Uses of Class

Packages that use TimeOfDayInterval
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of TimeOfDayInterval in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return TimeOfDayInterval
 TimeOfDayInterval TimeOfDayInterval.clone()
          Returns an interval that is equal to this one.
static TimeOfDayInterval TimeOfDayInterval.parse(String intervalText)
          Creates a new time of day interval by parsing intervalText.
static TimeOfDayInterval TimeOfDayInterval.parse(String intervalText, String endPointSeparator)
          Creates a new time of day interval by parsing intervalText.
 TimeOfDayInterval[] TimeOfDayInterval.split(TimeOfDay pointOfSplit)
          Returns two new intervals that were formed by splitting this one at the given point.
 TimeOfDayInterval[] TimeOfDayInterval.splitAtMidnight()
          Returns two new intervals that were formed by splitting this one at midnight.
 TimeOfDayInterval TimeOfDayInterval.toComplement()
          Creates a new interval whose starting point is this interval's ending point and whose ending point is this interval's starting point.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type TimeOfDayInterval
 boolean TimeOfDayInterval.contains(TimeOfDayInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval contains other.
 boolean TimeOfDayInterval.isAfter(TimeOfDayInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval starts after the other one ends.
 boolean TimeOfDayInterval.isBefore(TimeOfDayInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval ends before the other one starts.
 boolean TimeOfDayInterval.isContainedBy(TimeOfDayInterval other)
          Returns true if the other interval contains this one.
 boolean TimeOfDayInterval.isContiguousWith(TimeOfDayInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval and the other form a contiguous non-overlapping time interval.
 boolean TimeOfDayInterval.overlaps(TimeOfDayInterval other)
          Returns true if this interval overlaps the other interval.

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