Uses of Class

Packages that use Scan
edu.nrao.sss.model.project Project object model. 
edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan Scan object model. 

Uses of Scan in edu.nrao.sss.model.project

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project that return Scan
 Scan SchedulingBlock.createScan(ScanMode scanMode)
          Creates and returns a new scan that is suitable for use with this scheduling block.
 Scan ProjectBuilder.makeScanFor(SchedulingBlock schedBlock)

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project that return types with arguments of type Scan
 Set<Scan> SchedulingBlock.getScans()
          Returns the scans that belong to this scheduling block.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project with parameters of type Scan
protected  void AbstractScheduleIterator.afterFirstScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  void ObserveScriptBuilder.afterLastScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  void AbstractScheduleIterator.afterLastScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  void ObserveScriptBuilder.afterScanAction(Scan scan)
          Generates python code that is necessary regardless of the scan mode, that must come after each scan.
protected  void AbstractScheduleIterator.afterScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  void AbstractScheduleIterator.beforeFirstScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  void ObserveScriptBuilder.beforeLastScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  void AbstractScheduleIterator.beforeLastScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  void ObserveScriptBuilder.beforeScanAction(Scan scan)
          Generates python code that is necessary regardless of the scan mode, that must come before each scan.
protected  void AbstractScheduleIterator.beforeScanAction(Scan scan)
protected  SkyPosition AbstractScheduleIterator.getEndPosition(Scan scan, Date dateTime)
          Returns the appropriate end SkyPosition object for scan at dateTime.
protected  SkyPosition AbstractScheduleIterator.getStartPosition(Scan scan, Date dateTime)
          Returns the appropriate start SkyPosition object for scan at dateTime.
 void SchedulingBlock.removeScan(Scan scan, EqualityMethod equalityMethod)
          Removes all occurrences of the given scan from this scheduling block.
protected  void ObserveScriptBuilder.scanAction(Scan s)
protected  void AbstractScheduleIterator.scanAction(Scan scan)

Uses of Scan in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan

Subclasses of Scan in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan
 class DelayScan
          A scan that is used to determine the timing delays needed to synchronize the incoming signals for antennas in an array.
 class FocusScan
          A scan that holds a list of focus offsets.
 class PointingScan
          A scan that holds a list of pointing positions.
 class SimpleScan
          The simplest variety of a Scan.
 class SwitchingScan
          A scan that holds a list of switch settings.
 class TippingScan
          A scan that tips the telescope to several elevations along a given azimuth.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan with type parameters of type Scan
<T extends Scan>
Scan.fromXml(Class<T> scanType, Reader reader)
          Creates a new scan based on the XML data read from reader.
<T extends Scan>
Scan.fromXml(Class<T> scanType, String xmlFile)
          Creates a new scan from the XML data in the given file.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan that return Scan
 Scan Scan.clone()
          Returns a scan that is a copy of this one.
static Scan Scan.createFor(ScanMode scanMode)
          A factory method for creating a new scan.
 Scan ScanBuilder.makeScan()
 Scan ScanBuilder.makeScanFor(ScanLoop parentLoop)

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan that return types with arguments of type Scan
 List<Scan> ScanLoop.toScanList()
          Returns a list of scans that represents the expansion of this loop and all of its contained loops.
 Set<Scan> ScanLoop.toScanSet()
          Returns the set of scans held by this loop and recursively down through all inner loops.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan with parameters of type Scan
 void ScanLoop.add(int index, Scan scan)
          Adds the given scan to this loop at the given position.
 void ScanLoop.add(Scan scan)
          Adds the given scan to this loop.
 void ScanBuilder.addDopplerSpecs(Scan scan)
 void ScanLoop.replaceEqualScansRecursivelyWith(Scan replacmentScan)
          Recursively replaces all scans in this loop that are equal to replacmentScan with replacmentScan.
 void ScanLoop.replaceEqualScansWith(Scan replacmentScan)
          Replaces all scans in this loop that are equal to replacmentScan with replacmentScan.
 void ScanBuilder.setComment(Scan scan)
          Sometimes sets comment, sometimes removes comments.

Method parameters in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan with type arguments of type Scan
 void ScanLoopValidator.setScanValidator(edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan.ScanValidator<? extends Scan> scanValidator)

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