Uses of Class

Packages that use JulianDate
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of JulianDate in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return JulianDate
 JulianDate JulianDate.add(BigDecimal days)
          Increments this date by the whole and fractional days.
 JulianDate JulianDate.add(TimeDuration duration)
          Increments this date by the given amount of time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.clone()
          Returns a copy of this date.
static JulianDate JulianDate.makeFromMjd(BigDecimal modifiedJulianDate)
          Returns a new JulianDate for the given MJD.
static JulianDate JulianDate.makeFromMjd(String modifiedJulianDate)
          Returns a new JulianDate for the given MJD.
static JulianDate JulianDate.makeMjdZero()
          Returns a new JulianDate whose time is set to the instance that MJD equals zero.
 JulianDate JulianDate.set()
          Sets this date to the current time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.set(BigDecimal julianDate)
          Sets this date to the given time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.set(Date gregorianCalendarDate)
          Sets this date to the given time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.set(int julianDayNumber)
          Sets this date to the given time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.set(String julianDate)
          Sets this date to the given time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.setFromMjd(BigDecimal modifiedJulianDate)
          Sets this date to the given time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.setFromMjd(String modifiedJulianDate)
          Sets this date to the given time.
 JulianDate JulianDate.subtract(BigDecimal days)
          Decrements this date by the whole and fractional days.
 JulianDate JulianDate.subtract(TimeDuration duration)
          Decrements this date by the given amount of time.
 JulianDate LocalSiderealTime.toJulianDate()
          Returns a copy of the Julian Date corresponding to this LST.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type JulianDate
 int JulianDate.compareTo(JulianDate otherDate)
 boolean JulianDate.isAfter(JulianDate other)
          Returns true if this date is later than other.
 boolean JulianDate.isBefore(JulianDate other)
          Returns true if this date is earlier than other.
 LocalSiderealTime LocalSiderealTime.setSolarTime(JulianDate julianDate)
          Sets the solar time on which this LST is based to the given time.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.siderealTimeUntil(JulianDate otherSolar)
          Returns a duration, in sidereal time, from this LST to otherSolar.
 TimeDuration LocalSiderealTime.solarTimeUntil(JulianDate otherSolar)
          Returns a duration, in solar time, from this LST to otherSolar.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type JulianDate
LocalSiderealTime(JulianDate julianDate)
          Creates a new local sidereal time based on the given solar time and the longitude and time zone of the VLA.

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