Package edu.nrao.sss.model.proposal

Proposal object model.


Interface Summary
ProposalProvider A provider of proposals.

Class Summary
Author Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work.
JustificationFile Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. A scientific and technical justification for a proposal.
JustificationFileDescriptor Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. A description of a JustificationFile.
Proposal Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. A request for time to perform one or more projects on one or more telescopes.
Session Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. A proposed observation session.
SessionPair Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. A pairing of a Source and a Resource.
StudentSupport Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work.

Enum Summary
JustificationFileType Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. An enumeration of file types for justification files.
ObservingType Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. TODO Add comments TODO Write JUnit class
ProfessionalStatus Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. An enumeration of professional status types.
ProposalStatus Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. An enumeration of proposal statuses.
ProposalType Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. An enumeration of proposal types.
ScientificType An enumeration of scientific exploration types.
SupportType Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work. An enumeration of the levels of support that an observer might need from NRAO.

Package edu.nrao.sss.model.proposal Description

Proposal object model.

The classes in this package represent problem-domain objects. They are not tied to any particular persistence mechanism or presentation framework. They are the model classes within a model / view / controller construct.

Note: This package (and the classes within it) is a placeholder. We have talked about migrating the classes of the PST to this area. When that happens, the placeholder classes will be updated and/or replaced by classes from the PST area.

David M. Harland

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