Uses of Class

Packages that use FrequencyRange
edu.nrao.sss.electronics Electronic components that process frequency signals. 
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of FrequencyRange in edu.nrao.sss.electronics

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.electronics that return FrequencyRange
 FrequencyRange Signal.getCurrentRange()
          Returns the frequency range covered by this signal.
 FrequencyRange LocalOscillatorPath.getOutputRange()
          Returns the broadest possible range the signal from for this LO path.
 FrequencyRange SignalFilter.getPassBand()
          Returns the range of frequencies that may pass through this filter.
 FrequencyRange Signal.getProxiedRange()
          Returns the frequency range represented by this signal.
 FrequencyRange LocalOscillator.getTunableRange()
          Returns the frequency range over which this oscillator may be tuned.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.electronics with parameters of type FrequencyRange
static SignalFilter SignalFilter.make(String deviceName, FrequencyRange passingRange)
          Creates and returns a new filter that blocks all frequencies outside the given range.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.electronics with parameters of type FrequencyRange
DigitalSignal(FrequencyRange originalRange, PolarizationType polarization, Frequency samplingRate, int bitsPerSample)
          Creates a new digital signal with the given attributes.
LocalOscillator(FrequencyRange tunableRange)
          Creates a continuously tunable oscillator whose frequencies are limited to the given range.
LocalOscillator(FrequencyRange tunableRange, Frequency tuningStepSize)
          Creates an oscillator whose tunings are limited to the given range and whose "dial" moves in increments of tuningStepSize.
LocalOscillatorPath(SignalSource localOsc, BigDecimal loMultiplier, FrequencyRange outputFilter)
          Creates a new local oscillator path.
LocalOscillatorPath(SignalSource localOsc, int loMultiplier, FrequencyRange outputFilter)
          Creates a new local oscillator path.
Signal(FrequencyRange originalRange, PolarizationType polarization)
          Creates a new signal with the given frequencies and polarization.

Uses of FrequencyRange in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return FrequencyRange
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.changeWidthTo(Frequency newWidth)
          Changes the width of this range to newWidth.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.clone()
          Creates a copy of this frequency range.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.convertTo(FrequencyUnits newUnits)
          Converts both endpoints of this range to the given units.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.getGapBetween(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns a new range that represents the region of frequency space between this range and other.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.getOverlapWith(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns a new range that represents the region of overlap between this range and other.
 FrequencyRange FrequencySpectrum.getSmallestGapTo(FrequencyRange targetRange)
          Returns a quantity that represents the smallest gap between targetRange and the nearest of the covered ranges of this spectrum.
 FrequencyRange FrequencySpectrum.getSpan()
          Returns a range whose low frequency is that of the lowest covered range in this spectrum and whose high frequency is that of the highest covered range.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.intersectWith(FrequencyRange other)
          Modifies this range to be the intersection of this range and other.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.mergeWith(FrequencyRange other)
          Modifies this range to be the union of this range and other, but only if the two ranges overlap or are contiguous.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.moveCenterTo(Frequency newCenter)
          Moves this range so that its new center frequency is newCenter.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.multiplyBy(BigDecimal multiplier)
          Multiplies the low and high frequencies of this range by multiplier.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.multiplyBy(String multiplier)
          Multiplies the low and high frequencies of this range by multiplier.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.normalize()
          Recasts each endpoint separately by calling its normalize method.
static FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.parse(String rangeText)
          Creates and returns a new frequency range, based on rangeText and a separator string of FormatString.ENDPOINT_SEPARATOR.
static FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.parse(String rangeText, String endPointSeparator)
          Creates and returns a new frequency range, based on rangeText.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.setCenterAndWidth(Frequency center, Frequency width)
          Sets the endpoints of this range based on the given center frequency and bandwidth.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.shiftDownBy(Frequency shiftSize)
          Moves both the low and high endpoints of this range down by shiftSize.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.shiftUpBy(Frequency shiftSize)
          Moves both the low and high endpoints of this range up by shiftSize.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return types with arguments of type FrequencyRange
 List<FrequencyRange> FrequencyRange.getComplementIn(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns zero, one, or two ranges that represent the portions of other that are not also found in this range.
 SortedSet<FrequencyRange> FrequencySpectrum.getCoveredRanges()
          Returns the regions of this spectrum that are covered.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type FrequencyRange
 FrequencySpectrum FrequencySpectrum.addCoveredRange(FrequencyRange newRange)
          Adds a new frequency range to our set of covered ranges.
 int FrequencyRange.compareTo(FrequencyRange other)
          Compares this range to other for order.
 boolean FrequencyRange.contains(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns true if this range contains other.
 Frequency Frequency.getAbsoluteDistanceFrom(FrequencyRange range)
          Returns the smallest positive difference between this frequency and range.
 Frequency FrequencySpectrum.getAmountCovered(FrequencyRange targetRange)
          Returns the amount of the target range that is covered by the covered portions of this spectrum.
 double FrequencySpectrum.getAmountCoveredAsFractionOf(FrequencyRange targetRange)
          Returns a number that represents the portion of the target range that is covered by the covered portions of this spectrum.
 List<FrequencyRange> FrequencyRange.getComplementIn(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns zero, one, or two ranges that represent the portions of other that are not also found in this range.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.getGapBetween(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns a new range that represents the region of frequency space between this range and other.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.getOverlapWith(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns a new range that represents the region of overlap between this range and other.
 FrequencyRange FrequencySpectrum.getSmallestGapTo(FrequencyRange targetRange)
          Returns a quantity that represents the smallest gap between targetRange and the nearest of the covered ranges of this spectrum.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.intersectWith(FrequencyRange other)
          Modifies this range to be the intersection of this range and other.
 FrequencySpectrum FrequencySpectrum.intersectWith(FrequencyRange targetRange)
          Modifies this spectrum to be the intersection of its covered ranges with targetRange.
 boolean FrequencyRange.isContiguousWith(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns true if this frequency range is contiguous with other.
 boolean Frequency.isEndPointOf(FrequencyRange range)
          Returns true if this frequency is equal to either the low or high frequency of range.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.mergeWith(FrequencyRange other)
          Modifies this range to be the union of this range and other, but only if the two ranges overlap or are contiguous.
 boolean FrequencyRange.overlaps(FrequencyRange other)
          Returns true if this frequency range overlaps with other.
 FrequencySpectrum FrequencySpectrum.removeCoveredRange(FrequencyRange unwantedRange)
          Removes a frequency range from our set of covered ranges.

Constructor parameters in edu.nrao.sss.measure with type arguments of type FrequencyRange
FrequencySpectrum(Collection<FrequencyRange> ranges)
          Creates a new spectrum using the given collection of covered ranges.

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