wait_time == ACE_Time_Value::zero)
00414             break;
00416           // Other errors? If so, stop running the loop.
00417           if (result == -1)
00418             break;
00420           // Otherwise, keep going...
00421         }
00423       if (TAO_debug_level >= 5)
00424         ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,
00425                     "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event,"
00426                     " (leader) exit reactor event loop\n",
00427                     t_id));
00428     }
00429   }
00430   //
00431   // End artificial scope for auto_ptr like helpers calling:
00432   // this->reset_client_thread () and (maybe)
00433   // this->reset_client_leader_thread ().
00434   //
00436   // Wake up the next leader, we cannot do that in handle_input,
00437   // because the woken up thread would try to get into handle_events,
00438   // which is at the time in handle_input still occupied. But do it
00439   // before checking the error in <result>, even if there is an error
00440   // in our input we should continue running the loop in another
00441   // thread.
00443   if (this->elect_new_leader () == -1)
00445                        "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event,"
00446                        " failed to elect new leader\n",
00447                        t_id),
00448                       -1);
00450   if (result == -1 && !this->reactor_->reactor_event_loop_done ())
00452                        "TAO (%P|%t) - Leader_Follower[%d]::wait_for_event,"
00453                        " handle_events failed\n",
00454                        t_id),
00455                       -1);
00457   // Return an error if there was a problem receiving the reply...
00458   if (max_wait_time != 0)
00459     {
00460       if (!event->successful ()
00461           && *max_wait_time == ACE_Time_Value::zero)
00462         {
00463           result = -1;
00464           errno = ETIME;
00465         }
00466       else if (event->error_detected ())
00467         {
00468           // If the time did not expire yet, but we get a failure,
00469           // e.g. the connections closed, we should still return an error.
00470           result = -1;
00471         }
00472     }
00473   else
00474     {
00475       /**
00476        * There should be no reason to reset the value of result
00477        * here. If there was an error in handle_events () that the
00478        * leader saw, I (Bala) beleave it should be propogated to the
00479        * clients.
00480        * result = 0;
00481        */
00482       if (event->error_detected ())
00483         {
00484           result = -1;
00485         }
00486     }
00488   return result;
00489 }

Generated on Thu Nov 9 11:54:14 2006 for TAO by doxygen 1.3.6